Volume - 2 // Chapter - 51

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"You want us to test our strength? On what purpose?" Levi went confused, didn't managed to understand Lilo's explanation. Not even a little. Sitting on a wooden bench, covers under a huge tree located at the center of the Village. Levi Furiman had been taking his time for more than an hour along with Lilo the Entity. Not knowing the situations and surroundings that happened throughout the entire Central Village. All that he saw in his eyes, was; /People went stopped from moving./ /Debris of the wood and paint from above went stopped from falling./ /The water droplets didn't attach to the Children's gentle skins./ /Laughter, Sorrow, and other expressions on the people's faces didn't move even a single inch./ Levi finally realized about it, already trapped in the unknown place and dimension made by a person that seems the only one moving. "Lilo? ... Is this all your work?" He asked with patience and calm, trying to figure out everything and not to make unnecessary commotion towards her. "Precisely, you'd fall to a trap... But worry not, They're all alive and well in their minds... That is one thing that I can assure you..." She replied with ease and solemn. "Not until one of us tried to touch anyone of it..." She added her thoughts with certainty. At that moment, Levi clearly understands the point made by Lilo. Completely didn't want to make a fight against him, by using people around them as a hostage nor taking as collateral for the unwanted commotion trying not to happen between them. As the result, he stopped thinking about resisting the spell she'd made instantly. Immediately giving his ears listening to what she said eventually. "Testing our strength, So that includes me? aren't you?" He asked vigorously. "Well, yes... But actually no..." She replied half-heartedly. "Then why am I even here by the way? What's going on outside, and what the hell happened?" He went perplexed even more, restless and dubious for the meantime. Lilo left nodded, waiting for the Young Supreme Possessor to calm his confused mind for a few minutes prior. She replied with serene and caution afterward. "Truth is, Every single adventurer and people living in this place are obliged to test their strength against us... Of course, we sparred the weak people... But those exceptional and chosen with be tested thoroughly and despicably." She explained graciously and sincerely towards Levi, eating more bread and pastries while sitting on a bench next to him. Without emitting some sort of killing intent, rather than a soft, calm expression given by her all this time. Despicable and malice, went out rumbling through the minds of Levi Furiman while listening to all she had said. Couldn't believe that some idled conversation with the unknown people for an hour would cause a huge catastrophe throughout the surroundings. That made him felt regretful and resilient as what he resolved. "You can't leave this place!" "...And why not?" "Because the test that we made... hasn't been finished yet!" She responds with assurance and a threat against him. "Besides, theirs no other way for you to escape to the place that I made... kukukuku... You didn't even have to fight me due to the people I gathered around here... Move a single inch against me or the lives of the people with being perished in an instant.!" She easily threatened Levi with a grim smile on her face. . . At the Administration Building. Tens of people and Adventurers had left stumbled down and unconscious completely and thoroughly. Leaving only the ones with strong will and spirit on resisting the spell made by the Unknown Entities. Misa left shocked and surprised out of her first glance. The way she saw people inside the building had been dropped down all at once. "What happened... to this... place?" She asked herself nervously, constantly observing the people's conditions beforehand. "They're all alive... as well... " She felt relieved and glad at the moment, the same result she checked in from the outside. Carefully picking their unconscious bodies to the bench afterward. A minute had passed, two Uncertain people casually came into the building. Felt relaxed on their feelings like the place they came in had nothing happened. Misa on the other hand, whose keeping herself busy helping out the Adventurers and other people's unconscious bodies. She felt uneasy and chills all of a sudden, momentarily frightened and terrified as what she had felt on it. "I smelled oddly scent..." She went petrified, as her Demi-being Aura suddenly felt a bizarre aura. Seemingly new to her senses that made her body too alarmed and prepared. And thus, her intuition went true; As she finally approached the two uncertain people right in a narrow corridor at the Adventurers Building. . . In Tisa the Knightsmen's situation; Boulders went out flying. Ground constantly deforming and changing periodically. Causing the movements of Tisa to act randomly and sequencing. Hiding in the spot had seemingly didn't move from the 3 Entities' psychic abilities, makes her mind be the best possible way to buy time against them As well as to recover her wounded right shoulder, enough to take a fight once again. !Bang! !Bang! /Constant throw of boulders raining through the directions where Tisa hiding./ "Dammit... looks like they didn't me to heal? How vulgar that is..." She got irritated with the enemies for some reason. In her response from it. She cautiously picked up a stone, enough to grab with her left palm. And forcefully aiming towards one of the Entities, with an unyielding force of her throw adding up to her Awakening Race special featured abilities. *Whereas any weapons or other things suitable to be a weapon would be devastating and destructive once it is used to attack. As the result, in a blink of an eye; !Boom! /Blood spreading through the air./ /Strong, inaudible noise suddenly heard through the surroundings./ /Bones that getting hit from the impact had gone cracking./ /Ground suddenly shaking./ One of the Entities slowly falling to the ground, half-conscious and shocked. Its right shoulder suddenly went immobile, couldn't lay a single move due to the damage that the stone Tisa threw. Even though from the side of Tisa, she knew that throw would be slightly weaker compared to what she throws on her right. Knowing the fact that she is a right-handed person, and her right shoulder is a complete mess and unusable, she thinks that would be total bothersome for her to perform it. Nonetheless, the result itself showed different than what she had expected. But then, the smiles and joy didn't see any on her face. As she knew they're at least 2 other enemies of her to be faced for. . . In the