1766 Words
“The storm shows no signs of calming down, ain’t it father?” Kayomi brings in the freshly brewed tea she prepared with some snacks. The sunroom is left open for them to spectate the continuous snowflakes raining outside.  Ever since last night, the snow only got worse. Coupled with the wind, it only got stronger to everyone’s dismay.  As Mitsuei stands in one corner, the odd feeling of nostalgia creeps in. He vaguely remembers the days and nights he spent away from his family while serving as his emperor's sword and shield. Most of the memories may seem unpleasant. But he gets the feeling of security whenever a storm happens. Enemies find it hard to hide their tracks on the muddy or snowy ground. Also, whenever they move around, the sound of their boots against the ground is much more noticeable. So when the storm comes, it meant a peaceful break for most of them.  “Has Reina been asleep, father?” “No, she went to the restroom earlier.” “Oh my. Is she fine by herself?” “Although she has been feeling unwell since this morning, she still stubbornly insisted on going alone. And you know well that I don’t want to argue with a pregnant woman.” Kayomi giggles while pouring her father tea. “I didn’t think you’d be this benign when you remarried, father.” While sipping his tea, Mitsuei remained silent. He didn't want to fuel his daughter's thirst for knowledge. Kayomi will continue to speak more or ask questions until he is forced to respond, eventually leading to him being taunted. But honestly, those words hit the nail. He didn’t know that he is capable of great patience until Reina came into his life. He became indecisive and decisive at the same time. The emotions she stirred inside him were too confusing for him to understand at first.  Though now, he is sure what those feelings mean. “She is taking a while, isn’t she?” Unconsciously, Mitsuei turns his head to the room next door. He was sure that Reina used the bathroom in their room. But she is taking a while inside. He barely even hear noises from the other side. Filled with worry, e places one hand on his knee as he brings himself up. He will personally check on what is taking her so long. “Indeed. I will check ---.” “Mitsuei!” As soon as he heard Reina's frantic screams, he felt his heart drop in dread.  Kayomi was so stunned by the cry that she let the cup fall from her hands. Fearful of what might happen, she leaps to her feet and rushes to Reina's aid, falling behind her father. “What happened, Reina?” Kayomi utters nervously after seeing Reina’s situation by the bathroom door. Reina is leaning on the bathroom door with one hand holding on to her huge belly. She is sluggish as a sour expression spreads across her face. And below on her feet, a clear sticky liquid flowed in between her legs. Reina's entire body shakes in fear as she erupts into a panic. She is both scared and confused about what could be going on. Similarly anxious, Mitsuei rushes to her side, allowing her to lean on him for support. Her face is as pale as a sheet.  “Tell me what is happening, Reina?” Reina grunts while still holding her pregnant belly. She turns her head upwards, staring straight at Mitsuei as her face curls with both worry and fear.  The day she fears the most has finally come. And it so happens to be during dangerous weather.  “The baby … the baby. It’s coming out!” Both Mitsuei and Kayomi gasps after hearing Reina’s words. Two pairs of eyes widened in surprise. Their worry from earlier grows into a huge panic.  Mitsuei seems unsure of what to do next. He looks around, checking every inch of Reina’s body.  On the other hand, Kayomi keeps looking around aimlessly. She knows nothing of this sort. And Reina’s constant screams only make her anxiety reach its peak. “What to do, father?!” Kayomi stifles a scream as she grows overly anxious. The inn is empty as they close it during dangerous storms like this. And since the inn is closed, none of the workers are also present to offer assistance.  “Call Helen immediately,” Mitsuei pleads. Kayomi is still a bit shaken, but she knows it is not the time to fall on her knees. She abruptly stands up and runs as fast as she can towards Helen’s bedroom. The silence in the house only makes her more anxious. She can only hear the strong breeze blowing through the hallway doors. She is frightened by both the weather and Reina’s condition. “Grandma! Grandma!” Kayomi repeatedly bangs on the bedroom door.  It didn’t take a while for Kayomi to hear some movements on the other side of the door. She is aware that Helen might be having her afternoon siesta, but she cannot waste time.  None of them knows about childbirth, but Helen probably has an idea since she had given birth twice.  “Kayomi, what is the matter?” Helen bursts open her bedroom door.  