Volume - 4 // Chapter - 93

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6:12 in the evening (Still not related to the time on the story, I was just resembling their time when it happened :)) ) The time where Misa, Tisa, Cassandra, and Nascondra finally arrived at the church. The 4 exhausted and worn-out people began stagnantly and immobilized towards their own volition, abruptly begging for someone's assistance momentarily towards the people they see. "Go help yourself, stupid old woman..." Lock suddenly insulting to Tisa as he constantly declining her favor into it. "Nascondraaaaa-chan... I'm sorry I couldn't help you (Hick)... I can treat you something this time (hick)..." Yaka utterly obliged on helping her fellow Demi-being kind, and yet she couldn't help as well due to her absurd dizziness for drinking too much honey putting on the kitchen at rest. Not knowing the fact that any sort of food are highly containable to over-sweetened liquids causes most of the Demi-beings to be drunk and went dizzy for a certain kind of reason. Due to that, Yaka seemed helpless and useless as what Nascondra's thoughts of resolve by seeing her getting stumbled nonchalantly to the floor, absurdly not receiving any pain on her senses but a lot of lumps in her head can see in everyone's eyes at the very least. "Sis... carry meee!" Misa being childish to her twin sister, seemingly pleased to be seen their lovable moments aside from being irritated against each other at some point. While Cassandra on the other left nodding on her own and instantly heading to the kitchen room, hoping for food to be found voluptuously as the result. The Church Pastor left idled on his own, warring letting the people around his building do what they want at the moment. Still didn't come up into his mind on watching Levi Furiman slumber into the clinic for nearly 3 days straight. Helina Booluck however, started to irritate and exasperate towards the Church Pastor's stubborn behavior. Knowing for his very existence crucially needed at times of need. Especially when it comes to the recovery of the Supreme Awakening Possessor. Unfortunately, not even his shadow had been seen dramatically over time. Since the time the two having an unprecedented commotion a few moments ago. "What is his deal by the way? I couldn't believe I held myself treating this young man's wounds without receiving any assistance given by him... Dammit!" She went mumbling with audacity on raising her voice very loudly, while her hands constantly glowing knowing for her deep healing abilities still insisting on closing up his dark, abyssal wounds. On the other hand, as the 4 Church People steadily returning to their normal habits like everything seemed nothing happened. The Entities, whose noses quickly began sharpened and keeping their entire senses focusing to some vile, ascertain tendencies that allow them to made intrigued and skins constantly went shivering. "Those Awakening Senses... Are nothing many Entities, arent you?" One curious Entity adamantly bothered towards their presence all of a sudden. They firstly asked on Tisa, in which the majority of their senses utterly believed, that it was her the most exposed person amongst the 4 who emitting some wild, repulsive Awakening aura far similar to their own. Resulting in them to asked indiscriminately towards it, without certain meaning for their utterly doing and nothing much unusual response coming from it. "Yeah, speaking of which... I've met some Entity that seems familiar to your branches... And guess what? She can create Awakening senses into weapons." Tisa truthfully replied to their curiosity without hesitating, allowing them to have second thoughts of believing, and suddenly went mumbling into their minds, trying to put things up at once. As Tisa leaving herself for a while, patiently heading through to Casa for treating her pain with ease. The Entities had starter their own huddled outside the building. Locating at the empty backyard, where horses and other herds of livestock placing into. They bluntly commenced their forum specialized only for them and in secret. All for that reason was about a certain person that left their senses alarmed and wary by just hearing her name from a distance. Nascondra blatantly eavesdropping the Entities' secret forum at first hand, knowing the fact for her intriguing behavior that made trigger and left following to their location moments prior. 