Volume - 1 // Chapter - 30

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"This is hopeless, this kid had lost his conscious." Sam Smeagel utterly concluded the situation towards Levi Furiman's condition. The two Administration Personnel began flabbergasted, couldn't believe the situation they held in without him. Pista fluttery asked his chief on checking Levi's vital pulses. ~ Fortunately, it was all normal. But then, their uneasy feelings haven't gone completely after they entered the dungeon. It even burst out when they went halfway through and the initial plan was instantly changing drastically. "What do we do, Chief?" Pista valiantly asked once again, couldn't help his uneasy feeling to tremble every time. Misho felt the same, as he cautiously observing the weapons used by the goblins that Levi Furiman fought and killed. Sam Smeagel on his side, knowing that the lives they had are much essential than betting it in a meaningless, and uncertain way of winning. Couldn't put up any plans on continuing the raid without the one possessing the power of the Supreme Awakening anymore. As the result, he left nothing to do but to retreat dramatically as quickly as they can. "Let's withdraw, our mission had failed on a first try." Regrets and discouragement that he felt after he orders the two Personnel to retreat with him. Without having a single response, Misho and Pista silently leaving the dungeon, carrying the unconscious Levi Furiman on the back of Pista. Unfortunately; As the 3 Administration Personnel started packing up their belongings and ready to leave the place they held in. A huge, black magic aura surging towards the place where Levi and others held in. Causing the 3 Administration Personnel to trembled and be terrified of the approaching enemies that horrifyingly taking their appearances against them. "What is this feeling?" "So dark, so strong, so terrifying..." The two Personnel instantly went stunned and couldn't able to move on their own, as the tremendous and wicked black magic auras already covered up their bodies completely. Sam Smeagel also felt it, as he was the one who felt their dark presence from far away the most. Instantly shocked and completely alarmed. The first one he felt as if he's ready to fight against the monsters that viciously approaching them. Like a wild animal instinctively preparing to fight, Sam Smeagel started maximizing his Awakening presence and power to deal with the monsters, as well as to buy some time on escaping his subordinates to the outside safe and sound. "What about you, Chief?" Pista worriedly asked. "Don't mind me, I will win against these." Sam left smugly as his response to his long-time comrade. Misho, who noticed the sudden tremble of the surroundings, asking Pista to leave with him and letting his chief do the thing. By creating a new path that seemingly heading through the main entrance, Misho Santa nonchalantly digging a new trail for them to escape quickly, knowing the fact that the dungeon place they went in was a lot of holes and entrances to enter, they're easily managed to come in the middle through the path made by Levi Furiman as his starter to fight the raid. With the Awakening power of the Knightsmen race, he was easily done digging because of it. . The only one remaining in the dungeon was Sam Smeagel, facing against the unknown enemy that tremendously releasing a dark magic aura from time to time without taking the first appearance against him. Sam immediately noticed it, began wondering about the side of the enemies' situation beforehand. "What are those magical creatures doing?, they still didn't approach me even I'm already alone and half-guarded... What's going on?" His mind went blank for some reason, started to confuse and half-passed at the moment. Even started to think about certain conditions and descriptions about the existence of the Supreme Awakening possessors that the 'Book of Awakening' mentioned. That made his mind more thinking, which made him idled for some time. Eventually, As he calmly analyzed the situation and problems that he went. A few counts of arrows covered with poisons on its tip started flying away towards his position. Several meters away from Sam's position, he instantly noticed it using his senses and Awakening presence as a possessor of Demi-being race, that easily evading it with ease. /Arrows randomly flying towards him./ /Arrows became faster over time./ After a few minutes of evading the attacks made by enemies without stopping, Sam Smeagel started to felt exhausted as the toll for activating the Eye of the Awakening was astonishingly exhausting. As the result, his movements began dull and slower, that he forced himself to hide over the magic crystals and other hard objects suitable for covering aerial attacks. He kept muttering and wondering everything, even the time of when he held in for the last couple of days, the place where also he heading to, and the people he encountered before. Speaking for that; He suddenly wondered about a certain phrase and words coming from the Church Pastor regarding the 'Book of the Awakening' that directly resembling the one possessing the 'Eye of the Supreme Awakening'. {Whenever the 'Supreme Awakener' enters a dungeon, the dungeon itself became more aggressive until it turning out into a break.