Volume - 3 // Chapter - 66

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The one who makes a mess shall be cleaned up immediately. . Everyone inside the Church living had started to mumbled and puzzled momentarily, moments after the departure of the Church Pastor in the middle of the night. All minds that they think about, was only one specific thing. "Why is Pastor Ozril so fond of finding all of us this evening? Does something very matters already?" Misa completely uttered towards her feelings at the moment, suddenly went restless that she couldn't sip her tea properly due to her hand whose already shaken without knowing. Make does the same thing, as she couldn't manage to eat her treats with one hand on the other. Thinking the same thoughts as what Misa did earlier. Everyone seemed silent minutes after, not knowing for the entire happenings they'd held. Not even a little. "What do we do now? Pastor Ozril is gone finding Levi-chan." Make quickly asked with uneasiness feeling on her senses. Some of which started to rattles out, that thinking for the best possible resolution for their sudden restless feeling wouldn't seem volatile towards them. As the result, they started to ask those people who had seen calm and patience conclusively. Those people are Pista, Misho, Lylia, Malina, Yaka, and Ais. The only people nor beings who do know about the situations they'd in completely. "It's a full moon... Some elders of the Demi-beings usually called it 'Blessing'... for some reason, I don't know about it personally... They only told us not to go to the forest whenever the full moon rises." Yaka simply explaining with a slight discontent on her thoughts, instantly apologizing for her incompetence afterward Nascondra does the same thing, finally realized about it since the time she was young. As soon as Yaka finishing her shared thoughts towards the Church Attendants. The Entities on the other hand already began their sides into them. Completely different and unique that made everyone, including the Demi-beings' beliefs to shocked and astonished. "During full-moon, our powers began weaker and sloppier... To the point that we began uselessly and burden to others especially when the battle already started." Everyone who heard about it began startled and confused at the same time. Knowing the fact that the Entity race was not able to become one of the Strongest, they couldn't even imagine how would they dealt with nor win against their impregnable forces in a one-sided battle. Not to mention their strong telekinesis ability, that transferring all life forms into different spaces and dimensions according to their will and desire. Unfortunately, that wouldn't be the case for the 'strongest' Entity whenever the ones telling it the truth. Thinking the fact that all thoughts and words she'd saying, are true and full of conviction. As a matter of fact, She demonstrates her mental and spiritual ability towards the people without having any sort of second thoughts nor hesitation. By deepening her breathing and her concentration began denser and heavier, she constantly activating one of her 'Unique' spells that only a few Entities are knowing about by putting her both arms in front and cascading it thoroughly. !Entity Dimensional Spell! !Blink Separation! /Ground suddenly went juggling, like gelatin and squishy like a baked pumpkin./ /Constant forms of hallucinations had been seen entirely in a specific place./ /Eyes of Nascondra instantly went dim and blurry completely, causing them to felt restless and went unconscious. While Yaka on her own had partially resisted the effects of the spell intuitively./ The Entities, on the other hand, didn't seem affected by the spells nor being able to resist the activation created by Lylia, completely went solemn yet silent at the moment. Trying not to interrupt her for a while. The Church Attendants and the Demi-beings whose greatly affecting the Awakening spell, completely losing their minds on what is happening in a spur of a moment. In which some of them began nauseously and were left unconscious, some of them trying to negate it with their own volition, and some of them couldn't help but tag along with the spell itself. All of it happens, in mere seconds. !Kai! /Ground completely stopped from giggling./ /The effects of the spell had slowly released./ /The spaces and dimensions started to regain back to normal./ After a while, the senses and consciousness given by the people and Demi-beings are now returning as well, moments after the spell was completely releasing. "Well, damn... That spell... Is amazing!" Tisa simply left thrilled and astounded, knowing that she was the one who tagging up along with the spell very fairly. "For me... That kind of spells... Is rather intimidating." Misa's thoughts about it were slightly the same thing, the only thing that differs for her was the way she didn't like the channeling effects running forth inside the spell. Though she was the one trying to negate the spell very unlikely. Misho and Pista, along with the Adventurer Knights Personnel also do the same