Volume - 3 // Chapter - 65

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At the end of the day. The Adventurers Assessment to be held annually had been closed for its year harmoniously, without any sorts of public commotion or any other disputes coming from the uncanny enemies. Some people are left thrilled, nor being joyful for the results they acquired during the assessment. Knowing the fact that the hardships they'd earned to the fullest had been paid of whole-heartedly and pride. But most out there didn't seem glad nor grateful on the other hand. As among more than a hundred people gathered in one place, almost 80 percent of them are left unfortunate nor unlucky. In which some of it had been degraded, ranked-down, nor being accustomed to the lowest level. Hence, the power they already possessed remained constant and intact. For the likes of others especially to the high-ranking people nor Adventurer, it was more futile and worthless to re-assess themselves. Knowing for the worst possible outcome to be given. The Adventurer Knights and the Administration Personnel had been grateful for the outcome of the event on their sides. In which they felt relieved that not a single ruckus and disputes happened throughout the entire day, which causes the flow of the event to perform smoothly and in accordance. Even though the sudden unnecessary contact already occurred exactly afternoon right inside of the building. ~ [Night time] 7:20 pm (Still not related to the time of the story, I was just resembling their time when it happened :)) ) Inside the Administration Building. The Chief Department Head simply commending the efforts and participation to be given by the Adventurer Knights Department, Willow Village Administration Personnel, not to be mentioned the Department head of the Internal Affairs herself, and many more. With a soft smile on an old man's face, the Chief Department head simply couldn't express his gratitude to them. On behalf of the recent happenings that went unprecedented and disoriented. "These people in this village, why are they seemed hated towards the 8 Strongest Races? Knowing that those people are the ones securing our lives and territory against the monsters and magic creatures a very long time?" One concerned Adventurer simply having his thoughts without hesitating and straightforwards. Other people who being heard of it began startled, thinking the same thing as to why they'd done it ruthlessly. Not to mention; The ones they'd mocked and maligned, are just 14-year-old Knightsmen whose about to realize the reality of the society they held in. The thoughts of the Department Head, especially to Nathalia Condor was utterly wary. Completely felt discouraged and disgrace towards the race she standing in. "Human race? Don't screw with me... We're the most disgusting, pathetic race amongst the others!... I can't accept this!" She felt insulted and guilt at the same time, thinking that apologizing on behalf of others wouldn't be enough for it to forgive. She instantly walked out of her humiliation at the moment, without asking for permission on leaving beforehand. The Chief Department Head simply accepting it with understandable reasoning, even for himself he could do the same thing as what she did by knowing what is happened. And so, after her leave; The questions and opinions that already threw out are nothing much heard through the thoughts of the Chief Department Head commemorately. Knowing that the entire night is nigh and full of spare by his likes very unlikely. . . The same night At the Willow Village Church. Everyone seemed flustered and frustrated towards the results assessing by Misho Santa and Pista Rambutan completely for a while. Name: Misa Togo Age: 18 Race: Human Wield: Demi-being Awakening Wield: Ordinary Birthplace: Willow Village Church Contact person: Pastor Ozril Name: Casa Togo Age: 18 Race: Human Wield: Cosmic Awakening Wield: Ordinary Birthplace: Willow Village Church Contact person: Pastor Ozril Name: Make Age: 26 Race: Human Wield: Providence Awakening Wield: Ordinary Birthplace: Willow Village Church Contact person: Pastor Ozril Name: Lina Age: 18 Race: Human Wield: Jewish-Enochian Awakening Wield: Ordinary Birthplace: Willow Village Church Contact person: Pastor Ozril Name: Govan Age: 27 Race: Human Wield: Providence Awakening Wield: Ordinary Birthplace: Willow Village Church Contact person: Pastor Ozril . !Bzzzzz....tttt.....! /The Magic crystal used for re-assessing had been generated intuitively./ A special, rare kind of magic crystal that is only found in some unregarded territories, only the most skilled and versatile Adventurers can be caught at least a few of it. Not to mention the values and rarity of the crystal they'd collected that seems worth a fortune. /Countless forms of colors had been seen completely and entirely./ Inside the Church living hall, most people living around are already gathered for one purpose. After they all finished eating their meals for dinner that was being prepared by Levi Furiman, Pastor Ozril, and the