Volume - 4 // Chapter - 95

2319 Words
"By seeing how you greeted on us, and the way you approached, that's the thing the suspicion comes indefinitely and how dubious you are." Cassandra utterly confronted Nathalia Condor with an eye already sharpened, full of convictions towards her intuition. Moments after she arrived at the place where she and Misa held. Sitting on a serene, vacant lounge. Cassandra Smith was seemingly the only one having deep remorse towards the entire situation that everyone currently held in. As she is prudently wary about the people's sudden unusual actions, generally shivering her entire senses thoroughly. Especially the fact how Nathalia Condor deeply affected the unprecedented resonance. She held attendance and was aware of every single word she speaks towards them. "My... My... (H)ow about you (E)at some delicious (L)oaf that I (P)repared... (please)..." Nathalia couldn't be held answering to Cassandra's blatant questions, rather she began redirecting their attention by offering meals she prepared on purpose. As her mouth completely halting, couldn't handle being comprehended for the time being as the tone of her voice was unwarily limited and confusing to understand. Misa as well who had seemed perplexed and agitated due to it, as she knowingly believed she had already eaten a few moments ago before entering the building, and nonchalantly declining the Receptionists offers that left her annoyed and exasperate moreover. As the two humbly declining the food for the 5th time since they entered, Cassandra completely started to be held suspiciously thoroughly. This time, her intuitions had been made true and intact. "Misa, mind if I asked something." She began to ask as a start for her unyielding conspiracy. Misa whole-heartedly nodded. "What kind of food did the others offer to you since the time we came here?" She asked silently and carefully. Misa eventually made up her mind for the last time around, seemingly began reminiscing the fact of how the people around the Administration being sequencing to their utter hospitality. "Come to think of it... The first one they offer was a Lime... the next is Lamb... The other one is Livestock, I don't even know what kind of food that is as to how much I remember the name of the food they are given to me... Until recently, a slice of loaf... That's all." She solemnly elaborating her genuine experience momentously, as she didn't even know what kind of plans is Cassandra Smith putting up with. Cassandra simply smiled in secret. Astoundingly being horrendous as the things generally put up into suspicion was slowly rising in into truth. "So, I see... That's how it is... " She left nodded with a grim smile on her face. Considering the fact of how clueless Misa Togo is at the moment, Cassandra humbly answering all the thoughts and situations they currently belong to with slow, direct response and quick-witted deliverance. !They... Need some help! It was a proud, convicted answer towards the peoples' unkind resolve. Misa finally understood what's happening, recklessly shouted for joy, and causes a short deafening noise momentarily. She left abase and went silent as the result. And then, Cassandra began calling Nathalia Condor for the second time. But at this point, She conclusively wary of her actions and went solitude with absolute care towards the sudden unexpected approach. !Thug! !Thug! /Soft, rumbling of footsteps pounding through the floor./ /Wild, inaudible noise spreading everywhere./ In a span of a minute, Nathalia Condor haphazardly arrived. Holding a bunch of papers that are seemingly empty in the sense of being written as what Misa Togo noticeably sees for it. Generally believed something is not right within this building. Cassandra utterly asked randomly towards her as a start for their highly suspected conversation. Surprisingly, the same tone of the answer that she bluntly received. Causes her to enact submissively and went out confronting her entire dull appearances, without hesitation and hindrances amid a rowdy environment. "My... My... (H)ow about you (E)at some delicious (L)iverspread that I (P)repared... (please)..." Nathalia couldn't be held answering to Cassandra's blatant questions, rather she began redirecting their attention by offering meals she prepared on purpose. "Bla... Bla... Bla... You screw us up real good this time, Nathalia onee-san... I know for sure you guys wanted some Help... the way you act, are highly disgrace to the morale of the receptionist." "How about we just talk... To a place where you guys usually came to talk" She went aggressive, as she repulsively being annoyed by the synchronized words given by Nathalia all along. Moreover, she suddenly shook, as she surprisingly noticed her facial expression instantly changed and went smile with a lot of