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   "What's the matter with you two?" Mr. Bobi scolds Kanaya and Sabrina. The two female before him just kept silent and didn't answer his question.    "When there is a complicated case that has not been solved, you guys even fight."    "I have no problem with Sabrina, Sir. Neither does she. There is only a slight misunderstanding between us," answered Kanaya.    "Then solve it immediately! We must immediately solve this serial murder case. Our good name and the safety of society are at stake, so for the time being, you guys put your ego aside! Don't make matters worse!"    The two female detectives nodded and then hurried out of the superior's room. "Sabrina, I don't want to keep fighting with you. As for Luke, I'm sorry. Maybe I misjudged, but I still ask you to be careful. After all, you guys are still new acknowledge to each other."    Sabrina nodded. "I'm sorry too. My words yesterday must have offended you. I know you mean well to me. I'm sorry."    Kanaya smiled. "Alright, since we've made up, let's continue our investigation of our case!" She said as she gently tapped her partner's shoulder. ***    Adrian meets Shelly at a cafe. The beautiful face looked cheerful when she met Adrian, discouraged the man from asking where Shelly had been for a long time. She had been very hard to contact.    'Ah, she must have her reasons. There's no way she would leave me. She really loves me,' Adrian exclaimed in his heart as he looked at Shelly who was now sitting on his lap and curled up affectionately at him.    'Adrian has always treated me with love, but why that man's still wander in my mind? Am I really in love this time?' Shelly exclaimed in her heart wondering, while her memory kept drifting to Luke. ***    The middle-aged man looked angry. Again and again, his right hand gripped tightly. A younger man stood before him with his head lowered.    The gray-haired man who had been sitting on the chair rose to his feet while hit the table furiously.    "How dare they toy with me! They also hide that cowardly man! Just await, we will get revenge on them!"    "Then what should we do? Mr Iwan's whereabouts remain unknown." The middle-aged man smiled.    "We won't lose. For the time being, keep the plan as it was! And as for Mr. Iwan, he won't be able to escape! I'll make a plan, so the stupid cops themselves hand him over to us." ***    It was getting late when Arya came to the office where Sabrina worked. The man was carrying a beautiful bouquet of white roses.    "What's this?" said Sabrina while looking at the man.    "Sabrina, I have never stopped loving you. All this time, honestly I always miss you. It's just I don't have the courage to meet you. I hope, we can go back to our love's life and you can forget that guy. He's not good enough for you," Arya said as she knelt down and gripped the girl's hand tightly.    "Stop all this!" Sabrina said then she asked the man to stand up. "It's all over between us. I've forgotten you and it's impossible for me to come back to you. My feelings for you are no longer there."    Arya shook her head in disbelief. "That can't be! I know for a fact that you still love me, you're just angry and disappointed in me. I know that and feel very guilty. From now on, I promise I won't stop you. Whatever your job, I will always support you. the problem is getting in the way of our love."    "Sorry Arya, I really can't." The man was silent for a moment. His face turned sad.    "Okay, I understand, but the feelings of love I have will not change. I will keep waiting for you to love me again and come back to you."    Sabrina was about to speak again, but Arya hurriedly said goodbye. The girl breathed a sigh of relief after the man left. Arya's arrival makes her uneasy and attracts the attention of her co-workers. They had stopped their activities to pay attention to the behavior of the ex-lover.    "Did you consider it?" said Kanaya slowly. "Looks like he still has a crush on you. Why don't you come back to him?"    Sabrina shook her head. "I can't do it. The feelings that used to be so deep are gone."    "I know, but you can work it out. At least Arya is much better than Luke who has a lot of secrets. I'm saying this because I'm worried about you."    Sabrina nodded with a small smile. "Thanks, comrade. I'm not angry, really. I know you're worried about me."    Kanaya smiled as she breathed a sigh of relief. She had been worried that Sabrina would be mad at her again, but she wasn't. The girl even hear her words. ***    A feeling of anger welled up inside Luke. His steps were hurried with hasty breaths. Both hands clasped tightly at the sides of the body. His heart was busy asking why he felt this way. Full of hatred mixed with anger and sadness. This evening, he stopped by Sabrina's office. However, instead he saw a man kneeling in front of Sabrina while handing a white rose. After taking a closer look, he realized that he had seen the young man the night when he was with Sabrina. Apparently, there was a relationship between Sabrina and him.     'This is my fault! I shouldn't have stayed silent like this! Sabrina is mine! He who dares to snatch what is mine must die! Right!!! The man must die!' He shouted in his heart. A smirk appeared on his handsome face. Can't wait to take that man's life. ***     Shelly walked closer to Luke while carrying an umbrella. The raindrops that began to fall that night fell harder and harder. That beautiful woman did not know that the man she saw standing still in the rain was in his bad and angry mood.     She lightly touched the man's shoulder. The young man turned and looked at Shelly for a long time. Immediately the woman put on the best smile. However, all turned into fear when the figure pushed and strangled his neck with force.
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