Volume - 4 // Chapter - 107

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5 days from now, since the time Lylia and other Entity people had been taking their leave to the Church Building. All of them were still immobile throughout their movements, regardless of the dangers of letting their guards down towards the black mass generating by the Statue of the Sea Dragon would unlikely cause their lives by such gruesome means. Lylia, who seemingly went silent and serene for the past 3 days of being held inside her dimensional space, had finally spoken out to herself. Right after she consciously felt a constant flow of Awakening essence, seemingly unfamiliar with her deep thoughts and even remembering her past experiences would like been futile against it. In this sense, the Entity people simply understood her reasons and purpose to be left isolated. In which she blatantly needed a vast amount of Awakening auras capable of sustaining the needs of the Dimensional dome that been needed for the entire time as well as their securities against the forces of the Sea Monsters. As the result, she badly needs a drastic form of concentration throughout the whole time. "I sense a massive, repulsive flow of strange Awakening Essence, completely distorted my ability throughout Levi-chan's body..." Lylia was adamantly startled, simply couldn't be held on concentrating anymore due to some uneasy feeling she had felt out of nowhere. Regardless of the location where she bluntly believed it all started. The Entity who keeping their stead quiet and prepared, however, had instantly gone perplexed and stuttered to Lylia's perceptive action. "Where? does it here?" Malina strongly asked as it seemed the only one amongst them who had seen very impatient and fluctuant towards the others. "Is it the monsters reaching out to your senses already?" Ais humbly asked with a worried gesture on her face. "If that's gonna happen, then there's no escape coming from it anyways." Neto nervously putting up her thoughts with a great disgruntled on her feelings towards it. Renrub on the other had started to gain anger and was furious at the situation that they currently held in. As he adamantly being anguish trying to resolve anything with violence just as what Malina trying to the ordeal. That generally putting up on declining against Lylia the Entity's prudent decisions. Moreover, she began responding to the first questions given by Malina with her eyes solemnly went gloom and her deep thoughts started to get darker and hideous. "If you gonna ask where I felt that strange, malignant form of Awakening Aura... Then believed me wholeheartedly as what I had said with the veracity of all my knowledge." She bluntly briefing their understanding first and foremost, as she gallantly tried to catch up to their intriguing attention wanting for the deliverance to be assured. All 4 of them simply nodding with their whole consciousness completely empty-minded yet opened to listen. Including Malina, who is seemingly the first one to unravel her frustrated feelings beforehand. . !The Awakening essence that I felt all of a sudden, was unlikely to be coming from out of this world.! The first few lines she shockingly shared to the minds of the Entity People, with her eyes maliciously being horrified, entire senses completely remorseful and involutional to be held working. As well as her mind went subdued and couldn't manage to subjunctive according to her defiance. Malina and Renrub in the meantime, abruptly being jested and left laughing at the current conditions obnoxiously having in Lylia for an instant. Personally didn't understand nor relinquishing their thoughts trying to understand what she had said momentously. That simply ended up having an argument between them against Ais and Neto as in which the two had been defending Lylia in accordance to their will. Even though the two themselves didn't even manage to understand what she had meant for a moment. /Loud, murmuring voice had been found relentlessly./ /Constant forms of mockery and insults had been thrown away into their sleeves./ As Lylia tried to put things out in a peaceful way, she began continuing to share her uneasy thoughts right away. Knowing for the fact that it was their right to gain information coming from one another, even for the gist of the virtues given by it would unlikely be their point of understanding towards it. "I know this might be unbelievable and untruthful for the ignorant, close-minded consciousness having by you all... Especially to Renrub-san and Malina-san..." The bouts and argument commotion building up by the 4 had surprisingly went stopped. Right after they hear a soft, gentle word of a child being destitute to speak in front of the public. "By the contrary that we are facing up against the formidable and terrifying enemies... I do hope that you guys tried to believe just for once..." The 4 adamant people became nonchalant to their resolve, trying to understand what Lylia had been shared very carefully. "They are