Volume - 2 // Chapter - 50

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. (Knightsmen vs. Entities) (Providence vs. Entities) (Demi-beings vs. Entities / Probably in the next few chapters) It is a 3 versus 1 situation for the side of Tisa the Knightsmen against the 3 unidentified Entities, started having the inevitable commotion between the 2 of the Strongest Races that the Balancer of Race entrusted to. Alone and Apprehensive, as what Tisa felt at her first glance. Knowing the fact that the enemies she approached are slightly stronger and intimidating, especially when they had quantities to add from it. Causing her huge trouble and huge disadvantages on their gaps. But then; The eyes of Tisa seemed sharper and prepared to fight among all aspects. Knowing that retreating and avoiding certain loss and defeat would be a great mortifying and embarrassing to represent their Pride Race and glory. "Come... Fight me..." She asked with fist and neck cracking at the same time. She taunts and provokes the Entities without hesitating. The enemies on the other hand, clearly accepting the challenge that the Knightsmen are prepared to. Quickly casting their ability moments after she provoked. /Ground shaking and crumbling in a selective circumference./ Around 15 meters circling through their position had started rumbling, changing the course of surrounding throughout of it. People around them didn't seem bothered fighting between the 2 strongest Races, knowing the fact that around 30 meters away from the circular rumbling would be affected by the controlled ability given also to the Entity Race. /The surroundings chosen by the Entities to fight against Tisa had been settled./ A Dawn, dense forest covered with a thick spiky vine encircled throughout the place. Resembling the fighting place that they made against her. Tisa went nervous and trembling to what she felt at first, thinking that it was the only way on her mind to deal with the fight towards them. To divert their actions away from the Villagers and other Adventurers, trying not to cause havoc and reckoned to occur. As the result, the fight between them had finally started. . . On the Other hand, The fight between Cassandra Smith and the other unidentified Entity had already started. Moments after Cassandra got stabbed on her back, off guarded and unnoticed. !Boom! !Bang! /Simultaneous Explosions constantly ramming through the surroundings./ /Ground shaking thoroughly./ The fight between the Providence and the Entities had been quite unusual. As Cassandra seemed vulnerable and easy to target on a blind spot, as well as charging attacks given by the Entities thoroughly and continually. That caused her a huge disadvantage to deal with it. The Entity, who using a medium-sized blade far larger than a Dagger. Constantly severing through the body of Cassandra Smith. While keeping the pace of changing the place whenever the minds of it had been choosing. In other words; Every time the unidentified Entity started to think about the place, the surroundings itself began to change Meaning to say, the minds of an Entity people is unlimited. Which is based on what the Entity itself choosing to change and what to be remembered. Cassandra in the meantime didn't aware of that. All that she thinks was; "How many times did the unidentified Entity started the place getting changed, since the first time they start to fight?" As far as she knows. 5 selective places already. The first one was when she got stabbed. The other 4 will be the time the fight had been started. And as she noticed about that; The more the Entity keeping the place changing, the more dizziness that Cassandra will feel. And so, as what she resolved about that. She wants to get rid of the surroundings as quickly as she possibly can. Knowing that the limits of her strength and Magic aura will be putting up to their peak in no time. !!?? The 6th place the unidentified Entity had now started to change. /Ground rumbling once again./ /Winds scattering and blowing up like a typhoon./ /The entire surroundings of the place had slowly starting to change./ The minds and internal bodies of Cassandra Smith couldn't hold themselves anymore. Started to vomit out of her dizziness feeling and her mind went out blanked at some point. Couldn't make herself focused, the way the entire place had been changing on its environment once more. But then, as she takes a glance for it. She noticed the sudden actions given by the Unidentified Entity, also didn't hold itself from changing the place continuously. "What? It couldn't hold it as well? ... How?" "Could it be?" The minds of Cassandra Smith went hopeful yet confused at the moment, trying to distract the channeling count of changing the surroundings that the unidentified Entity forcefully did, just to gain advantages to fight against her. !Bang! !Bang! !Bang! A huge, hot fireball aiming towards the enemies' location casting forth through her Magic weapon. Splendidly blazing right in to hit it. !Kaboom! A huge, audible explosion scattering in the air, nonchalantly spreading the heat and burn on the Entities' bodies. The Channeling time of the spell had been stopped, moments after the explosion occurred. Cassandra felt relieved and ecstatic at first, thinking that the terrifying actions made by the enemy had been restrained and lock up in an instant. Unfortunately, the smiles and joyous expressions she made for a while had been stopped as well. As the face of the Unidentified Entity didn't seem glad and easy at all. Instead, despair and desolation. Were the ones it felt against her, causing it to chargeback, went attacking in a random distance and directions against her. Cassandra went terrified, frightened to the core as what she felt towards the enemy. Instantly alarmed and quickly prepared for the unknown Entity for its attacks anytime soon. Then, few seconds prior. The Awakening Aura of the Enemy had started to disappear, moments after Cassandra blinked her eyes for a mere second. !Bang! Cassandra went hit on her gut, instantly stumbled down, and couldn't make her own to stand up. 