Chapter 22 The New Industries Added by the Beggar g**g

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For now, only the industries of the Beggar g**g kept spreading throughout the entire Yugu Continent, including Lanjing City, the capital of Dongqin, which was not affected at all. Sales of the Beggar chicken were good. Pretty Clothes were expanding in large amount! The information trading was still a hit! The preparatory Lingyin Colleges were selected in all major cities, and some of them had already started construction. In this regard, the entire Yugu Continent felt strange. Even the Ximen family and the Nangong family of the three great ancient martial arts families were sanctioned by Dongqin. Their industries were all taken back to the territory of Xichu, Nantang and Beihan. At the Beggar g**g headquarters, Feng Tianyu also could not resist the curiosity but asked Mu Qianmei, "Little girl, do you know why Dongqin is so merciful to the Beggar g**g?" Mu Qianmei chuckled and said, "I think, for one thing, Beggar g**g is the veritably largest g**g in the Yugu Continent now, so Dongqin have some concerns. For another thing, it is better to pull us in than control us for the current Dongqin, so they are showing us goodwill." Ouyang Bo also smiled and questioned, "The emperor of the Dongqin seemed not like an ordinary person. His thoughts were even the same as those of Mu Qianmei. If he knew a 12-year-old girl in the Beggar g**g had completely guessed his mind, I wonder how he would feel. Haha! Oh, right, little girl, except for building Lingyin College branches, what other industries can the Beggar g**g develop at this moment? We have more and more brothers now, but many of them still have nothing to do." "That's the thing for your military master to consider!" Mu Qianmei replied with a playful smile. "Military master, military master, that is for the army, how can he develop the economy?" Ouyang Bo excused himself with a chuckle. "Well then, do you still have any other talents in this area for recommendations? The Elder Wang you have suggested is very good, and he manages the Lingyin College in an orderly manner. He is indeed an incomparable talent." Mu Qianmei pushed it back to Ouyang Bo. "I remembered you once said that there were more industries that could be developed here. You can say a few at random now, and we'll refer to them together. It will be best if no one is idle." The old Taoist priest caught the phrase of Mu Qianmei and insisted that she should say it. "Well, how about inventing a few toys? I will tell everyone the rules, and then we can train a group of people good at playing it. Finally, let's open a casino. The casino is a place to earn money most quickly!" Mu Qianmei said with a sudden whim. In the following days, while the old Taoist priest and Feng Tianyu waited curiously, Mu QianMei quickly made not only poker cards and mahjong but also a pair of chess. She told Feng Tianyu and the old Taoist priest the gameplay and rules detailedly, prepared to let them step in for teaching a few disciples and intended to develop the casino industry in the Yugu Continent vigorously. By remembering the once unprecedentedly developed casino industry in the previous life, Mu Qianmei thought there would be a large market in the current Yugu Continent. "In addition to the casino industry, I also want to establish newspaper, which will definitely sell wildly as well." Mu Qianmei suddenly said again. "Newspaper? What is that?" Feng Tianyu asked strangely. "Newspaper is a collection of strange and unusual stories, as well as the changeable war situations of the Yugu Continent. It also includes excellent poems and fictions. All of these should be written and then printed on paper to sell. If any store or individual wants to promote their products or things, we can charge for publishing them. It can make a lot of money." Mu Qianmei explained with a smile. "Will it have a bad effect on the business that we buy and sell news?" The old Taoist priest also asked with some concern. "How can it be? We still have to keep buying and selling some important news and some information specifically requested by customers to inquire about. So there is also a complementary effect, and it will only make our newspaper sell better." When thinking about this, Mu Qianmei got a little bit excited again. "The casino and the newspaper office, how did you come up with them together?" The old Taoist priest thought for a moment and said with a smile. "I think like this, now it's a temporarily peaceful time again, and these two industries are closely related to the citizens' entertainment and life. As long as the businesses operate good, the profits will be very considerable." "The number of Beggar g**g members has increased so quickly now. It will not be acceptable if our economic incomes cannot keep up with it. If we start these businesses, we not only could help Beggar g**g members have work but also expand our industries with the increasing incomes." Mu Qianmei said analytically. "Good, good, haha, just do what little girl says. Little girl, you write out a specific plan on how to establish and operate the business. I'll be responsible for ordering people to do it. We should start it up as soon as possible." Feng Tianyu said with a laughter. "Your college is called Lingyin College, so what are you going to name the casino and the newspaper office this time, little girl?" The old Taoist priest asked a specific question. "Casino is a place where people try to make big profits with a small capital while they also pursue something pleasant and joyful. So what about calling it Wanbo Casino, old Taoist priest? Do you think it's okay?" Mu Qianmei smilingly asked. "It's nice, and it's quite generous! And what should the newspaper office be called?" After praising, the old Taoist priest then inquired. "This is easier to name it. As we want to open a large newspaper office, let's take the Yugu as the lead. And because we just start now, we will establish a monthly newspaper first, and let's call it Yugu Monthly News. At first, we will focus on strange and unusual events, social news, literature and poetry. The other contents will be gradually added." Mu Qianmei stated her ideas. It was always easier to propose than to operate, so they encountered many difficulties when they carried out their plans. The casino was fine. No matter