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"Oh my, look who came in for work today." "A little angel graced our humble abode." Kiyoko and Akari beam in excitement when Mitsuei walks into the lodge with baby Ritsu in his arms. The little one had awakened early in the morning and he didn't have the heart to disturb Reina's peaceful sleep. He had been away from work for two days already since he wants Reina to fully recover. For the last couple of days, since they talked, they had been taking turns as to who would watch over Ritsu. Unless it concerned breastfeeding the baby, then that is the only time he would call Reina. "We didn't expect you to return right away, boss," Akari states, playing with Ritsu's adorable tiny fingers. The baby seems to enjoy it too. He waves his arms around while he keeps on talking gibberish. It is as if he is saying that he wants to play more. "I cannot just leave you all here for too long when we have to handle far too many guests every day. That aside, Reina would hate it if Hanneau's operation is compromised because of her." "Well, I can't say we handled the hustle and bustle well," Akari chuckles in response. In the past few days since the owner decided to take a break from work for his wife, they have had trouble handling several people at once. It had been weeks after the storm, but the people really couldn't stop coming to Hanneau. It is probably because, despite the storm ending, the weather around town is still cold. "Though I'm surprised that Ritsu is here, but did something happen with Mrs. Sou?" Kiyoko asks. Mitsuei sighs. "Nothing actually. She is still asleep, and Ritsu got up early. I hope you all don't mind me bringing him along." To Mitsuei's surprise, Kiyoko and Akari stared at each other before giggling like children. "Oh, Mr. Sou. You allow us to bring out kids or siblings here sometimes, so what is the harm if the owner brings along his kid, too?" Kiyoko beams at him. "And you look amazing, by the way," Akari teases, pointing at the cloth wrapped around his body. He looks at himself, and sighs. 'Great, now everyone decided to tease me.' "Forgive us. Mister Sou. We just couldn't wrap our heads on this. This is a first for any of us." "Well, at least we can entertain whoever we come across with," Mitsuei chuckles, shaking his head. Akari and Kiyoko look at each other with wide eyes. Aside from showing up as a real househusband, the owner has shown them a different side. He rarely smiles in front of everyone. That is why they are all shocked to hear that their usually indifferent owner had shown unbelievable feelings towards the woman he married. "Oh my, what an adorable fellow. Your child, Mister owner?" All of them turn their attention to the woman at the receiving desk. The old lady seems to be a regular, and recently, they had been visiting Hanneau almost every week. "Yes. A boy," Mitsuei keeps his reply short. "I see. He doesn't look like his mother. I thought her child would at least take her eyes. But oh well, a lot could change until the boy grows up." "Perhaps so." "Good thing the baby has your eyes," says the other woman from behind. "What do you mean?" Mitsue raises a brow. The statement irks him. "Well, I recall the mother being a westerner. And I think it is great that he somehow looks ---." "Whatever my child looks, is never a problem. In fact, I told my wife I wished he had her eyes. It is magnificent and it didn't bother me, unlike others who don't appreciate the beauty in front of them." The ladies purse their lips while looking at their surroundings aimlessly. They were caught off guard by the owner's rebuttal. They had always engaged in conversation with him whenever they had a chance. But he always kept his responses short, like he was not interested in talking about anything. Kiyoko clears her throat to break the unsettling atmosphere. She is aware that Mister Sou grew irritated with the conversation. The guests listening to the exchange also appeared awkward after the owner's response. Akari immediately takes her leave, saying she will be in the kitchen if she will be needed. Kiyoko knows she has to break the silence. "We will take our leave, too. We will look around the lodge for the time being. If anyone needs me, we will be in my office shortly," Mitsuei mutters before walking away from the receiving desk. He didn't bother to take another glance at the ladies at the front desk. Kiyoko knows it is his usual self. But she can sense a great deal of annoyance from him. Meanwhile... Mitsuei walks around the hallway checking on Hanneau's current condition. So far, since they have all cleared the obstructions, it became easier to move around. The only problem they have right now is drying out their laundry. They have