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   Kanaya didn't take her eyes off the young man sitting casually in front of her. "What do you mean? You're threatening me?"    Luke shook his head. The handsome face was still smiling and calmly ate what was served on the table. He then took a sip of his drink and wiped his mouth with a tissue, while Kanaya was still watching impatiently.    "You have secret too. Your life isn't perfect, but you always hide and deceive yourself, saying that everything is fine. You try so hard to look happy, when in fact your life is miserable. You are neglected by those you care about."    "W-what... who are you really? Have you been spying on me all this time?"    "Are you spying on me too?" Luke asked back, but he then shook his head.    "I don't think so. Just as you thought you knew all about me by seeing me just once, I did the same to you."    The man smiled again, while Kanaya sat back in her chair to calm down. Her body and hands trembled slightly. She closed her eyes, then opened them again when she heard Sabrina's voice.    "Kanaya, what happen?" asked that girl in a worried tone.    Kanaya just shook her head with face look pale    "I ... I'm fine. Just a little dizzy," she said after a moment. Sabrina continued to stare at her senior with worried eyes, so Kanaya forced a small smile.    "It's okay, Sabrina. I'm fine now."    "Good," the girl said with a small smile.    "I thought you two had a fight and you were offended by Luke's words," she continued, glancing at the man beside him. The tall man just smiled.    Kanaya shook her head. 'More than that. I think he really is a dangerous person. I have to find a way to keep Sabrina away from him.' ***    Luke had just arrived home, but Reina who had been waiting anxiously for a long time was immediately bombarded with questions.    "How was it? Everything went well? The female detective didn't suspect you, did she?"     The man smiled and nodded. Slowly, he gently ruffled the young girl's hair.     "Everything's fine. It's just that Sabrina isn't alone. She's with her senior partner, and unlike Sabrina, she's suspicious of me."    "What? Then how? What should we do?" "Don't worry, I've taken care of her. In the meantime, she won't bother us."    "What do you mean?" Luke didn't answer. Reina was about to ask again, but Luke shook his head while still smiling. ***    Luke's words echoed in Kanaya's mind again. 'No more mistake. This man is dangerous. He can tell what I'm hiding so clearly, while Sabrina herself doesn't even know it, even though she is my best friend. What should I do to get Sabrina to stay away from Luke? It looks like she was completely intrigued by that man.'    Kanaya was surprised when the light in the living room that was originally extinguished suddenly came on. She had been busy thinking about ways to stop Sabrina from having any more relationship with Luke.    "Where have you been? Just come home so late?" admonished Adrian who sat on the chair while looking at his wife.     "I have a case to work on."     "Really? Then what is this?" said the man while showing a photo showing Kanaya with Luke at the restaurant her visited earlier.     "You misunderstood. He's the person I suspect has something to do with the case I'm working on."     "So now you not deal with criminals in prison, but talk intimately in restaurants?"     "This is all just a misunderstanding. You have to believe that he was really the person I'm investigating."     "I know our relationship is in trouble, but this is not a solution. Do you understand?"     Adrian's angry voice startled Kanaya. The woman only nod in agreement.     Actually, Adrian didn't mean to be that angry with Kanaya. After all, their marriage is on the brink. However, he could not contacted Shelly again, then the photos sent by his friends who happened to catch Kanaya with another man made his emotions explode. Moreover, words of ridicule and innuendo were also included with the photo.     Behind the fear of seeing her husband's anger, Kanaya secretly felt happy. Apparently, Adrian still has feelings for her. He was so jealous and angry when he saw Kanaya go with another man. Maybe their marriage still has hope.     In his room, Adrian was trying to remember the man he saw in the photo. He was sure he had seen the man before. ***    Reina still urged Luke to stay away from Sabrina. "It's all too risky. That partner won't stand still. She'll definitely find ways to keep you two apart, including finding out who you really are."    "That's will not be happen. Sabrina definitely more trusts me."    "Why?"    "What do you mean?"    "Why don't you just stay away from Sabrina? There are many other ways to find out the killer. Could it be that you really like her?"    Luke laughed out loud at that. "You guys!!! Your thoughts are completely inconsequential. You know I never have feelings? They've been removed since I was a child and trained to kill."    "But you've changed, Luke. You may not have noticed, but you're changing more and more every day. You're no longer a cold-blooded killer created by the organization."    Luke turned and glared at Reina sharply. "What do you mean?"    "You've turned into a gentle and caring person. This has all happened since you met Sabrina. You were never like this before. You never even paid attention to me, but yesterday you ruffled my hair with affection. You've changed, Luke." ***     Sabrina just silently re-examined the files on the table. Kanaya immediately took the case reports from her colleague's hands.    "Don't avoid talking! You know I mean well? When I tell you to stay away from Luke, it means he's no good for you."    "I don't want to fight with you, Kanaya, but why do you have to be like this? I really don't understand why you don't like Luke so much? What's wrong with him? I think he's a nice guy."    Kanaya shook her head. "He has too many secrets that he doesn't tell you. I don't think he really loves you either. Maybe he has a hidden plan to purposely approach you."    Sabrina feel angry and frustated. She is standing in front Kanaya now.    "I really can't believe I'm hearing all this from you. Lukr is right, you envy me. You're jealous knowing Adrian no longer loves you and is planning to leave you."    "What do you mean by saying that? Wait a minute, did Luke say all that to you? And you believe it? You trust the words of someone you just met more than me, your best friend?"    "I can't trust you anymore," Sabrina said quickly as she quickly walked towards the door.    'No more mistake. Luca has really influenced Sabrina and caused her to disagree with me. What should I do now?' asked Kanaya in her heart. ***     Shelly is so happy when she meets Luca again in a park. She really couldn't wait to meet the man who filled her heart again. The problem was that she didn't even know where the man lived. It made her restless and almost desperate. However, all of that was cured when she saw Luca sitting alone in the garden.     "Hi!" said Shelly friendly. "Are you alone? Can I accompany you?"    "That's right, I'm alone. However, I don't like being disturbed either."    "Really? Even by a woman as beautiful as me?" Luca snorted loudly. He then turned and looked at that young woman who is sitting beside him. Shelly immediately put on her best smile.     "You're not very beautiful. Not to my taste at all," said Luca as he stood up. "Just a nuisance! This beautiful afternoon has been ruined because of you."     The man hurried away. Meanwhile, Shelly is getting angry. Before, she'd always been getting the man she wanted, but this time the man she was really attracted was insulting her. 'We will see! You will definitely go crazy and beg for love from me." Not long after, the face with thick make-up smiled when Adrian called.
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