Volume - 3 // Chapter - 64

2569 Words
"What... In the world... is going on?" The first thing Levi saw from the outside part of the Administration Building, moments after he turned left on a street where he first came from. Being stunned and terrified, as what he felt away from it ferociously. The way the magic and Awakening aura began purging through the inside of the Building. Countless contrasted spells had been seen through his Eye of the Supreme Awakening. Not only that, his right eye itself starts to distort and went blurry. Causing it to itched and made him scratched nonchalantly. His left eye on the other hand seemed unusable because it went disabled and blinded for at least a month of System Awakening penalty. He went stagnant for a moment, thinking it would be the best resolve for him to get involved in the situation that he didn't have any knowledge about what is happening. Nonetheless, the surrounding itself speaks up for everything. As he saw a lot of people completely stunned and petrified, utterly numb to their senses, and not a single word of surprised nor emotions had been seen towards their faces. Furthermore, the entirety of the effect would likely be vast for the majority, to the point that the radius of the said spell had been raised into a 30-meter circumference. Hence, not a single person nor other living things would be felt nor sense it eventually. Causing Levi to be startled and notified even more. The Administration Building itself had been changed dramatically by looking at the outside context of its structures. Walls are seemingly jiggling like gelatin, the ground shaking slowly like an aftermath of an earthquake, and the entirety of the building are covered in darkness. All of which, had been seen through the Eye of the Supreme Awakening unconsciously being activated moments after the System messages being released. Allowing Levi to have his self-speculations once again, without having any second thoughts of disorienting the current happenings it just appeared. As the result, he takes reckless action all by himself. "They seemed in trouble... And this spell looks like the ones I've felt when I reached in through the dome made by the Entities." "Speaking for that... I never thought that the Entity people are not being allowed to enter the Main village territory, even at its vicinity away from it." "Could this be?" "The ones having that kind of power were definitely can be able to deal against the real Entities!" His mind went out flabbergasted towards the people who have tremendous abilities, constantly being intrigued even more for entering the main building without knowing anything and recklessly. ~ [Inside the Administration Building] The loud, inaudible scream and suffering made by the people and other Adventurers are continued. Moments after the nobles, as well as the elite villagers, could cope with their feelings of pride and nobility towards the races of others. Especially they realized the person they mocked into, was astoundingly part of the 8 Strongest Races. For some unknown reasons, most of them began wild and exasperated. To the point that their egos and lust had become savage and went too far already. That causes the 2 Department heads, as well as the Headmaster, to make a deal against them by force. Knowing the fact that the number of people and Adventurers are astonishingly advantageous than the Department heads and headmaster themselves, as well as the numerous counts of high-level ranks they recently achieved beforehand. They boastfully think that they can manage to win against the only 3 formidable enemies, in a one-sided victory. Unfortunately, the results were unlikely the opposite and loop-sided. As the three already went out the experience of fighting with the enemies was far stronger and larger quantity than them, without having any sorts of discomfort and regret throughout the battlefield. In which the aftermath was all staggered with pain and agony on the side of the People. "Would you lot-minded if you start apologizing to the young man already?" Alicia went halted and started negotiating beforehand. Thinking the fact that the huge disputes made by them would be done peacefully. Robert Steel also thinking the same thing. Nathalia Condor simply nodded without taking any responsibility, fearlessly focusing only the things related to the fight and not a single form of expression had been seen into her on stopping it accordingly. Lock, on the other hand, couldn't hold his feelings rather than being agitated and downtrodden. To the point that all of the attacks and other magic spells flying around into the air and randomly bursting forth in a random direction, wouldn't seem affected nor being wary of everything that surrounds him. Even though he knows it could be negated, nor deflecting back towards the enemies. He certainly shouldn't make it. In which of it, people and Adventurers were started to have their thoughts trying to attack lock instead, who sees from afar casually sitting in the middle and wouldn't mind everything that is happening. !Bang! !Swooosh! !Boom! /Loud, suppressing fireballs rapidly aiming through Lock's back./ /Ground