Volume - 1 // Chapter - 8

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The Unknown being, who enjoying himself watching the sparring bout between Levi Furiman and his own summoned Slithereen Guards for more than 27 minutes of non-stop battle, noticed the sudden changes of the atmosphere they held in. At first, he noticed the slight gap in their strength every time they landed their attacks from time to time. As the Slithereen Guards constantly rising its magic and Awakening aura, started to fight brutally against the lone enemy. The gaps in their strength and power are immeasurable, causing the Unknown being to start to worry about the enemy's life. However; On the side of the enemy. He noticed the calm, yet the overflowing amount of Awakening aura, waiting to burst out in a single moment. That made the Unknown being felt at ease and have nothing to worry about from him. As the result, he getting himself focusing and attending only to him, thinking that something might be using for it to win. And so, His speculations and wonders on his thoughts made became true. As the Unknown being saw a Bluish-light colored Awakening aura slowly surging throughout the entirety of Levi Furiman's body. Like turning into a different kind of person, The unknown being suddenly felt an uneasiness yet familiar kind of feeling, reacting like a bomb starting to detonate. The Slithereen Guards on the other hand, also felt the same way as they're the ones getting near to where the uneasiness feels located. Calm, Eerie, and Malice. All sorts of things they felt the moment the Aura of 'Supreme Power' started to awakened once again. Eventually, another sort of familiar thing slowly appeared coming from out of nowhere. And not just it, he started to tremble without getting noticed. "Hoo... Looks like you had the guts to acquire that? kid!" An emphatic dare made by the Unknown being coming from Levi. As the Unknown being saw a sharp, black Katana carved with unknown sigils on its body. Grabbing into Levi's right hand and constantly rising its Awakening aura inside of it. 'Looks like my summoned creatures are now the ones in danger... hahaha' . In Levi's perspective; Out of his curiosity inside his newly opened system notifications. He slowly grabbed the Katana where it stores from the magic inventory he acquired just recently. The 'Supreme Awakening Aura' started to rise once again as soon as he grabs the sword and released it. Bluish-light colored aura slowly appearing to the sigils and markings inside the body of the Black Katana. Levi felt gratified as he acquired the new weapon he granted for him to win. His eyes slowly shining bright as if he gave some presents he wanted to have for a very long time. However, in an unfortunate manner; 'I don't know how to use this kind of sword!!!... Dammit!! ' His ignorance and lack of experience are coming into his head once again. Frustrations and Agitations made dominant into his feelings as the result. The Slithereen Guards noticed it. Trying to charge its attacks as if they saw an opening. "Fools... Ignorance is temporary, but experience and knowledge to gain learnings are permanent..." The thoughts of the Unknown being giving to his magical creatures after he noticed they started to move hurriedly. . ~ Warning: Approaching enemies nearby . Levi already startled out, couldn't make his move for a while after the system notification warned him about the approaching enemies. Since the new weapon, he acquired just recently doesn't fit for his young, small hands grabbing tightly enough to hold it. He even holding it with both of his hands. As the result, he ran for a while. Thinking of an opening for him to counterattack. " Screeeeeeeeeaaakkk!! " A loud eerie voice was made by Yellow Slithereen, taking its actions to attacked Levi. A load of magic beam bursting from the mouth of Yellow Slithereen aiming towards the path of Levi's movements. ~Kabooom! /Ground started to shake./ /Bursting beam of light is staggering./ /The entire surroundings began to rumble./ As the beam aiming towards Levi, Levi on the other hand, having doubts about having a weapon that is barely enough to wield for his very young age. Though he knows very well about the existence of the weapon, he admitted that not an ample of memories he remembered, he didn't hold or use it to fight since the very beginning of his life. Not until the time he puts up in danger, trying to survive, and risking his life surpassing his limits. Without thinking and rattles out in the situation he's in. He slashes his sword diagonally, trying to deflect the beam of light that fast approaching him. ! s***h! /Dark-clothed magic strike wiping out mid-air./ /Atmosphere of the surroundings suddenly changing./ /Beam of light made by the Yellow Slithereen slowly disappearing./ ~Fatigued: 50% / 100% In an unexpected event, Levi Furiman was shocked and amazed as the sword infusing with Awakening aura able to stop and deflect the immeasurable amount of magic power made by the summoned creature. The Unknown being, on the other hand, had no words of being amazed as the result of his predictions made come into his expectations. He nodded himself, smiled for joy, and commending the effort made by Levi Furiman once more. . 'Wait, I'm alive? ... and the beam or something, disappeared? ... What's going on?' A simple gesture of fluster was made by Levi for a minute. After the beam disappeared, He noticed the Slithereen guards started to passed out and became weakened all of a sudden, after the magic power being burst as they used it as a last resort against him. In nearly half an hour of fighting against them, he finally saw a very huge opening for him to attack. Like a person walking in a dark tunnel finally found a blink of light that slowly spreading to its end. Levi used it as an opportunity. Running straight towards the nearest enemy and slashing their very existence to end their fight once and for all. With a swift like a wind, dashes through in a speed of sound, and a sharp sense like ready to kill someone. The pledge and determination of the eyes of Levi Furiman, wanting to put an end to the conditions made by the Unknown Being. And so; The first one he went was the Black Slithereen. Knowing that all of his attacks are being deflected because of its huge, a massive sea-stone shield made him hard to deal with. The summoned creature tried to defend itself by putting a magic aura into its shield, focusing only to counter the