Volume - 2 // Chapter - 48

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4 hours ago, since the start of the Quest acceptance and Raid mission. Prepared by the Adventurers and people of the Willow Village. Everyone seemed enthusiastic and thrilled towards the mission that they held throughout the Village. Joy and laugher came into their faces at first, not imagining the fact that the dangers that lie inside of it are utterly inevitable. Especially those dungeons that atrociously intimidating from the likes of others. That they couldn't believe the quest rank and dungeon they picked, was extremely dangerous than no one else expecting. And thus, as the result. The agony and despair towards them had finally started. . (Refers to Chapter 43, whereas the Adventurers started entering the remaining dungeon break.) !Blood dropping! !Ground Shaking! !People Screaming in despair! !Laughter and joy had turned into despair and desperation! As most people gathered around the dungeon, was unexpectedly wounded and immobile against the herd of Homo-goblins. Didn't believe the sudden turns of events happened in a blink of an eye. "Those Monster, how come they're so strong to deal against us?" One raid member went out perplexed out of his disbelieved and confusion. As he saw most of his members had already stumbled and dropped dead to the ground. Raid healers couldn't hold themselves anymore, knowing that the mana they stored isn't much enough to heal all of them in a single event. Tanks also couldn't defend the Raid them, as the brute force and Awakening powers they had aren't strong enough to receive all attacks and charges given by the enemies. The same with the Fighters and Marksman as well, knowing the fact that the forces and strength given by the Homo-goblins are far superior and terrifying against them, they simply outplaying their roles about it. But then; Among the 15 Adventurers participating in the said quest and dungeon; Only 3 of them remained to fight, putting their lives on a stronghold to save everyone, and to escape the dungeon as well. Aside from it, knowing the fact about their condition. They knew they couldn't last that long. Thinking that the forces of Homo-goblins had gone stronger and heavier to fight towards them. As the result, in a forceful order; The Party leader decided to retreat and abandoned the dungeon as quickly as they possibly can. Leaving everything that seemingly heavy, even the magic crystals and gems inside had nothing to sparred but to leave it as well. Thinking it would be a bothersome and burden for them to carry outside, that might causing them huge trouble to deal with whenever the enemies started to catch up once again. In a few minutes, The Adventurers who having their failed mission had successfully managed to escape a certain death against the enemies. . On the other hand, On the side of the Homo-goblins; "Put down your mask, Now!" A loud female commander, ordering the Subordinates to remove the specific item immediately. Not knowing the fact that the source of their insanity is coming from the mask they put through the entire time. And so; the vicious, terrifying aura they emitted had finally perished as everyone started removing their masks thoroughly and efficiently. Their consciousness had to turn back to normal. And their senses had regained back in an instant. The expressions and emotions given by the Adventurers are quite opposite for their side. They had now the ones being ecstatic and contented to the results battling against the known enemies. Even though most of them suffered great loss and casualties, they knew the result was absolute and nothing to be surprised about it. As they resolved, most of the survivors simply started to mourn and sorrow. Whole-heartedly and glad. "Yaka-san, the Adventurers had finally taken their leave, should we followed them outside?" One Homo-goblin fighter suggested with courage. Suddenly, out of his surprise. !Bang! A strong, astounding force, swinging forth towards the Homo-goblin's body whose about to fly away on its existence. Didn't like its suggestion, that putting the sweet mouth of Yaka into bitterness. "What the hell are you talking about? If you bastards started appearing from the outside, the Administrations and other Human Associations will be started hunting this place. Much worse than that, us! Do you even have a brain to think into that?" Yaka felt irritated, simply didn't like the behaviors and greediness of her own kindred She instantly walked out from the dungeon, leaving the true Monsters and other magic creatures residing in their Actual place peacefully and vigorously. . As Yaka and other Homo-goblins having their leave to the dungeon. A Demi-being human with a race of a bunny, nonchalantly approaching towards them. Without being afraid nor trembling on their bodies. Yaka simply greeted him as she utterly responded. Thinking for some news that was seemingly pleasant through her ears. "What is it? Luga?" She asked calmly. Luga seemed exhausted, already worn for the travel that he bought just to reach their place. He takes a rest for a while, trying to catch his breath for a minute. Then, he spoke out terrifyingly and viciously, causing the Homo-goblins who heard about it became alarmed and startled. Acting recklessly and wild. The Homo-goblins started taking their move to charge against the perpetrators, whereas on their way through their hideouts. Yaka couldn't hold herself to stopped their movements, knowing the fact that the movements they'd made were far hasty and reluctant to be halted. Aside from that, she left smiled horrendously. Thinking that the intruders Luga mentioned, were the ones she had dealt against her not too long ago. 