Volume - 2 // Chapter - 47

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At the 3 Church Attendant's perspective; At the Willow Village Administration Building. The voice of the crowd and other sorts of busy noises are quite rowdy this day. It was since most of the Adventurers had started reporting their quest activities back to the officials and representatives, for them to receive the rewards they hardly gained to the earnest. The 3 Church Attendants, whose being a habit of analyzing the power and strength of others. They decided to go to a place, where strong people gathered all at once with enthusiasm. "Heh... There are so many strong people gathered in this place... I wonder how strong they are when fighting in the dungeon?" One Church Attendant started asking with excitement. "I don't know what you're talking about Lock... It's quite obvious that strong people will be gathering in this place since this is the Administration Building. You don't expect to see such frail people roaming in this kind of place... They'll look like a chicken losing its head in that way..." Other Church Attendant simply explained with caution. "That's right, besides... all we had to came here... is to see another side quest for us to take in." Another Church Attendant simply nodded. *Lock -- A red-haired, young boy with a race of Knightsmen. Also with the same age as Levi Furiman (14), has a hobby of dealing in indiscriminate fights against people that seem stronger than him. *Lina -- An ordinary Awakener with a possessor of Jewish-Enochian race. Acting like an older sister of Lock and the same age as Misa (18), always dealing with Lock's behavior of taking a fight against anyone in the village. Causing them to be a threat towards the travelers and other outsiders also. Nonetheless, it was only a friendly fight to test each other's strengths and power that making the Villagers and other people who knew them deal with it as well. *Govan -- An ordinary Awakener with a possessor of Providence race. One of the oldest Church Attendants of the Church Village (27), Also acting like an older brother for them when trouble suddenly comes in. Also, the one putting the responsibility for the safeties of the people that he cherished the most. As the three cheerful Church Attendants having their time-wasting on a sight-seeing to the bulletin board; Lock suddenly noticed the behaviors and actions of the people throughout the surroundings. Seemingly odd and peculiar to the senses of a young barbarian. "I smell blood." He went solemn, trying to calm his presence not to act indiscriminately in front of the public. Lina and Govan simply didn't understand what Lock has he meant to. Knowing the fact that the blood and race he representing, was none other than one of the 8 Strongest races that the Balancer of Race entrusted to them. With a young, unripe age of his. That doesn't exactly mean for him to leave idled and do nothing for a time of crisis he just felt. As the result, he started to search. Thinking it would be near for the senses of him to be reached. Lina and Govan couldn't let him do the thing all by himself. Rather, he followed his track throughout the building instead. They moved not to their own accord, but following Lock's movements would be worthwhile to seek instead. They searched everywhere, every possible location that Lock trying to seek was astounding and humiliating. That most people held inside the building had started to draw their attention towards them. Nonetheless, it was none of their business trying to interrupt their doings. But for the eyes of the Building Attendants and Administration Personnel, it was irritating. They shut off their doings very quickly, the moment the people started to complain about their meaningless deeds for various reasons. Lina and Govan felt humiliated and embarrassed at the moment, causing them to leave idled right in the corner of the waiting area. But the eyes of those two will remain steadfast and concentrate only on Lock. Hoping that any sorts of commotions he made would not be existing in this kind of place. Lock on the other hand already focused and aiming for a thing that he sensed the whole time. As he reached the Administration building clinic, whereas the strongest presence that he felt was occurring. Without having any second thoughts and hesitating. Lock menacingly opened the door, which made everyone around it felt startled and terrified. Viciously glaring and wickedly unwary. The ones he left to his bones was a deep, scarce Awakening aura, immensely spurring throughout the bodies of the Adventurers. Whereas on the eyes of his was far different and blinded as what he felt towards them. Tens and numerous counts of Adventurers having their time resting in a clinic. Wanting to heal up their body physically. However, that was not the case about their mental, spiritual, and psychological state that they felt unconditionally. Eyes seem normal, yet went gloom and darkened on the inside. Bodies at the shape and in condition, yet the tone of their skin seemed pale and immobile