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“Well, now that mother is here. I feel more assured of leaving you at home,” Mitsuei grins at Reina as she walks him to the door connecting to Hanneau.  He pats Reina in the head, laughing at the sight of her disheveled hair. He can never express how beautiful his morning was when he saw her sleeping face first thing in the morning. She looks peaceful while leaning on him. He never knew he could feel fulfillment just upon opening his eyes. He didn’t have the heart to wake her up. She looked so serene while still deeply asleep. Instead, he continued watching the rare view in front of him.  He was tempted to fiddle with her hair. He had the chance to brush and tie her wavy locks ever since her belly grew. Her wavy locks are so soft against his touch that he fought the urge to touch it every chance he gets. He didn’t even realize how dark her hair was until closer inspection.  However, with how intimate their previous night was, he couldn’t help but touch her hair right now. She averts her gaze by looking on the floor, but his wife could not hide her reddening face. He wishes he didn’t need to leave. But then, he has been absent in Hanneau for a while now. He needs to check how everyone is holding up. “Then, mother. Please take care of Reina. Lunch will be delivered here at the usual time,” Mitsuei waves his hand at Helen standing behind Reina.  “Of course, Mister Mitsuei. Have a nice day at work!” Helen waves back, grinning at the man who has been taking his sweet time to leave his home. He appears hesitant but fought against his desires. Before closing the door behind him, Mitsuei looks back at them once more. Reina raises her hand, waving her hand modestly as he waves back.  ‘Like a couple of teenagers on their first date,’ Helen giggles at the thought.  Even though Mitsuei has been gone for a few minutes now, Reina is still standing in front of the closed door. If Helen had not called her attention, she would've been able to move from there. “Right, mother. Something happened the first time tonight,” Reina exclaims as they walk in the hallway. “Oh, must be something surprising if you get all excited like that.” “Yes! The baby kicked for the first time last night!” “That must have been an interesting experience,” Helen chuckles seeing the enthusiasm in her daughter’s face.  Reina then proceeds to tell how the whole new experience felt. Their legs brought them inside Mitsuei’s library. Since her mother's interests revolve around books, she decided to bring her to the library. “I’m glad you are loving this experience, sweetheart. And you are lucky to have such a supportive husband,” Helen says as she continues to roam around the library, checking the possible books that might catch her interest. Filled with pride, Reina can’t help but smile at the praise raining on her husband. Her mother has been quite supportive of Mitsuei's efforts since they married. However, something strange comes into her mind. “You know mother, Mitsuei is acting odd sometimes. Last night, he was so shocked when he felt the baby move. He was even worried if I was in pain,” Reina describes. Aside from that, she also remembers the day they went to the shopping district. Mitsuei seemed to know what they needed for the baby. But when it comes to actual experience, he is entirely ignorant.  Recalling his expression from last night proved her idea. Wide-eyed and panicking.  She tells her mother how her husband responded when he felt the baby move. Helen is also surprised by his attitude towards the baby changing positions inside his pregnant wife. They knew he had been married once and had a child. It would be impossible if he had no idea of events that may occur during one's pregnancy. “Indeed. That sounds fishy. However, neither of us knows what happened to him and his first wife. They were secretive about it,” Helen mutters a response. “Perhaps you are right,” Reina lowers her head as a frown crosses her face.  Just from that short talk, she recognized something. She has no idea about Mitsuei. He is not open about a lot of things. She also lacked the confidence to approach him. After all, he may be apprehensive about discussing it. He could either get mad at her or completely ignore her if she so happens to ask. There might be memories that he didn’t want to remember. Furthermore, she is afraid of what she might hear from him. He might still be in love with his first wife. He did not get married even when his wife left him years ago. He is forced to be with her out of pity. Furthermore, he is concerned about the well-being of the Sou child within her. “Oh, my! Will you look at this?” Reina promptly lifts her head in her mother’s direction.  