some people nor different races that far stronger and ferocious other than ours... And the truth to be told, they're not living in this world, and more frightening on messing up against them." They simply couldn't believe it and went flabbergasted for an instant, the longer they tried to listen and eventually began putting their minds of track of understanding. !Like for instance... The kind of race in which the Balancer of Race itself had been formed in a sagacious way! Furthermore, they began shocked and terrified as soon as they heard a certain kind of revelation bluntly given by Lylia the Entity. "Don't screw with me! A race far stronger than the 8 Strongest race Itself? How did they possibly do that?" Malina simply having her mixed feelings as she resolved towards it, with her anguish and maddening expression in which she stares very maliciously against Lylia. As she simply didn't want to admit that something nor someone might be got stronger not just for herself, but the entire kind she had in as well. The other 3 also couldn't relay their surprising gestures for a moment, as they tried to fix their intuitions prudently understanding at the very least everything towards her. "If that's the case? Even for yourself had been well known and wary to the existence of this 'Beings' abruptly living outside of this world... Mind if we ask what kind of people are those whom you feel just recently?" Malina simply added her profound frustration wanting to resolve into Lylia for the time being. Unfortunately, Lylia herself didn't know the complete details about it. Allowing the 4 Entity people to went distraught and disgruntled all by themselves. But then, by some fortunate resolve; Lylia can unveil and determine the existence of the strange Awakening essence that she felt every single time. Without telling the person's race nor identity pretty much directly as what the things 4 supposed to expect. !Surrounding Awakening presence is nothing much like the Entities ---! !The outer part of its body is mixed with Demi-being aura and Knightsmen aura.! !The way the strange being channeling its Awakening concentration is more complexing than the Providence.! !All forms of controlled units under by that strange being were nothing to compromise than the Astral.! !And those malicious, sickening forms of magic spells are far horrendous and death-assuring compared to the Cosmic.! !The reason why I couldn't see the strange being undertaking to my Dimensional ability, was due to the Darkness ability skillfully being covered throughout the entire appearances for the whole time of having in into my power.! !And lastly. The heart eventually, was astoundingly pure and kind-hearted as if the strange being itself is a naturally-born Jewish-Enochian race accordingly.! The jaws and astonished impression coming from the 4 entities had been seen as dramatic and disoriented. As they couldn't imagine the thorough powers attaining by only one person, in which they thought it would be some ordinary being by the likes of their close-mind consciousness. "I don't even know how should I put this, but this kind of strange being that genuinely entering to my domain as nothing happened, was seemingly the 'Balancer of Race' itself." She simply concluded her deep, insightful thoughts towards them. With a drastic hope into her stead, knowing for the sole purpose on arriving into her domain was all for the development taken by the Supreme Awakening Possessor. In which she had been seen at the very least every single event that they made, as well as her tight reasoning of making up silence for 5 periodic days due to it. Regardless of how the strange being calmly pertaining into her domain, she felt relieved and at ease for some unusual reason, that being startled nor intimidate throughout its dark, malignant appearance would not be existed as what she had believed coming from it. . . Back at the Church Building. As the three remaining people continually arguing to their austere commotion. Cassandra Smith began solemn and relentless throughout the entire time, knowing for the fact that she was the last one being questioned through the conscience of the Church Pastor. Pista on the other has seemed hopeless for a moment after he failed in imitating the works given by Tisa by allowing her Awakening senses to determine whether the person was telling the truth nor a liar. Nonetheless, the Church Pastor thoughtfully permitting him to listen to the conversation taken by the two. In the sense of being part of the Expedition team to be headed by the Adventurers Administration. He simply deliberating his thoughts trying to get involved in the situation to have occurred. It was all about the remaining participants of the Selection of the Adventurers. In which by the minds of Pista Rambutan, the Selection itself had been concluded a few days ago. Whereas the number of the participants had been supposed to conclude as what he bluntly thought from it. But then, regardless of the faces given by two. It seemed on his mind that the certain topic that they held simply couldn't be reached out its climax. As he prudently heard some various characters and names that Cassandra Smith carefully admitting. He truly believed that he was already left behind from the occurrence of the situations heating up from within. 