Volume - 4 // Chapter - 111

2427 Words
At the same moment; The chase-out between the Sea monsters against the lone Supreme Awakening Possessor continues. Exactly after Levi finally realizes something is not right following his current situation. . [Inventory] 1. Grangers Black Raven -- (Penalize /Unusable) 2. Black Senbonzakura -- (Penalize /Unusable) 3. Cross-bladed Dagger -- (Penalize / Unusable) 4. Unidentified Jewelry (Necklace) -- (Released) 5. . {Status Warning... Opened} ~ Possessor's damaged body parts have been detected. Location: Left Eye Damage type: System Override / Temporary Blindness Time for self-recovery: 16 days, 7 hours, 51 minutes. . ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Possessor's preferences] Level: 92 Experience: 12% / 100% Monicker: Unidentified. Rank: Unidentified. Class: Unidentified Job-Description: Unidentified Guild: Unidentified Affiliations: Unidentified . {Status Warning... Opened} ~ Possessor's damaged body parts have been detected. Location: Outside part of the Body Damage type: Spell Penalty / Temporary Immobilize Penalty Spell usage: Awakening Insignias Time for self-recovery: Until the Contract Caster had been found. / 1 Day, 12 Hours, 45 Minutes, 30 Seconds. Type of Caster: Ancient Entity Note: All skills, abilities, weaponry had been restricted for a given amount of time due to some spell breach dramatically stopping the contract ability from within. . He cannot wield at the very least any single weapon inside the storage Inventory. Even at his crucial status, the System Notification simply didn't have any sorts of consideration hoping to be made useful throughout the entire time. As the result, an unprecedented chase-out occurred. On the contrary, 10 Sea Monsters were horrifyingly chasing up against Levi Furiman. While the remaining 2 are constantly heading through the existence of Gen Slasher. A huge, bothering emission of dark magic presence horrendously rises through the ground. And aggressively wanting to put any forms of living beings other than their kind to be killed. Levi on the other, knowing the fact that none of his surroundings had been seen usable for making up into a weapon; He uses his bare hands and foot instead, warningly prepared for anything that happens to him, to save someone on the brink of danger. !Screeeeeeeeeeeaaaaakkkk! /Wild, deafening noises screeching from the air./ /Sharp, shivering senses alarming through Levi's calm consciousness./ Stopping at the middle, Levi prudently centered himself around the forest, enough to coagulate his breathing concentration to perform an offensive stance from being defensive throughout the entire time. The Sea Monsters abruptly standing through the trees and shadows, patiently waiting for their prey to move as if they wanted their prey to worn out itself for the killing scheme would likely be easier to obtain. {Awakening Breathing} /Drastic flow of air blowing up into Levi's mouth./ /Ground, air mass astoundingly began denser and heavier./ /Air pressure haphazardly changing./ In a matter of seconds for being idled and waiting. Levi's entire senses and consciousness had finally made calm and serene, to the point that any forms of aggression and other dubious expression didn't even see throughout his well-being in a spur of a moment. Only a wild, solemn concentration had been seen through his eyes, seemingly eagers to kill accordingly on his will. The right Eye of the Supreme Awakening infuriatingly focusing on the existence of the Sea Monsters, generally hiding to the tree barks and shadows. In which the monsters initially thought it would be the best option to conceal their appearances even the gist of their presence skillfully being hidden for an instant. "It's pointless for you lot to hide anymore, I can see you all even if I cover my eyes from it..." Levi bluntly speaks randomly coming from out of nowhere, deliberately pointing out through the Sea monsters trying to interact against them for at least the very moment. Moreover, he jokingly knows they couldn't understand what he had said momentously towards it. !Screeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaakkk! !Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaakkk! !Screeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaakkk! The Sea Monsters aggressively screeching as if their response replying to him. "So that means I go first? Okay!" Levi sarcastically nodded with a grim smile on his face. Conclusively wary for his stead trying to make contact against the Sea Monsters first hand. !!?? /Wind splatters menacingly./ /Levi's entire appearance tenaciously disappeared from a naked eye./ /Hard, malignant force of Awakening aura had been scattered horrifyingly./ The Sea Monsters instantly began hesitantly to their own as the lone enemy blatantly couldn't be held to be seeing to their naked eyes anymore. As in which some of them couldn't be held but to step in from the ground where Levi Furiman has lastly seen. !!!?? !Bang! /Blood spurring out outside the Sea monster's