
1017 Words
Raelynn I closed my eyes in fear of what was to come. "Bang ! I flipped my eyelids open when I heard a loud sound. The wolf who had been towering over me and lunging towards my throat had been thrown across the land , colliding with nearby trees , his back connecting with the tree trunk making a loud sound. A large black wolf growled at him before he rushed towards the other wolf. The wolf appeared scrawny and small in front of the large majestic black wolf. Claire and her girls could not be seen anywhere. The black wolf swung his paw towards the wolf, sending him flying and hitting the ground. He stopped for a second and came to my side, licking my face and rubbing his head against me. Finally he lifted his Paw, placed it on the top of my eyes. I shut my eyes, understanding his signal. He then turned to the other two and within a few minutes I heard a large screeching noise before it all went quiet. I opened my eyes to see the wolf shifting back and Damon walked towards me in his human form. I closed my eyes as he gathered me in his arms. .................. Damon I finished my work and leaned back on my chair. I stood up and headed to my room to rest for a while before it was dinner time and to check on Raelynn. She should be back home by now. I took a quick shower and changed into my casuals. "What is wrong, Logan" , I asked as I headed out of the room. He had been restless since the evening and the only time that he was this restless was when we met Raelynn first. "I think mate is in danger, he said, stirring a little." "Really, let me ask Nathan if he picked her up, I told him." "Nathan, did you pick up Raelynn?" I asked over the mind link. "No, I told Kristina to drop her up since I had to do some work , he replied." I headed straight to Raelynn's room as I mind linked Kristina. " Kristina? Did you drop Raelynn at home today?" I asked her getting to the point whilst opening the door to Raelynn 's room. Empty! Nobody is in the room. "No Alpha, she went home on her own , she said." "How did she go home on her own?" "Didn't Nathan ask you to drop her , I asked angrily." "I am sorry, Alpha, but I had something to do so I could not drop her and she didn't tell me she didn't know the way, so I thought she would be fine, she answered." I cut off the mind link annoyed and inwardly hoping that Raelynn was fine . I don't know if something happened to her or if she got lost. After all, this is her first day here. I set off from the house looking everywhere I thought she could be . Arrghh! I groaned when I could not find her in the vicinity of the school and Pack. I linked Nathan to form a search party and told everyone to look for her. I headed to the only place I hadn't checked, which was the forest near the Pack house. I rushed with my heart palpitating as I ran through the woods in my wolf form . I was almost giving up when I heard noise coming from a certain direction. I sprint towards the place and the sight I saw made my blood boil. I wanted to kill and before I could process any thoughts, Logan ran towards the wolf hovering over my mate and plumbed him into a nearby tree. He walked to her, licking her face and rubbing against her while I saw red looking at the bruises on her body. She sure is going to take a while to heal, I thought. I closed her eyes with my paw and headed towards the wolves who dared to touch my mate. They are quite brave for their size, but this bravery is going to cost them their lives, I mused as I ripped them apart in a second. I walked to my mate and picked her up, striding to the Pack house which is a few minutes away. "Call a team of the best doctors and come to the Pack house,I told Nathan over the mind link. It took him less than 10 minutes before the team of doctors swarmed into the house with their equipment. I led them to Raelynn's room and I could see them visibly cringe at the number of wounds on her body. This is not something even a werewolf with a wolf can easily heal from, not to mention she has not gotten her wolf. I think I let them off easy when I remember the wounds I saw on her body when I was changing her clothes. I left the room as the doctors treated her because I couldn't keep hearing her painful groans without wanting to destroy something or someone. I paced around in front of the room impatiently as the doctors treated her inside. "How is she? I asked, as soon as I saw the glimpse of a white coat exiting the room. "Relax Damon, she has been treated and she will recover well in a week or so , William said, motioning with his hands for me to calm down. I didn't even notice when he entered. I relaxed a little after seeing William. He might not be good at anything else, but he is the best in medicine. "I never thought the ever calm Alpha Damon could be so restless, he said with a goofy smile. I swear I wonder how someone like him got such a great talent for medicine. I ignored him and went inside the room. I allowed the doctors to set up the ward here since I don't want her to be away from me, which will make it difficult for me to take care of her.
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