} The first one he wondered as to what he remembered from it. Then, another thing that continuing to the phrase after that. {Whenever the 'Supreme Awakener' taking its leave outside the dungeon, the dungeon itself was turning back into normal and began relatively active like it was its first existence.} Another thing that made him idled thinking and wondering. And so, the last one that he remembered after; {Whenever the 'Supreme Awakener' taking a fight nor battle against the dungeon that turning into a break, the dungeon boss itself had granted up with consciousness and awareness towards the enemies raiding in.} He felt shocked and complete at the same time, as he figured out the composite and conditions regarding a dungeon break that he held in for the first time in his career. "So that's it, the reason why they didn't take advantage on attacking me directly was that there only 3 possible reasons; They're aware that the man possessing the power of the Supreme Awakening was still inside the dungeon. They're buying some time due to the sudden trembling of the surroundings that reminding to the dungeon that nearly closing up. Or couldn't be..." He seemed shocked and ecstatic for some reason, getting thrilled and a lust for the killing was astoundingly oozing. Expectedly, Sam Smeagel started charging recklessly towards the enemies inside the dungeon. Unlike to what the things that Levi Furiman made earlier, Sam Smeagel was completely aware and prepared for the worst possible situations that he carefully predicted against them. As what the 3rd option that he intuitively observed. "The enemies itself had consciously aware to the powers of the Adventurers, that made themselves cautious and carefully took their moves and attacks against it." As the result, he was the first one to charge aggressively. And so; his intuition was right. As the enemies whose hiding in the dark began emitting a black, terrifying magic aura once again. Trying to intimidate Sam Smeagel for the second time. Unfortunately, Sam didn't flinch at all. He continued charging without hesitating and was all-rounded prepared. !s***h! !s***h! !s***h! By using a claw, resembling his main weapon. He furiously striking the bodies of the enemies through the dark and lack of vision that easily distorted a naked eye. Moreover, the Awakening race that the department head possessing was the Demi-being race, known for being the most suitable fighter and main attacker in almost every place and terrain they encountered. As the result, It was futile and easy for him to handle everything, especially in a kind of situation like this. In a matter of seconds, Sam Smeagel already killed 3 dungeon bosses right on the spot. "Homo-goblins?" He startled out and perplexed, like the ones emitting the black frightening auras he constantly felt were the magic creatures that seemingly feeble and low-grade monsters according to the Administration data's that they recorded long before. That they evenly measured according to their classifications and ranks. As what he remembered to the ones he killed just recently. "These are low-tier magic creatures, how can these handling a dungeon-like this big?" He muttered. "Aside from it, how can these beings be capable of emitting a tremendous, terrifying magic aura that is made by senses trembling?" "Is this the effects of the dungeon break? to be able to reach their limit into the highest form of being aggressive?" He kept muttering while killing the homo-goblins nonchalantly. As soon as he kept fluttering about that. The rage and wrath from other enemies were staggering against him, which made him flustered and taking back towards it. Dull and exhausted, like a furnace started to ran out of its fuel. As what he felt about fighting and pushing his limits against the enemies. Like it was no end for them to appeared right on his stead. At least 40 Homo-goblins and other small magic creatures remaining and surrounding the department head in just a blink of an eye. "There's so many of them, think Sam... how to escape this parade of monsters living inside." A sharp, quick thinker Sam Smeagel already loosens his mind on dealing with the enemies, whereas he also already running out of ideas on his head that only escaping was his last resort to survive. . . . At the back of the front lines. Trembles and crumblings throughout the insides of the dungeon were astounding. As if the dungeon itself had started closing. Pista Rambutan, along with Misho Santa and unconscious Levi Furiman having their move on escaping the might and forces of the enemies. As a matter of fact; None of them want to escape. Not because they're frightened not terrified of the enemies they're facing in. But because the orders and commands made by their Department head are absolute and only he can revoke. As the result, they couldn't help themselves but to felt regret and discouraged for themselves. "Dammit! ... I've never thought this is going to happen, This is embarrassing!" A loud shocking