Volume - 1 // Chapter - 5

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Night at the church, when Misa Togo, along with 5 neighbor people finally arrived back to the church after an hour and a half of travel from Prairie town. At the same time, they reached that place. Also, the same result of the poor wooden carriage, getting abused due to a reckless journey made by them. They managed to return while hastily traveling without getting hurt or unscratched. Vomits and dizziness felt by the neighbor people are everywhere inside the carriage, far worst than recently. However, doubts and anxiety are the ones dominant in their feelings as they unsuccessfully managed to find any single Doctor or specialist residing in the town. Especially to Misa, for her, she's responsible for picking up into it. Also the one most concerning to Levi's condition. As they hurriedly went to the clinic room, they saw Cassandra taking care of unconscious Levi Furiman alone, sitting on his side, and kept holding his hand. "How's Levi-chan... Is he okay?" Misa asked. "Yes, He's okay for now. After Pastor Ozril uses his magic healing spells on him, his vital pulses seem fine and normal. But his wounds..." Cassandra paused for a while, couldn't be finished her replied on Misa. She started to cry as soon as she noticed his wounds didn't close up and the blood began to spit. "I know, he's not healing up after all... whether we did it our best, those kinds of the body he has was far fragile and different compared to ours... That's what makes him special." Misa trying to understand Cassandra's feelings toward him. ~~Hick, Hick... "My, my ... It's okay now, calm down.." But then, she started to blame herself for making him endure his suffering. Causing Misa to confront her, trying to comfort her restless heart and guilt of everything she made for the whole day of having with Levi Furiman. After a minute of crying that Cassandra made. She noticed that only Misa was the only one entering the clinic. Especially to a certain person she also waited the whole time, started asking her about it. "The Specialist, did you bring here?" Cassandra asked. Unfortunately, Misa didn't bring it. However, she smiled as she showed her a certain alternative, similar to the ones they seek. "But we got a Potion, they said it will be healed even the worst-case happening to a body of an Adventurer, even a regular person... I hope this might be worked for him.." Cassandra, with slight discomfort and doubts of the appearance of the potion that Misa bought. She began asking her about the effects of the potion, thinking that it was a poison that made Levi Furiman's condition might even worse. "Are you sure about this? That thing looks suspicious by just its appearance..." Cassandra warned her. Even though Misa has the same thought just as what Cassandra looking to, She had no other choice to do anymore but to test it with having distrust and discontent about it. "I don't know, lets take a shot with this. The receptionist telling us to have this whenever people asking for doctors or specialists... I guess everyone having the same prescription about this.." Cassandra had no choice but to agree with Misa. Even though she still had doubts about the effects of the potion she bought. "Let's do this." ~~Chug... chug... The voice of Unconscious Levi Furiman's throat getting stuffed by the potion they bought. Fortunately, the potion they gave seemed successful to enter. However; The effects of the potion couldn't found any trace on his body. Resulting in them to worried and felt restless at the moment. "Have you seen any effect from his wounds, Cassandra?" Misa releases her Awakening eye to see the effects of the potion on his body even further. "No, I don't see any either... just what's going on..." Cassandra is flustered. "I thought you do know the potion's existence... anyways, let us hope that the potion we gave to him was rather good. We don't have any other option to think either." Cassandra added her worries and concern to their act. And so, as the night taking its time to rise. Misa and Cassandra didn't leave the church clinic, nervously waiting for the effects of the potion they gave to Levi Furiman suspiciously, and couldn't take their eyes to rest due to the guilt they felt against it. . Other neighbor people who came along with Misa on entering the church clinic, on the other hand, keeping themselves busy by repairing the damages taken to the carriage they recklessly used for the whole day. Tools, repairing equipment, even magics they used altogether for the carriage being repaired. Not because of having their gratitude for lending the property of someone, but because they're afraid of the one who owns it. Fortunately for them, they finished repairing the damages taken by the carriage before sunrise. "Were done! hahahaha ... that was quick!" "Quick? you don't know it's already dawn... you must be tired already.." "Don't mind it, at least we're done finishing it... let us go take some rest for tonight.." "It's 'Today', moron." "Hahahahaha" Not knowing that Pastor Ozril silently watching them with a grim smile on his face while holding a book, from the window of his room at the top, the entire night since they started repairing his carriage. 