Entities. "To become a full-pledged Adventurers!" Eyes being glazed, excitements couldn't hide from their feelings, and endless possibilities for guessing their ranks had been stagnant and rowdy on the outside. "Hey, Lock? what you got there?" Lina exaggeratedly asked. "Don't ask me old hag... I'm not in my mood to answer that!" Lock simply pouted. "I can't wait to see the results... How long was that by the way?" She continued to get thrilled. She starts to ask about her desired ranks to the other Adventurer Knights whose being tagged along with Misho Santa for a moment. Unfortunately, they didn't respond. As they focusing on the other assessment to be held continually. Misho on the other hand was already irritated and began hideous towards a certain person, who was not being realized completely about his true purpose of taking along with him without any certain reason. "That i***t reek... Did he just came here to flirt with that Demi-being chick?" His face couldn't mold on its shape due to his irresistible realization he came in in a blink of an eye. Knowing the fact that his Awakening senses and physical presence are already gone and unreachable throughout the vicinity of the Church. ~ Several minutes passed by. The results they had been waiting for are finally revealed. As the Magic crystal that the Adventurer Knights gallantly demonstrating to the Church Attendants is now seen into their naked eyes. The ranks themselves had been showing responsively, according to the respective colors revealed on the crystal. Misa Togo - From B class to A. Casa Togo - B class. Make - B class. Lina - C class. Govan - B class. People mentioned above couldn't express their feelings by that moment, as all of them couldn't believe the results were far unexpected than what they desired. All in which thinking on their minds, was to be able to reach at least a rank of "D". Nothing more, nothing less. But then, the result was skyrocketed they felt overjoyed and thrilled with the ranks they received afterward, completely felt restless and astonished, that waiting for their first debut on dealing a dungeon quest would be unnecessary. Misa herself couldn't hold her feelings anymore. Knowing that the new rank she acquired is nothing much similar compared to Cassandra. She couldn't wait to have a sparring match against her on the other hand. Immediately went outside, thinking she would be there at the moment. Lina on the other hand does the same thing. As she tried to find Lock to looked for a sparring match against him without hesitating. So was Govan and Make, whereas the two had been started preparing themselves to spar against each other through the outside of the Church. Not knowing the fact that it was already nighttime, and dark was already enveloping throughout the time being. As the result, the Church Pastor simply declining all sorts of approval they prepared towards him, with proper reasoning for not allowing them to do what they were supposed to do during the daytime. As a matter of fact, with strict rules and absolute rules he'd made to make his people safe and sounded. He quickly orders to take a roll call according to the first letter of their Awakening Race they'd possessed. By knowing that; *Astral *Cosmic *Darkness *Demi-Being *Entity *Jewish-Enochian *Knightsmen *Providence. And thus, they half-heartedly did it, with a clear smug on their faces and pouting gestures towards the Church Pastor. After a minute of counting, everyone had been called up inside the Church living room. Including the ones that seemingly invited for. "Looks like Pastor Ozril is kind of a good guy to me, right?" Clarence seemed admired. "Yeah, I suppose he is already... Imagine, they treat us some good food that none of the people around Willow Village had been knowing for it. They treat us like guests unlike some pathetic nobles living like a king around this tiny little village." Clarissa does the same thing. Misho left attended to the situations that happened inside the living room, casually sipping his tea while consciously listening to all sorts of conversations being held entirely. From what he had heard coming from them, some notable person had gone out from the Church right in the middle of the night. "Where's Lock?" Pastor Ozril solemnly asked the Church Attendants. "He's in his room, being upset to his results, and started to wrecked his belongings out of his anger." Tisa adamantly responded. "And what about Cassandra? Where is she?" "She's already sleeping... I supposed." Misa gallantly responded. "Supposed? Then what is she doing earlier?" "I just saw her writing something inside her room... I couldn't take any detailed thoughts about it, then afterward... She slept." She added vigorously. "The Demi-beings? Entities? Where are they?" He intuitively shouted on purpose. "They're here as well. They're busying themselves playing cards and other recreational activities at the back of the Church." Govan simply responded with shock and deliverance. Misho Santa, together with the Adventurer Knights Personnel completely