Everything changed!

1570 Words
I started packing my bag, and Amara and Gabriel watched me with heavy eyes. I knew they were in pain, they never had seen me leaving the rogue house. They were always used to get upset when I talked about leaving this rogue house. "This. Dried shrimps. Gideon likes it's soup." She gave me a box. Gideon was still breastfeeding and Amara packed many times for him. I felt like a daughter who was leaving her mother’s house after getting married. That was an emotional moment for me. "Sorry Amara, My dad.." My voice sank. She nodded, and I tied Gideon to my shoulder. We all transformed into wolves and began running to the boundary of the forest. Gabriel and Amara came to send me off until the boundary. As soon as we reached the boundary, they stopped. It was hard to leave them, but my past was calling me. After two long years, I was finally leaving them. "Take care of your dad," Gabriel told me, he caressed my head and stared at Gideon with teary eyes. "Take care of Gideon." He paused speaking. They returned to the rogue house, now I had to go back to my packhouse. I applied the wet mud to my face and continued running to the euphoria packhouse again. After what felt like ages, I finally reached the Euphoria packhouse. My heart was pounding with uncertainty as I gazed at the familiar sight before me. The snow-capped mountains loom in the backdrop. The scent of pine trees in the air. The sound of the howling wind all added to the thrill of the moment. I held onto Gideon tightly as we made our way forward. My only goal was to see my father. With my dirty mud mask on, I was ready for whatever lay ahead. As I walked inside, I found the pack house was silent. The silence was creepy, more like a calmness before a wild storm. I didn’t care about it either. I was eager to meet my dad, unsure if he would recognize me or not. But as soon as I stepped inside, I heard laughter echoing loudly. I tapered my eyes when the Alpha of the pack was lying on the deathbed, who dared to laugh this way. The laughter was coming from the dining area as if some people were having a great time. I moved forward, and what I saw made my eyes widen. The school crowd gathered in the dining room as if they were having some kind of house party. A few of Cherry's batchmates messed up the entire room. "Eat... This isn't grapes, This is my love for you. The more you eat it, the more you enjoy it." Cherry was holding a bunch of grapes near Rowen's mouth, feeding him grapes. Rowen sat on the big black couch and Cherry leaned on his chest, Her knees bent on his thighs and hands wrapped around his neck. "Are you sure?" Rowen asked her, and she nodded. Rowen ate a grape from her hand. Austine and Ethan were both busy with Clara and Catty. They were having fun in the dining area, but it less seemed fun and more like s****l arousal. Austine was sitting at the head of the table, and Clara was sitting on his lap, while she had wrapped her hands around his neck. They were engaged in deep conversation. "Can you look into my eyes?" Clara asked him and pushed her boobs close to his face. Even Austin seemed interested in her. "Clara, you're the girl I always wanted. You're so beautiful." He praised her, and I smirked. Perhaps he loves plastic so much. I found Ethan's chest was rubbed by Catty as if she was giving a personal message to him. "How does it feel? Does it feel good?" She whispered. "Yeah, you know how to do it, baby." He was whispering, and I could tell what kind of conversation they were having. I could feel the heat rising in my body as I watched this. Cherry's actions did not make any sense. My father was sick, and she was trying to seduce Rowen. It didn't make any sense, and neither did she. I was a little bothered because once they were my crush, but the word crush already vanished when they insulted me another day. Suddenly my presence caught their attention, three princes were shocked to see me eavesdropping. They got up from their place, and My three sister clenched their teeth to see me. I entered in, "Wow... I didn't know Rowen would be impressed by a bunch of grapes. Effortless move. I can see some of them have bugs." I stared at those grapes. Poor girl doesn't even know that few were rotten. I bet she had never picked Grapes for herself. Rowen's eyes widened when he heard it. He stared at Cherry with an offended look. Cherry threw it with guilt on her face. She gestured for her friends to leave with an apologetic gaze. "And Austin must be loving plastic? But these are harmful to the pack lives." I pointed at Clara's big boobs that she implanted when she was thirteen. Their eyes widened to see my boldness. They could not believe I was the same girl who tolerated all insults and humiliation from them just because I was scared. "Daisy, is that you?" Clara stared at me and my baby whom I was tying on my back. I covered his face. Gideon was sleeping as it was late. He must be tired from the journey. I nodded, "When did you come here? Didn't you run away from the pack?" Cherry asked angrily, She was holding Rowen's hand, and I stared at them. "You stole expensive things before running, We came to know about it," Cherry said, Rowen smirked at me. I heard from Jaslee that they spread some rumours about me that I ran away with expensive stuff so people in the pack would not welcome me when I got back and they always see me as a culprit. "I want to see my father, so move," I replied with a stern voice, my voice was no longer weak. After staying with rogues for two years, I had no control over my voice and my wolf. She stared at me shockingly, Perhaps no one dared to talk to Cherry like this. "No one is allowed to enter Alpha's room," Rowen told me, I tapered my eyes at him. I know among those three I like Rowen most, but I don't like him this much that he would stop me from meeting my father. "Who the hell are you?" I asked him, not willing to move. "I am the potential Alpha of the pack, so don't forget your place, Daisy. You are nothing but a thief and your dad will not meet you." Rowen told me. "I won't listen to you. He is my dad." I took a step ahead towards Dad's room but Rowen came ahead and stood in front of me. I clenched my fist. No one would dare to stop me to meet my dad. I began walking next to him but Austin stopped me, he came and stood there. This way Ethan too stood another way and they covered the entire path to my dad's room. I tapped my foot on the floor. "This can't be done!" I told them, I tried to give them the first warning. If it comes to fighting, I can handle them. I was irritated, I know my capacities, I can attack them and make them taste the floor dust within a moment. But what is the point of wasting my energy? "Sorry, your mom was a traitor. Alpha Newton is counting his last breaths, we can't let you meet him." Austin told me, I nodded. I didn't even listen to his whole sentence, just one word was enough for me, Traitor. "Stop saying it," I told him, My voice was fierce. I learned in the Rogue House that we should not blame anyone until we found that person guilty and they were just assuming that I would turn out to be like my mom. "The lie won't change into truth just because you're shouting it," Ethan told me, they were not even moving an inch. Seemed like Rowen, Austin and Ethan were not ready to listen to me. My three sisters already have someone like them. I nodded and turned back, I began walking slowly. Rowen and Ethan thought I had given up, as soon as they just left their place, I quickly rushed toward Dad's room. They were shocked and began chasing me. They were trying to stop me. As soon as the three caught me, I pushed them aggressively. I was worried about Gideon a little bit but I had practiced my training while holding him. So it was not that hard, Austin and Ethan were almost pushed away, which made them even more aggressive but before they could catch me again, I already reached my dad's room. They paused at the door, standing there they watched me. I arrived in my dad's room. Almost after many years. I remember the last time I came here when he took me to his lap and Betty threw me down. I was pushed down because I took the place which belonged to my sisters.
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