Chapter 23 Mu Qianmei Was Missing When Saving Ziyue

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The Wanbo Casino and the Yugu Daily News were finally getting on track properly. The Lingyin College was also growing in leaps and bounds. With the gradual establishment of the Lingyin College branches throughout the world, the education problems in the Yugu Continent had been greatly alleviated. After seeing the endless scenery of Lingyin College, many private academics began to emerge, all imitating the way Lingyin College ran its schools. However, the unique education models and rich teaching content made Lingyin College becoming the highest institution of learning in the Yugu Continent deservedly. Even the formerly unparalleled royal academies in various countries could not compete with it. In addition to attracting deep concerns of various countries, the development of the Beggar g**g also caused a sense of crisis from all corners of the country. But, after investigating the strength of the Beggar g**g, no one dared to make a rash move. Even the three ancient martial arts families with long histories opted for acquiescence and friendly engagement. By force, the Beggar g**g was not the strongest in the Yugu Continent. Leaving aside the three ancient martial arts families, even the five gangs, the actual strength that they hid, could absolutely not be counterbalanced by the Beggar g**g that was just established two years. The strength of a g**g, other than the personal ability and force of the leader, was lay in the overall capabilities of the disciples at all levels, whcih played a decisive role. The strength of the Beggar g**g was one aspect, which had relatively more strange and different persons with various types of talents. Another aspect was quantity. As the first g**g in the world, the Beggar g**g had the largest number of people, which was absolutely indisputable. The total number of all the Beggar g**g disciples was nearly as much as the total population of a small country. There was another strength of the Beggar g**g, the information net. And there was a hall that mainly traded in information. Mu Qianmei named it Baixiao Hall, meaning all-knowing and all-aware. Apart from the information on deals as a trade, how much information they did not allow to let out? There were no ways for outsiders to know. However, after the night attack of the Dongqin on the Shangyan Kingdom, Mu Qianmei also understood that the intelligence department of the Beggar g**g was not good enough. Otherwise, how could we only know the news after the fact? So, the Baixiao Hall of the Beggar g**g began to strengthen the selection of personnel and professional training. Mu Qianmei also turned her attention to the brothels. Regardless of any dynasties, the brothels were always the places where good and evil people were mixed up. If we could use the brothels as bases and recruited a team of brothel ladies to cooperate in spying, the strength of the intelligence department would be enhanced by a lot. Mu Qianmei was an actionist and immediately proceeded to implement when she thought of it. Her opinions were unanimously agreed by Feng Tianyu and the old Taoist priest. The next day, Mu Qianmei called two Beggar g**g disciples, and she went up to Luoya City and learned about the development of brothels here. The Beggar g**g carriage all had a prominent symbol. That was, the front of the carriage was painted with a striking black dog beat stick. The reputation of "Little Talented Miss" for Mu Qianmei was also well-known among everyone in Luoya City. She frequently traveled back and forth between the Beggar g**g headquarter and the Lingyin College, so her carriage would attract many discussions every time she passed by Luoya City. "The carriage of the Little Talented Miss is here again." "Yeah, I wonder how the Feng g**g master teaches her, and such a young child can play a tune that well." "But it's weird. She's so young, but how come she doesn't go to school? Lingyin College educates so well. How come she doesn't study in there as well?" "You know what? She is the First Miss of the Beggar g**g, with a special gentleman for tutoring. Why does she still need to go into the Lingyin College for studying?" "Even the royal sons are needed to study in the royal academies? I think it's better to study in the academy!" . Mu Qianmei already had considerable progress in cultivating internal magic, so she could hear similar conversations even if she sat in the carriage. But she didn't care that much, and the good thing was that everyone only knew her as a good zither player, but not the rest. Her carriage traveled more slowly in Luoya City this time, and she also walked into Changle Street where it had a relatively high concentration of brothels. This led to more chatter. "Why would Miss Little Butterfly want to go to Changle Street today? It's not a proper place for a little girl to go!" "Who knows? Maybe she has relatives or friends in there, and she goes for a visit." "Well, I think, maybe she just happens to be passing through." . Mu Qianmei gave a bitter smile and muttered to herself, "It seems that human curiosity is strong at any time." Just as she finished saying that, a sudden voice was heard in front of her shouting, "Someone is going to jump. Qianchu House has a girl who is going to jump!" People who heard the shout on the street ran towards Qianchu House. Mu Qianmei also hurriedly instructed the accompanying disciples of the Beggar g**g to rush towards the Qianchu House. When they arrived at the entrance of Qianchu House, there were already a lot of people that gathered downstairs watching the hustle and bustle, and everyone was chattering and discussing. It could only be seen a little girl of fourteen or fifteen years old, with a face like a peach blossom, slender melon face, delicate and beautiful, carrying a few frailties, wearing a pink sarong, standing on the railing of the third floor of the Qianchu House, and filling her eyes with tears and bringing a look of despair. Breeze