thing on trying to negate the spell as strongly as they could. While those who couldn't handle the force remain speechless and wired to their thoughts on their minds secretly. "So strong... Strongly enough to man-handled them all at once." One Entity people slowly began astounded towards the happenings she'd made, couldn't hold his mouth on opening due to being surprised and amazed. Other Entities, including Ais and Malina, does the same thing. However, only a few of them noticed the Awakening spell that Lylia gallantly created. "It went out weaker, and subdue." Ais slowly interpreting her thoughts to them. As she was the one seeing her power became less vile and intimidating compared to the ones she felt on it long before. Not only that, but she also knows what exactly happened on how did her Awakening spell began weaker, nonetheless, she decided not to tell it to them for the better good. "Was it because of the full moon that we already mentioned?" Malina suddenly asked sarcastically with slight care. Even though she is fully aware of the effects of dealing with the spells during the full bloom of the moon. With that knowing, only the thoughts and answers given by Lylia are the only thing that the Church people and others believing in as the result. "Precisely, it is because of the light coming from the moon that made most of the Entities weaker... Weak enough to deal with some High-class Adventurers." She simply added her thoughts and explanations to them, trying to understand as simple as she possibly could nonetheless. The Church people and others are finally realizing about it, in which most of them started to write it from notes and trying to remember themselves accumulating that important information coming from the Entities itself flamboyantly. "So that was it, the primary weakness of the Entity people was not just the fellow strongest race itself." "But through the power of nature itself! ... Amazing!" "So... What kind of other things did you guys become weaker from?" Make suddenly asked so direct towards the Entities, with a glittering eye coming from her and the level of excitement was far different than the most. "You're so straightforward, cut it out!" Malina distraughtfully scolding her immediately, quickly mopping her mouth with her spell and trying to shut her up inclusively towards the others. But then, another thing that had been bugging out into their senses. "If the Church Pastor was strictly disallowing these people on going out outside the place... was it really because of the full moon?" Misho solemnly questioned with a deep thought puzzling on his head. "Yeah... That's right... In fact, wouldn't make him bothered at that kind of situation, where the only reason why he left out finding his people is just knowing the weakness and superstition coming from the two strongest races?" Pista simply added to Misho's speculations. "That would be the case then, we have to think deeper to find out what is happening to him... And Levi Furiman as well." Lylia silently nodding. "Speaking for that, where is Levi-chan by the way?" Misa instantly asked with concern, suddenly felt uneasy, and began worried about him. As soon as everyone finally realized the one specific person, that certainly out of their presence completely and without regarding. They started to make a plan immediately, with complete haste on their minds and patience towards their actions. Including the sole reason why the Church Pastor recklessly finding on him without leaving a single trace and all by himself. At first, they started to ask about the last time where he was last seen in their naked eyes, moments after he disappears. Then, every single one of them simply asked about their abilities and Awakening Possessing. Even though it is taboo for revealing the identity by the likes others, it is completely futile for the situation given by them on the good side since everyone is constantly agreeing with the same deal without any certain regrets and unnecessary commotion. After a few minutes of revealing; The Awakening races and abilities are now profounding. . 20 are Entity race 2 are Demi-Being race 2 are Knightsmen race 5 are Knightsmen Possessor 2 are Jewish-Enochian Possessor 7 are Providence Possessor 4 are Demi-Being Possessor 1 is a Cosmic Possessor . As all the people valiantly gathered in one place, Lylia initially specifying their capabilities and usefulness beforehand. Knowing that the dangers lie from the outside, and the concept of the enemies remains to remain unknown. She couldn't wage on bringing every single one of them finding out the whereabouts of both Pastor Ozril and Levi Furiman empty-handed. As the result, only a few had been choosing to find them. Lylia, Yaka, Nascondra, Ais, Misho, and Pista are the only ones allowed to go outside. The rest are stayed put inside the building. "Wait... wait... wait... Why does none of us allow to join your team?" "Aren't we incompatible to fight against these monsters yet?" "Don't belittle us! Pastor Ozril and Levi-kid are in danger... And their help is in need to us!" The Church