body./ !Thug! /1 Dead Sea Monster coldly pounding to the ground./ By the time the monsters began appearing to their flesh from the dark. One of them surprisingly went stumbled the moment it drops from the air without knowing the culprit. As they saw a huge hole from the stomach, forcefully being pounded from behind and unknowingly undetected from the Awakening senses to be held reaching. Levi Furiman silently stood from the tree, with his right hand completely covered with blood and his eyes sharply glaring to the utter existence given by the Sea Monsters. !Thug! !Bang! All 9 Sea monsters had been about attacking Levi Furiman to the extent of desperation and insanity from their senses. Whereas Levi as well tried on blocking their attacks all by himself while constantly attacking the Sea Monsters' defenses with a certain amount of force and pressure from a given direction. Moments after the Sea monsters stopped their horrific against Levi. He finally takes his opportunity to concentrate once more. !!?? {Awakening breathing concentration} /Heart was heavily throbbing./ /Air mass surrounds him began wild and denser./ In a world that he previously live long before, there is a certain kind of technique that capable of fighting offensively at the same rate as defensive. !Muay Thai! Levi empirically leaning very forward and square, his right hand straight with the tops above and left just below forehead and forearms pointing towards the opponent with elbows pointed out slightly, his left hip facing forward against the enemies. (This stance allows you to throw lead and rear kicks, check kicks and also throw elbows and knees.) "Now... Come here... This time." Levi solemnly waiting for the enemies' rampant charges, as he consciously stood right in front of them, with both of his eyes glaring so sick and bothering to be stared in accordance to their restless feeling towards it. As the Sea Monsters utterly went shocked and stuttered to the sudden unusual forms given by the Supreme Awakening Possessor. The results would likely be the same as what the monsters mindlessly thought about. And recklessly charging through against him, with such malignant force of dark magic presence spreading maliciously into him. !Screeeeeeeeaaaa----! !Bang! /Blood spurring out to the ground./ /Wild winds constantly ravaging from the air./ In a matter of seconds; One head of the Sea monster had been flying off from a distance, very repulsively and obscene to be seen by a naked eye. Right exactly after he evades the attack very sequencing to the point that the right jaw of the said monster had been opened voluptuously from his kicking attack for a second. 8 Sea monsters had been remained standing so far as what Levi Furiman cautiously noticing on it. That he gradually dealing every single one of it throughout the entire time of being chased. ~ In the meantime; Gen Slasher, in which the sole person gratefully being saved by the effort driven by the Supreme Awakening Possessor. Was seemingly on the verge of survival once again. There are 2 primary problems that Gen bluntly facing up in the same situation. Whereas 1 of them had been known for being chased by the 2 ravenous Sea monsters, utterly eagers to kill him at this point. And the second one was the location of the marching Sea Monsters had been heading through pretty much unknowing and unprepared for the worst possible outcome to be held concluded. With his horse slowly being able to run, in accordance to their hasty convictions wanting to survive. Gen blatantly scolded the horse through the power of his ability, seemingly being threatened by its entire existence that generally ables to speed up on its own. "If I die... You die! If you survived, I lived... If I lived, I will surely help you flirting up to the beautiful horse after these... Now help me survive this sh** and keep running!" Gen blatantly nodding with a slight disturbance in his feeling. The horse couldn't be held for being restless throughout the entire time, as it goes the only way for it to survive was to follow the foul-mouthed words coming from Gen Slasher. As the location they erroneously heading through was seemingly different compared to the previous one that he adamantly remembering, Gen finally realizing it. As he consciously noticed the entire surroundings surprisingly being corroded by the sea dust and salts, like putting the entire place into an Island so isolated in the middle of an ocean. That was as far as what Gen Slasher conclusively mesmerizing for a second thought. Trees, Leaves, bark, Bushes, everything around it had been smells like a sea more or less, slightly being rust and smell pungent to the point that his nose suddenly went aching from it. !!?? /Loud, deafening noise screeching murderously from a distance./ /Wild tremors constantly rumbling./ /Wild Monsters and other magic creatures forcefully coming through Gen's ulterior location./ As soon as he heard very close to the noise unusually screeching from his surroundings. Gen prudently stopped for a