Volume - 1 // Chapter - 6

2156 Words
While Cassandra Smith and Misa Togo, waiting for the progress of the Black potion that supposedly healing Levi's wounds completely since dusk. Pastor Ozril in the meantime, having thoughts of his mind regarding on what Cassandra's experience to what she saw on Levi Furiman's awakening eye. 'Could that be...' 'The one and the rarest awakening powers in the world, that only a few people are having 'that' kind of it?' As he slowly stepping in into his room, located on the second floor of the church. Pastor Ozril quickly went to his bookshelf, finding an answer to his doubts and wonders of his head. "There it is." It was a red-colored book cover, emerged with a lot of blue sigils and dark-colored pages inside of it. It named the 'Book of Awakening races' that Pastor Ozril seeking into. ~~~Knowing that book has the records and histories of all the Strongest races, as well as their powers also, known as the 'Awakening' located at the eyes of a certain possessor. ~~Different Races, Different Eye Patterns. ~~Different Auras, Different Powers. As he slowly opened the book, he noticed there were 8 strongest people resembling their races who standing tall right beside the 'Balancer of Race'. Located on the first page of the book. He simply recognizing their appearances as he saw the foreheads of those people are having a specific mark of their races. Because he has already studied the difference and appearances of those races since his student days as a Priest. He recognized it from left to right picture according to their positions, namely; ~~~ (Knightsmen / Demi-Beings / Providence / Entity / Jewish-Enochian / Astral / Cosmic / Darkness.) ~~~ Knowing that all those people he saw were a threat to humankind in this world. He still has hopes in his stead as he felt a sudden blink of light that slowly shining right in the hearts of Levi Furiman, causing him a huge gamble of his life to nurture him with all of his remaining days of this world. But then, the purpose for him to open up the 'cursed' book once again, was to verify for himself the possibilities of having his awakening state. Whether he is a 'Double Awakening' or even higher. 'Even Cassandra doesn't know the existence of his power, but she'd guaranteed that his eyes were a Jewish-Enochian, how could this possible?' He instantly looked at the calendar that made him puzzling his head even more. 'Wait... October 19?, but this year was the turn for the Providence race... And the Jewish-Enochian was 3 years ahead in the future. Just how did he get that?' His thoughts were already out of his mind, the wonders and disbelief were staggering even more. He calms himself for a while, sipping some black tea and letting his eyes rest up. "This kid... Just who in the world are you?" ***** [Unknown Place and Dimension] "You must have to deal with my condition, for you to leave in my place." A vicious, eerie voice made by the Unknown being coming from Levi Furiman. Levi on the other hand knew the test that the unknown being already prepared was not even halfway through the end. His body was already at its limits, couldn't even think properly, and was already terrified. Also, he noticed a lot of system mails, which started to pop out on his right eye coming from out of nowhere since the moment he stepped into the place where the Unknown was being created. Thinking that he was hallucinating due to the effects of the 'Supreme Awakening Eye'. That for him, it might be blocking out his way. {Status Warning...} {Status Warning...} {System Warning...} {System Warning...} {Status Warning...} They constantly beeping into his head like it's uncontrollable, asking the Unknown being about his uncertain situations out of his curiosity without getting embarrassed even a little bit. "Well, I do know about it... But it seems we're enemies at this moment, I will not tell you about it. Unless you can comply with my requirements without dying. Hahahaha" A sarcastic response made by the Unknown being. Levi seemed upset after his response, trying to attack him with his magic handgun where he once dropped in due to its temperature was constantly rising, also his angry feelings towards the Unknown being are astounding. While he tried to pick up his Magic handgun, another message started to pop out of his right eye. {System Warning...} "AahhhAhhh... Just what is this kind of thing inside my head?" Out of his habit, Levi Furiman always pinching his fingers by using his thumb whenever he felt anger and disgrace. As a matter of fact, he did it. Not knowing the only way for the message to open was to pinch his left fingers accordingly. That caused him to surprised and startled out in front of the Unknown Being. The unknown being, on the other hand, having his sole purpose of only testing the powers that the Balancer of Races granted to Levi and not killed him. He waits for a while once again as the result. 'Hooo... So it seems he finally figured it out, as expected.' He left wondering with a grim smile on his face. . {Status Warning... Opened} (1) ~ Awakening eyes of the Possessor's body have exceeded its limit. Minimum Usage: 30% --- 100% Actual Usage: 450% --- 100% Time Usage: 17 Minutes, 20 Second Warning: A certain damage of the Possessor's body is guaranteed and unavoidable, you must control your power before it's too late! . {Status Warning... Opened} (2) ~ Possessor's damaged body parts have been detected. Location: Left arm Damage type: 3rd-degree burn Time for self-recovery: 3 Weeks, 6 days, 20 hours, 10 minutes, 6 seconds. Note: Recovery potions and other healing spells are highly recommended to speed up the operation. . {System Warning... Opened} (3) ~ Unknown being has been detected. Name: Unknown Race: Unknown Awakening Race: Unknown World: Unknown Intention: To Test the strength and power of the Possessor, according to the Balancer of Race. Time Elapsed: 20 minutes, 10 seconds. . {System Warning... Opened} (4) ~ Approaching magic arrow filled with Knightsmen Race's Awakening aura, aiming to the Possessor. . {Status Warning... Opened} (5) ~ Fatigue: 79% / 100% . Levi felt astonished and terrified at the same time as he saw a lot of notifications popping out of his right eye after he pinched his left finger due to his anger. Because he once living in a world where technology and modernized civilizations have already existed, Levi's first impression of the system showed just recently was made his mind wondering. 