to move on its own accord. And the way they approach was utterly peculiar and uncommon to describe. As its first diagnostics made by the Adventurers specialized in medical and supporting. Everything is fine according to what they searched and checked on it. But for the internal research and another sensory diagnosis, they were far from their scope of expertise and giving it away to the ones capable to deal with. Lock went frustrated and trembling all of a sudden, thinking for the worst possible scenario to the things that he felt towards the people around it. Not knowing the fact that Lock was a pure-blooded Knightsmen, and thus specialized for sensing the Awakening Aura of the people nor other beings, whoever and whatever it might be for the likes of himself. In other words, amongst the people who knew the condition of the Adventurers at first hand. Only Lock was able to sense it, which causing him to felt trembled and terrified the more he felt against it. As what the sensation he felt on it; A strange, unknown Awakening aura, tenaciously oozing to their bodies. Unnoticingly and unaware. !Silver-like black Awakening aura! As what he saw in his eyes when he released his Awakening presence. 'I know this kind of sensation, I will know about this...' Lock went mumbling for a while. 'I was certain about this, yet I don't remember when was the last time I felt this feeling.' He kept mumbling furthermore, causing other people to be startled at him as the result. !Pat! As the people kept staring at him inside the clinic. Lina finally making her move at long last, thinking it would be some troublesome plan that Lock prepared for them this time around. She went apologizing to them afterward, for interrupting their time resting and impatience towards Lock's unpleasant behavior. . "Just what do you think are you doing? You just made a huge commotion that made everyone looked to you?" Lina seemed flustered as she's the one stopping the actions given by Lock. As the two held themselves went out of the clinic. Lock went agitated, as he couldn't forget the presence that made his senses more triggered and restless. Lina completely understood the feelings that he made, simply couldn't make herself worry about him for taking a risk very recklessly and unthinking. Like the ones, they know that turning up into part of the family not so long before. She knows, like Levi Furiman. He is one special person that needed to be taking care of whatever the cost, which made their lives putting up in danger. As what she resolved to him, to gain relief and ease as well. She gently asked about the situation that he solemnly made, out of her concern and curiosity. "Entities" He replied quickly and shockingly, with a body that went out trembling and consciousness went unstable as he mentioned it in front of Lina. "Entities? what are you talking about?" She was perplexed, didn't understand anything that he said. !!!?? Suddenly; In a disastrous happening coming from out of nowhere; Tens of Adventurers started to held to the building, needed for medical care very quickly and putting themselves each one of them thoroughly. The Adventurers Personnel and other Building Attendants went shocked and terrified all of a sudden, didn't believed that some kind of incidents happened in just a single day. Without hesitating, they started helping out the people who needed some attention very badly. That made the entire people around the Building went wild and busy once more, far worse and unusual than before. "What... Just... Happened?" The first thing that Lina went out putting her mind after she saw a lot of people who were badly wounded and unconscious. Simply widened her eyes out of shock, completely terrified and stunned. "It's already started..." A soft, silent voice was instantly heard through the ears of the frightened Lina. Easily got recognized the voice, which made her felt dubious and disoriented about his personality for a reason. "Just... who in the world are you?..." She asked involuntarily. "As I said, It's already started." Lock simply concluded his thoughts with a grim smile on his face. . . . In Levi Furiman's perspective; At the Bakery. Whereas a few meters away since the time they started to scatter. "That white, long-bread right there, Mr. Baker-san" Levi having a hard time choosing the desired bread for him to eat. Not knowing the fact that languages and dialects given by the people would be bothersome for the instances of Levi Furiman. Since he's a foreigner / Isekai'd (More likely to be called since he's technically not living to the world that the story where it goes in.), he didn't understand what the people talking about and the letters putting around to the signage and other things related to their languages. As the result, he easily got lost. Knowing the fact that it was his 10th building for him to entered on this day. For instance, it was all started when they scattered nonchalantly. ~ Leaving the unwarned, disoriented Levi Furiman in the middle of the street. At first, it went well, thinking the fact that the System