Volume - 2 // Chapter - 31

2286 Words
. . . Outside the dungeon. A cold, chilling breeze piercing the senses of the Administration Personnel as well as the Department Head itself, during their duties as being the guards, preventing on entering the people and Adventurers wanting to raid inside the restricted dungeon. "How long since they'd entered the dungeon?" The department head simply asked with concern. Knowing the fact that the dungeon warp resembling on its entrance, began turning into black since the time Sam Smeagel and others held inside. "Around an hour ago..." One attentive personnel valiantly respond. Everyone started to worry as to what the other one responded to at the time they entered. Due to that, the Personnel assigned to guard the dungeon became restless, some of them started preparing for themselves as if they had the guts to save others. Robert Steel, whereas the Chief and Department head of the Adventurer Knights, began noticing the sudden reckless actions made by his men. Asking them not to fret about it, that made everyone stopped their doings and continued guarding half-heartedly. But then, the worries and concern to his comrade and department head didn't perish and gone by, as he kept trembling his body and felt an uneasiness as well for the time being. 'What are you doing, Sam Smeagel? It's been an hour already... Just what is happening inside that place you guys held in?' Robert couldn't hold the uneasy pressure he felt anymore, began restlessly while standing right in front of the dungeon. Suddenly; As the plan and tactics they'd made didn't match up to the actual outcome anymore, Robert Steel suddenly remembered something that keeping his mind puzzling. "Hey, lend me some 'Orb'." He called someone for a reason. !Pick! A round, silver-like colored orb that his subordinate given to him. It was a magic sensory orb that they gave on him. --- A round, circular ball made of magic crystals capable of measuring the power and amount of presence emitting in a person or a thing. It is also capable of measuring the amount of magic presence emitted in a single dungeon. However, the orb itself has its limits, depending on the rarity and value of the orb they used towards it. Speaking of which, the Administration Personnel brought only a standard-class magic sensory orb, capable of measuring dungeons and Adventurers for up to D-rank Dungeon and C-rank Adventurers. "This is hopeless... But I guess it is worth trying.." Robert Steel started having a second thought regarding the orb they gave. As for the procedures. He completely discharged all of his magic and Awakening auras, knowing that it will disrupt the magic sensory orb while measuring the dungeons he pointed out to. Then, immediately pointed the orb at the middle of the dungeon warp. The orb started glowing up as soon as it places in the middle of the warp. A few seconds of measuring. The color of the orb started changing, from silver-like as its base, turning out into a different kind of colors that they emitted. To measure it, according to the chart that the Adventurers Administration prepared and standardized. + Black --- SSS rank and Above + Blue --- SS + Red --- S + Orange --- A to C + Green --- C to E + Brown --- F And so, after the result. After a minute of measuring, the color that randomly appearing had finally stopped. !Green! Robert Steel felt relieved after the result came in, having thoughts of worrying about something that unbelievably happened. But then, one thing that still made his mind kept puzzling the most. "Why are they took so long wasting their time having in a place that is seemingly easier for them to finished?" He still wondering while standing in front of the dungeon, with a grim smile on his face. ~ ~ ~ Inside the dungeon. Several minutes ago. During the time Levi Furiman single-handedly rampaging the enemies at their stronghold forces. As he kept pushing forward and dealing with the enemies all by himself and without having a plan. He felt down and anguish of himself as his movements partially went restraint and stopped right from the middle of the battle. "What's happening?... Did I just stopped from attacking?" Levi was flustered and couldn't think properly. Then, as what he observed from his surroundings. He instantly noticed a lot of white-colored magic crystals, covering them with a green-colored goo right from it. That made him felt uneasy for a moment. Aside from it, without relying upon the system notification that checking up the condition on his body. He simply put his initiative on checking the body all by himself. "What... is... this?..." In just a few glances at his body. Levi went shaking and startled all of a sudden after he noticed some of his arms and legs are covered up with wounds and blood-filled with green-colored goo and magic crystals, that spurring up everywhere. 'I got hit? when?' He stumbled and trembling a little. A few moments after. The System notification finally appeared. ~Warning: Unidentified magical substance entered the Possessor's body. ~ Possessor's damaged body parts have been detected. Location: Entire Body. Damage type: Poison Effects: Paralysis Time for self-recovery: 10 Minutes, 2 Seconds. Note: Recovery potions and other healing spells are highly recommended to speed up the operation. As the result, the enemies are having their greatest opportunity on attacking him recklessly and without thinking. Fortunately, his body didn't hold nor stopping for its movements completely. As he realized that his head will thoroughly be moving and his right knee also at the stable. He made his thoughts comparing to the ones it got hit and others haven't, which made him up a plan on dealing with the approaching enemies as if he's making a last resort against it. "I still got my left arm, somehow..." Levi tried to move his arm without hesitating, knowing that the wounds and poison around it was too shallow to have their effects. Unfortunately, on the side of his right arm. It was completely restrained and couldn't lay a single finger to move. As he resolved, he switched his knife into its off-hand while it is still usable and turning his position into a defensive state from being offense eventually. Aside from that in a matter of seconds, his defensive stance was dramatically impenetrable in an instant. Not knowing the fact that Levi Furiman was once studying martial arts from the world he once living in, before the unexpected happens he occurred today. And so, by reminding that; The first one he instantly thinks in his current situation was that; "Pencak Silat" By using it as a fighting stance as by far what he remembered from it, the parts of his body that seems active and moving were the ones