Chapter 21 Dongqin Was Pleased For Occupying The Two Kingdoms

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The Dongqin soldiers who won by an ingenious military move were enthusiastic and their morale increased greatly. However, the three allied armies were a little bit unstable after losing the support of the Shangyan Kingdom. When they saw Dongqin mobilizing its troops and making a bold move to take Frostless City, many people began to suggest retreating into the Xichu Kingdom, holding on to the great mountain as a barrier and staying put. Immediately afterwards, an emissary was once again dispatched to the Nantang Kingdom and sought to persuade it to unite. Only the Yunyu Kingdom still existed as an independent state. As a puppet state of Dongqin, Dongqin did not need it to participate in the war for the time being so as to remain it as a backup. The three allied armies all knew the unapparent background of the Yunyu Kingdom, so they did not waste time to unite it. When the thirty thousand elite troops of the Dongqin returned smoothly outside the Frostless City, they met up with the original troops and the surrendered troops of the Shangyan Kingdom, took a short rest and reformed, then divided their troops into three directions and prepared to attack the Frostless City. Now as for the strength comparison, the allied armies had five hundred and twenty thousand, and the Dongqin had four hundred and sixty thousand. But the one-on-one fight ability of the Dongqin soldiers and the overall quality of the generals were far stronger than the allied armies. Additionally, in terms of the morale of the soldiers, it was also the case that the Dongqin was much stronger than the allied armies. Under a comprehensive comparison and after a discussion between Zhang Xiaoting and the generals, they unanimously approved the decision to attack. Thus, the Dongqin army, under the leadership of the original Shangyan troops, was divided into three lines and attacked from the east, south and north! It was a breeze to have someone lead the way. The three unmotivated allied armies only put up a little resistance when the Dongqin army first attacked from the south gate, then retreated while fighting, and gradually retreated to the west. When the three gates to the east, south and west were all breached, the three allied armies had basically gathered to the west of Frostless City. With the western city gate wide opened, the king of the Zhongwu Kingdom, Wu Shangqing, led the civil and military officials, being escorted by the army, sat in a carriage, which loaded with the treasury supplies, and first left the city. On the other side, the army retreated while fighting, also in good order. When the Dongqin army completely occupied Frostless City, it was already an empty city with only a few people left. After Zhang Xiaoting left behind a small number of troops in garrison, he continued to pursue them to the west. It was only when the allied armies had already retreated into Xichu that he gave the order to stop. Xichu Kingdom was located in a mountainous area, which was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and Military Book said, "When encountering mountains, troops shouldn't enter!" He also wanted to digest the newly occupied Zhongwu Kingdom first slowly and did the next strategic deployment after everything was straightened out. At this moment, the pattern of the Yugu Continent had undergone a fundamental change. The three small kingdoms had basically fallen into the hands of the Dongqin. The powerful Dongqin Kingdom had now reached unprecedented heights in terms of land area, as well as military and economic strength. How long could the other three powerful kingdoms persist after losing barriers? As a puppet state, where would the fate of the Yunyu Kingdom go? Many people were thinking about these two questions. This time, when Nantang saw the situation clearly, Nantang finally agreed to unite with the allied armies and prepared to fight together against the annexation plan of the Dongqin. Luckily, although Zhongwu had been lost, the army did not lose much strength. The four kingdoms together still remained a formidable force. At Beihan, Mu Qianmei gathered once again with Feng Tianyu and Ouyang Bo at the Beggar g**g headquarters, talking about the world pattern of the Yugu Continent. "What do you think of the current situation in Beihan, little girl?" Ouyang Bo looked at Mu Qianmei and asked. "Dongqin unexpectedly attacked the Shangyan Kingdom. The Beihan had not even reacted, and the Shangyan Kingdom was gone, which was a profound lesson. The barrier was lost at the twinkling time. The situation of the Beihan was also not really good." "Xichu is in the mountainous region with abundant products, easy to defended and difficult to attack. For the time being, it can still be safely defended. Nantang is in the vast grassland with developed animal husbandry and an army dominated by cavalry, flexible in turning to war, so I believe Dongqin will not touch it for now." "Only Beihan is dependent on the vast desert in the north. There is no place to retreat to, and the economy is supported by commerce. It may be the first object that Dongqin considers to break!" Mu Qianmei pondered and then slowly analyzed. "If you were the king of Beihan, how would you defend against it?" The old Taoist priest then asked. Feng Tianyu also looked at Mu Qianmei with a curious face. There was also a faint hint of anticipation in the eyes, in addition to curiosity. "I think the king of Beihan should concentrate all his troops, centring on the capital city of Luoya, with a focus on the east and south, and set up layers of defence to prevent a sudden attack by the Dongqin." "And then, it should unite with Xichu and Nantang. The three large kingdoms form a single front, jointly defend, and get ready for emergency support, and no matter which kingdom is attacked, they should cooperate fully to resist, only then can they defend!" "Of course, if these three kingdoms have enough boldness, they should take the initiative at any time with a solid defence. The so-called 'attack is the best defence!' It's always better to take the initiative than to be passively beaten!" Mu Qianmei put her thoughts forward in a methodical manner. After hearing this, the two older men couldn't stop nodding and smiling with a look of appreciation. They were rarely astonished now because too many astonishments had made them accustomed to Mu Qianmei's amazing and wonderful words. "Then, if you're Dongqin, what will you do?" Feng Tianyu resisted asking Mu Qianmei a question as well. "Although Dongqin is powerful, it is not advisable to fight right away. It should take a break, digesting the newly occupied Shangyan and