Volume - 4 // Chapter - 110

2507 Words
A day before the conclusion of the Administration event celebration. Joyous laughter and vivacious gestures given by the people throughout the entire time had been changed horrendously all of a sudden. As the Chief Department Head utterly announced the final member of the Specialized Adventurer Group, in which even the minds and consciousness of the Administration Personnel couldn't hold on believing regarding his thoughts and deliverance that instantly made every single one to surprised to the extent. It was all started exactly the time the votes and nomination given by the people and the Personnel, who seems unlikely to organize whoever the last one to be made picking up to the final panel. Most of the crowd suggested that the person choosing must acquire huge power and responsibility to help other Adventurers and be trustworthy when the times of need. Some utterly suggested to the ones being picked are the people who have the greatest number of achievements they obtained during the raids and dungeon quest. Others picked by its popularity, and neither of the most essential values of adventuring had been seen attaining due to it. The Administration Personnel on the other had been choosing very obvious to the positions being vacant through the High-ranking Personnel. In the sense of it, Pista Rambutan, Robert Steel, Mateo Goldvict, and Lance Lassiter were the notable ones being joined to the expedition already. "Only 1 vacant position is remaining for the final preparation of the Expedition. And yet the people around had been seen exaggerate for picking up the best person to adding up into this group." Nathalia Condor simply felt stutter and surprised as what she didn't expect coming from the people. A lot of assorted names being mentioned had been heard radically throughout the building, resulting in the huge uproar of commotion that began started eventually. Even the minds of the High-ranking personnel couldn't be held of being patience any longer and went out frantic as what they bluntly thought about. "Everyone! Stop this nonsense fight! This is not the time for arguing who might be the last one to be entered!" Nathalia aggressively stepped into the middle. "There is a voting system anyways! If the person who manages to acquire the highest number of votes shall be the one to enter." Alicia Madrid silently announcing the rules and regulations right amid roaring chatters. Allowing the people to heard absolutely nothing about it, causes half of the crowd to stopped what they're doing as the Department head of the Internal Affairs continuing to spout her words accordingly. However; the crown simply didn't hear it at all. "Did you just talked about the selection for the final person with just murmurs and silent as squeak voice all of a sudden?" Robert Steel mockingly asked. "Was that intentional?" He simply asked with his eyes slowly widened out of his anger. "No... Pretty much nothing..." Alicia jokingly replied. ~ As the selection and wild commotion having from the people. The Chief Department Head finally stepped in once again. With a soft grin smile on his face, humbly announcing the name of some unknown and peculiar person genuinely suggested to the people coming from out of nowhere. "Hohoho... It seems like everyone has a great deal of misunderstanding against everyone's ordeal and volition to be caught up with." The Chief thoughtfully being ecstatic about the wild situation that currently had. "What do you mean, Chief? Does anything putting up into your mind this time?" Robert Steel simply asking out of curiosity. "Haha! Yeah, I just want to suggest a certain kind of person that quickly made me thinking about him throughout the entire time." The Chief Department Head humbly nodded. As the Administration Personnel who consciously being close to the Chief's ulterior stead for a long time. The entire senses and mind instantly went out sharpened the moment they heard a soft, gentle word coming by him. And intuitively being held attended given by it, with their minds completely rumbling and flustered to their senses. 'And what is it? Is this some kind of a person that rarely bothers the Chief at this rate? How could that be!' Robert is firstly being notified, repulsively wary of the outcome of his words already. 'The Chief began suggested? I've never seen him being attended to this kind of ridiculous event! Not even once.' Alicia nervously nodded. 'If anything he said matters at all, then this person might be a big name of an Adventurer, admirably having his/her time-wasting in such remote place like this.' One high-ranking Personnel abruptly being admired and adamant at the same time. 