suddenly rumbling./ /Atmosphere went out dense and heavier./ ('He's here... At last...' A weak, unknown voice silently being heard coming from out of nowhere.) In a spur of a moment; As the two Department heads and the headmaster tried to deflect the incoming attacks and magic spells launched by the People and Adventurers, who unfortunately couldn't manage as well due to their lack of attention and focus throughout the sudden unprecedented situation. !!!??? A sudden surge of unknown Awakening Aura, bursting forthright at the center of the battlefield. Instantly getting intimidated throughout the senses of all people who are felt inside of it. A bluish-dark-colored Awakening Aura, surging through the singularity of one's body, ferociously reacting through the cores that the surroundings itself couldn't handle on its tenacity. And the vast atmosphere created by the Possessor of Entity race began denser and heavier than the usual form in a blink of a second. It was, of course, the people and Adventurer who having seen nor felt on it for the first time had been completely startled and terrifying, that some part of their bodies is starting to tremble and shaking horrendously. "What... kind... of.. monster is that?" "That Knightsmen brat... had been summoned a monster just now!" "Impossible... We're all gonna die with this." "That Cursed race must be died for good... We have to kill him!" All negative thoughts and destitute behaviors coming from the people had gone crazy and wild even more. The more they felt traumatic throughout the happenings they encounter, the massive impact their minds would likely turn into insanity. It was due to the sudden outburst of Awakening Aura, seemingly hideous and terrifying from the eyes of the ordinary. That causes them to trigger their desperate and despicable reaction on disposing of the poor young boy right on the spot. And as the result, they do it without thinking about anything. The same attacks and magic spells they'd made just recently, were started aiming to Lock at this moment. ('Fools... They'd made the same mistake...' 'This one is some huge of a matter to be seen momentarily.' Another weak, unknown voice had been silently heard coming from out of nowhere, it was the same one that was heard a while ago.) !!!?? !s***h! /A huge horizontal line of space spreading throughout the entire surface of the atmosphere./ /Constant form of Awakening sigils had been seen everything from the air./ /Air had gone whistling ferociously moments after./ In a continuous ticking of a second, approximately 5 seconds in a time frame. The consciousness is given by the people, as well as the Department heads and headmaster had been driven towards their shocking feelings. As everyone went out stunned, completely stopped from their doings. Not only that, the beats of their hearts had been heard drastically, as they could even hear it beating and throbbing out of their surprise and terrified. "What... just... happened?" The first thing they asked from the others. Sadly, not a single one of them couldn't explain sagaciously the sudden things that just occurred. The same thing goes to the side of Department heads and Headmaster, as they saw a half of the surroundings that Nathalia Condor ultimately did was completely cut out and opened into two's. In which one whose cut from above, was utterly dispersing. While the other one was started to crumble, in which most of the people and the Adventurers below are began rattled and alarmed at that point. But then, of all three people whom being maliciously felt the eerie, terrifying presence created by the unknown person. The mood of the Adventurer Knights Department Head became adamant and flabbergasted. For him, he felt disbelief and not a single thought on his mind thinking for the number of powers and abilities that the unknown person already acquiring for. Not knowing the fact that he instantly recognizing his presence, moments after he starts appearing before their eyes, and began taking his move fairly reckless and intact. 'I see... so it was you all along... Levi Furiman!' He simply nodded secretly with a strong grin smile on his face. The Chief Department Head on the other hand, in which he scarcely concealing himself through the dark, trying not to interfere the battle between the High-ranking personnel and the Crowd. Also having his deep thoughts and convictions towards the appearances of the unknown person, that made him felt intrigued and astounded on his senses. 'So that must be it... The one possessing the Supreme Awakening...' 'This is exhilarating to watch.' He's getting hyped and thrilled even more, knowing that his intuition made up true for the time being. That wouldn't be the case. As the eye of the Chief Department Head and the Eye of the Supreme Awakening had been starring at each other in a very unlikely way. The eyes of a Darkness race (Which is derived from a lunar crescent moon from its iris), and the Jewish-Enochian race are seemingly hated each other, to the point that their blood and instincts are utterly heated up like wanting to get killed each other's hands by any chance. That causes Luther to be startled by himself, couldn't believe that the Supreme Awakening Possessor that the Church Pastor mentioned, was the one he wouldn't want to mess up the most. 