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'Oh, will you look at that? Seems like they finally settle their problems.’ Helen chuckles at the sight of Reina and Mitsuei walking hand in hand while exiting their bedroom door. As usual, Mitsuei is being overprotective of his wife. One hand is on her back, while the other is on her hand. Such a sweet man.  “Good thing we prepared enough for everyone.” Kayomi comes from the kitchen carrying the soup and bread they made for breakfast. Hanneau has been close for a while, so they prepare their meals now. They have been struggling for days now since it has been difficult to get supplies if the snow falls nonstop.  Shiro, who periodically visits their home to provide goods, is their only hope for supplies. Mitsuei also leaves the house to get things, but the journey down the slopes has become treacherous in recent days. “Yes. And I appreciate you helping me with cooking,” Helen smiles at the young girl. “No problem. The bread you made smells good. I can’t wait to take a bite,” Kayomi excitedly exclaims. As they wait for the couple to arrive in the dining area, Helen and Kayomi set the table. Helen can't help but observe Kayomi stealing looks at her father and Reina while they do so. Looking at her, she has some realization.  “They look so happy, don’t they?” Helen asks Kayomi, observing the little girl’s facial reactions. “Yes, they do. It is quite thrilling to see your father behave similarly to boys my age.” Helen laughs at Kayomi’s comparison. It's fascinating to watch someone who everyone perceives as indifferent act like a lovelorn towards his wife. She can't believe it, to be honest, even though she saw it. She had never seen a more adorable man trying to please a woman. Ryouta was a little aggressive when they were younger. He would stop at nothing to do things that he thinks are right. Even when facing her, he would show the same aggression.  Very different from the cool and mature Mitsuei. But that calm demeanor completely vanishes when facing his wife. Like he turns into a different person. Sweet, chivalrous, and overprotective.  “I’m glad to see that you are also happy for them,” Helen mutters with contentment. Even with such a short response, she can tell that Kayomi wasn’t pretending. “Oh I am, grandmother. It is fun seeing them together.” Kayomi gasps upon realization. She usually addresses Reina as mother whenever she is teasing her. And just now, she got carried away and brought that same habit to Helen. She should have been more respectful towards an elder person. “Grandmother, eh? There’s a slightly different ring to that.” Helen teases, grinning from ear to ear. “But it’s nice. I should get used to it, considering another child will be born to our family.” ”I apologize,” Kayomi bites her lower lip while looking away. She is somehow ashamed of her behavior. “Oh, sweetheart. I don’t mind you calling me grandmother, you know.” Kayomi appreciates Helen’s kindness. When it came to her family, she had some awful luck growing up. She had never met her grandmother in person. While her grandfather then was obsessed with controlling the people around him.  Tomohisa was out of the question. Ever since she was too old to understand, he has always been horrible. He kept making problems for everyone, especially her father. As for her mother, she was there. But she can’t feel her existence. She didn’t like spending time with her. Nor her father. Until such time she left them for another man. She could say that she saw that coming. She never really felt compassion from her. Would her life be better if Reina was her mother? Well, she will never know. “I hope you don’t feel left out. Adults tend to forget some details if they are too happy,” Helen mutters almost in a whisper. Kayomi blinks repeatedly, disbelieving the words she just heard.  Most of the adults in her life were selfish. None of them ever showed concern to her. It was hard for her. So much that she was forced to grow up fast. “Perhaps she didn’t tell you this. But when my father proposed marriage, she didn’t answer him until she received my blessing. And I appreciate that. It is like the first time I feel important,” Kayomi smiles wistfully. Helen smiles to herself. She knew that Reina was getting along fine with the Sou family.  She was skeptical at first when she suddenly told them that she and Mitsuei were getting married. She knew her daughter well. She was fidgety and often avoided eye contact. Signs that often tell her that she is hiding something.  But she must have been overthinking. Reina seems to belong to the Sou family almost immediately.  “Good morning, everyone!” Helen and Kayomi both turn towards the cheerful greeting. Reina smiles from ear to ear as she enters the dining room with Mitsuei.  