'So you've finally made up your mind, Sam Smeagel?' She suddenly went mesmerizing her mind towards the Department head's current existence. As she resolves, she started rushing in towards the hideout that other Demi-beings prepared for them. As well as to lessen the casualties dealt between them, and the Investigators towards the place where she was supposed to meet. . In the middle of Bamboo Forest; (Refers to the Third part of Sam Smeagel and Pista Rambutan's Misadventures) As Yaka finally managed to join the trail made by the Homo-goblins. After she held herself fighting alone against the Magic creatures and other Awakening beasts lurking inside the dense rainforest for at least 30 minutes. Along with Luga, whereas already passed out due to some terrifying feelings against the vicious presence given by the Awakening beasts and wild magic creatures. He finally awake and regained back on his consciousness after they reached outside the rainforest. However, he left himself alone afterward. Yaka on the other hand, whose about to go down due to the exhaustion she used on her body. She couldn't make herself rested and relaxed, as she suddenly received another set of alarming news that made her senses crumbling due to fear and terrified in an instant. "Entities..." Are the first word coming from her head, which triggered her senses to made shattered into pieces? 'How come did they made their move in a time like this?' She made puzzling her head for a reason. 'After we slept in despair for more than hundreds of years, is this the prize for us to take such kind of darkness through our existence?' 'In at this rate, I must protect my kind against the might of the Entities.' 'Entities? Demi-beings? two of the 8 Strongest Races? My a$$... All that we know since the time of our Ancestors was all about fighting and killing each other for the sake of beliefs and convictions.' As soon as she kept herself mumbling in the middle of the road. She didn't even notice the road she takes in was also the same way Pista Rambutan having his bout against her kindred. Until she finally realized that one of the two Awakening Race possessors started emitting slowly and about to passed out in no time, causing her to rushed into them and deflect all of her comrade's attacks at once. !Bang! A loud explosion made by Yaka made the movements of her fellow Homo-goblins to stopped their doings. After she successfully managed to restraint their attacks. She immediately commanded them a repulsive order, causing them to have a second-thoughts for a moment. "Sam Smeagel" "The other one that his companion..." "Treat their wounds immediately..." "But... Those humans are enemy---" One concerned Homo-goblin couldn't finish his suggestion. "Like do I care about their status! Those guys are my Guest, you stupid idiots!!" She left anguished towards their actions. Causing them to be startled and frightened all of a sudden. Out of their perplexed feelings towards the situation, they held in; They simply do the orders that Yaka commanded to them, trying not to complain and left mumbling on their own instead. . . Present time. The same moment when Lock and other Administration Personnel taking their time helping the Adventurers on relieving their agony and despair. The second part of the meeting was between Yaka the Homo-goblin and Sam Smeagel of the Administration's Investigation Department. Had finally taking its place for the second time around. Letting the two alone inside the room, while the other Demi-beings started leaving the place out of their resolve. Sam and Yaka finally have their time, thinking like a couple wanting a date in an isolated and silent environment. And sharing thoughts and plan for the problem that seems troublesome and threatening shortly. "2 out of 6 Dungeon gates that Levi Furiman entered and turning into a break, was the place where the Entities takes in." Yaka felt terrified and threatened by the way she shared her thoughts towards Sam Smeagel. Sam didn't understand what kind of threat are those beings that Yaka mentioned. But then, as he kept noticing the sudden changes in Yaka's behaviors and actions. That put her mind in despair and brink of desperation. He knows that the problem she faced was nothing but absolutely terrifying and utterly desolating to be imagined. As what he resolved against it, without having any second thoughts and hesitation. He voluntarily taking himself putting on the line, on behalf of their forces to be able to be stronger at some point. Knowing the fact that the Awakening race he held was the Demi-Being, he instantly understood the point of being wary towards the enemies that they facing shortly. Especially those kinds of enemies that are seemingly formidable and invincible to fought to. Yaka felt glad and grateful for the decisions given by the Department head for her. Out of the blue, she suddenly hugged Sam tightly, showing some kind of fetish manner and acting like a couple towards him. Unnoticingly and shameless. Later on, she realized it. Making her felt regret and blushed made her entire body pale as the result. Sam, on the other hand, went stunned and shocked for an obvious reason. Couldn't believe