Volume - 4 // Chapter - 105

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Nighttime at the Church Building. Everything seemed restless and uneasy even while feasting. As the two known persons being held in the same table had been seen reluctant and solemn between the glances of each other throughout the entire time. !Pista Rambutan's right Eye of the Double Awakening! !And Levi Furiman's right Eye of the Supreme Awakening! Although, the people who are continuously asked about their Awakening Senses couldn't be held on stopping. As the result, Pastor Ozril and the People living in the Church simply began hopeless as they couldn't even be managed on stopping their malignant forces simultaneously emitting throughout the entire place. "Would you mind stopped staring at me, Funeral breaker!" Levi repulsively complaining towards Pista Rambutan. In which the sitting positions being held by the two had surprisingly faced against each other, resulting in one of them to befell an uneasiness feeling and couldn't rely on eating peacefully as what the two being resolved obnoxiously. "Pardon me, even if I tried glaring at you... My eyes couldn't be helped but to stare at your presence, menacingly." Pista himself simply admitting in the end, as he tried on eating the meal they spared peacefully and solemnly. Whereas Levi has already gone irritated and exasperated all this time since the evening feast had timely began. Not only because of Pista's strange appearance. But also because of the people sitting right on his side are far annoying and utter hindrances towards his eating. Lock sitting at his right, constantly fighting for the meat that he already picked. Cassandra sitting on his left, deliberately chatting and murmuring while eating right beside him. Tisa, in which always picking on the food right beside him, deliberately squishing her chest just to pick up the tastiest food in which is all located through Levi's sitting position. Pastor Ozril simply went silent from the start. As of which Levi couldn't be helped but to be surprised for being silent all of a sudden into the Church Pastor's strict behavior, especially when it comes to the table manners being held right in front of the food. Levi is consciously wary of the wild, rampant behavior of the Church People, frantically being loud and rampant at the same time. Aside from it, he gallantly noticing as well the behavior of a certain kind of woman, sitting patiently right beside the Church Pastor. Whom according to him, she would have seemed the sole reason why the old man himself had been sub-conscious on scolding all the people at the table for their vulgar behaviors. Resulting in him concluding submissively as what he resolved. He continued eating while being abased and annoyed at the same time due to Tisa's huge chest seemingly intentional on sticking right on top of his head. As well as being annoyed by the stare of Pista Rambutan, who couldn't help on stopping like his eye being stick nor glued that even a blink could result in a sort of hindrance towards it. ~ As the evening feast being held peacefully yet loud as well had finally concluded. Cassandra Smith, Misa Togo, Pista Rambutan, Tisa of the Knightsmen, and Levi Furiman had been called significantly to the Church Pastor's presence after the meal, in which all of them had been gathered without knowing for any reason nor a purpose according to their consciousness towards him. In the sense of it. Helina Booluck, whereas being held on preparing for her departure as the voluntary work for treating the people's injuries had now completed. Was surprisingly being called as well coming from out of nowhere. The people who were being called were unknowingly held in the living room, in which the Church Pastor was seemingly beginning solemn and serene as what they saw coming from him. "I don't know what's going on? Does anyone knows why are we called all of a sudden?" Misa nervously asked as she has prudently seen the eyes of the people who know already the reason for their obscene summons. Cassandra's facial expression was deliberately wild and defensive as if she already knew what kind of answer she might throw into the gist of the Church Pastor's unfavorable questions momentously. Levi and Pista's eyes felt the same thing as well, as she fearfully noticing their Eye of the Awakening had been drastic to the stare against the Church Pastor, and greatly being adjuncts like the two being held on the same page for the first time since then. Helina Booluck's deep senses had been felt very calm and graceful according to her Awakening senses, unlike the other 3 as well as herself, she was seemingly the only one amongst their presence and appearances who being defiant towards the existence of the Church Pastor, whereas sitting casually right in front of them like nothing happened and usual