Volume - 2 // Chapter - 32

2083 Words
~Fatigue: 50% ~Awakening Status / Usage: 10% / 100% Time elapsed: 1 Hour, 9 Minutes, 7 seconds. Levi was seemingly attentive to his condition for the whole time. It was the 5th time he opened his status notification. Knowing the fact that the warnings and reminders given by the Unknown being to him were an absolute that he didn't insist to forget, he immediately went cautious of it as the result. By following most of his orders, he somewhat managing to control his Supreme Awakening power for the time being, especially when times of need nor fighting. And so, one of his reminders and teachings on him was; {Awakening Breathing} ---According to the Unknown Being, one method for the Supreme Awakeners or other Awakening stages to get the battle last longer is to how they managed to take breathing technique and concentration on fighting. Because of that, A person possessing the power of Awakening will have a hard time releasing their power, while fighting the enemies all around. One of the best examples of it was how did Levi Furiman continuously fighting and running back and forth throughout the dungeon without stopping. Until such time, he defeated all magic creatures and monsters living inside. "Run... Faster...." A feeble, muttering voice determining on surpassing his limits far beyond his existence. For a few minutes of running perpetually, Levi Furiman didn't seem exhausted nor getting slowed after the effects of the poison had finally expired. Suddenly noticed a surprising event happened on his body while taking his run. "Sigils?... on my feet?" A bluish-dark-colored unknown sigil resembling his Awakening race and other terrifying marks constantly appearing on his knees while continually running for a few minutes, since the time he regained back into his senses. Terrified and flabbergasted, the first one he felt after he saw it for the first time. As he knew it was his first encounter to deal with. He instantly felt uneasy for it, thinking of stopping it and verifying out for himself out of curiosity. But then, he decided not. Not because it was a waste of time for him to observed and theorizing on things he seemingly knew to it, but because he knew that all things he newly achieved are nothing to be amazed nor to astonished from it. Due to that, his focus and concentration towards the dungeon break he recently encountered had nothing to change about it. He valiantly running, until he arrived in the place where the last time he reached in. As he slowly getting near, the black terrifying magic aura that spreading out through the entire place had begun sensing into his presence and body. "I'm getting near, hang on!" Moreover, a few messages made by the system notification suddenly popped out into his head. Unfortunately, Levi didn't seem likely to open it. Not because it was already common for it to reacted, but because it was getting its way on tailing the path where he supposedly heading into. . !Bang! /A loud explosive noise crumbling at the back of the department head./ /Dust fog and slow earthquakes tremendously rumbling throughout the surroundings./ Sam Smeagel, who was having a hard time dealing with the trap holes that the Homo-goblins made just for him, began astounding that he felt a calm, yet uneasy aura that spreading all of a sudden after the explosion he heard just recently. A second later, a set of screeching noises that he heard above the hole. That made him terrified and frightened to hear at all. It was the Homo-goblins screaming for agony and mercy against a more monstrous foe nonchalantly decapitating towards them. At that moment, countless rumblings and tremors happened throughout the surroundings. Then, another batch of aerial assault made by the magic creatures throwing against the insatiable enemy that was seemingly unstoppable to deal with. "What... is... Happening... at the top?" A soft, squeaking word already trembling and terrified for the situation that Sam Smeagel went in. Even though he couldn't watch the entire situation that happened at the top, he rather felt a tremendous, alarming Awakening aura, clearly familiar to a certain person that seemingly new to the world it existed. "I've never felt such a murderous aura like this before." He added his thoughts, instantly felt traumatized about it. With that, he couldn't help also but to compare it with the power he solely had and the power that the young man solemnly acquired. "Amazing" In the end, he is adamantly amazed by Levi Furiman because of it. "I need to help him, but first... I need to help myself from this." He suddenly felt embarrassed while having his thoughts on giving a hand to Levi, because he was completely hopeless at his situation like this. On the other hand. Levi Furiman took at least 17 Homo-goblins in a 30-second time frame since he came into the battle. Numerous counts of bluish-dark-colored sigils are spreading everywhere. The forces of the magical creatures and other monsters were dramatically diminished over time. As Levi mercilessly killing most of them, his mind went blank once again after the fight he gave in began ceasing. Instead of gaining experience and attaining levels on killing the monsters and magic creatures accordingly. He began depressed, down in a single moment of regret and frustrations were the ones he felt eventually. !Thank you! !Thank you! !Thank you! Were the ones it kept insufflated on his head. That went his thoughts and emotions began exasperating on his conscience. "Wait... What was I expecting? Do I need to kill them for me to gain glory and to satisfy what I needed?" He didn't make himself consoling about his feelings at the moment. Furthermore, all sorts of voices that he heard from the monsters and magic creatures whenever he kills them inside the dungeon, was all are thanking him for killing them up for some particular reason. Causing Levi to left goof and ran wild on his head. "I don't want this... I can't take this... " Unfortunately, Levi went flustered, indignant about the situation he had at this moment. Couldn't be helped but not to continue the fight where he started long