Volume - 1 // Chapter - 9

2130 Words
Misa Togo and Cassandra Smith was the first one noticing something oddly happen early in the morning. As the two young women surprisingly noticed the alleged missing body of Levi Furiman, that went them out of their minds for a moment. Due to that, they hurriedly went to the room of Pastor Ozril with a slight discomfort of their guts. Out of their guilts and worried feelings they made, knowing that the pastor will instantly be triggered and upset every time their task will eventually be failed. They still managed to knock up the door, unconsciously petrified and ready to scold up anytime he wants. *Knock* *knock* Surprisingly, the door didn't lock up at that time. Cassandra slowly opened the door. As the two slowly entered the room, They saw Pastor Ozril sleeping on a table, holding a book that seems odd in their eyes. Knowing that their purpose of calling him this time even at his tight slumber, they still managed to wake him up just to know a piece of certain news that made him startled out. "Let's find him! ... That wimpy kid! " As expected, Pastor Ozril's expression is absurdly mad against him. They went back to the Church clinic at first, thinking it was the first incident that happened for the fast few minutes since Levi's alleged missing. "When was the time you two saw that kid's body?" Pastor Ozril atrociously asked. "We don't know, the time we woke up... he's gone already... That's all we remember." Cassandra replied with nearly crying. "We're very sorry we failed to comply with the task you'd made... That causes everyone another trouble again..." Misa apologizing with guilts on her heart. But then, Pastor Ozril vaguely understood their alibis. Knowing that they cannot apprehend the body of a person that very elusive to watch the whole day and night. He forgave them immediately as the result. In the meantime. While the three cautiously looking everywhere to find a trace for the Kid's allegedly missing. They noticed a tempting, mouth-watering smell located in the kitchen. As the sun slowly rises, and the stomach of those three started to growl like a lion. The three hurriedly went to the kitchen to see for themselves. Knowing that they cannot complete the task of finding Levi Furiman with an empty stomach of theirs. Coincidentally, they saw Levi elegantly preparing meals for every single person living in the church all by himself. Without having any sort of notice and awareness, everyone who came to the kitchen just to fulfill their curiosity had suddenly felt doomed and surprised. They seemed flustered and mean to him, couldn't be believed that he had some kind of talent that nobody ever had. But more than that; They saw him alive and lively, comparing to the few days of suffering that nobody expected to live in that kind of situation. "Are you sure you're okay, kid?" One of the church people asked. "Ya, I'm now okay... my wounds are now completely healed." Levi graciously replied. "Really? thank goodness..." Misa felt ecstatic for him. They thought it was the Black potion they gave them to drink that made his entire body healed completely. They began thankful for it afterward. Cassandra on the other hand felt gloom and upset for herself. Is she the one putting the lives of Levi Furiman on the line, she couldn't tell her words of relief as she felt embarrassed of him. The same way as Pastor Ozril did, as he finally figured out the secrets of the power that Levi already possessed. On the other hand, Levi noticed the feelings they made. Due to the senses, he acquired after the fight against the Unknown Being. But then, he ignored it. He kept himself busy by finishing up the food he just made and inviting the people around the church as many as they arrived. ~ ~ ~ After they finishing up their fasting and doing daily chores. Misa, along with Cassandra and Levi went to the center village to earn money by accepting the weekly quest and to kill their boredom. Out of their concerns, they asked Levi once again about raiding a quest that includes him might causing another trouble with them. Knowing that the main reason for him getting a near-death experience was entering a dungeon recklessly. "Are you sure about this, Levi-chan?" Misa asking with concern. "Ya, I'm fine... don't mind me..." "Don't worry about it Misa-san, I'm here protecting him this time." Cassandra trying to cover up Levi. "Okay.... fine... just we picked up some quest that seems weak to complete... okay?" Misa ordered her juniors. . They arrived at the place where they picked up the quest they went, after a few minutes of consolidating the credibility of having Levi to entering the dungeon. It was the Village Adventurers building they went in, knowing that they don't have any small guilds to join in. All Adventurers who don't have guilds to enter, yet are willing to take the quest to earn some rewards to compensate can acquire the Adventurers building granted by most kingdoms affiliated throughout the country. It was free to charge and hassle-free requirements for them to comply. No wonder why most of the village adventurers as well as the townspeople chose the Adventurers building rather than any other guilds. However, "Is there any good quest arriving this week?" "I need more money to earn... please send me some good quest to made!" "Those quest ranks are trash, do we looked like small-time Adventurers?" 