'That i***t Ozril... I never thought the Supreme Awakening he said, was the Jewish-Enochian! Dammit...' He felt betrayed and regret at some point, thinking for the best possible way on escaping the stares and malice against the Supreme Awakening Possessor. . At that moment; The thoughts having on Levi's mind crumbles the same thing, just as what the Chief Department head already had to. His mind went out puzzled, and every part of his body suddenly went out active and volatile on their movements. Nonetheless, he consciously kept ignoring it. All that matters the most, was to make sure that the Lock is safe and sound on its own. "Lock, it's me. Levi... Don't whine around and let us get out of here." Levi cheering Lock with a tease. "I'm not whining... I just don't know what should I do..." Lock pouted at him. "By the way, what happened to the people? they seemed stunned and discordant." "Yeah? I don't even know what the hell are they doing... I just deflecting their magic spells and unintentionally cutting the entire space dome into half." Levi simply nodded with a soft smile on his face. A few minutes later, they leave the dome exquisitely as well as the Administration Building without being noticed by anyone. Except from the eyes of the Chief Department head, who had his willingness on assisting their departure through the exit point of the battlefield. Levi consciously noticing it. Sadly, he couldn't hold himself to repay his good deeds towards it, especially to the ones he seemingly didn't know about their existence. "I'm not sure who in the world you are... But I'm very certain that you're kind and good people living in the dark... I give you my deepest gratitude for this!" Levi suddenly went glad and gratified, instantly bowing his head in a random direction. And leaving the place with audacity and pride. ~ !!!??? As Nathalia tried to put things back into their original state. The People and other Adventurers had finally gone back into their consciousness once and for all. Not knowing for anything since the time Levi Furiman recklessly appearing from the shadow. "What just happened? I remembered I mocked that young Knightsmen brat from the beginning." Most people gathered around did the same thing. Some people gallantly remembered the huge s***h that cutting out the whole atmosphere in half. But only the chosen few were the ones who remembered everything from it. Including the entire appearance that Levi Furiman existed. "What was that all just now? That Bluish-dark shadow we'd seen completely." The eyes and thoughts are given by Elly Geomanhan still couldn't cope up with the entire situation that happened in just a matter of minutes. "And not just that, it helps the Knightsmen brat to escape! F***ing dammit..." Other Adventurers felt the same thing. Knowing the fact that it was their first time to encounter such terrifying and intimidating happenings they'd seen in their entire life. "Really? then this one is the real enemy as well! we need to get rid of it also." "Yeah!" All minds they'd made are getting to put as one at the moment. Causing their rage and hatred towards them would unlikely be immeasurable and unjust for it to deal with. Robert Steel, Nathalia Condor, and Alicia Madrid on the other hand. Had nothing to do anymore about the people's behaviors, simply nodding their heads and didn't want to get involved in their commotion, ever again. "Just as expected... The Chief Department Head simply testing out the people and the Adventurer's attitudes whenever they faced up against the formidable foe in a very tight situation." Nathalia is astoundingly wary about it. "So it was his schemes all along? How futile and immature!" Alicia suddenly went exasperated. Robert didn't want to comment on his own, he simply grinning on his face for a few minutes nonetheless. And so, the moment had come to them; The Chief Department Head silently walking in front through the Administration Building hall, surging out some tremendous, frightening Aura that making people and Adventurers too startled and terrified. And proudly explaining to all of them who have been involved in the sudden incident that happened just now. "To put it straight and simply, those few who having seen the Bluish-dark colored Shadow protecting the young Knightsmen, was all of my doings and nothing to be fret about it." "And everything that happens, was all part of my scheme!" People, Adventurers, The Department Heads, the Receptionist, everyone who heard from it was all stunned and surprised about his revelation casually unveiling upon them. Countless questions and unprofound conspiracy had been seen dramatically afterward. All of which focuses on one purpose. "How this thing happened so brutal and inhuman!" Nonetheless, the Chief Department Head simply laugh with a huge smile on his face. Not knowing for them for the sole reason, about the other hidden existence that only a few people would likely know about it. . . ***To be Continued***
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