hidden things wanted to unravel. As the people began silent and attended accordingly, Nathalia finally regaining her dull consciousness. As her eyes slowly glowing and her Eye of the Awakening had been activated so instantly, the way she formed her breathing are astoundingly ground pounding and knee-trembling that their breaths barely managed to caught in. And her entire appearance elegantly changing like a maiden in a deep forest living alone and lively. Her arms had both placing through the floor as she kept breathing heavily, the atmosphere around the table began denser and heavier yet sincerely calm and vibrant. And the Entirety of the surroundings had been changed drastically as what Cassandra and Misa saw completely towards it. "I don't know what's going on... But seeing the entirety of the place had been changing into a glimpse of an unknown environment... Makes me feel nauseous and restless..." Misa couldn't be held but to frighten by the sudden effect of the Spell making by Nathalia. Nonetheless, Cassandra seemed joyous and glad as she truthfully believed the consciousness of the person she well-known for a long time had been seen regaining and enact accordingly and warily. "Don't worry Misa-san... This one is a kind of spell that belongs to the 'Entity' race... Well, for me I don't know what kind of name are these people called... But I know for certain, that we're safe from talking and other things for a given amount of time." She held assuring to Misa's agitated feeling, consistently daring at her to watched audaciously through the place and scenery that the Administration head for the Receptionist department made into them. /Birds continuously flying./ /Trees and rivers astoundingly gleaming./ /Branches and bushes dancing forth through the wind./ /Calm, vibrant serenity had been seen haphazardly./ Misa slowly opened her entire consciousness into the gist of a mind-made environment. She left adamant, couldn't believe what she saw entirely from its core, and her mouth couldn't manage on the closing up due to the amazing surroundings. Cassandra left nodded but being ecstatic as well, known for her friend and fellow Church Attendant seeing the work of the Entities running through into their minds being flabbergasted and admired due to it. As the two continually being enjoyed to the place where Nathalia Condor putting them at the meantime. She started on appearing into them, knowing for the purpose for their direct appearances into her that generally putting their sense into the gist of making attention. "Thank you for having my call, this is my greatest solitude and indebted to you all, especially for Cassandra Smith-san, whom genuinely ----" Nathalia sincerely putting her deepest gratitude in front of Cassandra and Misa. However, it went stopped all of a sudden knowing the fact for a person she went gratified into, was an absolute straightforward and inconsiderable bargain. "Bla... bla... bla... cut the crap out and tell us what's going on..." She went impatient as her mood began gloomy, instantly turning back into her original state and getting annoyed as soon as she saw Nathalia being smiled with audacity right in front of her face. Misa seemed nothing but aloof towards her own volition, continually paying her attention towards them every time the two tried to interact with each other. "Honestly, I can't believe amongst those block-headed people greedily roaming around the building, you two were the only ones noticing our insolent behavior." Nathalia nodded. "Yeah, you're the one who spoke with that... Now then, mind we ask about what is going on already... And how can we pull that kind of eerie spell to break?" Cassandra answered with annoyance as they speak. "Hahahaha... But before that, I want you guys to know, on whose the one putting us these things into misery." She bluntly replied to Cassandra, with her eyes suddenly went sharp and entire consciousness began serene yet solemn to deal with. That instantly left gulped through the throats of Cassandra and Misa, in which being attentive on listening everything they said completely, due to the sudden course of situation that greatly affected the entire surroundings created by the one possessing the Awakening Race of the Entity itself. . . For the time being; All units of the Willow Village Adventurer Knights, as well as the Investigation and Internal Affairs Department, had been joined forces, desperately putting the entirety of the Village Territory into isolation. Knowing for the trouble given by the infamous Sea monsters, as well as the Stubbornness and hard-headed individuals putting their lives on the line for a scarce of daily living. The majority of the Village Adventurers Administration had been reached to the point of putting every single dungeon and mission on stopping its