Volume - 4 // Chapter - 94

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On the contrary. At least 50 quest remarks with different kinds of rank had been distributed exponentially through the hands and responsibility given by the Chief Department Head. Not knowing the actual location of the site, the Adventurers and people about taking the quest didn't know what was going to happen nor eventually predicting towards their wild, close-minded consciousness. And so forth, Chief Luther already knows what's about to happen, in which the lives of the weak were about to be taken by the horrified, ravenous of killing Sea Monsters. Being held inside the dark, abyssal dimension, seeing only a glimpse of light inside one's Awakening senses. The Administration Personnel and its receptionist consciously dwelled in a place separated by the physical surroundings and the ones they currently held created by the Chief Department Head momentously. It was a drastic peculiar and terrifying as what they felt on it at first, seeing the fact on how dark and empty the said spell to be held, every single one of them generally felt some shivering vibe and constant restless feeling throughout the entire environment as what they prudently resolving. But then, imagining the fact on how the magic spell distinctively prepared and formed by all means having their attentions putting into one. Their wills and spirit began strong once and for all, also the fact that the Chief Department Head himself seemingly showed no harm that made their lives threatened for an instant, causing their uneasy feelings to relieved. Nathalia Condor, who began stagnantly and stuttered for a moment of being isolated. Seemingly regaining her consciousness as she instantly noticed a lot of her comrades and co-workers' Awakening Essence casually floating away from the emptiness. Generally calling up their names as long as to made assurance for her uneasiness conclusively. .... .... All names had been called and went responsive, allowing their entire senses at ease. The Chief Department's Awakening essence had also been seen dramatically, with a white wisp tainted with black aura vertically and eyes went changed into its awakened form. Horrifyingly roaming through the emptiness as if he eagers on familiarizing the people's deep insight and intentions inside their consciousness. "I'm truly sorry for putting everyone at risk, knowing for the ability I made was intentionally for the likes of my enemies, slowly being driven with insanity and madness throughout their dark, evil thoughts." He began apologetically as soon as he approached kindly towards them, trying not to alarm the people by lowering his Awakening aura bursting unyieldingly throughout the whole time. People began sensing the level of the aura began lowered and serene, allowing them to breathe freely and randomly. Nonetheless, the problem itself isn't unraveled yet. Knowing the fact on how the Chief Department Head was consciously prudent and evasive to enact as what everyone believed into him, they simply went understandable towards the unpredicted actions he made all of a sudden. !The spell itself also created a certain place for gathering information and dealing with meetings in secret! Nathalia however, simply went directing to the point of making everyone being involved in the Chief's unusual scheme. Utterly asked with all her heart and intuition, solemnly putting her place in behalf of the people's questions gathered altogether against him. "Those quest remarks you've given to the Adventurers... What does it mean by that? Are you intend to kill every single Adventurer out there?" Nathalia bluntly asked the Chief Department head, as her face already maddened down through the core, seemingly being distraught towards the Chief's hastily actions. The Chief's entire existence slowly appearing, with a face completely went gloom, his glare towards them went abruptly sharpened as if the expression itself was nothing but regret and sorrow. And genuinely answering her question with solitude and truthfulness towards his own volition. . . On a distant place, still located at the territory of the Willow Village. The people and Adventurers who got the quest started to take their task accordingly as what the description is written into it. *Destroy the nest created by the Goblins (0/3) The Adventurers around had been seen dubious and agitated. As soon as they reached the place where the location was described, everything seems clean and empty as what they saw on it completely. In which none of the nest nor the monster itself had been appearing, even the glimpse of their shadows couldn't be reached into their eyes as well. "Are you kidding me? This old man fooled us right away!" "Dammit... This is no good for their reputation, everything they made is nothing but a joke!" "'The quest is currently inconvenience?' Don't screw with us!" The rage and disgruntled feeling towards the people began wild and rampant, instantly went anxious as they slowly walked away from the dungeon field. The winds began sturdy and irritated to feel as the breeze itself momentarily changed into hot from chilly cold air all of a sudden. Out of 7 Adventurers laying a party for that moment, one of them began suspicious and alarmed, by sensing a wild, repulsive breeze of the air slowly shivering through his skin. And constantly went exasperate towards it. "These air we just felt, are nothing much like to the sea..." He went startled and irritated at the same time, continually complaining about the sudden change of breeze surging forth into the air momentarily. "Huh? So you went to the sea before? How lucky you are!" The other Adventurer began jealous of his achievements, simply being amazed for reaching the place that only a few could hardly afford. "What is it just like?... Tell us! Hahahaha." One being held attentive as what he wanted to believe from the ones having experience into it. "Hmmm... From what I remembered, it was a desert full of saltwater... The Air is constantly changing depending on the weather of the atmosphere itself... That is what I hardly know about." He seemed to enjoy sharing his thoughts truthfully with his comrade. But then, as the conversation about a certain topic began deeper and continuous. One of them, in which the only Adventurer who knows reading temperature from the Sea instantly began frightened. Intuitively asking for the other Adventurers to prepare and alarmed for ascertain kind of Magic creatures very unusual to apprehend in the sense of being existed far unimaginable to bethink. "Don't tell me those are... The actual Sea Monsters that everyone that always mentioned." He went terrified, screeching in voluptuous as he finally noticed a herd of Sea Monsters viciously stood at the top of the Trees. Momentarily watching their preys being mindless for their appearances and blood of the Adventurers horrendously shedding through the ground seconds after. ~ Moments prior, on a different location to be held throughout the Village territory. Countless complaints had been received through the office of the Adventurer Knights, as Robert Steel hideously being irritated against it. In which, all of those complaints were regarding the Adventurers mercilessly devoured by the rages of the insidious Sea Monsters. "How many times do I have to tell these people to stop doing