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Mitsuei tilts to his side as he watches Reina dancing Ritsu in the garden.  As if Reina is performing some sort of magic, cherry blossom buds that fall to the ground flutter around them while Ritsu throws his arms in the air as if trying to capture the petals forming around them. The season has finally changed in Moulen and Haran after two months. Spring had finally arrived, and it had given them a fresh start. Reina recovered well and regained her usual appetite. Her sleeping pattern may have drastically changed since Ritsu is still merely three months old. Unfortunately, he still has his habit of waking up every two to three hours.  He and Reina frequently take turns keeping an eye on the baby. He works the morning shift, and on usual occasions, he will bring Ritsu to the lodge so Reina can take as much rest as she can. However, if he is busy, he sends Rio to their home to assist Reina in any way she can.  In certain ways, Ritsu has also improved. He no longer appears aloof to strangers. He can handle a few minutes in someone else's arms now, compared to when he was a baby. But if he stayed longer than necessary, he began to wail and flap his fluffy arms. Ritsu would either go to him or Reina. But surprisingly, the boy seems to have had a stronger attachment to him.  More often than not, Ritsu would choose him over Reina. Of course, feeding time would always belong to the mother. But in between those periods, Ritsu would rather lay on his body.  Ritsu would smile at him for no reason. He would also extend his arms even when Reina was securely carrying him. The boy seemed too drawn to him even up to this date. It even came to a point where Reina moped for days because she noticed Ritsu’s obvious favoritism. Especially when her own son barely flashes a smile in front of her.  However, as months passed, Ritsu got over his habits and eventually grew fond of others. He would take anyone’s hand. And that includes Reina. Over time, the relationship between the mother and the son has substantially improved. It is like both of them are inseparable.  Even as Mitsuei holds Ritsu close, the boy's gaze wanders around yearning for his mother. Perhaps the pleasant aroma or warmth of someone who has carried you for a long period is soothing. Even the tiniest element is most likely to be noticed by a baby. “Father?” Mitsuei turns around to see Kayomi looking at him with gloomy eyes. “Kayomi, what is the matter?” “What will you do about this letter?” Mitsuei sighs, unable to give a proper response to the question. For days he had been pondering on what he needed to do.  Two weeks ago, he had received a mail from an old acquaintance. And it isn’t any regular congratulatory letter.  It is more like a letter of summoning. The letter sounded formal. But for him, the contents translated that he had no other choice but to accept.  But what annoyed him further was the part where the duration is indefinite. Mitsuei takes the brown paper from Kayomi and stares at it intently for who knows how long.  If he had any other choice, he would have declined the instant he received it. But rejecting this would mean he turned his back to his commitment.  Even after retirement, he still honored his oath when he was still active in service. Moreover, the purpose of the invitation was no walk in the park.  He had to join a party to escort the prime minister to achieve peace in other regions. And this is no ordinary conflict.  “I will let Reina know tonight,” Mitsuei declares with finality. Night came, and Mitsuei set his plans in motion.  He has been thinking about it for days now. Yet, in the end, he knows he only has one choice.  To accept. But the pain in letting Reina know dragged his decision. He hates the idea of leaving his wife and newborn child for an undetermined time.  He can leave the lodge to Kiyoko and the others, but he refuses to trust anyone with his family. Especially now that Reina just recovered her health.  He has tons of things in mind. What if Reina’s health starts to decline again? What if Ritsu gets sick? Or Reina? Or Kayomi? Who will take care of them?  Having lost in his thoughts, Mitsuei didn’t notice he had finally arrived at Reina’s room if not for the sound of her sweet voice.  "Who's my cute little man?"  Reina giggles in delight as she plays with Ritsu on the bed. The little boy flutters around while attempting to catch the fingers tickling him. "Oh no, you do not. You cannot stop me, Ritsu." Reina chuckles as she raises her hands, out of reach from Ritsu's tiny hands.  The boy starts to talk in gibberish, popping his mouth like he wished he could reprimand her for cheating. He waves his hand, trying to catch the monstrosity that played him.  "Aw, look at you doing your best to catch mama." Reina's heartfelt laughter reverberates around the room. Two months since his birth, Ritsu has changed drastically. She couldn't say that he stopped crying, but his temper is now manageable. He only cries whenever he is hungry or when his nappy is full. That aside, Ritsu also knows how to lift his thin lips for a smile. More like a smirk to anyone who plays with him.  "You two seem to be having fun." Reina turns to Mitsuei upon hearing his warm voice. He has been standing by the door, leaning against the adjacent wall as he observes them with a solemn smile. "How long have you been standing there?" Reina asks, sitting upright on top of the bed.  "Hmm, I don't know. I never counted." Reina's face turns to a frown. She knows that Mitsuei is teasing her. For all she knows, he might be standing there for a long time already.  "Come inside," Reina offers. Lately, Mitsuei began following her and Ritsu around the home, whether they were in the sunroom, the yard, or her bedroom. And he always has the same expression on his face. Longing. It perplexes her. He's been staring at them with such affection for days now, but his eyes are constantly solemn. Did something happen in the lodge to make him so depressed? Or perhaps he is feeling lonely. She had moved back to her initial room with Ritsu. Helen had left a week ago, and she decided to return to her prior room assignment afterward. She was starting to feel nervous every time they lay side by side on the bed. It was different when Ritsu was still on her belly.  But truth be told, she wanted to stay by his side. Although her heart pounds erratically, she felt comfortable next to him. So comforting that she can easily fall asleep.  It was just sometimes, she felt like her heart was up to her throat. She is frightened that she will eventually reveal her most intimate feelings.  And she promised she wouldn't to avoid any more heartaches. Because if Mitsuei rejects her, she would not be able to take it. She had invested enough feelings, not only to him but to Kayomi and the others from Hanneau. “You seem extremely bothered by something. Does that have to do with your late-night visit just now?” Reina asks, both curious and worried.  Mitsuie barely talks about himself. His feelings. His thoughts.  Ever since that incident with him having nightmares, Mitsuei refused to show her weakness. Even when he faces problems in Hanneau, he never tells her about it. She will only later knows when Kayomi spills it.  “You sure are quick to catch,” Mitsuei smirks as he slowly walks inside her bedroom.  “Hmm, let’s just say I have very keen eyes.” Mitsuei giggles softly as he sinks into her bed's mattress. He then lowers his face to Ritsu and inhales the baby's soothing aroma. He had no idea newborns could smell that good. It is gentle to the nose and provides him with a warm feeling.  Truthfully, he has grown addicted to smelling Ritsu. He loves doing it to the boy. And it seems like Ritsu also enjoys the gesture.  “You are right, though. I have something to talk about.” Reina gazes back at Mitsuei's grim expression. Something tells her that this conversation will be unpleasant to either of them. "Regarding what?" Reina dares to ask. "I will be leaving by the end of the month." Reina's brow furrows in bewilderment. It is the first time she has heard of it. And the date in question is just three days away. 'Why so sudden?' Reina ponders to herself. "An old friend of mine from the military wanted me to join his delegation. He will be escorting an important official of the empire for the peace talks down south. Apparently, a civil war was brewing in the southern region among the natives. Action must be taken immediately before it gets complicated." Reina blinks her eyes in disbelief. She can clearly hear Mitsuei, but she fails to comprehend the contents of his statement. A certain pang in her chest brought about pain. And she is unfamiliar with it. For certain, she doesn't know how to approach such a future. Mitsuei is obviously trying his best to explain the situation. But only one thing stuck in her mind. He will leave her. Reina wants to oppose and stop Mitsuei from leaving. So many things came into her mind the first thing she heard him leaving. She honestly has a lot of things to say. But who is she to stand between him and the divine purpose? What could be an acceptable reason for her to prevent him from leaving? Worst, she may accidentally insult his abilities by questioning his safety. So instead of voicing out her concerns and complaints, Reina only manages to say a single word with a bitter smile. “Alright.”
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