Volume - 2 // Chapter - 52

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. . [Earlier] [In the Perspective of the Entire Entity beings.] [Approximately the night after Levi completed the leasing contract made by himself towards the disclosure of the Dungeon Break.] The same moment to the other Dungeon Gates, whereas the situations happened on the side of Yaka the Demi-being occurring. On a faraway Dungeon. The consciousness of the Monsters and other Magic creatures had slowly regaining back into its senses. !!!?? !Rooooooaaaaarrrrr! !Sckreeeeeeaaaaakkkk! Countless eerie voices and audible noises had been made by them, shouting for joy and gracefulness from the ears of those others who can understand. But for the likes of the people living around the dungeon and Adventurer Knights guarding the said place, it was way opposite. Resulting in them to traumatized and shivering to their senses on their own. "We're alive and back! ... At long last!" One Monster shouted for its joy. In a dark, eering place where the voice and other hideous noises had located. Stomping for excitement, giggling through thrilled and ecstatic for what they felt. As the Monsters and other Magic Creatures didn't seem believed to the happenings that they went. Simply cunning out to their senses and dubious at the moment. Some of them tried to cut slightly on their wrist, thinking it would be some kind of spell and abilities made by other races and Adventurers to tricked against them. !Blood! Surprisingly, all of them who tried to take their assurance had constantly bled through the parts of the slashed body. "So we're... truly alive! Hahahahahahaha!" One Monster momentarily taking its assurance at that point. While other Monsters and Magic creature having their celebration for the sudden changes in their appearances. There was a group whose astoundingly different from the others, completely suspecting the work of an unforeseen being. And started taking on their move, as soon as the consciousness of themselves had begun regaining and relieving. "We're heading to the main village, who's with me?" One Magic creature valiantly asked. At first, nobody answered. Thinking that most of them are still unconscious and haven't returned to their senses just yet. But then, on the good side. As she calmly waiting, sitting on a huge boulder and resting her senses for a minute. Patiently Observing for her comrades and fellow Race people to awake and alive once again. !Creak! !Crack! A constant number of petrified Monsters and magic creatures slowly breaking up the shells on their bodies, like a cocoon that slowly turning up into an elegant butterfly wanting its freedom to live and liberty amongst the others. That was how Lylia felt while waiting for them to awake. "Lylia? Lylia!" One closest friend of hers instantly called as the first one she glanced for it. Amazed and grateful, the expressions couldn't meddle from the side of Lylia. Gratefully relieved and thankful to the ones it made towards them. So was the other Beings that finally regaining back to their senses as well. "What do we do now, Lylia?" She asked patiently and with assurance. The Beings and other Entities started gathering around Lylia, lending their ears on her whilst standing at the top of the boulder. And asking for a bold, unusual order she immediately nodded among them. "I know for sure... This spell and abilities were the work of the 'Supreme Awakener'! We must find him and find strong people in this territory once again!" A bold, unyielding statement conclusively ordering to the Beings and Entities. Other beings surely accepting the ordeal that she made. But some others couldn't imagine the outrageous order at first, thinking it would be assured and verified for what she concluded at first hand. Knowing the fact that not a single one of them didn't know and remembered the culprit of everything, that made their lives had been spared from misery. !Intuition! A bold, repulsive response that Lylia answered against them, without proper reasoning and pure sorts of intuition and predictions were the ones she can hold in a moment. Resulting from the thoughts and minds of the Beings and Entities to backlashed, instantly declining for joining on her plan and movements as what they resolve. Leaving only the closest friends and other sympathizers to give their hand helping her on their cause. . . [7 hours ago] Exactly the re-opening for the dungeon Gates and Quest of the Willow Village Adventurers Administration. The Entities and Other Beings managed to enter the magical entrances and protective barriers made by the Adventurer Knights easily and silently. Without startling the people and other Adventurers to alarmed on their own volition. "Let's find them... As all according to plan." A strong-willed order was given by Lylia to her fellow Entities. As what the plan that she exactly made for them. For at least 5 to 10 buildings in a