Volume - 4 // Chapter - 112

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6:18 pm (Still not related to the time on the story, I was just resembling their time when it happened :)) ) Levi Furiman and Gen Slasher had been walking through the empty darkness for the entire time since they successfully escaped from the herd of the Sea Monsters. Only the gist of the magic crystals and vibrant glow of wild fireflies were the ones illuminating the dark surroundings thoroughly and elegantly. That seemingly being used as their guide through the location where others take in. It was all part of Gen's plan, after all, the moment he noticed the behavior of the monsters and other Magic creatures, submissively being subdued for not getting near to the place where the magic crystals and other glowing animals emerging. As the result, he humbly suggesting for getting the trails throughout the night until they finally reached the place where the two were being held on desiring. "Oh? The monsters wouldn't get in? How amazing." Levi adamantly went flabbergasted, as he consciously noticed the entire presence of the monsters relentlessly surging outside the field, with his sharpened senses severely allocating from the Supreme Awakening Presence that seemingly convenient whenever he tried for being alarmed at the moment. He warily saw them lurking around from the dark, while Gen utterly couldn't. Gen Slasher on the other was an Awakening Possessor for the Astral Race, specialized in manipulating other living beings aside from humans and other creatures highly resistant to its power. Was hardly being convinced from what Levi Furiman saw as he prudently saw at the very least nothing from their surroundings. Even he could take on activating his Eye of the Double Awakening, he still left perplexing and gone shivering on his nerves. Regardless of being wary from the start. The minds and outrageous intriguing gesture created by him had astoundingly bothered, to the point of obnoxiousness as far as what Levi bluntly being noticed. "If you keep glancing at my face in the middle of the road, you might getting tripped by that... you know?" Levi forcedly to confront, as he couldn't hold keeping his thoughts against him anymore due to it. Gen blatantly admitted, still making another set of comical expressions towards him, in which some of it sarcastically spouted with slightly insulting words trying to make Levi annoyed and irritated. Gen intentionally did it for a purpose of showing the true insights and colors that Levi Furiman secretly and unknowingly possessed. But then, by some unexpected reaction; Levi didn't seem annoyed nor even triggered as the things Gen Slasher verbally attacking against him. Instantly left amazed and terrified at the same time, thinking for his behavior and attitudes seemingly unusual to resist, nor being hard to unveil such things that didn't exist. 'Just who is he! I've never, ever met his kind of person anymore! Even from a mentalist like me simply couldn't manage to break his will and spirit, not a scratch nor a little from it!' 'How can a person like him utterly resisting such words I hardly throw against? Is this person for real?' The minds of Gen Slasher abruptly being destitute moreover, as he couldn't make more hurtful words anymore towards him. . As the calm, serene walk through the presence of dark forest continues; Levi repulsively stopped from moving all of a sudden, as the entire senses constantly being sharpened had gone stagnant and repulsive right for a second. His eyes dramatically pointed out on his left side, in which the two (along with the horse) consciously heading through North-north-east direction, insignificantly began alarmed in the sense of his System Notification had been nonchalant from being appearing. . ~System Notification... Opened. Vile, anonymous forms of monsters are approaching. Number of Spawns: 520 . ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Possessor's preferences] Level: 92 Experience: 29% / 100% Monicker: Unidentified. Rank: Unidentified. Class: Unidentified Job-Description: Unidentified Guild: Unidentified Affiliations: Unidentified . ~System Notification. ~System Notification. ~System Notification. Momentously Levi was cautiously wary of the messages that the System Notification having through to his right eye. Instantly made come up with a plan that only he knows other than anyone. "Let's make a long detour, seems like this area is gonna blew up by some monsters at any rate from now." Levi solemnly nodding with his facial expression empty and serene. That making Gen clearly understood the situations that they currently held, kindly began following all of his orders in accordance to their safety is assured. "By seeing your face being serious in one direction, completely made me convinced that something is gonna big and remorseful to be handled." Gen simply elaborating his words to make them understandable. "Are we gonna run by those monsters that you currently felt again, Levi-chan?" He utterly added his thoughts with a grim smile on his face after all. Immediately causes