Volume - 2 // Chapter - 49

2387 Words
~Sys++$(_!3)... Notifi$!@#$(/... The System notification inside Levi's mind had started disrupting, the more he insists to opened it. Out of his surprised and apprehensive feelings, he made all of a sudden. A weak, unwanted voice made by the unknown person nonchalantly whispering on his head. So eerie that made his body skin shiver and goosebumps. "Don't move, Supreme Possessor... You're already surrounded." The unknown person horrendously responded, solemnly threatened Levi for his unnecessary movements. Momentarily, Levi also had no other choice but to do what the unknown person told them to. Knowing that the only thing he relied on in a time of need, was surprisingly immobilized and couldn't able to use at the moment. Aside from that, his thoughts on what the unknown person does were slightly true and sincere. Because people around the central Village didn't seem aware and flippant throughout the surroundings that suspiciously taking its place on a dark side. Causing Levi to limit his actions and be more cautious even more. "Who are you? What do you want from me? How did you know my identity?" Levi started asking out of his curiosity about his current situation. As he responded, he knows the new foe he'd facing was far mysterious and formidable than what he exactly imagined. But then, as what he didn't expect coming from the unknown person's response. It answered very casually and normally. More normal than an ordinary 10-year-old little girl, sitting right next to him. "We're Entities... We didn't come to harm anyone and anybody... We just want to come here to free ourselves some freedom and liberty, that we didn't have since then..." *****Entities -- One of the 8 Strongest Race that the Balancer of Race Entrusted to. Along with the Demi-Beings and Knightsmen Race, the Entities also have their special and unique characteristics far specified only for them. Levi on the other hand, went out shocked and startled as the tone of the Unknown person went changed all of a sudden. That he admitted he didn't focus on what it said at all. 'So Loli---....' He felt guilt and apprehensive for some reason. He then asked the unknown person about its name afterward, trying to remove those disgusting memories he had in his past life. Sadly; The unknown person itself hasn't remembered its name, went gloom and upset as the result. Levi also went distraught to what he felt on it; He suddenly went out putting on his mind giving on its name instead of as what he resolved for the unknown person's awful feelings. 'Since its voice was girly, so that would be mean this one is a girl... So what would I possibly giving her name for the rest of her life?' He went mumbling on his mind. The unknown person patiently waiting for Levi's answer, left enjoying the surroundings showed on its eyes while being thrilled to the food that he shared just for it. !Lilo! "Your name is Lilo!... Nice to meet you, Lilo-san." Levi finally got on his mind, after a few seconds of thinking for her appropriate name. "Lilo...Lilo...LoliLoli..." She felt glad and grateful towards him. Even though it went arduous for her to pronounced, She still able to enjoyed speaking for her new name in some ways. That shouting her name throughout the park where they stopped by didn't seem enough for her to thank it. And so, as the two had now felt easy and well-rounded to each other; Levi started asked on her once again. Regarding what she said on her about freedom and liberty that she had mentioned moments ago. . . At the Village Library; "Entities... How did they manage to come into this place?" The first thing that made Cassandra Smith went puzzling on her head. As she felt a tremendous, terrifying aura coming from her front. Suspiciously asking Nadia about the situation that they'd actually be in. But then, Nadia also didn't expect the appearance that they currently exist. Went out trembling on her feet and couldn't talk properly, as she was the one who felt the horrendous awakening aura that the Entities emitted the most. Surging thoroughly right through her deep senses. "Hold your hopes, Nadia-san..." Cassandra tried to calm Nadia's overflowing Demi-being aura due to the fear and insanity that she felt. As Nadia saw that Cassandra didn't at the moment. A silver-dark-colored Awakening aura, resembling the Entities Race, calmly emitting while furiously spreading throughout the building. Had started to reach the Demi-being aura that Nadia tried to overcome, and began eating like feasting in a banquet made of Awakening Presence. And made Nadia left unconscious and stumbled down as the result. Cassandra went shocked and trembling, shouted her name out of surprise, and started