selective street, there were at least 4 Beings nor Entities observing that place. Not knowing the fact that they're few people consist of 20 Entities and other Beings that she gathered along to this reluctant and selfless mission that she made. All of them had been able to cast nor control the things and Surroundings, that causes the destruction and desolation of the entire village will an absolute and predicted. They knew they're the strongest and mightiest, that war and fighting against them would be futile and meaningless to the point that the result will unlikely one-sided. However, that wouldn't be the case. As the time and era, they're once remembered on their minds, was far different and utterly comprehend to the civilization that they once knew long before. Not only that, the Magic and Awakening auras they felt towards the people around the Village was quite peculiar and astounding in their feelings. Causing the hearts and minds of Lylia to be intrigued and ignorant at the same time. As she resolved, she asked them to watch their guards thoroughly and concealed properly, trying not to cause a huge commotion and compromised against them. ~ [3 Hours Prior] 4 hours after the infiltration given by the Entities. While the Meeting is ongoing after the deep, slight slumber that they made had finally ended. Clarissa Sensya, along with other Adventurers with the Possessor of Entity Race. Suddenly felt an unwanted, intimidating Awakening aura coming from out of nowhere. Immediately startled and alarmed on their accordance. "What happened?" A concerned high-ranking officer taking his worries towards them. Standing tall in the corner of the room, restless and the ambiance was a little bit cold and chilly. Clarissa and the others couldn't keep themselves calm any longer. Rather than asking her superiors to make an urgent report towards their unidentified speculations. "The Entities... Are Here!" Out of her conscience, screaming for the attention of many. The voice of Clarissa Sensya went out apprehensive, taking her courage to speak out in front of other people. Trying not to humiliate and embarrass her of her own volition. The expectations don't meet her desired reality. As everyone around the meeting room didn't seem serious nor taking it personally for the likes of their superiors. Rather, laughter and insults have made rampant throughout the place. Causing Clarissa to felt distraught and isolated around the corner. Only Robert Steel and Misho Santa were the only ones who didn't laugh, nor making fun of their uneasy feelings. Not a single piece of movements on their face to be seen delight at all. Apprehensive and hesitant, were the ones dominant through the eyes of the Entity Possessors. Making the minds and thoughts of the Department Head convinced what they'd said relentlessly. "From what they had said, as well as the action they were given just recently. There's more likely that it was true and amiable to deal with, even amongst us. Right, Misho?" He asked indefinitely and bluntly. "Yeah, some sort of..." Misho replied solemnly and thoughtless. !!!?? /Wind suddenly surging in a random direction./ /Ground shaking indiscriminately./ /Surroundings drastically changing./ In a spur of a moment. The fears and anxiety made by the Entity Possessors are made true and absolute. As the true Entity, People and other Beings had finally stepped into their appearances, scrawling enthusiastically towards them. Nonchalantly introducing their superiority beforehand. 10 out of 20 Entity people had staggered and compromised to the Adventurer's Building, clearly overthrowing whoever the people it might be to their opponent. To obtain a single goal and plan that Lylia organized towards them. Misho on the other hand, vigorously ordering to the frightened and traumatized Entity Possessors about the enemies' purpose and intentions out of his preparations and convictions on taking the fight against them. !Blink! /Clarissa's psychic abilities started entering through the minds of at least one Entity people./ "Finding the Strongest People... That was all I could see to them." She courageously responded, couldn't remove the frightening feelings easily. Misho went startled and frail as what he heard. Completely shaking his senses unnoticingly and without proper understanding. "What does it mean? ... Did these bastards summoned the place with us to test our strength against them?" He felt insulted the more he understand it. "Don't mock our Race!" He went wild and uncontrolled as what he resolved. But then, for the minds of the Department Head. It was far different than what Misho think about it. "No, I think its a quite opposite..." "If these guys initiating their attack with the only handful of people, that doesn't seem they tried to mock our race nor something relatable to insult." "If I do believe, there was something hideous meaning for that... They find something strong... which is..." 