second, gently listening through the sound of some unusual monsters deliberately screaming from a distance. Remorsefully, he felt intrigued at first knowing how indiscrete he was and wanting to know everything about it. But then, he mindfully knows he couldn't; As the Monsters and other Magic creatures had been seen rampaging through the gist of the entire forest. Horrendously running through their lives as if it is the only thing for them to survive is to run away against the forces of the enemies which they have known as the Sea Monsters for a certain kind of reason. Gen shook on his own and instantly went terrified that he has gone stunned and stuttered for a mere second of being sub-conscious. Immediately couldn't hold on thinking rather than to run away back from where he departed. In the sense of the other 2 Sea Monsters which he fearfully thought they would kill him. Nonetheless, they didn't pry about it anymore. As he consciously looking back on his behind; Most Monsters and Magic creatures seemingly felt the same thing as well, which instantly flickered on his mind about the possibility of other monsters far stronger and frightening than what they are already. And generally thinking for their territory and habitats that had been left due to a sudden disturbance coming from the unknown creatures. !Sea Monsters! The first one that he thinks is very responsive. He shockingly being thankful instead to the other monsters and magic creatures for sparing his life either way that none of them hasn't been beaten nor killed from the stampede that they made. Other than the 2 Sea Monsters in which all minds and thorough reasoning coming through them couldn't be held from being anger and disgraceful feeling against it. That they instantly trampled them down to death with all of their strength and weight abruptly being pounded to the ground. The monsters and magic creatures had been departed away from each one after they noticed a clean, purified flow of river resembling a new and unoccupied territory to be worthy of living. . Gen and his horse were abruptly being worn out and suppressed. Couldn't hold on standing anymore, fortunately being lucky at the same time as they prudently saw a dazzling clear of water flowing right in front of their face. They initially drinking of it out of thirst, not knowing for someone that constantly made the river dirty and disgusting. Allowing Gen and the horse made them distraught and disgusted towards him as well. "Why does the river taste so acidic? Do the Sea Monsters are currently invading this luscious dazzling flow of the river as well?" Gen meticulously commending the sudden texture of the river. /Horse's ecstatically neighing./ ?? "Huh? Why are the color of the river looks yellow? Does it change the contrast of its color as well? How amusing!" He felt glamour as well, still not knowing for anything that they currently surround in. Seconds later, the horse started to act unusually. /Horse's nervously neighing./ It was at that moment, the horse itself finally noticed the culprit for everything that turned the river into a waste. /Horse's neighing disgustingly./ /Horse's abruptly throwing Gen out of the river./ And so, at long last; Gen Slasher finally noticing it. It was Levi Furiman peeing the river all along, without telling about his entire existence suddenly appeared coming from out of nowhere. "Oh? You two there! Good thing you guys are safe. I don't know how to start finding you all after I beat up those monsters earlier .. Hahahaha." Levi bluntly felt relieved after they finally noticed him doing some offensive things at the worst valuable moment. Gen utterly didn't like his behavior. Neither the horse. Levi humbly apologizing for his doings for a mere second. Gen couldn't give it, simply felt disgusted and distraught against him. The Horse gave neither. As the 2 already left behind people and their mode of transportation barely able to survive continues to their venture. Gen Slasher adamantly being able to believe the fact that his keen senses couldn't be managed to detect Levi Furiman's entire appearance throughout the entire time. He prudently even wonders regarding the horse, in which he cautiously believing that those kinds of animals were highly sensible for moving objects and surfaces, that instantly made them startling and alarming. In the same senses, the horse itself didn't flinch nor being noticed the existence and appearances given by the strange person. Moreover, as he slowly noticing his eye of the Awakening; 'His right eye is frantically glowing, and the Awakening pattern he wields is truly a Jewish-Enochian.' 'Just who is he actually, that the senses of my skin couldn't be helped but to shivers piece by piece.' He felt suspicious towards the identity of Levi Furiman furthermore. That every glance of his eyes simply couldn't be dropped even a point of blinking; Relatively causes Levi to annoyed because of it as the result. . . ***To be Continued***
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