Levi to annoyed and disgusted towards him as the result. "We don't have to fight them at this rate, we surely gonna die if we force it only by ourselves... Let's made it lay low and keeping our presence away from the Monster's sharp, vicious magic senses." Levi calmly explaining to their situations furthermore, as they started to break the ties of being secured from the glowing field filled with magic crystals and wild fireflies, generally running through the dark and deeply underscoring the existence of the monsters lurking nearby with certain patience trying not to disturb it and absolute care for not bringing such troubles against them. . . At the same evening; The group formed with Specialized Adventurers had gone divided unplanned and unwittingly; Right after the time Cassandra Smith initially noticing the number of their squad had suspiciously being diminished. !The search for Gen Slasher and Levi Furiman commenced! Most of the people simply declining to their efforts being lending for various reasons. As it shows their behaviors and obscured attitudes didn't seem to care for the lives of other people. Not even a little amount for being human hasn't seen repulsive throughout their cold-blooded personality. In which few of them couldn't hold on participating due to some personal issues holding to their grudges against one of the people who'd been missing throughout the entire time. Some of it wouldn't lay their hands in danger for such a person unknowingly mischievous. Others utterly couldn't hold on joining out of fear from the dark. As a result, only a few and concerned people who had made lending their hands wholeheartedly and kind for finding the two known persons which they held commencing on it approximately an hour ago by now. Cassandra Smith / Misho Santa / Pista Rambutan / Mateo Goldvict / Lance Lassiter As they disgracefully leaving to the base for the meantime, 1 of them abruptly being distraught and maddened against the people, simply couldn't hold her furious emotion trying to cause havoc right in front of them. Cassandra, with her depths of indiscrete consciousness, slowly calming down for a second. Adamantly being unclear about the situation that they currently held in. As in which none of them didn't have any knowledge of figuring out where would they start finding those missing people firsthand. Separating one another would unlikely cause much trouble and an absolute burden for the rest of the group. Not to mention, finding them for too long might result in the progress of the quest mission being reprimanded. And so, the time ticking very fast as if idling to one place would be unnecessary to create. Misho, Mateo, and Lance haphazardly putting their thoughts pointing out the direction far different and uncanny. Allows them to make commotion against each other and the point for having in the dark hasn't seen appropriate to work anymore. "You guys... are so hopeless." Cassandra bluntly mumbling to their childish behavior at the moment, impatiently scolding them with a certain right to do so in the sense of their action wanting to put in haste. Pista simply nodded with a clear smug on his face, deliberately liking on watching them being scolded by a noble class Adventurer. Not only that, after a few comical acts happening by them for a second. !!?? A wild, repulsive haze of magic auras ferociously shivering through his keen senses, adamantly being alarmed on his own that activating the Eye of the Double Awakening would likely be a starting preparation for his uneasiness feeling. Others blatantly noticing too, as their skin easily being noticed by random shivering coming from out of nowhere. Cassandra lately noticing it as well, by the time she warningly releasing her Eye of the Awakening approximately 5 seconds after the sudden wild aura occurrence. *A march of Unspecified magic creatures had been sensed throughout the Adventurer's Awakening presence, still couldn't justify the kind of those monsters until they valiantly see into it with their very own naked eyes. More or less a band of Orcs and dungeon Ogres had been felt in accordance to Lance Lassiter's intuition, as he prudently sensed at the left side in which where he generally pointing his entire consciousness for the whole time of searching. In this sense, Misho Santa abruptly pointing out exactly the opposite thing to Lance Lassiter. As he conclusively noticing the herd of wild animals generally emitting some unusual kind of Awakening auras that instantly made him bothered and intimidate throughout the entire time. Cassandra and Mateo felt the same thing by chance, as the two significantly putting up their focus upfront to the direction where the main village is generally located. And instantly made their thoughts concluded far similar and surprising. "Herd of slim-bodied magic creatures!" Cassandra nodded with ulterior frightening. "Hundreds of small, skinny monsters way similar to humans!" Mateo was horrendously sickened and terrified at the same time. The two simply went surprised as the answers they justified were utterly the same as what they didn't