whichever the world was, there was no shortage of gamblers. Therefore, when the Wanbo Casino was opened, it was most popular. The gamblers had strong learning abilities to master new gambling games and playing rules. No matter it was the complex mahjong or poker or the simple big bets or small bets, people spread them from one to ten, ten to hundred, which was far greater than the speed of knowledge. Because of the freshness, there even were more people playing it than usual. In just three months, Wanbo Casino had many branches in the capital cities of several kingdoms. And it continued to grow at a faster rate in small and medium-sized cities. In comparison to the rapid development of casinos, the spread of newspapers was significantly slower. Firstly, hardware facilities were technologically backward here. Movable type printing had just begun, so the technology was relatively backward. Secondly, it would take a long time to train journalists and editors. Thirdly, it would not have many readers suddenly, because most people were illiterate in this age when education was relatively backward. Therefore, when the casinos had opened in full swing, the development of Yugu Monthly News remained stagnant, and the circulation was small. Fortunately, the capital earned by casinos and other industries could maintain Yugu Monthly News which was struggling. Half-year later, after a simple but relatively systematic study, the first batch of journalists and editors had comparatively professional knowledge. The Yugu Monthly News then gradually turned a loss into a profit and was on the right track. However, the readers of it were still officials, merchants, intellectuals, as well as skilful writers and scholars. There were very few common people to come in seeing this novelty. But with the development of Lingyin College, many private academies founded by individuals were also gradually rising, so the awareness of reading and learning culture was also strengthening. Many children from low-income families were also able to go to school. Even beggars could run a school, and many beggars' children could study and go to school, so how should ordinary children be left behind than others? It was with such a trend and awareness that the number of literate people was increasing. A year later, ordinary people could read the Yugu Monthly News. Many families were proud of subscribing to the Yugu Monthly News. Even if their family members did not know the words, they still ordered one copy and put it aside, just in case guests were visiting. Handing it to the guests for viewing or passing the time was also a symbol of culture. At this time, the awareness of advertising was not strong enough, but Yugu Monthly News was able to earn a lot of money just by its circulation. Although the profits were thin, the quantities were large enough! Profits were small, but returns were quick. As a strong businesswoman in her previous life, Mu Qianmei knew this well, so the sales of Yugu Monthly News increased month by month. The more readers were, the more articles people submited for publication. When plenty of academies were built up, the number of learned people was increasing at an incredible rate. As more people read the newspaper, more and more people wrote articles. The cycle of Yugu Monthly News didn't satisfy its readers anymore. With this trend, Yugo Daily News was launched. It would be circulated every day. And with the prominence of the advertising effects, the businessmen had finally realized the role of advertising. For the same products, the merchants doing the advertising were busy on producing while those without advertising had piles of goods for sell. They had unsatisfactory selling. When everyone scrambled to advertise, the revenues from advertising slowly became the main source of the newspaper office. Mu Qianmei also followed the way of business in the previous life, with different pages and different areas of charging different rates. Only competition caused development. The creation of the newspaper office firstly affected the officialdom. The royal palaces of all countries began to pay attention to those reports beneficial to society or detrimental to the imperial courts. Gossip was a fearful thing. So, authorities began to intervene it. Four countries coincided in offering their opinions on the newspaper office. Positive coverage should be predominant. The good thing was that Mu Qianmei knew this well. So she immediately adjusted the directions and caveats of the coverage in the newspaper office. It would completely forbid reporting on the more sensitive topics of the country or avoid news that would be detrimental to the general situation of social stability. And it tried to focus on the weird cases of society and the publications and reviews of literature. For the sudden rise and the founding of such many strange industries by the Beggar g**g, several large kingdoms had realized its importance. The four large kingdoms all sent ambassadors to the Beggar g**g for negotiation, hoping that the Beggar g**g could belong to their own nation. But Beggar g**g had always insisted that they were only a g**g for all corners of the country. On the ground of not being involved politics, the Beggar g**g one by one refused all the invitations with excellent conditions of the kingdoms. Especially the invitation from Beihan. Because the Beggar g**g headquarters and the headquarters of the Ling Yin Academy were located in Luoya City, Behan even repeatedly invited the Beggar g**g to join it as a national institution. They were forced to put forward a condition. It was acceptable to belong to the nation, as long as a kingdom could take in all the disciples of the Beggar g**g, including all the beggars of the Yugu Continent. This time, no country would dare to make such a decision. The beggars in the entire Canghuan Continent were a million or at least eight hundred thousand. Who could afford to take them in? So they all gave up the idea of taking in the Beggar g**g. However, they also all put forward a request that the Beggar g**g should not directly interfere with the dynastic politics of any country. And the newspaper was required to maintain an objective stance. Mu Qianmei agreed to all such requests. So the Beggar g**g in such a strange situation smoothly existed, developed, and grew.
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