'I don't know what's going on? but seeing these Entities grouping up altogether makes my senses tingling that something might not be looking good as what my intuition has given.' She held suspicion with ascertaining reasoning, repulsively trying not to get caught and slowly getting closer by using her concealed ability against them. !!!?? /Nascondra's clothes grasped menacingly./ /Loud, inexorable footsteps rumbling through the bushes./ But then, by some unfortunate fate; Yaka was also the one observing her eavesdropping action from behind, generally stopping her by spanking her head due to her stubbornness, and relentlessly dragging her away from the field. "That's no good for us spying against other 8 Strongest Races, knowing for a grave consequence that ended up one's life put at risk. Have you been aware of much of that? Old woman?" She went mean at her all of a sudden, yet her consciousness and awareness of the entire surroundings had been made the sharpest as it could then even drunkenness on her body didn't worth much attention in a solemn way. "But... Yaka-san" "Shut up, Nascondra... I do know a lot of people having that kind of attitude, that easily ends up beating to death in such a horrendous way... Listen, if you want to help others in a dirty way, others will turn dirty... Henceforth, if you want to help in a meaningful way with clarity towards your conviction... what will happen?" Yaka paused for a reason, generally wanted to Nascondra on finishing her thoughts already fixed into her mind. "Others will be following me pure-heartedly." She left nothing but abasing on herself, as she solely understood to Yaka for her meaningful reasons that worth sharing thoughts with her. . . Sunrise at the Willow Village. 9:03 in the evening (Still not related to the time on the story, I was just resembling their time when it happened :)) ) Countless unified information gathers in one place once again. Exactly the day after the press conference to be held at the Village Adventurers Administration. Nathalia Condor, who seeing restless and exhausted for 2 days straight since yesterday. Didn't have any time for some comical and gag moments given by the Adventurers. The Administration Personnel and receptionist thoughtlessly did the same thing as well in them. The fact that all of them began uncertain to the happenings occurring from the front lines, and only the reports and heresy are left driven by their ears. They were obnoxiously clueless about the problem that slowly turning into a burden, regardless of what the other's response and action are given to it. They seemed hopeful at the same time worried about everyone's lives putting them at risk as what they resolve. The Dungeon quest and missions had been closed inconveniently due to it. The Administration bulletin board itself had been seen vacant and empty just as the time the building began opened for business hours. "What's the meaning of these? ... The dungeons and quest began closed? ... How long does that last then?" "In that case? maybe we'll go to the other nearby villages, or perhaps the town instead." "How could we suppose to earn money like this? Screw this up!" The Adventurers had gone wild and rampant for a certain reason, simply didn't hold their distraught feeling towards them, leaving hatred and upset expression towards the Personnel's 'Incompetence' as much as they wanted to complain. The personnel couldn't man-handle the Adventurers' horrendous actions, seemingly wanting for the assistance given by the Department heads out of their fears to be threatened. With that, their prayers and begging began answered in a spur of a moment. As the one solemnly stepping in on behalf of the people who whole-heartedly working through the Administration was none other than the Chief Department Head himself. And generally telling to the people about one single question, that made everyone stopped in a blink of an eye. "(Ehem)... You ladies who kept whining without having care for your boyfriends... Mind if asked something... (Ehem)" Luther sarcastically responded to the people's senile action. The Adventurers on the other had been silently stopped eventually. "The recent number of deaths in the dungeon and missions for the past month was astoundingly 230... The past 2 months behind it was approximately 210... And the past 3 months behind it was nearly past 200... This concludes that the numbers don't matter nor didn't ring a bell to the minds of ordinary people like you guys are... Aren't you?" "And yet those families who having love ones sacrificing each life for their sake truly matters that count the most." Luther simply added his introduction. The Adventurers left silent at first, reminiscing their fallen comrade who losing their fight against the monsters for their living. However, all of the Chief's words didn't seem relevant to the recent problem that everyone currently faced. They instantly went irritated, simply walked through to the front door full of disappointments and upsetting emotion towards the system that they don't want to get. But then, the Chief Department Head continues his report, as soon as everyone disgracefully running away. "This week only... had received at the very least 300 people, having a sort of casualties in that given amount of time." He began truthful and solemn as he knows it would be the best resolve trying to determined who is still capable of adventuring amongst the people who had seen maddening around inside