Who is the father of the baby?

1652 Words
Rowen’s POV "How dare she! How can she do this? A girl no one wanted, how can she insult us?" Austin exclaimed in anger. His frustration boiled over and he slammed his fists on the snooker table in front of him. The balls lying on the green surface trembled with the sheer force of his voice. Ethan was sitting on his bed, tossing a basketball against the wall with increasing force, each bounce echoing through the room. “Austin is right! She didn’t even care who we were.” Ethan said and threw the basketball as if he intended to crash the wall. "Don't you have anything to say? That girl almost insulted us in front of everyone." I was watching the majestic mountains outside. The snow started melting and the peak of it began appearing. It was a sign of the new season! I knew whatever happened today, it never happened before. Our egos were almost crushed by a girl whom we never even allowed to stand in front of us. She was so rude and disrespectful that it caused utter distress in our minds, shaking our confidence to the core. We were convinced that any girl in the world would be ready to lie at our feet because we were the princes of our own kingdom, but this girl dared to challenge that belief. She became the first girl who tried to show us our weaknesses. "Yeah! She had no idea that one of us was going to be the future Alpha of this pack. She tried to mess with us and we can uproot her from this packed house." Austin blabbered and pushed a ball with the cue. The ball hit the bottom pocket and he smirked. Ethan thought I had no attention to their words whereas I was holding a big blast within me. A blast which could destroy everything around me. he suddenly hurled a basketball right at me. Without even glancing in his direction, I effortlessly snatched it out of the air. The look on their faces was priceless - they clearly didn't expect me to have such quick reflexes. Their words already raised my temper high, I just got up from the chair. "Why are we wasting our time thinking about her? That girl is not worth our thoughts." I said and threw the basketball back towards Ethan. "Don't do that s**t with me again," I warned Ethan and stepped out of his room. I was irritated like never before. I walked towards my room which was a few steps away from Ethan. We moved here as we were engaged to Cherry and her sisters. This packhouse was one of the most important in terms of politics as it covered the vast area of North America. After being the alpha of this pack, I want to merge it with my vampire kingdom. It was a win-win situation for me. I chose Cherry because she was the smartest of her sisters. but today Daisy proved me wrong and this annoyed me to a great extent. I was about to enter my room, and something on the stairs grabbed my attention. I turned my head and was shocked to see a baby standing on the stairs. He was playing at the edge as if he was trying to step down the stairs. I immediately rushed there and before he could take a step, I grabbed his waist and pulled him away. "Hey kiddo, are you crazy? You're going to get into big trouble." I held him in my hand. My eyes were sharp and lowered. I knew anyone would be scared to see my this look, even sometimes Austin and Ethan were scared of it. But that baby began laughing to see my angry face. I wondered because I expected him to cry and be scared. I thought he would jerk my hands to drop him down and run towards his mama crying. But he began laughing. "You're not scared of me. Do you want me to throw you from here?" I asked him and tried to threaten him. Basically, I never loved babies, seeing them made me irritated. The world is already overpopulated, resources are scarce and lives are short so people should stop reproducing. He began laughing even more as if he was not scared of me. My anger had no effect on him as if he was the most fearless child in the world. I was baffled, my eyes turned fierce, I bit my lips and stared at him. My vampire teeth began showing from the corner of my mouth. That deadly look I showed when I was extremely frustrated with anyone. Baby laughed at my look so hard, showing his new pair of teeth. When focused I recognised the corner of his mouth. He had vampire teeth on both sides of his mouth. I looked around, I had stayed here more than two months but I had never seen any member or relative of pack Euphoria who had a vampire member. I took that baby into my room, and I made him sit on the bed. I put my fingers between his lips and tried to separate them. It was there! those pairs of teeth in the corner. He was so chubby and pale coloured skin, I had seen many vampire babies in the packhouse, he was not exact but his skin was somewhat the same. His one eye was purple and the other was golden. I had never seen such a beautiful baby before, he was radiant. "Hey boy, What's your name?" I asked him. He stared at me, wondering. "Aaa..." He was trying to say something but I did not understand a single word. "So you can dare to jump from the stairs but you can not speak. Wow." I raised my hands to give a high five to him and he did reply. As soon as his tiny five fingers joined my hands, I felt a weird feeling. The same I never felt before. It was a kind of attraction towards him. I began tingling around his stomach and he started laughing again. I didn't know when I had fun this way, but he was a dude. Everything was fine until the door of my room was wide open, and I was stunned to see Daisy open the door. She stepped inside and I went crazy. "How dare you come here? With whose permission you entered? What brings you here?" asked her, taking out all the frustration I had over her. But more than that she was destroying my fun time with my new tiny friend, Just a while she was at the party. "My baby. I came to take him." She said, and My eyes widened in surprise. I stared at her baby and I could not believe what she said. " What..." I said. "Kind of joke are you making?" I was stunned, But I bet not only me but anyone who saw her would be stunned to see a completely different baby. Her face was rougher than stone, and somewhat textured skin. The glow of her face was lost, and she looked quite old even though she was just the same age as us. “Yeah. It’s my baby.” She walked in and grabbed the baby in her hand. She picked him up in her arms and I was stunned. “Hey… Where did you get this baby? From whom you stole it.” I said as I was sure that the baby couldn’t be hers. I only think that she stole him from somewhere. She turned to me and gave me a colder gaze. I started chasing her, which I never did with anyone. Girls chase me, I don’t Chase girls. But It was weird that I followed her to her room. She paused when she found I was not ready to let it go. “Why are you following me?” She asked me, with an irritated tone. “Where did you get that baby? Who is the father of that baby?” I asked her again, this time I used a polite voice. Perhaps the baby’s father must be like him. My curiosity leads me to chase her to her room, standing between her and the door. Her face turned pale as soon as I asked her this question. She seemed confused. “Is it really your baby?” I asked her, she nodded, grabbing her baby tightly in her arms. I still have not been convinced about it. "Tell me the father of this baby?" I asked her again. "Who the hell are you to ask me that? Just go away." She sighed and tried to get into her room. She held the door with one hand and pulled inside, I held her wrist and stopped her from closing the door. "Leave my hand." She said, using the strength that began beating mine. "Answer me first," I said. "I am not going until I have the answer." She turned and pushed me out. I didn't even realise what was happening until she kicked me outside her room and locked the door from inside. "Who the f**k are you to ask me who the father of my baby?" I heard her saying from inside. I stood there, wondering what was happening. I thought it would be better for me to go. It was so weird and unnecessary to chase her and ask her about the baby's father. As soon as I stepped inside my room, I felt a void that formed inside my heart. The baby's laughter still echoed in my mind and when she snatched that baby away from me, I felt like she was taking my heart away from my body. I must be going crazy, that f*****g stupid girl played again. I clenched my fist and sat on my bed.
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