From earlier, she had heard the noises coming from outside her door. But she wasn't able to make out of the situation since the strong breeze was hindering her hearing.  The moment she heard footsteps in the hallway, she grew weary of what might be the case. She jumps out of bed to answer the pleading calls for her.  “Help, please. Reina said the baby is coming out.” “Oh, goodness.” Helen gasps in horror. The situation seems pretty rough for them, considering that no one around will be able to help. That aside, the storm raging outside renders the citizens immobile. “Can you go ahead and prepare some hot water. I will get some clean sheets.” Meanwhile, Mitsuei immediately grabs Reina into his arms after instructing Kayomi. He is utterly nervous. And Reina looks equally terrified. As much as he wants to be her source of strength, he is unable to do so. He cannot even control his emotions properly.  That is probably why Reina cannot seem to calm down despite his best efforts to comfort her. “Urgh! It hurts. It hurts!” Reina complains while still holding her stomach.  Mitsuei gently puts Reina on their bed. He doesn't know what to do, and it makes him angry for not figuring something out to lessen her pain.  “Mitsuei….” Reina cries in agony.  Her face is covered in beads of sweat. Mitsuei takes the first towel he sees, regardless of whether it is clean or not. All he wants to do is help her in any way. “Stay strong, Reina. Please,” Mitsuei holds his breath as he watches her face in pain.  “Mitsuei!” Mitsuei instantly turns his head towards the open door. Helen comes in with a worried expression and a pile of clean sheets.  Helen throws the linen on the nearest chair and immediately runs to her daughter's side. She brushes the sweat from her face while continuously whispering words of encouragement.  “Breath, Reina. Just breath. Steady your breathing, and don’t panic.” Reina looks at her mother, desperately following the rhythm of her breathing. Tears roll down her cheeks as she endures the pain circling her body. She cannot tell what part is exactly in pain when all she hears screaming in her head is the tension of giving birth. “That’s it. Calm down, sweetheart. A little more,” Helen urges, letting Reina follow her lead.  “Is there any way I can help?” Mitsuei interrupts with a disgruntled look.  Once Reina calms down, Helen shifts her gaze to Mitsuei. “If you have anything like sanitizer or alcohol, please.” “On it!” “Wait, where are you going?” Reina grabbed Mitsuei’s hand before he could leave. Her frightened expression gazes back at him. Now that her breathing is steady, she can see what is happening around her. And the first thing she notices is Mitsuei about to leave her side. Which she is not happy about. “Don’t go,” Reina pleads in between sobs. Mitsuei sits back to her side, holding her hand. He gives her a small smile and a peck on the forehead. “I will be right back. I need to help prepare for our baby’s birth.” Reina's eye shed a huge tear. That sounds good to her. She is moved beyond words at this. Was she hallucinating, or did she hear him? Without a word, Mitsuei kisses her on the cheek and left. Reina groans as the pain in her body progress.  “He will be back, sweetheart,” Helen wipes away the tears and sweat on Reina’s face.  Not long after Mitsuei left, he returned with a big bucket of hot water. Kayomi follows behind him, carrying the alcohol that Helen had requested.  Mitsuei pushes the chair with linens near the bed. Kayomi then places the other essentials in similar proximity.  “Mother, I assume that you know how to deliver the baby. Am I right?” Mitsuei asks, filled with doubts and fear. “I may not be a doctor nor a midwife, but I know what to do. Perhaps you can assist me on this since you also witnessed your Kayomi’s birth?” Mitsuei shakes his head. “I have witnessed her birth. I was kept outside during the delivery.” Helen's brows furrowed in disbelief. She is disappointed that no one here could assist her. But at the same time, she somehow feels conflicted for the man. He seems to be clueless about everything, yet he is doing his best to help. “Alright. No worries, right now, Reina only wants you by her side. Give her all your support and encourage her through the process. Okay?” Helen advises, trying to explain swiftly. Helen positions Reina as she stands on the foot of the bed. Mitsuei sits back to his place beside Reina and holds her hand tightly.  Kayomi stands shivering in one corner, fearful. The beating of her heart becomes louder and louder by the moment. She wasn't the one who would deliver the baby, but she still feels hopeless. Especially when the outside weather is still miserable. “Now, Reina. If I say push, you push.”
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