thought was made by Misho, who couldn't believe the situation they were currently in. Pista on the other felt the same thing as Misho did. Yet, he still made his mind calm even in times of dire situations. "Calm down, Misho-senpai, remember what the Chief said on us?" Pista tried to ease Misho's current behavior, wanting to stop his doings before things might getting absurd. Fortunately, He made Misho tamed, continued running until they reached the entrance of the dungeon. However; As they reached the place where they heading to. Pista suddenly noticed his back already light and formless, as he constantly carrying a certain person all this time since it passed out and unconscious. He asked Misho while running. "Wait... where's Levi?" He frustratedly asked. "Huh? what the hell was that kind of question? ... It courses its in your back, i***t!" Misho scolding as he responds at him. They finally realized after they stopped running and reached the place where they were supposed to take in. "How come did you lose him? Pista!!" He continued scolding with anguish feeling. Pista felt humiliated and down to himself, couldn't take back to the words that Misho gave to him. Out of their resolve, Misho asked and wanted an explanation for Pista's negligence. In his response, Pista calmly explained and remembering the things from the time he carried Levi Furiman until recently. Sadly, he didn't satisfied. Still wondering how did the young Supreme Awakener manage to escape their presence in a short period. Knowing the fact the amongst the 8 Strongest races that the Balancer of Race entrusted, the most prominent people and race in terms of controlling the Awakening presence was the Knightsmen race. And the reason why Pista Rambutan and Misho Santa calmly taking care of Levi Furiman lightly and unattended. In other words, they're confident enough to guard him due to the Awakening race they'd possessed. Due to their countless guarding people and other Adventurers on their grasp, that nobody would be able to escape whenever they tried, yet still failed. However, that was not the case when they tried to guard Levi Furiman. As for the first time of being an Administration Personnel, they felt humiliated and regretful as the first one who managed to escape was the one possessing the strongest stages according to the 'Book of Awakening' itself. They felt down, yet ecstatic for some personal reasons. Couldn't believe the experience they encountered by just meeting up with him. "Should we follow him?" Misho was gladly invited. "Whether we scolded to Chief or not... We need to keep an eye on him!" Pista graciously agreed. And thus, the two Administration Personnel started heading back again to the battlefield where Levi Furiman already rushing into. . . ***To be Continued*** ~~End of Volume 1~~ Hello dearest Readers..... I guess its time to know our Character preferences and their information ^_^>>> Let's start with the MC, then the Supportive Characters ^_^ Part 1: . Name: Levi Furiman Age: 14 Race: Human Birthdate: April 21, 2016 (Earth Calendar) / May 31st on the time when he got transferred into another world. Birthplace: Davao City // Earth Wield: Supreme // Incomplete Possessor's Race: Jewish-Enochian Hair Color: Black Skin Color: Tan / Not-so white, not-so brown Height: 5'4 Bodyweight: 60kg (He is semi-obese, but not too fat anyways... lmao) Horoscope: Taurus / Gemini Likes: Food Dislike: Almost nothing Hobbies: Helping people with or without knowing. . Name: Cassandra Smith Age: 16 Race: Human Birthdate: January 15, 2104 (The time of the World where the story goes in.) Birthplace: Unknown Kingdom // Althea Wield: Double - Quarterly Complete Possessor's Race: Providence Hair Color: Brown Skin Color: White Height: 5'5 Bodyweight: 35 Kg Horoscope: Capricorn Likes: Strong, Handsome people Dislike: Ugly, rude people Hobbies: Eating secretly. . Name: Misa Togo Age: 18 Race: Human Birthdate: August 29, 2102 (The time of the World where the story goes in.) Birthplace: Saint Haven // Althea Wield: Ordinary - Complete Possessor's Race: Demi-Being Hair Color: Black Skin Color: White Height: 5'7 Bodyweight: 45kg Horoscope: Leo Likes: Being praised Dislike: Getting embarrassed Hobbies: Fishing, Planting crops and vine fruits. . Name: Pastor Ozril Age: 43 Race: Human Birthdate: October 8, 2077 (The time of the World where the story goes in.) Birthplace: Unknown Kingdom // Althea Wield: Superior - Complete Possessor's Race: Jewish-Enochian Hair Color: Black Skin Color: White Height: 6'0 Bodyweight: 50 kg Horoscope: Virgo Likes: Respectful People Dislike: Disrespectful People Hobbies: Reading, Counting stars at night. . Name: Misho Santa Age: 23 Race: Human Birthdate: May 8, 2097 (The time of the World where the story goes in.) Birthplace: Saint Haven // Althea Wield: Double - Complete Possessor's Race: Knightsmen Hair Color: Brown-black Skin Color: 79% white, 23% brown Height: 5'8 Bodyweight: 53 kg Horoscope: Taurus Likes: Work Dislike: Being pressured for no reason Hobbies: Writing, bullying some junior Adventurer Knights Cadets. . ~~~~~To be Continued ^,^ ~~~~~
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