reckless things for a second!" The Adventurer Knights Department Head simply went irritated and restless at the same time, generally trying to put everything at ease as much as he adamantly can. His eyes went out dull and full of blemishes, considering the fact of how stressed he currently is and the stubbornness of the people makes his mind at the point of obnoxiousness. Especially to the most recent case regarding as well to the reckless action given by the Adventurers. "Out of 200 people diving through the depths of hell for an hour until this moment, only 20 of them being managed to survived." One high-ranking personnel absurdly report to the Department head, with his eyes went gloom, downtrodden to the core as like he genuinely grieving for the lives of people being wasted in a blink of an eye. Robert Steel went subtle for a moment, solemnly taking a deep breath for a great loss in silence, and repulsively being anxious for the situation they were wrathfully in. Driving with madness and deep sorrowful expression given by the human beings for a moment. Malta the Entity, who secretly hiding along with her kindred inside the huge, combined forces of their dimensional dome spell. Extensively being enacted to the Administrations' ulterior motives moving around freely and in secret. As she truly believed one suspicious person is having the things acting from behind by using such powerful position towards its authority and justification to their obnoxious action. "How can you be so sure about that, Malta-sama... That would be a great disturbance for the human organization's doctrines and might cause their utter destruction or even dethroning for their positions eventually?" One concerned Entity simply understood other's problems in such an intrinsic way. Other Entities think the same thing as well, but none of their concerns for helping out the problems that only a few, certain people can unravel. "As long as we have Robert Steel being the Chieftain of some branch of the organization and which being held to our side, things can never change towards our goal..." Malta conclusively nodded to the sudden disputes spurring out from the human races. Considering the fact how strong the ties holding up between her and the Adventurer Knights Department Head submissively. But then, one thing for a certain that made the Strongest Entity by far putting on her mind as well. Is to how Robert Steel could managing on solving the problem, when the problem itself was constantly hidden and secrecy. . . Willow Village Adventurers Administration. As the 4 mindless Church People finally arrived at the building. Tisa, who consciously unwary to herself, generally being hesitant and uncanning towards the sudden burst of dark, frightening Awakening aura that excessively spurring throughout the building. As the ordinary people, as well as the 3 Church People commonly, see the structures of the building, seemingly normal and harmless just as everyone knows about. - Walls seemed new and well-built. -Front door went shiny and well-polished. -People had been seen as joyous and lively. -The voice of the crowd had seemed rampant and rowdy. That is what Cassandra noticing on it. The same to Misa and Nascondra have seen accordingly. However, in the sense of the well-frightened and agitated Tisa the Knightsmen on the other, had seen and believed just seeing the appearances by looking outside on it. By putting it frankly, it was the same scenery and environment she saw into it through her eyes being common and natural at first. Nonetheless, that wouldn't be the case when she tried to see it through her eyes being Awakened to the power of the Knightsmen race. As she prudently noticed and hardly believed what she had seen very unusual and maddening just looking by its outer existence. - Walls, the front door, windows, estimated at the very least every single corner of the building had been covered in blackish-white colored, intimidating darkness from its surfaces. - Loud, screeching noise of agony and fear had been heard ferociously given by it. - The front door itself had the most intimidating, indescribable to measure how sickening and horrifying in the sense of being held on the opening of it. All of which, causes her body to tremble with fear. Eyes instinctively sharpened yet predictable for its saddening defeat, and mind horrendously went up blanked slowly being senile every moment she took glare on it. The three went consolidated for each belief of seeing their fellow Church attendant slowly being rotten by insanity. Sincerely dragging her away from the building to the extent of her maddening intuition lower and turned into normal. With the help of Nascondra, who is known for her talent for taming other people's tantrums and problems conclusively and whole-heartedly, by the means of her elegant charm and beautiful appearance both inside and outside. Cassandra and Misa constantly having their gamble to Nascondra's utter efforts hoping to ease Tisa's anguish feeling completely and voluptuously. The two simply heading out to the food stall once again, located few streets away from the Building. Bringing a lot of money being lend by Misa's expenses and bought at the very least most of the food that Tisa dreamed to eat since her childhood. Leaving the two Church People behind, Cassandra and Misa were consciously aware that nobody could stop their movements anymore. Solemnly opened the door and gracefully greeting every single one of them meets. It was nearly past noon as the time they entered through the building. The receptionist was very jolly by greeting the two being audacious to approach alongside them. "It was very lively to have in this Afternoon, aren't we?" Misa joyfully nodded. Cassandra left silent, as she suddenly noticed some notable changes that seemingly went odd through her immense intuition as an Adventurer. 'I haven't seen any quest papers nor remarks throughout the bulletin board.' 'More likely, every place I see, there is a quest report that seemingly completed and readily converted into rewards.' 'Or perhaps, they tried to withdraw the quest and left abandoned for some absurd reason. I should say this definitely by seeing the faces of these people being sad nor sorrowful for a certain purpose.' 'Much more sickening to be seen is the way the receptionist on how they approached the people... By seeing their smiles didn't care for the people's feelings and agony... It makes it more suspicious than ever.' 'Just what is going on? and how did everything this happened just so horrendous and vile to be seen?' As Cassandra utterly went isolated in her mind, generally subjecting the people's oppressing behavior that turning her entire attention began focused. One familiar Receptionist graciously appeared with audacity into its action, holding a pile of paperwork and a box filled with coins. Nathalia Condor started to greet with a certain kindness and generosity towards the Church People. Misa gallantly responds to her vibrant approached with a soft smile on her face. While Cassandra Smith bluntly putting her face into disgust; Thinking the fact on how she utterly knows the behavior and actions given by her. Then she believed it was way opposite and offensive compared to the usual ones she enacted all of a sudden. . . ***To be Continued***
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