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“Going out early again, doctor?”  Yuuma turns around, hearing a man calling out to him. It is the elderly man that sells fruits on the corner.  “Good morning, Mister Botan. I see you up early as usual,” Yuuma greets back with a bright smile. “Well, people prefer fresh fruits in the morning.” “Then perhaps I should bring some to my patient,” Yuuma responds, looking over the fruits on display.  Botan agrees with a nod. He proudly presents his produce to Yuuma, saying they are all freshly picked from his farm. Yuuma chooses a couple of apples and oranges for Reina and her family. They have always been accommodating, serving him breakfast every visit. He at least wants to express gratitude sometimes. “Here you go, doctor.” Botan hands over a bag full of Yuuma’s purchases. “Where are you heading today, doctor?” “Thank you, Mister Botan. I am leaving for the mountains outside Moulen," Yuuma responds casually. “To Hanneau?” Yuuma jumps in surprise as another voice comes out from nowhere. Turning around, he finds the middle-aged woman bargaining vegetables in the same corner. And just like that, every other vendor on that street comes up to him.  Yuuma only nods in response. He wishes to keep the conversation short.  “Is the foreigner close to giving birth?” Botan asks, drawn into the matter. Everyone else presents also show the same interest as Botan does. Their eyes look straight at him, anticipating a response to the inquiry. “Yes, she is."  Shortly after answering, Yuuma steps back in an attempt to leave. They may appear to be subtle about it for the time being, but he knows they will eat him alive in a short time.  “When is the woman giving birth?” “Will they bring her to your clinic?” “Oh! I hope the child looks at least like us.” As the genuine motive of the individuals comes to light, Yuuma is swamped with inquiries.  Apart from family members, it doesn't feel right to share sensitive information with anyone. “I apologize. I really must leave. The family must be waiting for my arrival any moment now,” Yuuma lowers his head a little before leaving the crowd. He drags his feet to walk faster so none of them can get a chance to follow him. He should have known that a simple greeting would end like this.  “Do you think the child will be born like her?” “Great! Then more Westerners to deal with.” “Right! I don’t even think I can tolerate seeing another Westerner in our town.” Yuuma shakes his head as he walks away, listening to the comments. Precisely why he wanted to leave immediately. He hates hearing such words from people who don't know Reina.  Mitsuei has plenty on his plate right now, as his wife is approaching her due date.  His younger brother's circumstances are not much better either. He would hate to see his friend get bothered by this. And more than anything else, he hates this talk about hostility towards foreign people. He loves the war-free place that he is currently living. It may not be the best, but at least he is not on the frontlines risking his life. ‘They sure do have a lot of time in their hands,’ Yuuma sighs in frustration, trying to stop himself from refuting.  It is not like he embraced the Westerners who conquered their homeland heartily. He only knows one thing, though. These individuals blame someone who has done nothing wrong to him or anyone else in the country. That, in his opinion, is sufficient. “Hi, doctor. You seem a little late today.” “Indeed. I got tangled up with some inquiries for a while. I hope everyone is fine since it’s a little quiet around here,” Yuuma chuckles as the helper of the Sou family opened the front door.  “No worries, doctor. The family is fine. They are up early and waiting for you in the usual room.” Yuuma is directed to the sunroom by Kiyoko, where they generally conduct the check-up. For a while, the surroundings are utterly silent. The atmosphere even gives him an odd impression because of the pin-drop silence and the cold weather.  However, as he is nearing the corner where they turn left, he can hear some whispering noises. Giggles, too! Like they work hard to keep it in but cannot entirely do so. “Doctor Yuuma!” Kayomi greets with excitement as soon as she sees the doctor standing by the door. Despite the cold, the sight in front of him filled his heart with warmth. Something that could show those people why Reina is born here. And not anywhere else. For Mitsuei and Kayomi.  Kayomi greets him with such a happy disposition. Standing on the back of the chair, as he remembered as Mitsuei's mother-in-law, is clutching Reina's shoulders. She also seems delighted as he is while she watches the family huddled together.  And his dear friend. The Mitsuei, whom everyone knows as an intimidating brute, has this large grin on his face while his ear is on his wife's stomach. He has probably been listening to the baby move since earlier.   “A few weeks ago, the baby moved for the first time. But it just ended on that day.” Kayomi pulls Yuuma inside. “But now, it rarely stops. The baby just kept moving around. Does that mean the baby is coming out soon?” “Sounds like your little sister or brother is excited to meet everyone,” Yuuma laughs, encouraging the little girl. How can they hate this person? All she ever did was bring happiness to this family. She even made the impregnable Sou Mitsuei lose his guard and give him peace. More so, putting a smile on his face.  And judging from the ridiculous look on his face, he is deeply in love with her.  With Reina standing beside Mitsuei, he saw all sorts of things for the first time. And that is enough proof for him that this woman, is a completely good person.  He only wishes that those people stop with the hate. It would be terrible if any of them heard it. Especially the missus.  Night came… Reina feels the comfort of a soft bed on her back. She has fallen asleep early with an overwhelming feeling of happiness.  She felt relieved after seeing the doctor today.  He even promised to assist her till the baby is born. Along with the midwife who will deliver the baby. However, as she drifts into sleep, she hears a disturbing noise so close to her.  She opens her eyes, realizing it isn't her dreaming.  All of a sudden, in the middle of a quiet night, she feels Mitsuei stirring beside her. He seems so disturbed because he keeps groaning.  Reina gruntles as she struggles to sit on the bed. Worried, she softly brushes her hand across Mitsuei’s face.  He is sweating profusely with a furrowed expression. He looks in pain and seemingly struggles to free himself from something invisible that kept a tight grip on him. “Mitsuei," she calls out to him.  Reina cannot remove the uneasy feeling brewing inside her. She tries to shake Mitsuei awake but to no response. She calls him repeatedly, hoping that he will wake up soon. “Wake up, Mitsuei!”  Reina slaps Mitsuei on the face, waking him in the process. She didn’t have much choice. Seeing Mitsuei suffering from his sleep made her heart skip a beat.   She is afraid that if she allows it to continue, Mitsuei might never wake up again.  Feeling the impact of her slap, Mitsuei sprints in surprise. He stares at Reina with a mixture of emotions. Whatever his dream was, he seems upset to the point that it shocks her, too. Never in her life did she imagine Mitsuei being scared nor insecure. “Reina?” Mitsuei asks in confusion. His eyes are staring back at Reina with both confusion and relief. “Yes, it is me,” Reina confirms despite her own confusion. “You seem to be having a nightmare. Are you alright, Mitsuei?” “Reina.” “It’s me. I’m here. Are you okay?” “It is you.” “Yes. Please tell me you are okay.” Still baffled by Mitsuei constantly calling out to her name, Reina touches his cheeks. She feels like crying herself. That brief moment scared her. That itself made her realize a lot of things.  In the middle of all the confusion, Mitsuei jumps on Reina to an embrace. Despite the agitation overwhelming her, she hugs him back just as intensely. Looking at him somehow makes her want to reassure him and get rid of his troubles.  Whatever his dream was, it undeniably terrified him. As his body pressed against hers, she could feel his loud heartbeat. And she can’t help but be scared, too.  “Deep breaths. Deep breaths, Mitsuei.” Reina softly massages his back, in hopes of doing so, he will be able to recover. He's still trembling in her arms, and she's not sure what she can do to comfort him. “It’s okay. I’m here,” Reina reassures, trying to calm herself first. She needs to get herself together for Mitsuei’s sake.  “It was so real.” Mitsuei cries over her shoulder. “I thought I was on the battlefield again. And I shot that man. He was crying as he begs----.” Reina blinks her eyes repeatedly in realization. She didn’t expect that he would still be tied up in his past as a soldier for the empire.  “Mitsuei.” Reina cups his face, pressing them firmly to divert his attention to her. “That all ended. The war is over, and you are no longer a soldier.” “But it all felt so real,” Mitsuei insists, clutching on the hands that held his. As if trying to persuade himself that the person in front of him is genuine, he squeezes her hands hard. Still dissatisfied, he confines his face entirely on her hands. After that reoccurring dream, he feels the need to touch her warmth.  “It’s okay. I’m here.” Reina cannot find the right words to say. She is taken aback to find that Mitsuei's history haunts him to this day.  And she wants to help him. Badly.  But how? Mitsuei never tells her anything. 
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