incoming attacks made by Levi. Thinking it would be the same result as the one it did moments ago. However, the new weapon now using Levi to fight was far superior to the first one he used. With their inexperienced yet undoubted hearts of his, he pushes himself to its limits, trying to win all circumstances as the blazing sword he wields began stronger and stronger to the point that he can no longer hold by using one hand. He managed to grab tight on it by holding both of his hands, knowing that it was also his last resort to fight. As the result, he charges it first. By slashing multiple times throughout its shield and its body. ! s***h! s***h! s***h! The shield and body of the Black Slithereen Guard slowly crumbled and slicing nice and clean until it shreds into pieces. Also, the initial body of it before having its life had to return to its original state. From Black colored creatures now turning back into stone. The same goes for the Red Slithereen Guard, as the second one Levi Furiman focusing on. With heavy axes, it wields, ready to approached death. The Red Slithereen focusing its magic aura on its weapon, the same way the Black Slithereen did. Thinking it would stop the unstoppable force of the Katana wielded by Levi Furiman. Unfortunately, the Axes it holds were instantly chopped into pieces as the superiority of their powers made a huge gap between them. Causing the Red Slithereen to be made defenseless and accepting the inevitable death that approaching it. . ~ Fatigue: 90% / 100% Warning: Overusing the strength will hurt its body. . ~ Awakening Status / Usage: 600% - 100% Time elapsed: 39 Minutes, 20 Seconds . Levi was already exhausted, thinking of stopping, and didn't want to continue the battle anymore. But then, he realized. There's one and only enemy remaining to deal with for him to return to his physical body. Tiredness and Dizziness, the first ones he felt after simultaneous movements he made for the past few minutes of battling. The Unknown Being noticed it, realizing that he went too far from testing the power and strength of the possessor of the 'Supreme Awakening Eye'. He also noticed the well-exhausted Levi Furiman already passing out and stumbled down in the middle of his menace, didn't manage to continue his spree and sparing the life of the Yellow Slithereen Guard. He left nothing but stepping to end the fight completely. . After a few minutes of a ceasefire. The peaceful and silent place created by the Unknown Being had made dominant once again. The Slithereen Guards summoned by the Unknown Being had started to disappear as he released the spell on activating them for a long period. The weapons used by Levi had slowly disappeared like it only existed in a time of his troubles. Numerous counts of system notifications are staggering into his mind. But then, he ignored it for some reason. As the battle between them and Levi had put on its end. "Well done, kid! ... You'd pass the test of strength I made only for you." A proud voice made by the Unknown being to the unconscious Levi Furiman. After a while, Levi slowly regaining his senses as the Supreme Awakening Eye who gradually activated for a long period had finally had to its rest. And yet, his spiritual body was extremely exhausted. Even grabbing up a rock on his stead couldn't be managed to hold any longer. He couldn't stand, or sitting on the corner at all. All he can do is lie on the floor and be left unguarded for the rest of staying in the unknown place. "Are you okay? kid? ... did you die just like that?" A weird, nonsensical gesture made by the unknown being trying to troll Levi's condition. "OF COURSE NOT! I'm not dying either... " Levi startled out and shockingly scolded the Unknown being. But then, things became serious yet funny at the same moment as the time passes by, chatting and sharing with each other's thoughts for at least a few minutes of extending the amount of time to the place they came in. Knowing the fact that the Unknown being was once a Human living in a known world like him. . . . 5 hours after the fight, Levi had finally returned to his physical body after a few hours battling against the Unknown being. A huge change of his body, as well as his mindset and appearances that causing him a huge commotion to the villagers he lived in. He left nothing but guilt and regrets as the troubles he made are unacceptable to the eyes of the villagers. It was past 6 ò clock in the morning, when he woke up inside the church clinic, along with Cassandra and Misa who still sleeping in the corner. For him to repay the gratitude and hard work, they made just for him. He decided to cooked some food he only knows. Not as good as a chef that he remembers in his previous world, he did his best trying to satisfy the appetite of the people that helping him for the past few days. In a world he lived in, only potatoes and other crops are the ones staple on their table. Because people around the village, didn't capable nor barely managed to afford meats and other food that was seemingly high value to the eyes of a commoner. They didn't spend for it, rather used it only for a specific occasion for themselves. Fortunately, Levi was lucky that time. As he noticed the chunk of meat placing at the top of the kitchen cabinet to avoid sudden stealing from the kids and other church people from picking it. He also noticed a lot of vegetables placing neatly and in order as it resembling Pastor Ozril's cleanliness and orderliness for his surroundings. Meat, potatoes, and other vegetables he needed are now completed for the dish he made this morning. He carefully cooking the dish he made, knowing the fact that it was his first time using the kitchen and cooking some decent food for the past month of arriving in this world. It was a meat stew with a lot of potatoes he made for nearly an hour. Soon, everyone around the church noticed an aromatic and tempting smell coming from the kitchen. Calling out their empty stomach and wanted to fill out with their hearts' content. Pastor Ozril, along with Cassandra and Misa also noticed it, hurriedly went to the kitchen to see it for themselves. Eventually, instead of looking out finding the cook who made the morning dish for them. They were surprised and startled out as the one receiving a near-death experience just yesterday in the afternoon, was the one cooking the food for them early in the morning. . . ***To be Continued***
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