'They find the Supreme Possessor, and the people closest to him as well.' The thoughts of the Department Head went out mumbling, organizing the plan, and understanding the actions given by his subordinates and the Enemies altogether. And so, the confrontation had started. Between the 50 Adventurer Knights, against the 10 Entities in a 'Test of Strength' battle. ~ In the same situation. The other Entity people and Beings had started to make their move responsively. From streets, avenues, small to large buildings. All for that objective was to find the stronger one. Including the suspected person whereas the possessor of the Supreme Awakening takes in. A few minutes earlier, Cassandra Smith whereas she held from the Village Library had started attacking against the lone Entity, who have a hard time reading on a spell that is suspiciously incompatible for it to handle. As the result, the unwanted and unexpected commotion had now commenced. Exactly 8 minutes had passed, people from the dungeon are scattering throughout the building. Resulting from the entire sense of Lock the Knightsmen began triggered. 15 minutes later, another set of Entity attacks had occurred causing the entirety of the people around to have gone unconscious and stumbled down to the ground for some obvious reasons. The same time happened on the side of Tisa the Knightsmen, whereas she was forced to separate herself to Make when the tough times happen towards her. Thus, after a while. Another set of commotion occurs; As the three Entity people intuitively approaching Tisa, causing the 4 to create a huge bout and dispute against each other. !Battle of the Strongest Races.! As what I gallantly recalled to their fight. . . . "And so forth, the Entire timeline I had remembered and had foreseen just now... Satisfied enough?" "Levi Furiman-san..." Audaciously speaking, humorously acting. As the thoughts of Lilo the Entity transparently enough to shown everything towards Levi, as he felt hopeless and useless through the whole day. "You'd seemed relaxed, is anything that doesn't bother your mood?" Lilo patiently asked, started to confuse Levi's cheerful expression. "No... That's not what you think already... You're just jumping to the conclusion either way." "What do you mean? do you have enough care for the lives of your loved ones? Even though the dangers and risk lie from what they'd made anytime and anyhow will surprisingly happening?" Lilo went perplexed and agitated, didn't understand the ordinary logic of the minds and answers given by the other races. Especially when Levi suddenly left nodded with a grim smile on his face. "They're not dying, even if they want to... The weakest being will surely be able to defeat even the strongest... Just as what it happen to the fight between Cassandra and the other Entity that assigned in the public library." "Though we are certain that your kind tends to be stronger than Cassandra-san, but not knowing on how strong she is in terms of the will and desperate to living... That's when the trust of caring for the lives of others came in." Levi simply explained gracefully and vigorously. "So you're saying to me is that ---" "The instincts of knowing the dangers and risk had lain for those people who need help the most. From what we saw on her... It is clearly stated that she didn't need help in all possible aspects, the same goes for others... Just as what we had seen to the visual abilities recently." Lilo completely understands the thoughts and explanations given by Levi Furiman. Causing her to felt relieved at ease in her resolve. Moreover, As the two nonchalantly fixing the things that the Entities messing up against them. ?Tong? /Lilo left covering her head due to a huge lump being pounded by Levi's angry fist./ As a mode of punishment for causing trouble for the others, she graciously accepted it wholeheartedly. !Night time! It was around 6:20 PM (Not related to the time on the story, I was just resembling their time when it happened :)) People throughout the village had seemed unnoticed and unaware for the entire day of happenings occurring in the secret. Only the thing that they'd know was the people inside and outside the Administration Building began to stumble down and unconscious all of a sudden, causing the people seeing it began alarmed and terrified. The same goes for the other places, whereas the Entities and the Adventurers fighting takes in. "Are you sure every single one of them was alive and well-rounded?" Levi went dubious, wanting the assurance for his perplexed feeling towards Lilo. "Yes, of course... Just check out your Awakening Status to know it..." She genuinely replied with a grim smile on her face. "Ok... .... .... Wait, my what?" Levi was startled for some unknown reason while keeping his eye focusing on the System notification beforehand. . . ***To be Continued***
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