'By ended up being absent from the scene for just 2 days, I sincerely believed that everything had been changed in a blink of an eye... The fact that the people being held on accepting such perilous quest for once had been turned down by the end of the submission. The Administration itself had indeed been hectic spontaneously right on the spot, and the time they took as an opportunity would unlikely be at the celebration itself that many strong Adventurers and Personnel wanting to take the vacant quest splendidly and wholeheartedly!' Pista solemnly putting his mind into the depths of unconsciousness, simply being wary for the things he missed miserably for the time of being absent. 'Now, the question is... Who might be those people that the Chief valiantly picking of?' He simply nodded with his thoughts conclusively added moreover. . "Asunta onee-san, that leechy sister of mine had been joined without knowing for the dangers outside the territory." Cassandra abruptly pouting in front of the Church Pastor, which Pastor Ozril couldn't help but to jest their unusual fond given by each other. Allowing Cassandra to mumble and exasperate as the result. "What else? I thought the two frightened Adventurers were withdrawn to the admission?" Pastor Ozril simply went curious and intrigued by the happenings that occurred an afternoon ago. "Yes... The other one was the High-ranking personnel from the Internal Affairs Department." She simply responded. The Church Pastor repulsively went idled as if he blatantly believed it didn't seem a big name nor noble people as what he consciously remembers towards them. He utterly asked how did they get those kinds of people by the means of being chosen following their resolution. That the minds of the Church Pastor had instantly made up rumbled and perplexed as much as he tried to understood their ordeals. Ideally, even Cassandra didn't know everything about it, as much as she slightly remembering the rules and regulations simply implementing as the Chief Department Head hastily made just for a purpose. She rather sharing it, than elaborating on all the details gathers in one place. "As far as what I know about it, the Chief has his method on choosing the right person amongst all the people being gathered inside the Administration Building. As much as I remember from it. - Adventurer's Status and Position. - Charisma amongst the people and the Society. - Abilities and Power are being possessed by the Adventurer. - People's Recommendation. - Administration Recommendation. That was the first thing that I heard coming from him." Cassandra blatantly explaining to the Church Pastor with a slight trembling and anguished feeling momentously. Sincerely being noticed as what Pastor Ozril seen through his eyes, worriedly asked once more about her condition as well as the situation that surprisingly occurred afterward. "I'm not okay, It is because of some high-ranking personnel who forcefully chooses one of us to dragged in into the gist of the abyss... Even though the majority of the people were completely remorseful to their thoughts not to chose 'Him' and picked up anyone else instead. The recommendation given by the Chief Department Head himself is incomparably understated to be concluded, resulting for all people who gathered inside the building to felt distraught and maddened against him." "I don't even know what's going on, to put the requirements keeping in mind that, All sorts of things had seen the capabilities of dealing the quest doesn't even feel having in him, I know he has that kind of 'Power' but to be fair... Only a few had known about his identity and none of those people I've been met nor encounter doesn't even know he still existed." "Only the society calls his name by the fact of what he has done in the recent months of living in this village." The entire senses taken by the Church Pastor had been seen dramatic as he instantly getting stuttered all of a sudden, moments after he finally understood the sole reason for the eccentric uneasiness given by Cassandra Smith. As it seemed like a contagious disease, that nonchalantly spreading through their nerves as in which the two completely didn't know what to do anymore for the time being. In this sense, Pista as well felt the same thing as soon as his consciousness finally caught up as the Church Pastor did already. "Hey, hey... Cassandra... Don't tell me you're referring to..." Pastor Ozril simply paused for a purpose. "Yes... The Chief Department Head had been choosing Levi Furiman on joining the expedition." Cassandra adamantly replied with her face completely repulsive and frantic thoroughly. . . ***To be Continued***
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