before. Suddenly; In an Unexpected happening; A soft, monstrous voice, resembling of a woman ludicrously taking to a mumbled Levi Furiman while slowly heading in towards him. It was a Demi-being with a race of a Homo-goblin slowly regaining back into her senses since the time the dungeon had turning into a break. She wept the tears of Levi Furiman, who already hated himself and was on the brink of frustration. Genuinely comforting him into her stead. "My... My... Calm down now, young Supreme Awakener... It is all right..." She asked Levi with a patience of a mother that he never had it. As the result, Levi continuously left crying. He then asked her about the things and happenings they went through until it reaches this far. However, she only answered very minimal, yet right on track to his concerns. About the past lives and regretful decisions that they made before turning into a monster. Like Gwaco the dungeon orc, Yaka also wanted to reach the power and glory to become stronger, far stronger she couldn't imagine. Until such time that her insanity and craving for killing other beings had gone too far, that turning her life away into a monster, lurking around the dungeon and killing Adventurers right on their accord. Not until the time they finally back into their senses when a person possessing the power of the Supreme Awakening had gone inside of it, causing them to remind all the wicked things and evil doings they made in their entire life. As the result, because their consciousness and thinking had finally regained, they're likely felt atoning it, but some of them weren't. Not only that, the black auras that they hardly attained will now being uncontrolled, barely able enough to manage it. And for them, that would be the main reason for the Adventurers Administration to close the dungeons and gates whenever it transformed into a break. Wanting to be killed by the hands of the Supreme Awakener that they only know it would be their greatest atonement of what they had already. Levi still didn't clearly understand what they're wanting to do. Became restless and felt uneasy for her. "Why you didn't just kill yourself when you guys wanting to pay for all the vicious things you'd made a long time ago?" Levi atrociously asked Yaka. Yaka simply nodded, graciously replied to what he asked of her. "Of course we can, but we couldn't." She responds with a grim smile on her face. "How is that possible?" Levi was perplexed, still weeping his eyes for a moment. But then, Yaka simply explained. "How can we possibly commit something that somebody stopped our intending?" "What do you mean?" Yaka started sighing due to Levi's incompetence of understanding. "It's because somebody stopped our doings to commit suicide nor killing our kind for some reason... Like this..." She left nothing but to evaluate it handier. !s***h! Yaka gently stabbed her heart in front of Levi. Blood raining to the ground and her voice screaming for pain and agony. Levi began startled all of a sudden, couldn't believe she did a horrendous thing very easily. He scolded Yaka instead of worrying about her as the result, began more resilient, and fluttered. Moments later, She revived without doing anything and like it, nothing happened. The blood that spurring on the ground was slowly eroding and her heart was instantly healed and replenished, like the ones turning back into normal. With that, Levi became apprehended. Couldn't believe what he had seen on her just recently, yet still upset about what she had done to it. "That explains a lot, wanna have a try?" Yaka simply left smuggling towards Levi. "Like I could!" He pouted. After that, She asked him to lend him a hand to test out something. "Now then, try hitting me with your Eye of the Awakening being activated..." She graciously requested. Levi suddenly felt uneasy about what she requested at first, didn't grant her favor knowing the fact that every strike he made is fatal against them. "I see... So you finally understand it..." She seemed glad as what she resolved. "So, do you mind killing us now?" She added her thoughts to him. Levi felt agitated for a while, didn't hold himself but to mimic his feelings towards them. Though he wants to kill them, his thoughts and conscience telling him not to and utterly unnecessary. He asked her if there's something that can revoke all sorts of conditions made both of their sides are having in favor. Fortunately, there has. Knowing the fact that the Awakening race did the young man possessed was the Jewish-Enochian, known for saving other races and beings from their deepest thoughts of insanity. Yaka already knew there has a way of saving them at a times like this. However; "You're still young to know that kind of spell, I guess you even don't know about it either." She began hopeless as she thinks there's another way on escaping her deep sadness right inside of their lives. Yet, those things might be meaningless that putting her thoughts into despair all of a sudden. Until such moment; She left smiling on her face as she saw Levi catching their sorrows and regret, like an innocent child never letting their loved ones go. As the result; Leaving Levi being a discomfort to what his feelings right now, left nothing but to accept a lot of their lives that they regretfully had. Killing them is nothing but an absolute option. A while after, Yaka gladly piling all her remaining fellow Homo-goblins and other magic creatures to surrender themselves right in front of him. "Please no... Stop this!" Levi nervously begging in front of Yaka. He even bowed his head to the ground and began regretting what he has done against them. Sadly, their minds and intentions don't want to change anymore. Patiently kneeling in line and waiting for their turns on meeting up with death at this point. "We're all here, please be a pleasure on killing u---" Yaka surprised and startled all of a sudden, didn't expect what he had done just a matter of a second. !s***h! /Blood spilling on the ground./ Multiple counts of System notifications continuously popping out. . . ***To be Continued***
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