'At the very least, we should listen to what he said at any cost!' Nathalia solemnly acquitted to her deepest thoughts in the end. The Chief repulsively noticing to their eagerness on listening as what he saw to their faces was completely hideous and haphazard on guess one's ulterior motives. He admittedly responding to their curiosity and intriguing gestures in the end. "I don't know if you guys know about this person, or rather I should say a 'young boy from the Church Village'... But for a certain kind of reason, this young boy is probably the key for making this expedition thoroughly successful." The Chief humbly shared his thoughts with a grim smile on his face. Nathalia Condor, Alicia Madrid, and all other High-ranking personnel conclusively didn't understand a thing at all, simply trying to ask directly for the person's name in regards to their unrefined resolution towards it. However, as most of their minds being flustered and adamant for the entire moment. Robert Steel and Sam Smeagel generally understood what the Chief Department Head was prying into, as the entire consciousness suddenly went stopped from overthinking and relatively directing to the point of conclusion; In which the Chief himself couldn't believe that the person he tried to mention, was utterly well-known for some specific people. "It seems like you two gentlemen over there had been stunned all of a sudden? Does something you know already about this person that the Chief 'heroically' pertained?" Alicia exaggeratedly asked with a slight disturbance on her grace, right exactly after the Chief began adamantly on his words whereas the two known Department Heads blanking off to their steads out of nowhere. But then, the two unlikely ignoring the satirical words given by the Internal Affairs Department head for some obnoxious reason. They simply focus on the Chief's utter consciousness instead. "Chief? Are you trying to lure 'Levi Furiman' to the depths of the evil monsters?" Robert nervously asked with his face completely been destitute and hopeless. Sam couldn't be held on asking anymore, since the decision was already concluded and nothing more to revoked his mind about it. "Don't get me wrong about this, For that kid to grow stronger... We must lure him from the strongest magic creatures currently invading to our backyard." The Chief aggressively elaborating his thoughts against Robert. "And by the time he badly wanting our help... Then that would be the moment we start to step in, whether the quest mission is being complied with or not... The lives and securities of the people will certainly prevail and held priority." He simply nodded with a certain kind of assurance prudently being promised into him. By that moment, Robert Steel slowly understood the plan and adjunctions given by him. As he closely delivering his response towards it, knowing for the dangers lies putting on the line once again. That he sickly didn't want to cause any sorts of casualties furthermore, that might be resulting for the entire Administration's integrity to be tainted once more. And thus, as what they resolved; By a simple knowledge, power and trust intuitively putting up into one's utter beliefs. The Chief, the majority of the Department Heads, as well as the Personnel, had been joined together on voting for Levi Furiman. Resulting in the far the most number of votes to be considered the final member of the Specialized Adventurer, to be commenced tomorrow in the afternoon located at the central part of the Village's main plaza. . An hour after the departure; 3:15 pm (Still not related to the time on the story, I was just resembling their time when it happened :)) ) Most of the Administration Personnel adamantly couldn't be held on asking about the Personality taken by Levi Furiman. Adventurer's data record; not a single thing to be found. Identity; completely secretive and absurdly hidden from the minds of the ordinary. Even from the gist of some people knowing from him would abruptly make on sharing about it. Especially the power he possessed would unlikely be showed nor heard coming from them. Resulting in the vast number of people began intrigued and forcefully wanting to get rid of their unwanted curiosity towards him. "All I'd seen from his identity is his Adventurer rank ---" Nathalia hopelessly nodding, as she blatantly wasting her time searching for some hints regarding his identity being recorded through the Administration's data record. "Even the list of all dungeon logs hasn't seen any of it... Only 1 I'd been found thankfully." Alicia as well couldn't help for being remorses nonchalantly, as she continuously searching for the files mentioning his name throughout the folders compiling by the Administration Receptionist. Nonetheless, the Receptionist in who being vexing and perturbing towards their insolent behavior had seen exaggerated for a kind of information that nearly doesn't exist. "Searching for something that nearly impossible to obtain is exactly like a treasure hunting wanting to be found for a map that unknowingly different to define." Sam sagaciously putting his thoughts to the people who still insisting on his utter information. Nathalia and Alicia abruptly being insulted. The Administration Personnel was horrified because of it. People listening to them began stagnant and wary of their unresolved situation. On behalf of the people, with undoubtedly being restless and aghastic by the outcome of their contract mission. The Chief Department Head, alongside his crewmen and well-trusted