Volume - 3 // Chapter - 62

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For some particular reason; The thoughts of the Church Pastor, trying to stop the upcoming event had been lost dramatically in a converse argument against the Chief Department head. Leaving him no choice but to deal with the plans given by him instead. "If these two youngsters are very exceptional in terms of dealing a battle and fighting against monsters and magic creatures, then these may be kept hidden from the eyes of the public." Sincere suggestions were prepared by Luther to the Church Pastor. "Not only that, It would be a great suspicion not just from the eyes of the public but also from the higher position living in the Town. A certain commotion that will happen afterward if one of us will have to stop this important event, we need to be hostile and transparent about it, especially from the previous incidents that happened during the past few days." He simply adding his thoughts very fluctuant to him. Pastor Ozril had been thinking the same thing for a long time, knowing that the two were very young and frail to understand the hideous and unwanted side of the society they lived in. As the result, he left nothing to say but to entrust the whole matter to the Chief Department Head for a while. With a slight distraught on his feeling and nodded very badly at that moment. "But then, how do you managed to hide these two kids without showing their full potential to the public?" He simply asked half-heartedly and apprehensive. As soon as he starts making his assurance towards the upcoming situations that seemingly inevitable; The eyes of the Chief Department Head went out solemn and sincere as if he didn't want to throw away the very important gems he once grasping up at the very least. "I'll make these two very low-key, by sabotaging their identity and information showing up in front of the public." He simply answering the Church Pastor's acute question with a grim smile on his face. And thus, sipping the sweet tea prepared by the attendants and casually eating lunch at the room; The two old people had gone putting on their minds once more, agreeing to the same goal that only them knows what would happen shortly. ... The day had finally come to the people of Willow Village. The Annual Adventurers Assessment. It was a once-a-year event given by the Adventurers Administration to the people who wanted to become an Adventurer. Moreover, it was also the time where Adventurers who receiving their ranks and assessment given by the Administration had far not satisfactory than what their desired expecting points. By knowing so, it was the time of the year for them to show the fruits of their patience and achievements they went through for the entire year of earning. Some of the people and Adventurers had been gathering around inside the Administration Building, to assess themselves and re-evaluate their activities and achievements they earned to the assessors and evaluators. While most of them are being held themselves enjoying the scenery of a loud, livable festival that suddenly spurring out in a matter of preparations. Everyone from the Church people is already having in through the place where the festival occurring. They started to split up into groups, trying not to get lost from the crowd, especially to the young children they bought in whom wanting to enjoy themselves from the festival to its fullest. Cassandra, Misa, and other female Church Attendants started to form their position and began leaving without being noticed. Casa, Nascondra (Who was constantly hiding her presence away from the people) and Yaka (Did the same thing as well) were the ones who decided to accompany the children and leaving them to their care. Tisa, Govan, Lock, and Lina surprisingly went separating themselves. Instantly heading out to the selective places they wanted to visit that appearing only once a year. The Entities, however, cannot be joined to the party since they couldn't be managed to enter the main village territory anymore. Due to the ascertain things that blocking out the entire path, they left nothing to do but to stay in the Church repulsively. Even though they wanted to join the festival along with them, they simply couldn't for some adamant reason taking its hindrances towards it. As the result, they felt upset and down for the whole day until the festival comes to an end. "Sigh. I wonder what's happening outside." Ais went out bore to her feelings at the moment, after she finished all the toys and other things that able to play seemingly enjoyed to deal with. Other Entities do the same thing. Rather, they started to clean the entire place as a mode of gratitude for taking them up completely and for respect. Not only that, declining isn't optional for the commands of Lylia the Entity, causes them to agree without any sort of complaining. "If I see any pieces of dirt in the corner, you'll know what comes next don't you?" Lylia simply adding her commands towards them as if it happens like any regular day. Furthermore, they felt regret for cleaning the whole Church in a very instant way. And last; Leaving the Church Pastor himself, accompanying Lock and Levi Furiman at the back of a huge tree. The three suddenly held themselves at their own, as they immediately left behind to the people whose adamantly able to come back with. Seeing their face very prudent and innocent to lose in a short period of a matter, suddenly asked themselves on whether how lives are important when someone finally arrives their time of leaving. "They left... And were in remain..." Levi calmly nodded. "Yeah, because this i***t old man wanted us to have with him... Are you dying enough trying not to leave your loved ones in your stead?" Lock aggressively complain. Levi sarcastically thinking the same thing. "Hahahaha, you'd wish that I might come to that part... Aren't you?" Pastor Ozril humorously responded. Sitting on a bench, at the bottom of a huge mystic tree. The thoughts of a Church Pastor started to be held and shared with the minds of promising young people in his stead. Asking back about the dreams and promises they wanted to fulfill before the time comes up in a very unexpecting way. "Me, I just want to know about my parents... about my represent race, and my pride as well... I just want to show that I'm alive and happily lived..." Lock surprisingly went sentimental and gentle towards his words in a spur of a moment. Causing Levi and Pastor Ozril to be startled all of a sudden. They tried not to laugh, unfortunately, they couldn't. As the two went out teasing his response at him, unintentionally mocking his behaviors and attitudes given by it at some point. That making Lock to blushed out and began anguished towards them. He simply left out at the bench as the result, trying to forget what he had said entirely. And initially heading out the Administration Building without being noticed. . Furthermore, the only ones left at the main Village Park were the Church Pastor and Levi Furiman. Sitting very