for his everyday work as what she sought into her. As she nods horrendously towards Tisa in the meantime. !!?? /Tisa surprisingly began stuttered in her stead./ /Constant form of trembling and tremendous shaking had been found into Tisa's deep consciousness and ulterior sensibility./ She tightly deepens her senses and slowly approaching Tisa as she consciously being absurd and worried about her. Began malignant as if her fear and trembling inside her body had gone contagious accordingly, strongly asking her stead about her problems and misunderstandings that generally putting her resolved being called to the Church Pastor. "Was it because I cling so much to Levi-chan too much that instantly went mad at me? Or was it because I talk too much in front of the food that making him mad at me?... Tell me Misa-san... Please." She utterly asked with her voice nervously wrecking and cracking up with fear. Misa simply went stagnant out of surprise as her thoughts slightly went wrong and misconception according to her intuition. She adamantly went smiling on her face as patiently as she could, audaciously trying to revert her uneasiness feeling towards the entire situation. "Look, if that's the reason why you are being called? Then what is my reason as well that is called even though I eat silently as what it seemed the most one after all?" She simply responded with a grim smile on her face. Nonetheless, her reasonableness and self-intuition suddenly went truce and began hindrance all of a sudden. Generally thinking for her reasoning of being called as well, that initially made her up being stuttered and flustered on her own. And thus. Cassandra Smith began commencing their ulterior summoning by asking so reckless and repulsive towards the Church Pastor, randomly being malignant as if her deeds and actions throughout the day had been bothersome on putting so emersive into his concern. "I sincerely called you for a reason, as well as Misa on the other... Regardless of the things you two putting together at the Administration Personnel, I daresay you guys have a gist on having a piece of information about the entire happenings inside of it... That's all. Nothing more, nothing less." The Church Pastor adamantly resolving to the wild misunderstanding putting together into Cassandra's utter conscience. Resulting in Cassandra's abase and left silence at the result. "Wha... What... About Tisa-san? What is the reason for her being called into this kind of pantry?" Misa additionally nodded to what Cassandra left in mid-point. Sincerely trying to resolve anything for the sake of her behalf of being restless and terrified against the Church Pastor's aghastic presence. Moreover, Pastor Ozril conclusively answered with a grim smile on his face. Simply being admitting for his erroneous mistake and inappropriate understanding of her, and gone apologetic towards her as the result. "Generally speaking, I intentionally calling up with her it is due to the two moronic people who standing right in front of me, being ferocious and malignant the way they staring at me without knowing for the reasons of being called up." He simply explaining with his face genuinely laughing and went teasing to the gestures of Pista Rambutan and Levi Furiman in an instant. Levi and Pista on the other hand began adamantly to their feelings that stopping the flow of their Awakening essence would unlikely be possible to their situations. "Regardless of what she had done earlier, I forgave her since from the start." He simply added with his thoughts very casually. And so for the last one being held to recall. "I didn't call this leeching woman by the way... Why is she went here anyway?" Pastor Ozril repulsively being annoyed all of a sudden, right after he finally noticed the Adventurer Nights Medical Head's calm and humble presence constantly went tingle through his senses. Allowing the 5 of them to be tedious and jested with a mediocre expression. . The first one being held on the question was the two obnoxious people who continue being dormant and intimidating throughout the entire time. !The tale of the Two unique and unusual Eye of the Awakening had been taking to their topic first hand! Sitting in the middle of the living room, in front of the Church Pastor and the 3 vacant women who sit on their own on the sidelines, in which Levi himself profounding for their existence seemingly being audience to the courtroom. Whereas the Church Pastor himself is a judge, ready to pound his justified mace anytime soon. He and Pista were the accused and accuser by their evil deeds that were generally not known for anything that happens. And lastly, the appearance of Tisa was seemingly the witness of the crime where the scene was being held. That was the first thing putting on his mind the moment that they held being hot-seated without prior