
1000 Words
Raelynn Drring! The bell rang and we all went out of school. It has been a pretty good day. The subjects are the same except for history, speaking of which I learnt a lot about werewolves. History was fun for the first time. "Hey Raelynn, I will not be able to pick you up today." "Why don't you come home with Kristina? I have talked to her already," Nathan said, mind linking me . "OK, I replied." The message brought me back to reality and I looked around for Kristina. The last class was biology and she did not take it, so we separated. I spotted her with a group of friends. I took a few deep breaths as I walked towards her. Thankfully, she turned back and I waved her over. "Hey Raelynn, Nathan just told me to go home with you but I really want to attend a party, so could you please go home alone, she spoke first with a slightly embarrassed expression." "Yeah sure I nodded, inwardly wanting to drag her without caring because I am bad with roads and I don't remember the way!!!! But I gotta be polite and can't stick around after a refusal . I walked out of school while she cheered. My biggest weakness is not any insecurities but a lack of sense of direction and here I am walking back home, the only problem being I don't know where home is, so I pulled out my phone and turned on the GPS, put it in the location of the house. I walked following the map and sighed in relief as I saw the same establishment as the ones I saw in the morning. I walked on confidently till I approached a small pathway that passed through a forest. I walked in. Maybe I would reach quicker. It's so quiet and I don't see anyone on the road. Now it's scary but whatever I think I have five minutes before I can reach the Pack house, so I strode forward...... Huh! "Oh that scared me,"I thought as I turned back to the front. I just heard a rustling sound behind me . It must be the wind, since there is no one behind me. "Where are you going, Ms Wolfless?" I heard a eerily familiar voice. I looked back to see Claire and her group of minions standing in front of me . I just rolled my eyes and continued walking forward as fear gripped at my heart.I just hope they don't do anything to me in this desolate place. "Where are you running? Today you will know what is the price of messing with me, Claire said, crossing her hands." "Oh my days! Why am I running into this mad dog of all the people?" I thought as I continued walking, but that was no longer possible because two of the five people with her blocked my way. I can't believe she got five people to come and deal with me, two boys who are blocking my way and three girls standing behind her looking at me with hatred. I don't know what I did to them. "If you want to go mad, can you go elsewhere." Don't disturb me, I said, turning back to look at her with a frown." "How dare you talk to the Alpha's daughter like that?" One of the boys growled, holding my arm with his claws. My heart skipped a beat as I looked back at him to see he had already transformed into a wolf. I tried to keep my composure whilst shrugging him off, which was difficult because of the amount of strength he was clawing me at. "Today we will teach you a lesson about misbehaving with our Alpha's daughter", one of them said , hitting me behind the knees. I stumbled a bit, which helped me loosen grip the first one had on me . I quickly broke free from him with my arm bleeding. I clearly felt a junk of my meat ripping apart and ran to the opposite side. Both of them turned into wolves and chased after me. There was no way I could outrun them in their wolf form, so I stopped and picked up a large branch and swung it at them to fend them off. "Ha ha ha, I heard Claire laughing at me as I swung at them and they dodged. My arm hurt like hell so I lowered the stick for a split of a second and one of the wolves jumped straight at me with his claw aiming for my face.I dropped the stick and protected my face with both arms. "Ouch! I yelled, feeling my skin break at where they slashed my hands. Blood was dripping on my face while they laughed at my plight. Anger coursed through my body . I will not let them treat me this way. I picked up the stick in my hand and ran . Enduring the pain in my hand, I hit the nearest wolf with all the strength in my hand. They both froze as a tiny bit of blood dripped from his wolf's head. I hit the other one, taking him by surprise, and ran away while all of them were still in a daze though they snapped out of it soon as I heard growls and running behind me. I felt weak by the second as my blood poured out of my hand . They slashed my back while I continued running despite the pain. Bamm! I fell down and I knew I was done for as I crawled away from them. They quickly caught up and one of those girls dragged me by my feet, her nails digging into my skin while the two wolves clawed at me. I turned back, gathering dust in my hand and threw it in their faces. That didn't deter them though, and one of the wolves ran to claw directly at my neck.
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