casual and solemnly focusing on the people who being enjoyed the things that seemingly come out once in a year. Bland, broad daylight of the afternoon. The entire senses and presence they felt had been cold and serene, since the day the first they met. A strange position is given by Levi, which is putting his left knee on top of his right one like sitting in a number 4 position, placing his left arm on stood with his head, and right eye astoundingly glaring in front of where his head putting into. The keen senses are given by the Church Pastor, intuitively observing the behavior of the Supreme Awakener was nothing but an utter towards his appearances giving in. Showing no signs of deliberate towards an opening for the others that generally causes them to intimidate. Asking him the same thing about the dreams and promises, like the ones he asked to Lock moments ago. Suddenly, some unexpecting happened. The eyes of the Supreme Awakener began destitutely, solemnly wanted to make it more serious than any other questions. Pastor Ozril didn't surprise as to what he resolved, but this time he made more sincere as well. Instantly understand the thoughts and convictions he'd made since the time they met outside the dungeon. He graciously knows what kind of life did Levi Furiman held into, that none of the Church People knows long before. They also didn't know that he is a Supreme Awakening Possessor, that all of the Ancestors thought it would just be nothing but a myth according to the 'Book' written by itself. A short answer that virtuously took in, Levi simply nods his head towards the Church Pastor with an Eye of the Awakening patiently spurred out into his right. "I just want to go home." A hard, simplistic reply that is very sensitive to understand for the likes of a few. At that point, the thoughts of the Church Pastor became stagnant. Couldn't believe what he just said, rather than what he expected to say. 'Among all the Supreme Awakening Possessors I know and I adamantly remembered, this kid is very exceptional and how he behaves on his appearances. I never thought this one wouldn't want to become strong, rather he wants to go back to where he came from, unlike the other ones who chose to stay and became strong, strong enough to conquer the entire world.' 'This one is worth investing to hone, I'm glad that I'd made a deal with him once again and taking some huge gamble with it for a long time.' A quick palpable word expressing his gratitude towards Levi by knowing him first and foremost. After a while of having a short conversation with him, he simply left him out for doing what he wants. Realizing the fact that the ones he seriously glaring into for the whole time were a short vending stall, selling short buns stuffed with ground meat and vegetables in it and served only for a limited time, like the festival that currently occurring. In particular, the sole person leaving around was the Church Pastor itself. Constantly observing the surroundings with audacity and volatility, hoping that no other things nor uncanny people will unlikely appear and causing huge outrage of commotion throughout the festival. Not only that, his mind suddenly went out puzzled. As he unconsciously remembered the Entities that unwantedly leaving behind through the celebrations. "Hmm... I wonder what they felt when we left the Church without them? How pity they had..." He went sad at them he thinks about it. "Guess I'll buy some food and other clothes for them..." He added his thoughts and plans on having his time at the festival, instantly heading to the apparel shop which is a few streets away from the Administration Building where Lock was constantly heading into. . . . Administration Building. People and Adventurers began rampantly and the inside went out crowded all of a sudden. As the number of applicants and re-evaluators had become soaring, comparing to the previous years they'd made. Countless Adventurer Knights are deploying accordingly and unity to be headed by Robert Steel, whereas taking in charge of the securities and orderliness throughout the event. Along with other Building Attendants, the jobs and tasks they made had been stagger and fluctuant to the point that most of them began restlessly and worn out. But then, the event must go on. As all of them had gone attentive and approachable, especially to the representatives and receptionists who graciously taking their place in dealing with the Adventurers as well as those who aspire to become one. "I've never thought this year would be so rowdy and wild, unlike those previous years. Right. Robert?" The Chief Department head simply asked the Adventurer Knights head. Intuitively, Robert simply nodded without opening his mouth on answering due to some nervous and frightened presence he felt towards him. Other Adventurer Knights who are being accompanied by him do the same thing. Instead, Robert quickly diverted his thoughts completely. Nonchalantly asking for accordance to him on taking place inside the building, with a slight discomfort he felt momentary the more he gets near into him. The Chief Department Head simply noticing it, as well as the people surrounding him. Began slowly taking his guard down at the moment, thinking it would be bothersome to the others whose consciously wary against it. And started answering their questions prudently and truce as much as he possibly could. "Hahahahaha, don't fret about me... I was just passing in and overseeing the entire happenings from here... We never know when and where the unexpected foes might appearing especially on this kind of event." He casually replied at him like everything they'd felt around it are nothing happened. Everyone from the second floor of the building began startled at him even more, couldn't hold themselves focusing on the Chief Department head's presence rather than being attentive towards the crowd and Adventurers continuing to come in. As the people from the ground floor become stagnant and overwhelmed eventually, The entire Administration Personnel had to take their force on attending to all their needs outside the building. In which the events of arrangement are generally covered as what have their plans a few days ago, had been changed drastically and conclusively. In particular; Those who want to assess and registered their names to become an Adventurer shall be held and taking their place outside the building. While the re-assessment and re-evaluation on ranks are taking their place inside. Speaking of which; The Chief Department head had slowly taken his leave away from the crowd, without saying a word from Robert Steel nor the others. Instantly concealing his presence and not a single trace for them to know where and why he left in. All that he knows about him was that; "If something interesting happened, He shall be there." A quick reminiscence Robert remembered about him entirely, since the time he first came in to become the Adventurers Knight Department Head. . . ***To be Continued***
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