side of Cassandra Smith's perspective. The situations given between the two fighters had nearly reached their peak. As she had now the one taking the Advantages against the unknown Entity as the tables had finally turned by her favor for the first time since then. The ground where Cassandra was stood, as what the unknown Entity stepped for its grave. "Help... Me... I'm drowning..." The unknown being desperately asked for begging towards its enemy. Cassandra didn't felt the sincerity of the enemies' euphoria. Nonchalantly watching it slowly drowning on her spells thoroughly and flamboyantly. Her eyes went dull, not even showed any signs of mercy and resolute towards the enemies. Completely likes the sufferings that her enemy would feel. "Tell me, are you worthy enough to be saved?" "Do you assure me that you will be stopped attacking whenever I turned my back on you?" "Or you are just a maleficent maniac who wanted some destruction and desolation that instantly affected the lives of others?" "Tell me, or else your life would be wasted." She asked the unknown entity with malicious intent. But then, in a patient, serene response. The unknown Entity simply replied with convictions and truthfulness of its own volition. Thinking it would be the only way for it to sparred its life from the undeniable death. That they had been felt once in their lifetime. "It cried?" Cassandra went flabbergasted all of a sudden, didn't expect the reactions that the enemies felt at that moment. Out of her concerns and worries from it. She immediately removed the spell, without thinking and hesitating. And pulling it out with all of her might as what she resolve. And thus, the fight between them had gone ceasing for once. . . "Tell me, do any of those people and Adventurers have to die testing their strengths and power to satisfy yours?" Levi keeping his mind on track, asking selfless questions that include everyone involving through the Entity People's schemes. Among all questions that Levi valiantly asking for her too. That question he made just now was the bluntest and straightforward for the likes of Lilo the Entity to answered. "Of course not... We don't tolerate unwanted and unnecessary deaths for this place to happen, and people to know it as well." She replied cautiously and audaciously. "Even if one your kind will be died by the hands of others? Is it okay with it you? How absurd was that..." He suddenly went distraught and concerned for the enemies' thoughts furthermore. "I can't forgive this... I won't accept this..." "Dying in a meaningless way... Don't screw with me..." "Every person has to die in a way where regret and hatred do not allow to exist in each final moment... So was the way you made a sacrifice for the sake of many... That is what I think about it..." The thoughts of Levi's mind sharing himself for the minds of Lilo the Entity. The more he made intrigued by the lives of others, the more he insists to know it. As the result, he simply didn't want to accept the reality that the Entities made accordingly. "If you guys even need some help, you don't you guys made some raid request or something... I'm pretty sure the Quest Administration wouldn't turn you down especially to the ones who needed some help the most... Right?" Lilo felt glad and grateful for the behaviors and concerns that the Supreme Possessor had given to them, which made their resurrection from the dungeon to be memorable and unregrettable. Crying without hindrance, screaming for agony and sorrow. As what Lilo made unnoticingly. Asking deeply for forgiveness and mercy for the commotion they made through the entire day. "For me, it's fine about it... But for others, I don't think so." He seemed apologetic as to what he felt for it. "More importantly... How do we suppose to clean this mess that you guys did towards us?" He went annoyed and atrocious for the situation that the Entities made as well. ~ As Levi keeping himself thinking for a plan on how to fix the Entities' mess. Lilo on the other hand already made up a move on her own. Transparently calming her mind and presence, excessively concentrating the immense Awakening aura throughout her small body. !!??? !Swooosh! /Wind surging throughout Lilo's appearance./ /Surroundings slowly changing, drastically turning back into normal./ From the unknown place and dimension that she held along with Levi, it slowly reverting into its original state. The movements made by the people and the surroundings themselves had now been taken back into action. While the time itself remained constant. In other words. Only the actions and movements in a specific place and area of casting were the ones it stopping. And the time itself didn't stop nor reverting at all. That made Levi's mind blown away from thinking, the way he felt astonished and intrigued about it. "Amazing." He felt adamant and didn't have a word to express what he felt at the moment. "Lilo... Are you ---..." He startled all of a sudden, trying to cope with the Entities' condition beforehand. But then, the restless feeling he'd made is more intense and frightening than the recent. As he saw the eyes of the Entity, constantly glowing like a wildfire, solemnly glaring towards the path of an endless steep wanting to reached its peak. And casting an unknown, indescribable spell, far superior and powerful than the ones he knows all of his life. But then, in an unprecedented way. He suddenly remembered a certain event that made his mind traumatized and trembling the way he thinks about it. "That one... Was like the Unknown being's... Spell?" He went stunned out of his surprise. "Yeah... that one, was that thing... I can't made mistake in my eyes seeing this one..." He absurdly assuring himself of the surroundings compared to the last one he saw recently. "So similar in the sense of only seeing on it!" He justifies his conclusion in the end. He couldn't make himself right on track at first, knowing the fact that the Awakening aura that he felt during the meetings with the Unknown Being was far different and eerie than he felt on Lilo the Entity. As what he compared on it; Lilo's 'Spell' was astoundingly frightening, in the sense of making his body tremble and shivers conclusively. Whist the ones he felt to the Unknown Being's 'Spell' was quite peculiar, yet calm and mild vibrance for his feelings to gain peace on his mind on the other hand. In the first time that Levi finally putting upon his mind. Was the time he finally realized, that they're some people and other Race in this world far stronger than he can imagine? That messing against them would be the worst and idiotic way of thinking forward to deal against them. . . ***To be Continued***
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