Volume - 1 // Chapter - 7

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~Tick, tock ~Tick, tock !! Tong !! The current time held at the church was exactly midnight. The effects of the Black potion that Cassandra and Misa waited for too long had gotten into its move, as the time it started exactly the time turning into midnight. Bluish-light aura suddenly glowing inside and outside of Levi Furiman's body. Open wounds had started to close up the moment the unknown aura started to exist. His pulses had returned to normal, seemingly regaining his strength, and his breathing interval is back to normal state. ~Badump... Bump... Heartbeats coming from Levi's unconscious body are slowly rising. Jewish-Enochian sigils are started to mark on his upper body. Especially on his left and right arms. As the minutes pass by, Levi's breathing interval suddenly rising, causing him to seizure. Unfortunately, Misa and Cassandra on the other hand didn't notice the sudden changes in his body. Instead, they fall asleep the whole time, due to stress on their body resulting in felt exhausted the whole day. But one thing is for sure. That Levi Furiman's body is slowly healing. . At that moment, The system notifications coming from his head are started to pop out, the moment the Black potion works. Just without opening it, He already realizing it the effects on his body. 'Wait... What is Happening?' The first thing that he asked for himself. 'My body feels lighter, and the pain I felt just recently had started disappearing.' 'What is going on?... I feel like I can fight with these, this time...' At that point, Levi Furiman felt ecstatic and enthusiastic as the body of his completely reviving in a matter of seconds. But then, Out of his curiosity, he left nothing but to wander his head about the System notifications that popping out of his head. As the result, he checking most of it in the end. Knowing that 20 notifications are popping out on his head. However, he opened only 3 of them. . {Status Warning... Opened} ~All damages on the Possessor's body had slowly recovered. . {System Warning... Opened} ~Unknown magic substance entering the Possessor's body. . {System Warning... Opened} ~Fatigue: 15% / 100% . Knowing that concerning the system notifications while having a battle was a huge waste of time. Instead, he ignoring it once again. And continued to deal with the conditions made by the Unknown being. He knows that the first three he picked to read was a piece of good news for himself after all. 'I can't read those emails all at once, I will deal with that later 'For now, I will find to getting out of this place.' . The Unknown being doesn't know anything about the sudden changes in Levi Furiman's body. At the end of his test on him, he seemed satisfied. Wanting to finish up the trials as soon as possible. However, the spells he made are already channeling. Levi Furiman suddenly taking a request that made him astonished. "Are you sure about this?" "Yes," Levi graciously replied to what the unknown was being asked. And so, after his reply with a determining face wanted to win the battle. The Unknown being ordered the Slithereen Guards to attacked him all at once with all of their rights. From pale, dreadful appearances now turning back into life the moment the Unknown Being ordered them to rise. One of them having black-colored scales, holding a huge shield and a massive iron ball on the tip of its tail. The other one having reddish-black colored scales, holding an ax from both of its hands and a huge tail like a mermaid. While the center one having yellowish-colored scales, holding a huge mace, and the one surging its terrifying magic auras the most. All of them, ordered to attacked Levi Furiman. !! Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkk !! A huge battle howl was made by the yellow Slithereen guard. ~Warning: Approaching enemies nearby. The system notification suddenly popped out as soon as the Slithereen guards charging into him. This time, the message suddenly opened by itself. As a response, Levi also charging into them. He went to the nearest Slithereen Guard and started attacking it. It was the red one who the ones the nearest approaching on him. " Pieeeeekkk!! " ! s***h! s***h! s***h! The red slithereen guard constantly slashing horizontally to Levi Furiman. The grounds and floors that the two standing in had slowly crumbled and began breaking. Winds coming from the whip of its axes are staggering. Levi also constantly evading it with ease. With the senses of the 'Supreme Awakening Eye', He easily managed to dodge any forms of attack that the Red Slithereen Guard dealing against him. After simultaneous slashes, He noticed the attack pattern that the red slithereen guard making against him. He used it as the advantage, reading all of it to make an opening for him to counterattack. Because both of his arms still didn't able to use for attacking. He used his left foot to strike directly to the belly of the red Slithereen guard as the result. ~~~Boooom!! /Huge rumbles of the ground started to shake./ /Slithereen Guard started to tumble outside the battle./ Knowing that the Awakening powers that Levi Furiman already as its peak, He didn't realize the damages he takes against his enemies. He felt sorry for the first one who tastes the attack he made just recently. 'Whoa, what just happened... All I did was just kicking it on the gut, and started to fly away? ... Just how strong am I actually?' As soon as the Red Slithereen guard was out of the battle for a while. The two remaining magic creatures began taking their move without hesitating. " Pieeeeeeeekkk!! " Now, the two of them charging back and forth against Levi Furiman at the same time, thinking they had a chance of landing any sort of damage against him. ~ ~ ~ The Unknown Being, who calmly watching the fight between Levi Furiman and the Slithereen Guards on the corner. Couldn't handle the excitement and joyous impression as he saw the potential of the young possessor, having the power of the 'Supreme Awakening' getting its battle for a moment. He also compares the difference of both magic and Awakening power between the Slithereen Guards he ordered to attacked and the ones Levi Furiman had. He knows that those Magic creatures he summoned were on par with the highest Adventurer ranks in an exampled Kingdom. With such strong and maleficent auras they emitted. Not a single