expect. Cassandra is a Providence Awakening Possessor. --- Generally sensing for other living being's magical auras and presence for a certain range of distances, clearly different nor similar to other Awakening races living in. Mateo is a Demi-being Awakening Possessor. --- Generally sensing for other living being's physical presence and magical aura emission, With a drastic unique characteristic that the Demi-being Possessors specifically obtaining. Mateo is a kind of Awakening Possessor that can maximize the level of sharpness on its sense of eyesight in accordance to his chosen ability granted by the Balancer of Race, clearly different nor similar to other Awakening races living in. Pista solemnly left isolating on the other hand, as he prudently focusing on the same place which Cassandra and Mateo bluntly challenging. While Misho and Lance adamantly watching in silence, clearly understood the virtues of his work that utterly complied from being a member of the Investigation Department. And humbly asking for the other two who seemingly being perplexed, continuously watching around his stead with their Eye of the Awakening abruptly being released to stopped momentously for a purpose. Knowing for the fact on how disruptive and disturbing the Awakening essence the two being emitted for the entire time. The entire concentration and focus solemnly comprehended throughout the whole time had been seen dramatic and forceful once again. That his right Eye of the Double Awakening had been transformed into Red in such horrendous way. That instantly making the ground tremble from his position, Awakening essence became malignant yet serene the moment that the 4 startled people being calm yet alarmed at the same feeling. "Hey, Pista... Are you okay? Speak up!" Lance nervously asked for his utter assurance, fearfully trying to get rid of his uneasiness for the second moment of being entered through the uncanning Awakening presence driven by Pista Rambutan. Mateo and Cassandra quickly take their step to held back away from the strange, terrifying Awakening aura emitted by Pista. Adamantly asking for the clear occurrence that they recently happened all of a sudden. Lance didn't know, as he consciously believed it is his first time seeing and feeling the massive, tremendous Awakening senses emerging by the Investigation Personnel. Mateo frankly didn't know as well. Cassandra generally not knowing for the entire personality having by Pista Rambutan as what she truthfully remembered coming from him. Even though she made seeing those Eye of the Awakening that he currently using from before. She couldn't reprimand on seeing it during actual battle. And frustratedly staring to the final person which is seemingly knowledgeable for the newly acquired power that Pista recently obtained. !!!?? /Eyes frantically widened./ /Cassandra's mind went blank and stunning./ All of a sudden; Misho Santa's entire appearance had been seen as significant to the point of being comparing to the things that Pista completely adjoining. "What... is... going... on...?" The first few words Cassandra mumbling in her mouth at the very first moment. As the two notable Adventurers thoroughly bursting their Knightsmen Awakening auras throughout the entire surroundings, deliberately regarding themselves knowing for the exact situation that the 5 of them relatively takes in. And instantly heading through the gist of the darkness, both empty-handed and unplanned for the next happen. . On the other side of the forest. Levi Furiman began stagnantly and startled once again, right after a sudden burst of Awakening auras consciously coming through to the Sea Monsters at some unlikeable situation. "What's wrong this time? You seemed flustered and hesitant... Does something matter?" Gen noticeably asking with a slight nervousness on his senses, simply being stuttered on his own by seeing the only savior being alarmed and adamant by some unexpected occurrence. As he has thoughtfully seen absolutely nothing but a clear dark sky of the night, with the moon brightly illuminating the darkness and the calm, silent serenity of the forest having through to their sensible consciousness. Nonetheless, it was the only thing that Gen Slasher had been felt all this time around. That none of it had been felt nor shimmer by the glimpse of Levi Furiman's ulterior consciousness. Inexorably couldn't lay his guard down even for a mere second, whereas the dangers lie in the dark are inevitable and death would unlikely be assuring. "Change of plans, mentalist..." Levi obnoxiously nodded. "...What, this time already... How exactly?" Gen nervously replied with his existence already terrified from being alive. "I'll tell it the details later on... But this time... we force to fight, putting our lives on the line, while trying to survive against it..." Levi abruptly putting some hints with a grim smile on his face; And nonchalantly rushing through the place where he deeply sensed in, completely empty-handed and unplanned not knowingly. . . ***To be Continued***
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