the building. Furthermore, he gradually scheming every single one of them, including the Administration Personnel and receptionist at their very own expertise. By some oblivious reason, he solemnly responded given to them, grabbing a box of quest papers grasping through his bulk, massive left hand along with his Eye of the Awakening resembling the Darkness race. Luther finally having his attention on threatening the people of the Willow Village, constantly asking for their wits and guts descending to the dungeons and missions in accordance to their eagerness and greediness. And so forth, the people chose on acquiring the quest from the hands of the Chief Department head without ulterior hesitation and second thoughts for their reckless action momentously. And went leaving the Building without being gratified and thankful for the Chief's utter kindness. "Hahahahaha!... Those Ungrateful people... Did they know what exactly are they heading into?" The Chief suddenly laughed with a menacing aura and intimidating vibe towards the receptionist. Simply couldn't be helped on asking about the contents of the quest that people around had been picked up all along. "Huh? Are you guys still clueless about the entire happenings? Good thing you guys didn't know anything about it." "About what, Chief? Tells us ... " "All quest dungeons and mission locations that I give up moments ago were all heading to where the Sea Monsters currently invaded into." Luther utterly laughed and suddenly gone maniac according to his will. "Are you crazy? all people and adventurers out there will eventually die in no time!" Nathalia bluntly contradicting the Chief Department head's action with all of her force and deliverance against him. The Receptionist tried to notify and warned the nearest Adventurer Knights on stopping the march of the Adventurers swarming into the pits of danger. !!??? /Dark, frightening form of black mass surging through one's senses./ /Surrounding inside the building began darker and repulsive./ Unfortunately, the entire communication spell was already distorted by the power of the Chief Department Head. Consciously trying to unravel the unsettling minds driven by the Administration Personnel with a maddening force capable of restraining their movements silently and momentarily. ~ In the meantime; A few hours after the Adventurer's uncanning departure. Cassandra Smith, together with Misa Togo, Tisa the Knightsmen, and Nascondra the Demi-being were auspiciously having along in one purpose. To verify the quest and claim the rewards given by it. With their eyes full of desires, astoundingly being hopeful about getting the rewards and bounty for their hard work and death-defying convictions on completing the mission. Not to mention the sudden unprecedented happenings that unwantedly occurred out of the blue, that nearly ended up losing their lives in a blink of an eye. "I'm glad that Malta-san came to protect us from fighting against the Sea Monsters." Misa gratefully nodded. Cassandra left silent as she kept thinking for a certain word continuously mumbling throughout her consciousness. Nascondra adamantly agreeing to what Misa said recently, as her depth grudges against her seemed voluptuous and nulled towards their current relationship. "Oh, you did mentioning on me to that. Nascondra-san... About your problems with Malta-san... Was that about love life?" Misa seemed clueless, continually jesting to Nascondra's relentless problem. That causing Nascondra to went irritated as she resolved. But then, seeing the expression given by Tisa, who has been constantly unwieldy since the moment they drag her along forcefully. Generally left isolating herself while physically walking through with them. Misa and Nascondra were instantly startled, consciously worried about her restless feeling that generally made her mood felt grumpy and stutter. "What happened to her?" Nascondra audaciously asked. "I don' know? should we asked her?" Misa solemnly replied. "Ok.. you go!" Nascondra began daring. "Wait, what? you go!" Misa fought back. "No... You go!" The two began arguing, unnoticingly the things they fought began bigger and bothersome. To the point that Cassandra finally made up her mind on resolving the thing that the two end up disputing. Not knowing the fact that the only thing Tisa getting tamed from being moody was the kind of food that she likes very most. A baked, spicy potato and sweet, dried fruits. She vigorously bought all of it in a nearby store where the 4 casually walking through. She held herself happy as the result. But then, another thing that made her mood spoiled very instantly occurred all of a sudden. "I sensed very blackly, weakening Aura surging nearby..." She went beckoned as her smile instantly went perished due to the unknown, unconsolidated magic aura that started to alarmed her entire consciousness due to it. . . ***To be Continued***
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