the surprising move made by Yaka, which caused him to went pale on his body and went blush on his face all of a sudden. Can't even talked properly and went startled, as what he felt for a moment. However; In an unprecedented happen; The timid, kind attitude he has given to her was suddenly changed. As the scent of unwanted things started to stink right from the Department Head's nose, time he tried to smell Yaka's long, darkish-green colored, silky hair in an instant. !Human Blood! More appropriate; Adventurer's blood. His eyes went dark, gloomy to their core. Went resilient and stunned, didn't expect the things that no one else for the part of him to be expecting from the likes of others. The emotions and expressions he just showed in front of Yaka were utterly astounding, easily recognized, and realized from the side of her. She starts asking, trying to divert things that making Sam's verging presence calm down. As she felt choked and locked up from hugging that made her movements immobile and restrained. "Yaka... Tell me something..." "Wha... What is it?..." She replied with anxiety and frightened at him. "You guys... Did you guys kill at least few Adventurers just now?" Sam asked solemnly, trying to calm the tone of his voice not to made Yaka startled and terrified. Perplexed and Apprehensive, as what the thoughts coming from the minds of Yaka. Couldn't make herself answer what Sam Smeagel wanted to point out towards her. She simply hugging him back more tightly and emotionally as resolve. . Few minutes had passed for the side of Pista Rambutan and Nascondra on the other hand. Whereas the two taking their place as well, at the shrine of the Unknown, a hidden place they held in. ?A Monolith!? As what the eyes of Pista Rambutan went widened and amazed for the first time seeing it. Nascondra seemed glad and nodded as she saw her friend went satisfied with the things that even herself had felt proud of it. More likely, knowing the fact that it was the only view and scenery to be seen aside from the huge bamboos and shrines throughout the place was made Nascondra to left showed for. Dubious and timid, as what she felt on him for a moment. Thinking that it wouldn't be made him satisfied with the efforts that she made just for him. She went isolated away in a distance, thinking it would be humiliating for her to getting near to him. "Amazing, it's my first time seeing these beautiful places like this..." He commending positively, trying not to hurt Nascondra's feelings in an instant. Though, he likes it either way. As soon as she heard from it, Nascondra's gesture went changed all of a sudden. Seemingly ecstatic and thrilled because of him. That making her Awakening powers unconsciously activating, went hiding her appearance, and became invisible to the eyes of an ordinary. "Ooty... Nascondra-san... don't screw with me... I know you're just there..." Pista annoyed for some reason, didn't like the way She acted into him so suddenly. "Find me, and you'll be mine... Hehe." She went teased and comical at him instead. "....." Pista left pouted. Like accepting a challenge prepared by the opponents, Pista didn't back out on it. Rather, he used his Eye of the Awakening to sense the presence of Nascondra within his vicinity. Around 30 meters was his maximum limit to be reached on his Awakening powers. As the result, he has instantly seen Nascondra's presence. Hiding in a huge statue that went his head felt dizzy every time he kept staring into it. "Gotcha!" Fortunately, He got caught Nascondra while she's in a concealed mode. Unfortunately; !Boing! !Boing! /Nascondra went startled, humiliated, and blushed to her core./ "Eh? Why is it so bouncy and soft... What is this thing anyway?" He got curious and dull. Pista unexpectedly grabbed some part of Nascondra's body. Causing him to be stunned in an instant. Not knowing the fact that the one he grabbed, was Nascondra's soft breast in a blink of an eye. "Pista-kun... You i***t!" Pista received some blunt punches given by Nascondra as the result. After he realized it when she deactivates her concealed ability out of her anger. A few minutes later. Pista finally regained his consciousness. He started to apologize for what he had done to her, quickly regretting the things that might be unforgivable for the likes of her. "It's fine, I forgive you..." Luckily, she is an apologetic Demi-being woman. Pista felt relieved for a while. "But then, don't you ever do it again!!!" She threatens Pista with a grim smile on her face. Causing Pista to be startled and traumatized once again. Then, in undefiable turns of events; As the smiles and laughter can be seen by the two of them just recently; Pista's mood went changed all of a sudden. As he noticed a huge statue, seemingly terrible and intimidating to be seen. Asking calmly and solemnly to the ones residing to the place where it takes in, about the statue that he had seen just now. Without hesitating and blunt, Nascondra simply answering it with grace and glad towards him. "That's the monolith of the Sea Dragon... Haven't seen that one yet?" She asked with thrill and astonishment. For the eyes of Nascondra, it would be their treasure and memories living from their ancestors through the next generations. But for the eyes of Pista Rambutan, it would be a total nightmare and mind-blowing to be remembered for the rest of his life. . . ***To be Continued***
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