'That was... fast... I didn't... see... that... Coming...' She felt distraught and agony at the same time. The pressure of the punch was insanely powerful, that even if she infused the magic auras inside her body would be pointless and frail to be used. The unknown Entity slowly approaching her, the moment Cassandra keeping herself on stead and manages to gain consciousness beforehand. "Strong... You're strong..." The unknown Entity surprisingly commending to the efforts that Cassandra Smith gave in. She went flabbergasted on the other hand, couldn't believe a certain compliment given by the enemy towards her. Without even thinking about the gaps of their strength that they had eventually. However; That wouldn't be the case for the side of Cassandra Smith to stopped her actions by just accepting the losing compliments made by the winning enemy. As the ground that the two stood in had already melting, slowly turning into quicksand that nonchalantly vacuumed the things seemingly moving and resisting. !!!??? The unknown Entity was too late to noticed it. Already stepping its feet to the ground, whereas the place Cassandra casting her spell locating. "You fell from that simple trap aren't you?" "You're strong... Yet stupid as well." She went insulting the unknown Entity as what her response to its compliments. "I don't need your compliments or something... From what I understand on it..." "You're just made fun of insulting my race and Possessor's race as well!" She went outraged all of a sudden. !Bang! A loud, unyielding punch was given by her right fist against the unidentified Entities' face in a blink of an eye. She made her destructive response due to her anguish feelings towards the enemy as what she resolves. . . At the same time; The 3 Entities nonchalantly attacking Tisa, recklessly and without taking a plan on charging against her. With a medium-sized blade, far larger than a regular-sized dagger, yet slightly smaller than the ones owned by an Entity that the one's Cassandra Smith fought to. Had constantly aiming towards the lone Knightsmen's slim, tan-colored body, without having a single trace of opening to evade in. !s***h! !s***h! /Tisa continually evading their slashes, trying not to blink her eyes for the slashing patterns to be readable./ Like dancing in the wind, Evading the glimpse of agony. Tisa effortlessly made it all, yet she couldn't counter their attacks easily and continuously. Knowing the fact that when she stopped keeping her pace in the middle of evading, the more possibility for her to getting hit by the enemies slashes. Aside from it, She couldn't manage to counterattack in an instant against them. Thinking that the weapons she usually used were in at rest in her room at the church, causing her to felt irritated and regret the more she remembered it as the result. As what she resolved, she can only do at the moment was to buy some time-wasting on evading and dancing against the Entities attacks. At the same moment, it made them exhausted and worn out doing meaningless attacks and charging as well. 'Few minutes... Give me at least a few minutes for this...' She made herself a time limit for them to predict when they get tired of attacks on her. The entities didn't notice it. All the minds that they think; Was on how do they even managed to land any single hit towards the Knightsmen's body. As what they've planned for. The three unidentified Entities started changing the surroundings effortlessly, a lot easier than only one Entity doing it. And a lot faster than a single one. But then, in an unprecedented occurrence. Tisa's reflexes and intuitions are sharper and unpredictable than anyone else around. That made it up countermeasures to stopped the sudden changes of the surroundings in an instant. !Bang! !Bang! !Bang! Skeptically; Tisa keeping herself on pace, ramming the ground with all of the strength that she had, and continuously triggering the place for keeping it inconstant. The 3 Entities were already wary about it. Yet couldn't believe that only a mere Knightsmen on their record would be managed to hold their position and made their movements restraint instantly. "Magnificent... How Amusing!" One Entity simply commending the efforts given by Tisa the Knightsmen. Tisa didn't like it. Knowing for herself that having a compliment given by the other race whilst on the battle will likely be an Insult and disgrace between them. Causing her to trigger and titled even more, that being hateful isn't enough to express her anger towards them. "Don't mess with me... Dammit!" She yelled with despair and beckons. The three Entities didn't startle at all, continued to what they had started instead. But then, as what they'd resolve; The two had to keep themselves attending against Tisa, while the other one casting the spell on its own. Allowing Tisa to divert her attention between them. 