'These fools, they thought I wouldn't know everything they did... Hahahahaha! Not bad everyone...' He started to yawn very loudly, wanted to take his rest, thinking that nothing could stop it. ***** In an uncertain place and dimension, Levi Furiman, mentally and spiritually conscious, suddenly felt chills and nervousness on his body. As he already knows in a blink of his eye, that he is already in trouble once again. Finding any single move of getting out in his uncertain situations. He started thinking about the things he went through for the past few days. "Dammit... How could this be?" "To think it logically, last time I remembered was I got eaten by a nightmare once again... after I saw an 'Awakening eye', I freak out and went crazy!" "I don't remember having this kind of place in my life... But this place seems kinda familiar to me." "Dammit... I must not die on this! I need to figure out what's happening and getting out of this place." A word of motivation he made and wanted to fulfill. As he slowly walks in and observing the place he went, he saw an eerie, vicious being sitting in front of the place, humorously greeted Levi Furiman with a grim smile on his face. "Yo... Levi Furiman... It's been a while! how's life?" Levi on the other hand, couldn't hold his fear and was already terrified. He tried having a conversation with it, for him to gain information about everything. "Who are you?" ... "Why am I being here?" Fortunately, the unknown being suddenly replied with ease. "I came here to test you... whether you are capable of having 'That' power, or not..." "Power? what do you mean? ... I came here to this world, powerless and pathetic! I barely even managed to survive on my own, stealing food and clothes from the people living in the village... Even my body couldn't hold the bruises and single scratch, It makes me more painful and much worse than that... IT CANNOT BE HEALED NATURALLY!... It takes me a week or more to heal my wounds completely.. SO PLEASE DON'T TELL ME I'M POWERFUL THAN YOU IMAGINED!... That 'Supreme Awakening' crap that you guys talking to didn't help me in my problems either, rather than a burden to me for the whole month of living in 'this world! ... please tell me how do I win this?" The unknown being stunned for a while, as it couldn't believe what the person it brought went through into his life. The unknown being started explaining the 'Awakening' powers that Levi wanting to awakened all this time. "Would you mind watching your eye on the mirror for a moment?" The unknown being having a request to Levi. Levi being obedient for a moment, graciously accepted the Unknown being's request. He watches his eye in crystal clear water, provided by the unknown being. He saw both of his eyes changing drastically, as he saw the iris of his eyes having a grey-colored Jewish-Enochian (Star of David) pattern, covered with a blue-colored sclera resembling its background, and a yellow-colored Jewish-Enochian emblem marking on his forehead. "Wait... What is this?... Is this the full version of the 'Supreme' Awakening eye?... It looks like they're evolving!..." The unknown being seemed ecstatic for Levi as if he was proud of him. 'Hoho! ... Guess I should try it...' He tried to test it for itself by firing a single shot directly into him. A single millisecond of reaction, Levi already noticed the shot made the Unknown being by glancing it ahead of time. With the instinct of the full potential of the 'Supreme Awakening eye', Levi releases a certain weapon capable of deflecting the shot made by the unknown being. His mind and brain weren't able to catch up with the pace of his eyes, resulting in him moving his body on its own. It was a magic handgun, picking up from out of nowhere. ! Bang! ~~Kaboom /Levi's ground started to shatter into pieces./ /Blue flames constantly burning throughout his surroundings./ Resulting from it to surprised, as if it already surpasses its limits. 10 seconds had passed, when Levi Furiman's mental consciousness finally was able to catch up from his eyes. He was surprised as the surroundings he standing in already wiping out in an instant. "What is happening?...." /Magic handgun's muzzle started to heat up./ /Smoke coming from the magic handgun was staggering./ /Levi's left hand is slowly worn out./ Levi, who now regaining his mental consciousness, suddenly felt pain and agony as he saw his left arm slowly burned like a slice of meat being grilled. "AaahhAahhh!!!" His mind went crazy as the pain of having a burned left arm went dominant into his head. He immediately dropped his magic handgun due to the temperature of its holding grip was constantly rising. Knowing that cutting his left arm would not be optional, he tried to pressure the shoulder part of his left arm, trying to seal up the pain he felt. The Unknown being, on the other hand, didn't seem surprised and flickered at the same time as the outcome of it had come to its expectations. The Unknown being having its regards and commends to Levi Furiman. Wanting to lend its hand, helping out controlling the powers that Levi Furiman possessed. 'Does that kind of power he attacked recently just using it for the first time?... Rather than that, he'd seem frustrated and worn out trying to figure out how to deal with his crisped left arm....' 'Guess it might help if I stepping in one more time.' The Unknown being tried to have a conversation with Levi. Knowing that both of them had to take their guard down, like ceasing the battle for a while. "Have you noticed that you're here only in a mental and spiritual state? Are you aware of that? And why are you the ones getting hurt, the same damage you would take in a physical world?" A simple question, yet deeper meaning that the Unknown Being wanted to ask Levi the whole time. Levi on the other hand finally realized it. He started wondering how did he get serious damage when his physical body is out of the battle. But then, the answer made by the Unknown being was quite simple for the logic of Levi Furiman's mind, causing him to be startled and freak out. "It's a SUPREME MAGIC... cast by the 'Entity' Race..." The unknown being answered. "The ones getting inside this spell have to deal with a certain condition." It added. As soon as the Unknown being kept explaining the situations that Levi came in, he left nothing but to accept it Knowing the fact that the only way for him to getting out from the spell created by the Unknown being, was to deal with the condition created by the Unknown being itself. In the end, Levi Furiman accepted it. Not knowing that the next one they fight, things will be getting worse between each other. . . ***To be Continued***
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