On her hand, it is the book that she had tried to take months ago when she wanted to clean the library. A pleasant look spreads across her face as she continuously examines the book in her hands.  Helen laughs heartily as she turns every page of the said book. She appears amused by whatever content the book has. “What is it, mother?” Reina asks with interest. “Sweetheart, no wonder your husband knows child-bearing but is completely clueless with the actual experience. He only gets information from this book.” Helen chuckles in delight as she hands the book over to Reina.  Reina checks the strikingly different book. It was written in a foreign tongue. In contrast to the somber books around the library, it is completely coated in vivid colors. “This book came from the west. I don’t know where he got that, but I know it is expensive. Books about childbirth are not widely available. Only a few merchants might have it since only a few were published over the years. And considering it came from the west, he might have spent a lot to get his hands on this,” Helen explains. Reina’s respect for Mitsuei skyrocketed after hearing Helen's words. She never expected him to give so much effort for the baby.  She is aware of him being serious about his role as a father and husband, but she didn’t expect him to proceed to such lengths. “Look how loved you are. This book here contains information about the stages of pregnancy until birth as narrated by the physician,” Helen teases, playfully nudging her back. Reina becomes speechless for some time. For a moment there, she thought something far more than just about the Sou child insider her. She cannot deny the flutter in her heart. But then, a realization hit her.  Mitsuei sure is supportive. However, all of these efforts are for the baby. ‘But he did pat me on the head,’ Reina mutters to herself.  She thought of this morning, how she woke up with him close to her. His hand was still over her belly, caressing it carefully. He was already awake when she woke up. So it was for certain if she felt embarrassed until such time he left.  ‘Those smiles were at least for me, right?’ Reina asks herself, wanting badly to confirm his genuine feelings.  Either way, it is none of her concern. She didn’t want to be greedy and assume greater feelings from him. She had long decided that she will accept whatever he has given her. No demands. No expectations.  “Mother, did you know he got angry with me when he saw me trying to reach this book?” “He did? He seems like an impassive man. I didn’t know he would be mad over such things.” Reina giggles as she returns the book to its proper place.  “Isn’t that adorable, though? He must feel embarrassed if you ever found out.” “Hmm, I can’t picture Mitsuei being embarrassed.” ”I know!” Helen abruptly agrees. She then moves closer to Reina’s ear, seemingly whispering a secret. “But imagine this. A huge bulge of man, turning red from shame after being found of owning a pregnancy book.” Undeniably, that sight would be extremely rare. An image of him averting his gaze with his face completely red in embarrassment.  Would the word cute or adorable be appropriate for a big man like him? Aside from his intimidating built, he also has this scary face that would send strangers running.  Reina chuckles at the thought that crossed her mind. Indeed, it would be a sight to behold. She would very much enjoy it if Mitsuei ever reacts that way. But she knows it will never happen. He would burst out of anger rather than feel shy about being exposed.  “Well, mother. The thought is tempting but I don’t think it will ever happen.” “Oh, sweetheart. You can't be certain. Men are delicate beings. On the outside, they look to be all macho. But if you flicked the correct switch, they will unveil their true colors. They are also human, just like every other woman on the planet. Their emotions also affect them. They are just good at hiding them,” Helen snickers as she continues to look around the library. Perhaps what Helen said is true. But she never saw men as weak beings. They are all headstrong and aggressive. “Would you believe I made your father cry before? And not just once. I actually lost count. That’s how fragile he is.” “Really? What happened?” Reina’s eyes lit up with interest. “Well, first was when I was about to leave the country since he was so stubborn. I pursued him for some time but I eventually got tired. He rushed to me with tears in his eyes. Another was when we got married, then when I told him I was pregnant.” “Wow, that surprising. Father sure is stubborn but I never envision him crying,” Reina giggles in amusement. Helen cackles loudly that it echoes the entire room.  “Prepare yourself, sweetheart. When men cry, they need a lot of assurance.”
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