lightly, her black hairs and long skirt fluttered with the wind, which made her like an angel in tears, or a lonely fairy, standing quietly on the railing. Her eyes were somewhat empty, not looking downstairs at the gathering crowd but floating into the void of the long sky. On the floor not far from her, a group of flowery girls were anxiously calling her name and persuading her, "Ziyue, please don't do something stupid! Come down quickly. We'll talk to mammy about it." "Ziyue, there are no obstacles in this world that can't be overcome. You quickly come down. Things will change for the better. Don't be impulsive." "Yeah, Ziyue, you're still so young. You still have a long way to go. You come down, and we will figure out a way for you together, okay?" ... Everyone was gabbing in the persuasion. Many were with the sound of crying with shedding tears, but they were afraid to go up to the front readily. They were scared that if they walked up to the front, she would jump in case of excitement, and that would be more irreparable. The girl named Ziyue remained with an unmoved look, appearing incomparably decisive. Her bewildered eyes seemed to show that she was doing the last review of her life. "Hurry to prepare the fishing nets and thick cotton mats. Several people pull the net with cotton mats on top. It's impossible to persuade her for going back as she shows now. It's urgent to save people." Mu Qianmei hastened to the side of the beggar disciples to instruct. There were many beggar disciples here, and everyone immediately went nearby for an urgent search up. Only a short time, two things were prepared ready down there. Eight people pulled the fishing nets, and the thick cotton quilts were laid on top. "You ungrateful fellow, I have worked so hard to bring you up, and you haven't even paid anything back. Do you deserve my kindness if you die like this? When have I ever treated you badly? I have just let you take a customer? Being in a brothel, it's just a matter of time. Why am I so miserable? I raise an unfilial daughter like you for nothing. If I have known that, I should have let you starving and dying on the streets." A well-dressed middle-aged woman hurried out and cried while speaking loudly. At first glance, it could be known that she was the owner of Qianchu House and girls called her "mammy". People all cast a disgusted look after seeing her shrewish look. When hearing the voice of "mammy", the girl named Ziyue suddenly made up her mind and jumped. She closed her eyes tightly, and her clothes flew. Her body also quickly flew downward, with a long pink dress and a head of black hair fluttering upward. The people below immediately pulled the nets and moved quickly to where she fell. "Boom!" she landed on the thick quilts. People rushed to put down the fishing nets. Several women grabbed her and helped her up. Although the person did not die but jumped from such a high place and landed on the thick quilts, she still had fainted. A small head of the Beggar g**g immediately ordered to bring her back to the Beggar g**g headquarter first, and Miss Little Butterfly would decide this matter. When it came to Miss Little Butterfly, everyone instantly looked towards the place where the carriage Mu Qianmei had just stopped. However, an accident happened, the carriage of Mu Qianmei somehow already left. Two beggar disciples were lying on the ground, and they were unconscious. Miss Little Butterfly was missing? The attention of the crowd was all put on the jumping girl Ziyue. The crowd was noisy, and they did not even notice the situation on Mu Qianmei's side. How did she go missing? It seemed that she was taken away by somebody. Otherwise, how could the two beggar disciples who followed closely to protect her be unconscious on the ground? Who took Miss Little Butterfly away? The Beggar g**g disciples had slightly scrambled. Some hurried around to scout for news. Some immediately rushed back to the Beggar g**g headquarter to report the situation. After receiving the news, Feng Tianyu was extremely tensed. He did not expect that Mu Qianmei would be taken away at this time. The self-growth and the accompanying industries of the Beggar g**g were all in the flourishing development stage. The interaction and communication between the Beggar g**g and the other gangs were also peaceful and friendly. Who could possibly take Mu Qianmei at this time? While the Beggar g**g, which was always known for being well-informed, could only find the carriage that Mu Qianmei used specifically outside the eastern suburbs of Luoya City this time. For the whereabouts of Mu Qianmei, there was actually no information. Feng Tianyu mobilized all the forces that the Beggar g**g could muster to find out Mu Qianmei. But the clues stopped at eastern suburbs of Luoya City, where was the carriage about. There were no other traces. It was as if she suddenly evaporated into thin air. Five days passed. Beggar g**g headquarters. Feng Tianyu looked at the old Taoist priest with a sad face. It seemed only a few days, he suddenly appeared to be aged a lot. The white beard and hair were neat for a long time, and then recently began to become messy. When looking closely, it was like the white grew even more. He asked feebly, "Old guy, please do augury again, is the little girl really still safe?" Ouyang Bo shook his head and sighed, speaking with a calm face, "I've done that. She's still safe now. She is destined to have this disaster. As to whether she can turn the danger into success, it depends on her thoughts. With her intelligence, I believe that she's able to pass through it safely. Everyone says that random care induces chaos. When the little girl is not in now, you should work more. All the industries that she proposes to start must be managed well. When she returns safely, you should give her a more powerful Beggar Gang." "If you continue to be so depressed like this, when she returns, will you guys not even have a place to beg for food?"
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