operations for the better good. All units, including the volunteers, had been obliged to come per their attendance at the upcoming battle against the raging Sea Monsters once again. Adventurers and Personnel who do have important works and other critical responsibilities had been exempted momentarily. The ranks themselves had been seen worthless to held with, about their positions would likely be unnecessary. As what the 3 notable Department heads ordering from them. Only one certain task is given for them at this moment. !Protect the civilians at all risk. If monsters arrived, kill without hesitation! A grave, the desperate response was given by Robert Steel. As the held being assigned to generalize all sorts of action aligning to the gist of everyone's movements. Thinking for the fact that Alicia Madrid undoubtedly declined, and Sam Smeagel simply didn't accept the offer and valiantly charging through the forest along with Pista Rambutan and his subordinates. The Administration utterly decided on putting everything into Robert Steel once again as the result. Knowing for his sudden absence during the first crucial encounter against the Sea Monster and his incompetent resolve towards the recent media conference. Everyone seemed disgruntled of him being appointed to be their leader as the result. In which most of the people who don't belong to his department in the first place seemingly went indocile towards his orders. Generally disobeying it and went along according to the command given by their own Department head nor high-ranking personnel instead. "Tsk... Disgraceful people... Thinking only for themselves." Robert aggressively nodding himself at the moment. The lack of manpower and coordination towards the other department had been seen wild and rampant, with only 78 Adventurer Knights, 65 Internal Affairs, and merely 50 Investigations, all of which gathered in one place trying to combine and cooperate. Things didn't get along as what the high-ranking personnel thought about it at first. People fighting indiscriminately for fun. Some magic relying people had gone competing against each other. Other trying to kill one another due to some personal grudges and dispute. Only a few had been managed to get along and knowing altogether without taking violence nor competing on whoever the strongest may be. "Hmmm... Perhaps we should go having an event after this?" One High-ranking Adventurer from the Internal Affairs department suddenly went upon his mind generally getting some ideas regarding one's entire attitude. "Huh? A parlor game? What kind of sh**y game was that? We should kill each other! It would be fun nonetheless." One other High-ranking Personnel from the Adventurer Knights consistently contradicting one's genuine plan for some obnoxious reason. Instantly made trigger of being oblivious to the other one that ended up having dispute against one another. And so forth, a peaceful afternoon in which it was supposed to have now in utter chaos and gone riot as what a simple misunderstanding had turned out into the madness. /Ground maliciously trembling with intensity./ /Weather in a specific area had been changed horrendously and vile turns out into a black cloud covered with lightning that blasted out randomly./ It was all work given by Robert Steel and Alicia Madrid, who intentionally cast their abilities tenfold towards the people, generally driven their patience to the utmost limit that instantly went transcendent in a span of a few minutes. That eventually stopped every single movement unnecessarily made by the people at the moment. Immediately focusing their attention towards the 2 department Heads without questions asked and utter hesitation. "Good grief you lot took only 1 magic spell I threw! Because if don't, I still got at least 5 more spells to choose just to make you all tamed." Alicia bluntly responded to the people's vile and rowdy behavior with her signature grin smile on her face. Robert Steel didn't leave any word but a massive trembling through the ground as his warning to all people who seemed to disrespect his capabilities in leading the war against enemies. And so forth, all eyes and ears had been borrowed for a reason. Sequencing on putting their attentions altogether for the words and orders given by the Administrations. .... It was past dawn near evening when the time the meeting concluded, had gone unexpecting in such peaceful and harmonious way. And yet, the breeze of the night had been pungent and repulsive by minding it more different. The Administration Personnel and Adventurers had been stagnant and restless for a reason. Knowing for the final stronghold they defend, where the last one is the entire Village being invaded once they're lost. . . ***To be Continued***
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