rooting towards the unknown Entity as what she desperately resolved coming from it. "Curse you---...." She was stunned all of a sudden. Knowing the fact that the enemy she rooted the most, was already in front of her. And start having a quick commotion between them at some point. /Wind surging inside had staggering./ /Tables, chairs, and bookshelves had started rumbling and scattering throughout the inside./ /Surroundings to what Cassandra seen in her naked eye had started to change dramatically. Constantly transferring her senses and consciousness into another dimension./ In the meantime; While the inside of the Library was utterly messy and in an atrociously terrible state. The outside whereas the people can easily notice what's happening on the inside. Was absolutely nothing but suspicion. Not knowing the fact that the people displaying on the window was nothing but a controlled ability made by the unknown Entity, causing the thoughts of the people watching from the outside was seemingly normal and pleasant to be seen. Back at the scene; Cassandra on the other hand. Couldn't hold herself but to Activate her Eye of the Awakening, thinking as its last resort for her dealt against the formidable Entity. And started blasting strong, audible explosions in a fraction of a second. /Fire spreading throughout the surroundings./ /Smoke of the aftermath are scattering and clouding for a mere second./ Unfortunately, the unknown surrounding didn't disperse and reverted after her explosive attack. Cassandra already expecting the result. As she knew the ones they messing too, were the worst possible enemy that she faced. And so; Out of her perplexed feeling towards the environment that the Entities send her to. She solemnly asked about their existence, their intentions of causing havoc and disturbance of other races. As well as the sole purpose for them to have the place, whereas the existence for them was quite peculiar and unusual to the likes of other races. She utterly waits for several minutes. Unfortunately, not an ample noise did she heard coming from their response from her. Annoyed and irritated, as the emotions, she felt due to it. Thinking it was some kind of comical way of sending her away from the physical world where they held in. !!!?? "What is this place?" A prison? "No, more likely...." A paradise. The first one she came on her thoughts right from the start. Birds tweeting, rivers flowing, cold chilly winds shivering through the skin, and shining broad daylight illuminating the surroundings. As what she had seen and felt to the place where the Entities sending her away at the moment. "What is this place, by the way?" She asked with ambiance and serenity. Without having any sort of hatred on her mind, Cassandra suddenly felt peace and vibrance for the first time since then. Without getting interrupting, living in a peaceful environment and dying in a such way will have nothing to be wished for in the minds of Cassandra Smith. That ended up losing her guard off right in the middle of the fight. !Stab! All of a sudden; As what she forgot to the things that she currently held on to. Due to her negligence in putting herself on guard. She went stabbed to the back, surprisingly hit the tip on her gut, and blood disturbingly falling away to the ground. "Providence, Eh? ... Seems like we are the worst possible enemies to be faced against yours... Hmmhahahammm..." A feeble, eerie word shivering through the ears of Cassandra Smith. Whereas she felt agony and despair in an instant. Immobile and restrained, as she had moments after she gets stabbed in the back. However, in a fortunate situation. 'I didn't get hurt? ... How?' She felt confused yet frightened for a second. "So much blood spreading, while I seemed fine and conscious? what is going on?" Her mind went puzzling even more. But then, more importantly; The one that she waiting for had finally appeared once again, thinking it would be the culprit for sending her senses away to this place. And started to approach her nonetheless. "You seemed pale, does this thing (pointing to the sword that stabbing Cassandra's body) bothers you?" "Fear not... we do not come here to hurt or disturb others..." "We only came here for a purpose..." The unknown Entity simply nodded at her with a grim smile on its face. . . At the same time, The other 2 Church Attendants didn't seem aware of the situation that happened elsewhere throughout the Central Village. Happily strolling through the busy streets, along with the people that unaware of a sudden commotion anytime it occurred. "Hmmm... What a nice, cold thing that melting in my mouth whenever I licked it." She felt delighted with the food she ate for the first time. Wondering