he placed into its rear. While some part of his was shown as a decoy. With that, also the power of the Eye of the Supreme Awakening. He can easily read the enemies' movements through their auras that are seemingly distinctive right from his presence. And taking offense while forming a defense as well. "Come, and get me..." Levi easily provoked the enemies whose already approaching him. "Sckkkiieeeeeekkk" A roar of anger made by the magic creatures towards Levi. It was a parade of Homo-goblins that the same height as an ordinary person, and other monsters related to the goblin race that rampantly surging against Levi. Countless raining arrows, filled with poisons are aiming towards him. Unfortunately, Levi couldn't manage to run nor to hide anymore. Due to his left knee that still unable to move for that reason. He made himself calm and defensive while enduring the ranged attacks made by the enemies at the moment. With a follow-up attack made by that, other magic creatures whose doing only melee charges were the ones dealing with Levi Furiman directly. Sadly, their reckless actions were the worst unfortunate fate they have. As what Levi patiently waiting for that moment, for them to come near at him thoroughly. !s***h! !s***h! !s***h! As the result, every single one of them gradually died in an instant. They shout and an agonizing screech made by them was astounding for a couple more minutes. Some of them are being used as a decoy for unnecessary defense for a reason. Most of it is coldly stumbled to the ground. Formless and lifeless. Other magic creatures began stagnant as the result of their recklessness, quickly stopping their doings as a form of ceasing to fight against him. Most likely, the Homo-goblins and other range magic creatures didn't seem to start to attack. As every one of them noticed the Eye of the Supreme Awakening, viciously and menacingly staring throughout their existence, that made them terrified and tremble for a moment. For them, they're waiting for him to passed out and began attentively for the worst possible to happen. Levi immediately noticed it, he felt relieved and at ease for the decision they'd made. Began nauseous and unconscious as the result. Then, A few minutes later; Sam Smeagel, Misho Santa, and Pista Rambutan finally arrived at the scene. ~ ~ Time for self-recovery: 5 4 3 2 1 0 !Ting! A loud buzzing noise surprisingly popped up inside Levi's head, while silently carried at the back of Pista's stead. As he finally regained his senses and consciousness through the battle. He made himself more attentive and crucial than the last one he did since they entered. He sharpened his senses and nonchalantly activating his Eye of the Supreme Awakening once again, trying not to startled Pista and Misho while running through the safe place. As he waits for an opportunity for escaping their grasps and presence. He noticed a certain kind of magic crystal that was seemingly weightless and senseless like the last one he picked up long before. Not only that, the size and height of it were the same measures as him. 'That one, was the time I harvest that Cassandra-san tried to stopped me from picking up...' He simply remembered. By using his knife, he instantly grabbed it without getting noticed. And tried to put it at the back of Pista to covered up his stead. As the result, he managed to escape without knowing his presence where it came from and started rushing back once again to deal with his unfinished business against them. Moments later, after he ran towards the battle place they held, Levi suddenly felt a tremendous black magic aura that made the system notification constantly popping up all of a sudden. He then also comparing to the situation he went through before the time of facing up against Gwaco the Dungeon boss a few days ago, thinking that the same result happens when he facing up against them as what he resolved. "This must be, the dungeon boss.." Levi solemnly concluded his thoughts. Due to his Eye of the Supreme Awakening, he can easily know whether the monsters and magic creatures he fought were stronger nor weaker than himself, by emitting their auras depending on how strong it is. "So strong.... and so many of them!" Levi began startled and frightened at the moment, as he couldn't believe the situations that happened during his absence. But then, in an unexpected way. A single grim of light aura, trying to outshine the dark aura where he saw from his Eye of the Supreme Awakening, and slowly being unstable on reacting that made him intrigue and astonished. Out of his curiosity, he quickly rushes in. Faster than he imagined, and tried to reach out the light before its too late. . On the other hand; Sam Smeagel, who suffers quarterly wounded throughout his body and light bruises on the other parts of it. As he single-handedly fighting against the remaining monsters and magic creatures that Levi Furiman spared. Not only that, the monster and magic creatures he remained were mostly on par with the other dungeon boss he encountered before. Knowing the fact that the black magic auras they emit are astounding and mind-blowing. His senses went dull and his breath was already on its limits, barely able to attack nor defending at the same time. Not knowing that the magical creatures he faced were the dungeon boss itself. Around 40 Homo-goblins, ready to attacked and charged the lone Sam Smeagel anytime they wanted to. As what the instincts he trusted, became truce and predicted. "They're coming..." His body went active and responded once again, trying to evade one of the Homo-goblin's charging attacks right on track. He evades multiple counts of Homo-goblins' attacks coming from everywhere. Stone swords, flying arrows, and other sorts of traps they made to get some damage against the agile Sam Smeagel. At first, he easily evading it. But not as long as what he thinking of it. Because his breath was slowly exhausted and ran out, that made his movements became slower and dull than before. Until some unfortunate fate, he made it through it. As he fell one of the traps that the Homo-goblins made just for him. That made him completely restraint and locked up eventually. "It looks like this is the end... At least I've finally seen a person possessing the power of the Supreme Awakening that my beliefs for it were a total myth." Sam felt glad and regret as he thinks the time for his death had finally come from him. But then, in an unexpected happen. A sudden burst of bluish-dark Awakening aura astoundingly overflowing throughout the place they held in. Seeking battle and eagerness on killing in the worst possible manner. . . ***To be Continued***
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