Zhongwu kingdoms, look at the entire continent, and redeploy!" "For Beihan, economic sanctions can be imposed. For a large commercial kingdom, the economy is its lifeline, and controlling its economy is the same as grabbing its lifeline." "After controlling its economic lifeline, Dongqin then creates some civil unrest for it and disintegrates it from within, so that Dongqin can get the maximum benefit with the minimum cost." Mu Qianmei said as she thought. After saying that, she was afraid that they would ask her again, so she hurriedly asked Feng Tianyu a question, "Old guy, stop to keep asking me the questions. Have you ever thought about how the Beggar g**g will develop in such a big environment, as the master of a g**g?" After asking, she and the old Daoist priest both looked at Feng Tianyu with an expectant face. "Our Beggar g**g still follow your previous ideas, no matter it's during peace or war times. I have also found now, if we want to achieve the grand wish of the Beggar g**g to become the first largest g**g in the world, the development of the economy is the biggest foundation." "Of course! Force is also essential. Although there are many experts in our g**g now, most of the dominant g**g members still have very low force, and it requires a general improvement." "At the last, it's the Lingyin College that you have found. Just as you have mentioned, we should continue to open more branches and train more learned people to be used for our Beggar Gang." "After these three are well developed, it will be the problem of management. It's not easy to develop the largest g**g in the world, but it's actually even more difficult to manage the largest g**g in the world. Talent is indeed important, but loyalty is even more important." Feng Tianyu did not hesitate to say all his thoughts, and it seemed precisely what he had been thinking about. Before Mu Qianmei could say anything, the old Taoist priest said with a smile, "Hehe! I can tell that the old beggar speaks more and more with the little girl's type of tone and style. Now I can't really see actually who is teaching who. Isn't the little girl forced to read by the old guy? How come it seems to be the other way around now?" Feng Tianyu laughed and did not argue. Mu Qianmei hurriedly explained, "This is called the teacher leads into the door, but practice depends on the individual. Learning literature and martial arts are taught by the teacher single-handedly, and this is the foundation, so the old guy is always my teacher." The two old guys laughed out loudly in relief when hearing that. After capturing Shangyan and Zhongwu, Dongqin temporarily stopped its advance. It was instead fully engaged in the rectification of Shangyan and Zhongwu. Zhang Xiaoting dispersed a large number of troops to various places and made a signal that he would no longer pursue them closely. In this regard, the Xichu Kingdom did not let down its guard, especially the civil and military ministers and troops of the Zhongwu Kingdom, who were like extremely frightened birds, also harboured the desire to recover its territory and was particularly concerned and attentive to every move of the Dongqin. When they knew the Dongqin had scattered its troops, they were more than ready to move. Many of them proposed making a comeback and taking advantage of the situation to recover the territory of Zhongwu. After all, it was always inconvenient to rely on others. However, the allied army generals were unanimous in their opposition, believing that it was no longer appropriate to continue the war at this time. And the Xichu Kingdom, which was being in a mountainous area, also felt a little heavy pressure with so many additional burdens at once. Even though it had abundant resources but could not withstand such consumption. Besides, at this time of war, the national economy was also suffering, expenses were increasing, and the standard of living naturally decreased a lot. Although Zhongwu brought many provisions, but after all, those who fled here were the royal relatives, civil and military officials. They were accustomed to the usual luxury life and did not know what was meant by frugality, continuing to live an extravagant life. How long could the wealth last? Dongqin had indeed turned its attention to Beihan. The Beihan had almost no way back and relied only on prosperous commerce as an economical source for the country. As Mu Qianmei said, the Dongqin court also knew that the lifeblood of the commercial large power Beihan was the economy. It was correct that their armies had been scattered, but they also focused on the area around Zhongwu and Shangyan. As long as the situation was urgent, they could still gather up to hundreds of thousands of troops at any time within half a day. By taking such a gesture, Dongqin wanted to switch its strategic approach and was ready to start from economy by vigorously developing the commerce of Zhongwu and Shangyan. The focus was the barrier of Beihan, the former Yunshui City of the Shangyan Kingdom. Yunshui City was titled with this name because it had a well-developed waterway, which was traditionally a key transit point for goods coming in and out of Luoya City. So the previous Shangyan Kingdom also benefited greatly from this, with a large number of dartboards and docks in the country, which were the main logistics channels of Luoya City. Now, Shangyan belonged to Dongqin. Dongqin then took this opportunity to control the logistics channel of Luoya City tightly. And it transferred a large number of businesses in its country to here. This would remove the economic centre of the Yugu Continent, Luoya City, from its dominance. As a result, Dongqin vigorously developed the economies of Frostless City and Yunshui City, shifting a large amount of commerce to these two cities, especially Yunshui City. At the same time, all the national businesses in Luoya City were withdrawn. However, there were still two major kingdoms of Xichu and Nantang supporting it after all. The three major kingdoms were bordering each other, and they were linked together, which could temporarily hold the economic situation of Luoya City from collapsing immediately. Although land transportation was not as convenient and developed as waterways, it was possible to maintain with difficulty by using wagons as a means of transportation. Being in Luoya City, Mu Qianmei did not want her own industry to be affected too much. The Lingyin College had just established, and its branches were also in planning, which was just a time when a lot of money was needed. But strangely, Dongqin did not interfere with any of the industries belonging to the Beggar g**g, leaving them free for development.
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