Notification also having the specific translation for the languages and dialects the people speak, also has great help for him to read all the text and signage they put. Making him effortless to stroll alone throughout the village. However; As when he went to a narrow street, the System Notification that constantly activating through his Eye of the Supreme Awakening, was instantly distorted all of a sudden. Causing him to deactivate it. "F***ing Da**it... Amongst those times!" He suddenly went bad-mouthed at a young age of his. And so, the struggle begins. At first, he went to a tailor shop. Sadly, no one replied, he got some loud insult coming from them instead. And yet, Levi didn't seem bothered by the sayings that they gave. Thinking the fact that he couldn't make understand what they had said to him; All that he thinks about is it, as they tell some directions that allow him to reach his destination. "Arigatou Gozaimasu" Levi speaks Japanese to them, as he showed respect towards them. And left to the building afterward. The second time, it was a gambling cafe; Where all punks and gamblers gathered at once. As usual, Levi speaks his native language as he showed gratitude and interruption towards them. (By the way, Levi Furiman is Japanese / Yet the Author is a Filipino ^_^) And for the second time, like the people from the tailor shop did to him. The people around the Gambling cafe did it to him as well. This time around, it was an insult. More blunt and showy than the first one. At the moment Levi started bowing his head as a mode of appreciation towards them, they simply putting his head bathe with alcohol that they drink. Causing him to felt tilted, down rooted through the bones of his hatred. As what he resolved. Of course, he confronted it. Only those people who made insult him, by breaking up the part of their bones that seemingly fragile to be broken. And left the building as nothing happened. The 3rd and the 9th building also did the same thing to him as well, causing him to felt annoyed and irritated towards them. Couldn't believe how people of the Willow Village tried to resent him away from existence. Aside from that, thinking the fact for the wrongdoings and unlawful deeds he had done against them before, might trigger their hate and anxiety against him. Causing their blood to melt and boiling for that particular reason. Fortunately, for the 10th building; The light of hope had finally came, right on time. As his stomach suddenly went rumbling due to hunger, that nobody wants to sell foods to him throughout the half-day. And thus, that was the time he got his food on his own since then. For the time frame, he'd take at least an hour and a half for that moment. . Seeing himself very happy on that, makes him well rounded and glad for the rest of the day. As the food he looking for was finally full on his empty stomach, whereas his afternoon was already tiring and dull to work in. But then, he seemed joyous and ecstatic in some ways. !Thug! /Levi stopped for a while, surprised and dubious./ Out of the blue; As he walked on his way back to the place where they met in. A small, tedious person wearing up a green cape and seemingly exhausted from its own volition. Momentarily needed some help and desperately wanting attention towards the others. Amongst the people that the unknown person wanting to approach, it was Levi Furiman that casually didn't notice its existence at all. Not only that, Levi on the other hand went out dubious as what the way it existed from out of nowhere. That causes him to aware and cautious of his surroundings as the result. He then tried to activate his Eye of the Supreme Awakening. Sadly, it went out disrupted. Like the last time, he felt when he gets near a narrow street. But then, without notice. The unknown person suddenly spoke, begging for a spare food that Levi bought in. Knowing the fact that it was way plenty of bread and other foods that he bought just for himself, thinking it would be fun for tasting it all for his own volition. Nevertheless, he intended to buy a lot of food. For the sake of when other people begging for food that he brought, he will certainly give it whole-heartedly and kind towards them. As the result, a predictive move made by him; He graciously giving some of his bread and other foods he bought with a soft smile on his face. The actions made by the unknown person suddenly changed, when Levi gave up the food for it. The unknown person genuinely thanking him for what he responds. "Thank... You..." It thanked me while munching the food that Levi gave. Levi felt ecstatic even more, making some good deeds that made his body felt lighter than before. But then, all of a sudden. His mood went changed. When he heard an eerie, frightening word. It Supposedly went out secret and there's no way for it on revealing it to others. "Supreme Possessor." The Unknown person simply gave to Levi Furiman, whose having a perplexed, terrified mood at the moment with a grim smile on his face. . . ***To be Continued***
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