individuals; The Adventurer Knights Department Head, along with the people being prepared wholeheartedly; And the Investigations Division Department Head, along with his subordinates already finished preparing with a certain kind of pride and integrity. The entire forces valiantly gathering in the same place, patiently waiting for the time they commenced on their own; !To be held on securing the remaining territories being captured by the Sea Monsters at all cost! . . Present moment; The Specialized Adventurers finally reaching to the first leg of their destinations. Located approximately 15 kilometers away from the Administration Building, The team had been set for more or less an hour and a half per what they believed. It was the Territory Guard Post that they hardly fought to acquire against the Sea Monsters 2 days ago. Knowing for the fact that the Territory Guard Post didn't seem invaded nor being attacked as what the other Adventurers consciously noticing into. Regardless of the magic stone that generally running out of its power, some Adventurers had been forced on their own to find another source of materials before the sun had completely turning out to set. Only 10 of them had been picked to dive in. They choose the dungeon which is seemingly nearer to them, located only a few hundred meters away from the territory post. Some people stayed for various reasons, as in which most of them started to cook for the entirety and others helping for other chores to be settled. Nonetheless, few people around them had been seen recalcitrant to their own. Resulting in Cassandra and Lala Mist bursting their anger against them. "I don't even know why the Administration selected you, knowing for your uselessness and worthless to be parted in such a large expeditionary group!" Cassandra aggressively being pertinent against her older sister's pertinacious behavior. Asunta bluntly laughed with a grim smile on her face, deliberately intending to mocked Cassandra with her own words prying to humiliate her in front of others. Allowing her to walked indiscriminately outside the base, not knowing for anything about the gist of the monsters that generally upbringing their insanity throughout the dark and indisputably walking around with menacing auras and killing intent in accordance to their scavenging hunger. Misho absurdly mocking Asunta and other stubborn people for the whole time, in which some unconscious words that seem hurtful to be heard had been thrown excessively. Resulting the trust and beliefs towards each other had been tainted and disarray in a blink of an eye. While Pista on the other had been unseen on following Cassandra in the same direction where she head. "Going outside without weapons to be used is highly dangerous, especially to a woman like you." Pista abruptly nodded. Cassandra felt annoyed and disgusted by the way he saw Pista trying to flirt as what she believed he currently did all along. "If you tried to hook me up... again! I go to Nascondra-san and tell everything that you did on me!" Cassandra simply threatened Pista with some satirical words trying to provoked him. Nonetheless, it works pretty decently. As Pista relentlessly beseeching in front of her and repulsively trying to apologize as quickly as he could towards her. Fortunately, he seemed forgiven as if all of his evil deeds had been bailed all of a sudden. Unfortunately, the decision has been made already. As Cassandra being malicious to her threats, generally wanting to be seen Nascondra being anguish into him. That might end up their relationship in some obnoxious way. . /Wind spurs horrifyingly./ /Trees dancing malignantly./ /Cold breeze shivers horrendously./ As the soft murmurs and chatters having along by the two secretive Adventurers for a moment. A sudden piece of a puzzle had been flickered right through the consciousness of Cassandra Smith for a second. And intuitively picking up for remembering the number of people being arrived at the Territory Guard Post. "Come to think of it, as far as I counted before... 10 of us being held searching for magic crystals throughout the whole time." Cassandra nervously mumbling. "For me, at least 3 on the others, which includes you had been held preparing some dishes and food for the evening." Pista adamantly added. "Another 3 useless burdens had been lying off on their stead on the other hand." Cassandra aggressively thinking the way she thought about their appearances currently existing inside her mind. "Lastly, I and Misho were the ones guarding the post submissively." Pista bluntly concluded. "That includes 18 of us out of 20 being held to gather supposedly!" Both of them surprisingly said at the same time. The two people began restlessly as the result, clearly didn't want to waste their time anymore as the night slowly covering the entire world once more. Knowing the fact that the monsters and other Magic Creatures had undoubtedly stronger in comparison to the daytime, that causes all of the Adventurers to deal a hard time to be fought against it. . . ***To be Continued***
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