Adventurer nor any kind of being would dare to attack it. However, Among all he remembers, only a few people were able to deal with the magical creatures and managed to win against them. Especially to the one that he saw just recently. As he saw his movements, casually evading all the unimaginable stroke of slashes coming from the formidable foe. Like dancing in the wind, moving like flowing water. And a deadly glare of his eyes, nonchalantly reading all the movements and attacks that already predicted. After a few minutes of watching the fight, he realized that Levi Furiman was very exceptional at fighting against the enemies at a very young age. With the power of the Supreme Awakening Eye, granted by the Balancer of Race. He can do most of the things, that even the word 'Impossible' could be made. And so, The Unknown being noticed both of his arms, still injured yet slowly healing. He also couldn't figure out how did he moved so fast with both of his arms partially useless. Even the two Slithereen Guards couldn't land any strong strike into his weak, small body. Not until the Yellow Slithereen Guard started to howl once again. ~ ~ ~ " Screeeeeeeeeeeeeek!! " The Red Slithereen, who once stumbled down outside the battlefield was started to make its move once again. After the howl made by the Yellow Slithereen Guard, The formation made by these 3 had begun intimidating once again, far terrifying than the first one they create. As the dark magic and Awakening aura they emitted had staggering and spreading throughout the battlefield. Without any help giving by the Unknown Being, The Slithereen Guards only acted their own. Knowing that the fight they battling in is started to heat up. Levi Furiman, with having the Supreme Awakening Eye already activated. He was the one already startled out and began terrified as the intimidating aura aiming towards him. He left nothing but to felt nervous and lost his mind for a while, not knowing how to deal against the Slithereen Guards this time. ~Warning: Approaching enemies nearby. The Slithereen Guards didn't waste their time. Already taking their move to attacked Levi Furiman. Levi on the other hand is already frustrated and intimidated. Couldn't think properly due to the restless feeling he felt. He tried to redo his plan once again as the result. Thinking that the same move he made was the same result as it planned. " Screeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaakkk!! " This time, it was all three at once. Synchronizing their movements, not a single trace of openings they made against the lone enemy. Due to that, Levi couldn't handle all the attacks made by the Slithereen Guards. Causing him to step back so many times. Left / Right / Right / Right / Left / Left / Up / Down / Down / Down / Up / Up / Down / All movements they created had been made unpredictable. His eyes couldn't catch up anymore. In a few minutes of charging directly at him, his eyes couldn't hold the movements made by them. He didn't even make to read all of their attack and movement patterns as they moved randomly from each side of their pace. He also tried to run towards where his magic handgun, wanted to use against them. But the magic handgun he put was so far away from him. Knowing that it was located on the opposite side of the place he went in. As the result, In a desperate move, Levi Furiman landed a strong blow directly to the magical creatures as he responds to them. He tried to kick the Yellow one, knowing that it was the one standing tall in front of him. But in an unfortunate way, the Black Slithereen was the one blocking the kick made by Levi in tens of a second after he reacted to the attack. Also, the Red Slithereen was the one striking his right arm that trying to defend himself after the kick. Then, the Yellow Slithereen cast a magic beam of light bursting on its mouth, trying to anticipate the movement he made entirely. Due to his desperate move to charge recklessly against the unimaginable enemies. He left himself unguarded and wide open, which made the enemies having the opportunity to fight back. As the result, their attacks had finally landed on Levi's body for the first time since then. ~~~Boom /Levi's ground started to crack./ /Surroundings and floors began crumbling./ /Levi being tumbled for a few meters./ He didn't make it to stood up at first, due to the damages he received from those magic creatures earlier. Eventually, another system notifications started to pop up. . {Status Warning... Opened} ~ Possessor's damaged body parts have been detected. Location: Right Arm // Upper part of the Body Damage type: Slight Laceration // Slight Burns Time for self-recovery: 8 minutes, 26 seconds. Note: Recovery potions and other healing spells are highly recommended to speed up the operation. . 'Dammit... Looks like I'd made them too pissed off... It seems that I needed to step out and outsmarted these folks once again.' 'Think... Think... how do I do to win this fight?' As soon as he started perplexing his mind out. Another system notification started to pop out inside Levi's head. {Inventory ... Opened} Levi seemed flustered and surprised as the message showed up that made him new to it. 'Wait... what is this?' Is he expecting the 'Status' and 'System' notifications that the first one existed? He already noticed something added by observing the names of the messages popping out into his head. 'In...ven...tory?' Another notification had started to exist inside Levi's mind. Out of his curiosity, he opened it in front of the Slithereen Guards, standing their ground a few meters away. However; He was surprised and felt hopeless as the inventory he graciously opened are empty and only 2 weapons storing inside. 'Heh? ... What did I exactly expect? to be able to have everything? hahahaha!' As he closely focusing on the message inside of his mind, he noticed a familiar weapon also a resemblance to where he belongs a long time ago. 'Wait... Is that a?' He slowly opened it, by activating an Inventory / Storage spell featured by the 'Supreme Awakening' power. As soon as he slowly grabbing its holding grip, he felt astonished and grateful as a familiar weapon that he used to grow up in his world are holding along into his very hands. That made him pumped up and ready to fight once again. "Let's go... This time, I won't fail..." . . ***To be Continued***
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