shocked at what they'd heard about. Simply asking the Church Pastor on refraining from his words, regardless of the well-knowing Strongest Races he recklessly mentioned and their current whereabouts just now. The Church Pastor began to exasperate, terribly shocked by his own volition at the moment. He then tried to divert all his staying away from the topic. But then, knowing that every single one from the Adventurer Knights is already figured out about their current whereabouts, he knows he was the only one fooling around in a very leisure way. "You heard it right, they're all at the back of the Church. They probably playing something whatsoever." He couldn't help but admit thoroughly. As soon as they heard his answer to them, they simply rushing out their feet, charging altogether in one direction, and seeking for truth about their existence. And finally, the last one. The faces of the Church Pastor had been seemed nimble and palpable towards his feeling into him. Only he wanted to find him as soon as possible before something unwanted happen horrendously and vile. "Where's Levi?" He cautiously asked with solemn expressions intensively. All people gathered around suddenly went startled, as they finally realized about him since the time they feast together for dinner. Eyes went stutter, flustered down to the core, and minds instantly went blank, thinking for the last time they'd seen for him entirely. As everyone started to give up on guessing his whereabouts completely and elaborately. "Are you guys very certain that no one had been found him, even a strand of his tracks, not a little?" He scolded recklessly and unjustly towards the Church Attendants. "I just saw him eating potatoes." Misa noticed. "I just saw him cleaning dishes." Casa noticed. "I just saw him playing cards with Lylia the Entity." Lina noticed. "I just saw him beating Pista in a hand-to-hand combat." Govan noticed. "He just asked me where He can find at least a decent flower that astoundingly glowing in the dark. ....." Lina unnoticingly murmuring out of the blue. !...........! /People inside the living room began stunned and startled for a certain reason./ /Eyes and other expressions inside their minds had gone puzzled and mumbling that expressing through gestures cannot be enough as what they felt in a while had been very utterly./ "What did you just say? finding some flowers in the middle of the dark? Is he out of his mind?" Pastor Ozril suddenly went irritated towards Levi's stubborn behavior. Knowing the fact that he was already told not to go out from the Church whenever the dark is started to come up. Unfortunately, he is pertinacious. Causing the Church Pastor to have a hard time finding into him as the result. "You lot... stay here... Govan, Tisa, Make... Watch everyone while I'm away..." A strong, absolute order was given by Pastor Ozril towards his Church Attendants. They simply agreed on the orders with certainty and followed, directly implementing throughout the entire people living on the Church. ~ On a North-western part of the Willow Village Territory. 9:45 pm (Still not related to the time of the story, I was just resembling their time when it happened :)) ) Levi Furiman casually held himself finding a certain kind of flower, that elegantly blooming through the night. Knowing the fact that the weather itself favors his decision on putting himself to a purpose. !Moonflower! (It is a perennial, herbaceous liana growing to a height of 5–30 m tall with twining stems. The leaves are entire or three-lobed, 5–15 cm long, with a 5–20 cm long stem. The flowers are fragrant, white or pink, and large, 8–14 cm diameter. The flowers open quickly in the evening and last through the night, remaining open until touched by the morning sun. On overcast days, the blossoms may remain open for longer. The flowers also tend to remain open longer during cool temperatures - which may also cause the segments to snag or tear as they open.) The name moonflower derives from their blooming in the evening and they are being round in shape like a full moon. After a few hours of searching for the said flower. Levi finally managed to found at least one garden right in the middle of the forest. Joyous and thrilled, as his efforts on finding at least any of it in the world where he takes in had been worth it. Completely reminiscing the entirety of his past experiences before he reached into the world that seemed new to him. "These flowers look like the same..." "Amazing." His eyes suddenly went wept and instantly wiping out unconsciously and unnoticingly. "Dammit... I can't hold my tears seeing these beautiful flowers." He simply laughed with a grim smile on his face. !!!??? All of a sudden; A vast, tremendous amount of Awakening Aura villainously surging forth in a random direction, constantly charging throughout Levi's appearances. However, seconds prior than that; Levi was already felt away from it, approximately 100 meters on its circumference entirely. . . ***To be Continued***
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