reasoning. "Pista-young man, the way the Eye of the Double Awakening being reacted so succumb and horrific the time you see Levi-kid moments ago?... Was it intentional on putting yourself for a purpose?" Pastor Ozril is justificatory asking with such honorific appearances. Levi stuttered and was annoyed the way he asked so high and mighty. Pista couldn't answer properly due to the comical behavior given by the Church Pastor. "Asked properly! you dimwit old man!" Helina sincerely being serious throughout the entire time, especially for the reason of the two unknown and tenacious Eye of the Awakening. Began maddened and disgruntled to the Church Pastor's childish attitude, resulting the flow of the process began slow and relinquish. The Church Pastor began seriously this time around, asking the same thing but with solemn and truthful words far opposite than the last one. !!??? /Wild, stupendous form of Awakening Essence deliberately surging towards them with malice./ /Strong, repulsive shivering had been sensed through Levi and Pista's ulterior consciousness./ Levi instantly went startled as he noticing the flow and delivery of the words being serious and calm all of a sudden, his Eye of the Supreme Awakening as well couldn't help on alarming as a constant form of System notification had been spurred out moments after the Church Pastor began solemnly. 'What... Just... Happened? I know for a certain that those words are generally the same, but intuitively different the way it delivers... But why am I being held uneasy to the point that the System Notification had been alarmed simultaneously?...' 'This old man... Is not a joke to worth dealing with...' He simply went being cautious as the result. Trying to unravel things without ending such obscene commotions as much as he possibly could. Pista in the meantime, as he the one being refrained to the question given by the Church Pastor, knowing the most affected between Levi who greatly remorse from the Awakening essence that he drastically emitted. He prudently and warningly answered all the questions that he threw wholeheartedly in his stead, and genuinely enacted by his intuitions. Tisa on the other, whereas had been seen as the moderator for the answers of the two hot-seated uncontrolled morons. Relentlessly being held on checking out into their actions accordingly and truthfully. !Knowing for the fact that the Knightsmen Race as well can determine the people's truthful actions and lies in accordance of their sharp Awakening Essence and Greatest trait for being the most observant when it comes off other race's ulterior motives and behavior! It was the sole reason for her being called moreover. "What does he said, Tisa-young lady? Was it true in your own opinion?" Pastor Ozril deliberately asked. Tisa nodded as her response simply went true. "The only purpose of his visit was supposedly towards Nascondra-san, in which not knowing for the possibilities of his mindless changes that dramatically reverting his focus into Levi-chan instead." She relatively added her thoughts through Pista's answer as well. All of a sudden, The Church Pastor has repulsively gone laughed with a grim smile on his face, utterly went activating his comical behavior once again. "Are you a man-fetish or something? To the point that you chose a man over the most beautiful woman in this place? Hahahahahahaha! How amusing you are!" Pastor Ozril gone wild and spitted another set of jesting thoughts against them. !!?? /Huge lumps spurring out on his head./ /Pastor Ozril simply went trembling out of pain./ Knowing the fact that Helina was the only one capable of dealing with the vulgar, oppressed behavior given by the Church Pastor. She voluntarily held herself on moderating his actions and rude attitudes anytime he starts spitting some irrelevant comments while the austering commotion had been raised momentously. She also put herself on sitting right beside him as well for some known reasons as what she resolved towards it. And utterly asked for continuing the oral argument that stopped all of a sudden because of him. Tisa generally continues her explanation as to what Helina Booluck simply requested. "According to my senses, as the beneficiary of the Awakening Race that valiantly runs into my blood. I can clearly say that the reason Pista-san's obscene Awakening essence couldn't hold on stopping from its releasing, was due to the horrendous Awakening Sigils that consciously implanted throughout Levi-chan's ulterior appearances." She gradually putting everything at ease all by herself, as her Awakening senses consciously being wary of the situations that happened conclusively. That Pista Rambutan audaciously nodding on his face, simply made Tisa on hitting the jackpot as what she resolved towards it. . . ***To be Continued***
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