80% of the entirety of the Quest must be taking care of the Guilds, while the remaining 20% of it is the Adventurers Building. In other words; All good quality quest that has good rewards and compensations are the ones taking care by various guilds, while the ones whereas most of them called 'Trash' are all coming to the Adventurers Building. They had no other choice but to accept the realization that they facing, no matter how strong they are or how easy the quest they made was. As long as they can earn money with it, they have no choice but to deal with it. Cassandra was the one choosing and picking up the quest, due to her experience and influence around the people inside the building. "Look at that..." "It's Cassandra Smith." "Is she came to do the raid?" Chatters and murmurs coming from the people inside the building are staggering whenever they saw Cassandra. Knowing the fact that only 10 out of 230 village Adventurers who testing their powers to raise their ranks, had succeeded and lived the same place with them. One of them is Cassandra Smith. She easily picking up the quest by giving a space made by other Adventurers in having their respect for her. . *****Adventure Quest***** **Village Weekly Quest** World: Althea Kingdom: Saint Haven Location: Prairie Town --- Willow Village Quest Rank: C Quest Status / Location: Dungeon Number of Participants: 6 Quest Rewards: 100 Gold, 90 Silver, 80 Bronze Instructions: *Destroy the nest made by Orcs : (Incomplete) (0) *Retrieve all resources stole by the Orcs: (Incomplete) (0) . As soon as she decided on the desired quest she chose. She went straight towards the Adventurers Receptionist to verify and to grant the quest she picked. On the other hand; Misa Togo and Levi Furiman casually waiting on the 2nd floor of the building. Levi, who was his first time having to a place that was seemingly unrecognized during his time living in this world, felt ignorant and amazed as the views and designs inside the building that seems familiar to the old generation world he used to know. "Is this your first time having in this kind of place? Levi-chan?" "No... not exactly..." "Oh, so you sneaking this place, stealing some quest papers, and trying to complete it all by yourself?" Misa trying to guess the thoughts of Levi. "Sometimes no, mostly yes... Hahahahaha" Levi replying it with a smile on his face. While the two having their time chatting and sitting on the corner, an unexpected person came into their place. That made their day ruined for some reason. It was Misa's arrogant fiance along with his friends started approaching them. "My, my... If it's not my most beautiful future wife of mine... I would not be coming here..." "Ya, stay away from me... A**hole." Levi on the other hand was already out of the place since arriving at Misa's acquaintances and noticing her felt restless and already locked up against it. He worried about her situation, asking for the man standing in front of them. "He's Elly Geomanhan, A-rank Adventurer and wielder of Double awakening powers... Also one of the 10 awakeners living in this village... and he's my arrogant boyfriend." Levi realizes her restless feeling by introducing it to him. He also felt an unwanted aura surging throughout his body, which made him aware and notified. 'He's strong, I can feel it.' He didn't want to mess with him in his current condition for now. However; Misa's fiance constantly teasing her like it has no end, countless insults she received from him that made Levi already pissed off and wanted to fight him on the spot. Suddenly, Elly's companions noticing Levi wanted to step in the dispute made by him and Misa. "Huh? you wanted to join in, brat?" Elly's companion started confronting Levi on their side. They punched Levi's face while he's unguarded, causing him to stumble down and couldn't stand up for a while. People and other Adventurers started to notice the commotion between them. Levi, who was started to have his mind activating his awakening eye to fight back against them. But he realized the certain consequences and inevitable danger that the Unknown being told to him regardless of his reckless action that putting his life on the line. He decided not to activate it, and letting them punching on his face off guarded instead. Everyone went to the second floor to saw the happenings at the top of the building. Misa saw everything they made. She had no choice but to deal with the wicked things they made against Levi. Fortunately, As Elly and his companions nearly wanted to land a punch one more time to Levi, Cassandra on the other hand already finished her deals with the receptionist and went to their place to stop the fight between them immediately. She went first to Misa's location since she gets nearly slapped in the face by his fiance's hands. With a force of her grip that can be on par with the strength made by Elly, Cassandra managed to deflect it. Knowing that She and Elly are the ones capable of dealing with each other in terms of their magic and awakening power. "Would you mind ending this nonsense fight? Elly... you looked like a child losing up his toy and started to cry." Cassandra having a vicious glare at Elly while telling her warnings to him. Elly on his side already realized the commotion they made to be able to lure out the people gathering inside the building. They stopped their actions afterward, not just he accepts the cease made by Cassandra, but to avoid the unwanted rumors and speculations spurring out through his name. Knowing that his family name was a full-pledge noble to their minimal, isolated village. They immediately went outside the building afterward as the result. Cassandra on the other hand, quickly checking up on their situations after the commotion. Luckily, not even scratches on their bodies had been seen. But for the face of Levi, having a small lump on his right cheek after he received a strong punch made by Elly's companion. She quickly patching it by using her magic healing spell to ease his pain a bit. Misa then asking Cassandra about the quest she picking in while healing up Levi's cheeks. Cassandra replied gracefully. "I got some good quest to raid this morning, Luckily the receptionist agreed on me to have only a 3 man party... And the rewards are astounding." Misa felt ecstatic at the response given by Cassandra that made her also fired up. Luck and fortunes of finding the perfect quest for the people like them, who barely had enough magic to complete any categories of the quest they create. As a meticulous mindset made by Misa, she instantly asked Cassandra to see for herself about the quest she picking in. Suddenly, by looking at the quest, her beautiful smile on her face now turning into doubts and despair as the quest she picked up was nearly impossible for the three of them to complete. "Are you kidding me, Cassandra? ... . . ***To be Continued***
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