Helen can feel the overwhelming happiness coming from both Reina and Mitsuei. She only hopes that life will be less cruel to both of them.  She wanted them to be happy until the end. No parent wishes for their children to experience the dread they had gone through. Nighttime came, and the snow did not stop at all. Not even once.  Worse, the weather only became horrifying. A snowstorm arrived early this afternoon. And Reina can’t help but feel scared.  She is growing anxious by the minute. She will be giving birth soon, and she is afraid that they might not make it to the hospital. More so, have a midwife come over to their house. The road is too dangerous for anyone to traverse.  They are the only folks on this side of the mountain. Hanneau has been empty for a long time, and in this type of weather, roads are almost certainly closed. “What are you still doing here? Come inside.” Reina stares at the thick quilt that embraces her. She turns around to see Mitsuei’s concerned expression.  “I’m sorry. I was hoping that this horrible weather would calm down. I’m getting restless. What if ----” “Reina, nothing bad is going to happen,” Mitsuei interferes before Reina can finish her statement.  He didn’t want her to be stressed out now that her delivery was closing in. What he said were not empty promises. He will do anything to make this safe and successful for her and everyone.  “Thank you, Mitsuei. I appreciate your concern.” Reina smiles at Mitsuei. She has been blessed. Not only was she born into a wonderful family, but she also ended up with a similarly great family. Her husband, despite the circumstances, has been supportive of her and her pregnancy. An opposite of her.  Despite learning the truth about his nightmares, Reina didn’t have any idea how to relieve him of his troubles.  She can never imagine how many sleepless nights he had gone through. Dreaming of that man’s face and learning that a family was waiting for him, made retirement difficult for Mitsuei.  “Let us go inside. It is cold out,” Mitsuei urges, gently pulling Reina to come inside the bedroom.  “Then after you, my good sir,” Reina jokingly responds.  “No, after you, mother.” Reina instantly turns her head towards Mitsuei. The way he teased her made her feel somehow embarrassed.  She must get used to it since the baby will soon be born. But hearing Mitsuei call her gives her an entirely different feeling. A nice, warm feeling.  It was still embarrassing, though. Upon entry into their bedroom, Mitsuei leads Reina to bed.  He didn’t leave her side until he is sure that she settles in right. Once he does, he moves to the other side. As soon as Mitsuei lays beside her, Reina turns to his side. If she can only prevent herself from sleeping, she will watch over Mitsuei until he wakes up in the morning. Pretty naive but she wants to ensure his peace, too.  Since he did her a lot of favor, she at least want to be helpful to him. “Something wrong?” Mitsuei asks with furrowed expression. Reina shakes her head in response. “I was only thinking of how much help I received from you. I wish I can do better for you.” “Silly!” Mitsuei chuckles, messing up with Reina’s hair. “You may not know it, but you have done much for me, too.” “I don’t understand.” Mitsuei takes Reina’s hand close to his heart. “You know, this thing here felt nothing for years. Ever since I decided to follow my father, I readied myself for a life of regrets. Even with my first marriage. Kayomi was the only best thing I got out of that fake charade.” Reina has mixed emotions hearing Mitsuei’s past. She is aware that his childhood wasn’t the best, but she didn’t expect it to be the worst either. Even his romantic life wasn’t much better.  “But since I decided to help you, I began to feel emotions I didn’t think I still had,” Mitsuei further adds. Reina can feel herself turn red. His words, and the fast yet steady beating of his heart under her palms, take her breath away. “And it is the best decision I had made,” Mitsuei mutters, staring at Reina with affection.  Reina feels like crying. His words were too touching that it makes her heart flutter in happiness.  ‘Does that mean what I think it is?’ Reina secretly asks herself.  She can hardly breathe, and the tears on the corner of her eyes are hanging by a thread. She is concerned that if he says more, she would be unable to control her feelings any longer.  ‘Is it okay for me to be this happy? Am I entitled to this love?’  Even though everything around her is in order, she is afraid that it would be taken away from her anytime soon. And what will she do if she is left alone? “Do not overthink, Reina. I am sure that our lives will turn out great together.” ‘I hope so, too,’ Reina closes her eyes, hopeful of the future.
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