people, however, didn't seem glad to the selection that Lylia formed. Knowing the fact that none of them didn't manage to comply with the requirements given by the Entities themselves. Especially on Misa, since recently receiving highest rank among them and the strongest one active at the moment. She simply understands the situation, deliberately explaining to the others the reason they didn't get picked at a crucial time. With a soft, gentle smile on her face, mixing both frustrations and gratitude towards the situation, She instantly felt gratified into them for helping someone they didn't even know who they are. Nor other races block the importance of helping each one and another. And inclusively praying for their return and assurances for safety. Misho and Ais simply nodded as his response to her. Pista does the same as well, in secret. Yaka simply hugged her wholeheartedly. Nascondra unnoticingly cried without knowing. Lylia gently promising not just to her, but to everyone that they will return safe and sound until the sun rises. . [Outside the Church Building] "Now what? .... " Misho nervously asked into them, thinking for their next move to deal with. "You dumbfounded fool... Of course, we had to find them..." Pista surprisingly responded like a child. /Misho's face went out grinning into Pista with anguish gesture./ /Pista's face did the same./ "Both of you stop it already... you guys are not a kid anymore..." Nascondra simply asking to refrain and acted solemnly. "Speak it to yourself, you damned hundred-year-old hag!" Misho responded unnoticingly to anyone, not knowing the consequences of dealing with the Strongest Races recklessly. !Bang! !Boom! !Bang! /Numerous counts of lumps had been seen through Misho's forehead./ "I will make that double... okay?" She simply threatened with a soft smile on her face. Misho regretting it, generally patching up his head with his own hands thoroughly. On the other hand; Yaka and Lylia are adamantly sharing the same thoughts, on whichever direction where the Church Pastor and Levi Furiman are heading in. Sitting on a huge boulder covered in small trees and bushes seemingly golden-colored whenever the moonlight flashes in. !South! A pin-point presence compass, in which a certain kind of tool allows the other Demi-beings to locate and determine the direction of a certain person nor a being. By transmitting their magic / Awakening presence to the compass, it allows the compass to track the specific person nor being in some certain amount of distances. However, they're some problems and other components that the Demi-beings themselves also didn't want to deal with. Just as like for the instances. !They couldn't trace where are the two directing to.! "At first, it goes south... then west... and then east... and then southwest... It's like never-ending shifting of directions did this compass capable of..." Lylia seemed irritated by the situations they held in moreover. Yaka does the same. As she couldn't manage on navigating the things she didn't even familiar with anymore, knowing the fact that she was in a state of becoming a 'monster' for at least hundreds of years and recently revived by the efforts of the Supreme Awakening Possessor. She frankly apologizes for her incompetence as what she resolved. Lylia gracefully accepting her apology nonetheless. As she sincerely watching the pattern of the compass that seemingly directing elsewhere, she suddenly noticed a certain direction that hardly able to reach. !North-north-west!!North-west! Those two directions were the only ones barely able to reached in according to the compass itself. Furthermore, with the help of Yaka's Awakening ability whereas she finally realized through Lylia's quick coordination. She solemnly focusing all parts of her sense pointing them out into two different directions. In which the first one she held to, was the North-north-west direction. !Awakening Buff! !Sensory pointers! /Yaka's sixth senses had instantly activated./ /The color of her eyes had been changed, veins slowly appearing throughout her upper body, especially on her face./ /The atmosphere surrounding her began heavier./ A minute had passed after her Awakening releasing. A bluish-light colored orb surprisingly went agile on its volition, creeping out against the hoard of unknown black orbs that seemingly trying to kill it. Out of her fears and terrifying feeling she made for a moment, the Awakening buff was constantly disappearing due to her lack of focus towards it. "What's the matter, does anything uncanny you'd seen already?" Lylia simply asked with concern, unwantedly startling out when she saw the face of Yaka being restless and imprudent. "Yeah, and guess what I just saw from it..." Yaka suddenly went dubious and palpable for a moment. ".... And what is it?" Lylia being unwary and completely flustered because of it. "You might know if we could just bust it and kill them all." Yaka surprisingly grinning and mumbled into her with a deep, malicious smile on her face. . . ***To be Continued***
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