Baby’s different!

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I couldn't believe my eyes when I entered the room. My heart was pounding as I saw my dad lying on the bed, his eyes closed and his face pale as a ghost. It was as if he hadn't eaten in days. I had never seen him this weak and thin. I was shocked to see his condition. Rowen and Austine were still at the door as if they were keeping an eye on me. I Ignored them and got close to my dad. "Dad..." I called him, and he opened his eyes. I doubt whether he would recognise me. It’s been many years since we came across each other. “Dad... How are you, dad?" I asked him, and he shook his head. Seemed he didn't recognise me. That was painful when he denied it. "I am Daisy..." I held his hand. He seemed helpless. He was once a powerful alpha of the pack and now he was lying on the bed, his hands and legs curved. His half-body was paralysed. The tears began falling from his eyes when he came to know that I was his elder daughter. "Da... Isy..." He tried to take my name, but his lips were trembling. His condition became so miserable. Jaslee was right about him, He was in the room where the window was closed and no source of fresh air. I came to know in Rogue House that sick people need fresh air a lot. I looked around and searched for a wheelchair, luckily I knew the storeroom of the pack house had one wheelchair. I got up from there and came to the door where three princes were standing with their so-called girlfriends. They started me as if I was a kind of ghost. I ignored them and went to the store room of the pack. No one knew the store room better than me who spent half of her life. I brought that wheelchair with me, but before I pushed the wheelchair into Dad's room, Austine grabbed the wheelchair and stopped me. His fingers gripped around the metal rod of the wheelchair tightly and it was not even moving then. "What are you trying to do?" He asked me, I tapered my eyes towards him. "Taking him out. I can't let him get rotten here." Cherry watched me with surprised eyes. I knew they had not heard my voice in the pack before the way it was today. But she didn't know I turned out to be wild. "Seriously? With whose permission you're doing this? Who gave you the right to take him out?" Rowen asked me, he appeared furious. His brows furrowed. I knew they must be thinking one of them was going to be the Alpha of this pack hence they were ruling here already. but not now! "He is not dead yet, he is still Alpha of the Euphoria pack. and I am the elder daughter of Alpha Newton. Better someone not from this pack stop telling me what to do." I used my strength and pushed the wheelchair inside. Rowen's face turned even more furious, looking like someone disobeyed him for the first time. seemed his ego crushed at the moment. This wheelchair was nothing in front of the rock I pushed in my training. I could see their eyes turned sharply towards me. "Where are you taking him?" Cherry asked me, Austine came beside her and stopped me. They were now like strangers to me. They were no longer my crush whom I used to like before. "To the garden." I pushed the wheelchair inside. My Dad looked at me, the tears dropped from his eyes when he saw I was there. "You know what mom will do when she knows about it. Just stop it." Cherry told me, but I was not ready to listen to anyone. I held Dad's shoulder and with all my strength I got him up. I made him sit on the chair. "I am helping my dad. You can go and have fun with your boy. No one is stopping you from entertaining them." I stared at Cherry and Rowen and gestured towards the dining room. They were stunned to see my reaction. I wasn't uttering a single word because I was scared of getting kicked out, but it seemed my fear had died somewhere. I was no longer afraid of them. I rolled the wheelchair towards the door, I took his hand on mine and started moving him out of the house. I pushed the wheelchair down the stairs and went through the back door of the pack house. They all kept watching my fierce move, It was just fifteen minutes before I got back into the pack, and I already annoyed six of them. Luna Betty was still going to see this. " For... Give.." My dad was about to join his hands, perhaps he was asking for forgiveness. But I had no grudges left for him. I just pitied that the daughters for whom he stopped looking at me, were now disdaining him and having a party with their boyfriends. After taking Dad back to his room, I moved towards my room. The previous store room. As soon as I went there, I found Maya was weaving a sweater. I wondered, usually she weaved a sweater for me. “Who are you going to give this sweater?” I asked in a complaining voice. Maya looked around and acted as if she didn’t hear me. Perhaps she thought it was just an illusion. “Maya, would you make soup for me?” I asked her and she was stunned to see me. She threw the stuff from her hand and immediately hugged me tightly. “Where did you go? Daisy.. where were you?” She began crying, I wiped her tears and shook my head. “Don’t stop, I came back now. I won’t leave you.” I told her and told her everything that happened after I left the pack Euphoria. She was shocked to hear that I was taken care of by a group of rogues. I stared at the time, and I realised Gideon must be hungry, I need to feed him milk. I could have breastfed him but as I travelled through the forest to here without having anything, I doubted if milk would come out. After watching my dad in this condition, I didn't feel like eating, so I decided to give him a bottle of milk to Gideon. I stepped into the kitchen poured milk into the glass, and started taking it to Gideon. As soon as I stepped out of the kitchen, I bumped into Austin. "Your arrogance? Do you think you can show this attitude to us?" He asked me. I could see insecurity on his face. He stared at the milk in my glass, I pressed my lips. "Oh, It must have hurt your ego," I asked him, "you must be expected me to move my ass in front of you three just the way my sisters were doing. I didn’t come here for this". I stated clearly. His eyes turned darker. My answer irritated him even more... “What if I say yes?” He said, “No one behaved with us the way you did today.” He sounded annoyed, and I smirked at him. “then make a habit of it, I will be doing this too often,” I told him and moved forward. "How long you are going to stay here? Once one of us becomes an Alpha of this pack, We will kick you out before anything else." He said I took a deep breath. "This warning is worthless for someone who stayed two years away from the pack. Now I don't fuckinv give a s**t to this." I said and walked back to the guest room where Gideon was sleeping. I asked Jaslee to take him here as my previous room was a little bit dusty, and I was worried about him. So she took him to the guest room which was on the upper floor. I checked the milk in the bottle and it was still warm. I placed it on the table and went to the bed. My eyes widened in shock when I found Gideon was not there. "Gideon... Gideon.." I called him and looked around. I thought he must be there. He just learned walking and I was worried if he went anywhere. "Jaslee.. Jaslee.." I called her. Jaslee rushed into the room. "Where were you? Gideon is not here." I asked her. She turned pale when she found the bed was empty. Gideon walked out of the room. "We should search him around," Jaslee said and we both hurried out. My heart was pounding loudly, The packhouse was too big and searching for him would be a big task. What if something happens to him?
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