accumulated enough dirty sheets that would probably take time before they can be used again. - ways to dry clothing during winter - Mitsuei is about to turn towards his office when he notices a small frame hiding in the corner. And he knows who exactly that is. "Rio," Mitsuei calls. The young woman flinches, almost letting the newly folded sheets fall on the ground. Rio moves slowly, as though she is hesitant to face him. Her gaze is fixed on the wooden floor, indicating that she does not want to meet his gaze. Rio appears guilty. Perhaps it is because of their previous encounter in his office. But Mitsuei is far from mad. He appreciates her kind gesture. Compared to him and everyone else, she showed more concern for Reina. So much that she notices even the littlest changes in her. Or was it because he was too blind to see it. "Look, I am not angry with you. In fact, I want to thank you, Rio." Rio's eyes shoot up upon hearing Mister Sou's statement. Aside from the fact that she just heard his gratitude, seeing him playing with Ritsu in his arms while talking to her is enough to astonish her. He isn't looking straight at her. Instead, his eyes focus on the little one fiddling with his fingers. He appears more entertained than the child itself. "Of course, when you dropped the bomb on me like that, I was crushed. Reina was going through something I had no knowledge about. I assumed her thinness was because she had recently given birth. But, in the end, I was on the verge of being a dreadful husband. So I thank you for preventing that." Rio cannot count how many times she blinked while listening to Mister Sou’s words. He was thanking her. Thanking her for scolding him in his office! ‘Has the world turned upside down?’ Rio mutters to herself. She is certain she heard him correctly. She's also not dreaming. She didn't miss breakfast like she usually does. She is in excellent health to be experiencing or hearing hallucinations. “Rio?” Mitsuei glances at Rio with a furrowed expression. Rio seems to be in a daze. Mitsuei hoped she had heard him the first time. He would hate it if she didn’t, and he has to repeat the same thing over again. “I apologize, Mister Sou. I was only distracted by Ritsu. He seems so fond of you,” Rio manages to dodge what may turn into a misunderstanding. “Ah, I hope you don’t mind me bringing him along. Just think of him as another employee here in Hanneau,” Mitsuei smirks as he pinches the boy’s soft cheeks. Rio giggles in response. It seems fun seeing the owner’s different side unfold before her. However, he is far different from what he was before. “I don’t mind, Mister Sou. Ritsu can lighten everyone’s mood.” “That’s great.” Mitsuei smiles at the now complacent girl. “Well, we will be in the office then if you need me. I must orient this newly hired employee here so he will know what to do when he actually performs on the job.” “Of course, Mister Sou. Please take care.” Rio waves goodbye to the pair as they walk away from her spot. They had long left her sight, but she couldn’t shake off the strange feeling. She had witnessed the unusual side of the owner. If the others see this, they might as well faint in shock. That is how unbelievable it is. In the past, the atmosphere around Hanneau was quite serious. No ounce of fun. Except if the young lady Kayomi is around to cheer everyone up. But when it was only Mister Sou, they would all omit unnecessary chatter. It was like they were all walking on eggshells when he was around. But lately, he has been showing exhilaration. Too much that he cannot contain it to himself, and it leaks so bad that the people around him begin to notice. “Amazing how Mister Sou can openly exhibit his feelings nowadays.” Rio almost jumped when she suddenly heard a voice coming from her back. She instantly turns around to reprimand the eerily familiar voice. “Can you not just pop out of nowhere?” Rio sneers at Sora. Sora raises his hands in the air, citing that he surrenders. He was just passing by when he noticed the owner had brought his son with him. He was about to approach them when he briefly heard them talking about the missus. Since he didn’t wish to interrupt, he waited until he walked away with his son. “What can I do? I am a mushroom. I can turn up everywhere.” “You do realize that sounds absurd, right? You only make yourself look stupid,” Rio retaliates, glaring at the immature man standing between her and the path she is supposed to take. Rio frowns as she steps away from Sora. He always gets into her nerves, and as much as possible, she wants to avoid running into him. Her day started great today. She wants to leave it like that. And having Sora near her isn’t just part of the plan.
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