'Is this thing kind of these are like a video game?... To be able to exist in a world something like this... This is utterly unbelievable!...' Out of his curiosity he just felt, Levi quickly asked the Unknown being regarding the things that happened to him moments ago. Unfortunately, the Unknown Being still didn't answer Levi's question. Rather, he answered it sarcastically. Causing Levi to upset again, continued using the power of the 'Supreme Awakening Eye' and holding the grip of his Magic handgun. This time he held with his right hand. Not knowing the consequences of overusing the power he just recently possessed on his weak, fragile body. ! Bang! ~Kaboom! /Levi's ground shattered into pieces./ /The place where the two held in started to rumble./ /Smoke and dust are spreading everywhere./ He successfully managed to land a shot to the Unknown being. Levi seemed ecstatic, thinking the attack he just landed was taking the damage to the Unknown being. 'Did... Did I make it? ... Just like that?' A furious, discontented Levi Furiman couldn't believe the power he made in a matter of seconds. However, the happiness and enjoyment coming from his face had turned into despair and agony as the effects coming from his body had started to pay out. As the warnings made by the 'System' are getting ignored once again, causing him to deal with a certain consequence of his body. Unlike the first one, his right arm didn't burn, but rather it bleeds thoroughly and couldn't able to move. His magic handgun didn't rising its heat, but rather it started cooling. The System warning coming from out of nowhere is starting to pop out again. . {Status Warning... Opened} ~ Awakening eyes of the Possessor's body have exceeded its limit. Minimum Usage: 30% --- 100% Actual Usage: 500% --- 100% Time Usage: 19 Minutes, 30 Second Warning: A certain damage of the Possessor's body is guaranteed and unavoidable, you must control your power before it's too late! . {Status Warning... Opened} ~ Possessor's damaged body parts have been detected. Location: Right-arm Damage type: Paralysis / Blood clot Time for self-recovery: 2 Weeks, 3 days, 12 hours, 9 minutes, 7 seconds. Note: Recovery potions and other healing spells are highly recommended to speed up the operation. . While Levi taking care of concerning his injuries, He noticed a horde of magic creatures covering up the place where the Unknown being sitting. After the smoke and dust, he made was slowly disappearing. Without getting any sorts of scratches or injuries to the Unknown Being's 'Shadow-like' body, he still managed to commend Levi's action rather than to take any form of countermeasures against him. He was forced to cast a summoning magic spell able to defend his ground against the immeasurable amount of Awakening powers made by Levi Furiman. To be exact, he summoned 3 Slithereen Guards cast with the Awakening powers of the Demi-being race, capable of deflecting any kinds of burst magic damage. On the other hand, Levi Furiman is seemingly frustrated and exhausted at the same time. Knowing that the shot he made wasn't enough to land completely. He lost his words of frustration at first, thinking that he already passing out his limits and ready to accept his utter defeat. Since both of his arms that supposedly using for him to fight are now completely useless. He then tried to ask the Unknown being about the conditions to be able for him to get out of this place. Even though defeat and certain death are fast approaching unto him. The unknown being, however, already recognizes the strength and power that Levi Furiman possessed, suitable enough for him to wield the power of the 'Supreme Awakening Eye'. As the result, he postpones the condition. Knowing the fact that his mental and spiritual body had, has already worn out and slowly collapsing. He tried to halt the battle between him, by recasting the spells he made and returning him into his physical body. But then, something unexpected and unthinkable happened that the unknown being himself couldn't believe what he heard from it. "Let me... Fight those... Magic creatures that ... you'd summoned..." "Are you out of your mind? Don't be full of yourself kid, you are too young enough to deal with 'these' folks I just summoned. Besides, your spiritual body has already passed out to its limits. If you still insisted to fight with these, you are done with it." A loud, vicious voice with a concerned intention made by the Unknown being to the worn-out Levi Furiman. But then, Levi was so stubborn. Begging for it to fight one last time. "You still didn't test me... I just literally throwing pebbles on a huge wall of pure gold, couldn't lay any single scratch on it... I just wasting my powers on meaningless things... I know you're disgusted by my current appearances and didn't exactly know what I'm doing, but please spare me some time once more. I want to fight those 3 magic creatures to prove to you that I am worthy enough for this power...." The unknown being, knowing that his summoned magic creatures were far stronger and powerful than ordinary monsters, also the Adventurers themselves. He knows that death is very certain if he agreed to the young man's request. But then, as he saw the eyes of a young Levi Furiman. Determining to win and survived for him to live, he left nothing but to accept, the fact that he also once experiencing pain and agony just like what he saw on him. "My condition for you is to deal the Slithereen Guards with a time free to charge... Forfeiting is not an option... All methods of fighting are available without restriction, including the weapons you used...Dedicate your hearts, For you to win..." A loud prideful word made by the Unknown being that echoing throughout the places. Levi Furiman on the other hand, with a decisive mind and determination of winning. With a bold expression on his face, showing no signs of fear and trembles of his body. He graciously wanting a fight against the powerful creatures, trying to prove himself that he is worthy enough to possess the power that he has. . . ***To be Continued***
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