about the name that worth remembered through her mind. "That this was called 'Ice cream', as Levi-chan told us about that." One Church attendant nodded to her curiosity. "I'm sure Levi-chan knows everything that existed even here... As expected from him..." She went astounded at him, simply commending his efforts towards their interest. Her companion seemed to agree to what she said to him. *Make -- An ordinary Awakener with a possessor of Providence race. One of the Oldest Church Attendants of the Church Village (26), always making some compliments to others even those people who don't know and have to know yet. Kind-hearted and overprotective to the youngsters of the Willow Village Church. *Tisa -- A long, blonde-haired 'Gyaru' with a race of Knightsmen. One of the Strongest Church Attendants on par with Cassandra Smith, nonetheless even more. Also, one of the big sisters of the young Attendants (23), allowing her to be the most reliable person amongst the people who needed to fight the most. (Gyaru --- is a Japanese transliteration of the English slang word 'gal' ("girl") used to define a fashion subculture in Japan. It is rumored to be inspired by the popular late 1980s American action drama series Baywatch, which also appeared on Japanese television.) As the two started to head back to the park, where the meeting place where they were supposed to meet. Tisa suddenly felt a strange, unwanted sensation that made her body tingle and went eerie. Alarmed and hesitant, as what she felt the more she gets near to the peculiar Awakening aura. Not knowing the fact that the direction they were supposed to be heading are the same ones she sensed the most. "The Malicious Awakening Aura, was coming from the park?" "Whereas a lot of people gathering to that place?" "What is going on?" She went mumbling on her mind, couldn't believe the situation she held in all of a sudden. Make, on the other hand, left idled on her own volition. Had felt different than what Tisa felt at the moment. As she saw people around the park had seemed dull and dead, being controlled by someone like a puppet, and the magic presence that everyone emitted had gone wild and hideous to be seen in public. That made her felt trembling the way she saw it. "What should we do? Tisa-chan?" Make asked nervously. "Strike them with gentle. That would be the only way for them to wake up." Tisa replied without hesitating. The plan made by them had easily settled, quickly attacking the people who are being controlled by some unknown people. Without getting noticed by others and not having any sorts of unwanted commotions. !Boom! !Boom! Tisa left efficient on dealing with the people with ease and unnoticed. While Make having a hard time waking up the people on her side. People around her had started noticing her unusual doings to others, causing them to be startled and distanced towards her. "Make!" Tisa surprisingly unnoticed the gap between them is far enough to back out, making her left up in the middle of the public. "I'm sorry..." She continued her convictions half-hearted with regret. . Few minutes had passed. Alone and exhausted; The eyes of Tisa went out tired and worn out, as she knew things that pushing up to its limits would be blunt and disruptive in the end. Couldn't imagine the amount of strength and Awakening aura that she emitted would be staggering and leaked. But then, things that she did are worth paying for. As the people she helped had finally regained their consciousness, without noticing her presence and appearances after all. The strange, frightening aura she felt the whole time had started to reduce. Dispersing into emptiness and the wild, eerie atmosphere throughout the surroundings had gone back into a normal state. However, That was not the case when she finally reached the Village Park where she supposedly waiting for the others to meet. As the wild, peculiar Awakening aura far terrifying than the ones she felt before, had covering throughout the place aiming for a specific target towards it. She went stunned and nauseous as she couldn't hold herself on sensing through it. Causing her to stepped back for a while and have deep thoughts on entering the place, or rather not. Unfortunately, It was already late for her to do that. Not knowing the fact that 3 unidentified Entities are already on the back of the lone Knightsmen, unwillingly surrounded and restraining. That on the side of Tisa knew the gap of their strength and power was astonishing mind-blowing. That having a confrontation between them would be similar to a suicidal and comical understanding of dealing with a fight against them. . . ***To be Continued***
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