'Dammit... Dammit... Dammit....' She went perplexed and agitated at the moment. Thinking who would be her real target among them, knowing that the sudden change of plans they'd made had been a game-changing situation for her to be encountered. !s***h! /Blood dripping on the ground./ Tisa finally got hit by the slashes and attacks made by the enemies, after she lost focus in a fraction of a second through the fight. She tried to step back. !!!?? Unfortunately, the entire surroundings had finally changed its environment. It was a valley full of stones and boulders, and the air is totally thin, that hardly managed to breathe thoroughly and easily on it. Not to mention the winds and smoke clouds made of dust, which made her movements even more limited than the usual. !Pant! !Pant! Tisa finally made up her mind, that it was at this point. "I'm totally in trouble..." Alarmed and frightened, as what she felt the moment the Entities completely changing the course of surroundings. Not only that, the wounds and blood coming from her right shoulder would be bothersome to deal with shortly. Quickly patching up some remedies she knew nonetheless. 'I need to get rid of this place...' She felt exhausted while mumbling. 'But how.....?' Her mind couldn't think properly, starting to feel restless and apprehensive as the result. As the uneasy feeling kept spreading throughout her senses, that made her felt immobile and apprehensive. Another set of attacks already prepared by the unidentified Entities, vigorously aiming to the lone and distraught Knightsmen that not a single trace of openings showed for her to escape. . . In Misa Togo's perspective. In the middle of the street. Where the busy crowds and audible noises are everywhere. After a surprising, disappointing truth she heard from the Weapons Dealer. She instantly walked out to the building out of her humility, without having any second thought of complaining and grading for the work they made on it. Eyes went disgraceful, focusing only on the weapon that was seemingly filthy and pathetic in her standard instead of her eyes focusing on the road. Couldn't imagine a certain and usual kind of knife instantly disintegrating a rare and expensive weapon that she was hardly able to earn for. As what she thinks and mesmerizing by it. It would take at least 5 months for her to earn that weapon, and at least tens of dungeons and raid quests for it to endure. And yet the weapon that she adamantly earned was instantly perished and shattered into pieces. "Just who is this young man... And where is he came from?" She went complaining and pouting in the middle of the road. But then, as her mind went putting together on the weapon. She suddenly remembered the things that the Dealer mentioned to her. That made her mind puzzling and mumbling once more. "Not all rare and unique weapons are durable and fierce to put into battle, like what you clearly remembered before." "Though, some weapons are fancy, elegant, and rare for the eyes of ordinary. But that doesn't mean they're compatible for a death-defying battle, just as like the once you had in." "Even though you'd say the higher the cost of the weapons are, the stronger and durable it might be. Well, that was correct at some understandable point..." "However, when it comes to how the weapons the user handled. Well, it was a completely different story on the other hand..." "As what I simply compared on it, your main weapon is a lot stronger and durable to be made. But when it comes to how is it being handled, it was understandable that the person owning that (Holding the small, black dagger) weapon will likely an experienced and skillful on handling this kind of mastery." That was on how Misa remembered what the weapons dealer solemnly shared his thoughts on her, which made her felt blunt and resolute as the result. !!?? /Crowd suddenly went wild in a specific direction./ /People started to rampant everywhere for some particular reasons./ Misa went startled all of a sudden. Out of her curiosity. She started to ask the people about the commotion that happened just recently. "The Administration Building, the people out there had gone crazy!" One villager replied with restlessness on its feeling. Misa didn't understand what the people had been spoken about, which allowing her to see to it for herself. Aside from that, they're some known people of her having been involved in the incident occurring just now, which made her mind went blank out of her concern. "Lina... Govan... Lock..." She yelled unnoticing due to her nervous and uneasy feeling. As she resolved, she rushes forth through the place where the incident held. Without having any second thoughts and hesitation. Running like a wind and sprint like an Animal, as she forcefully used her Eye of the Awakening just to reach the place as fast as she possibly can. Knowing that it was more than a hundred meters away from the distance, and more than tens of a street to crossed in. Until She reached the building with only an ample of minutes to be wasted. !!!?? However, when she finally arrived. She saw a lot of Adventurers being stumbled down and unconscious on their own accord, dropping dead on a single corner and thinking it would be an Invasion nor a dispute taking from the other territories. "What... is... Happening?" She went resilient and alarmed for the happenings. She took a glance at the entire surroundings, thinking it would be taken some damages from the vicinity of the incident. 'Huh?... All clean and unscratched?' Surprisingly, not a single trace of destruction happened by the neighboring buildings. That caused the thoughts of Misa Togo to felt suspicious even more. And thus, the more she kept thinking about it. The more disturbing things she would predicting about it. . . ***To be Continued***
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