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Daisy's POV My heart was pounding as I rushed back to the room with Gideon in my arms. I was so scared when I found him in Rowen's hands. I knew how furious Rowen could be, especially after I had taken our father out of his room. What if he took out his frustration on my precious baby? I had to be hyper-vigilant. Jaslee found me tense and she kept her hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down. "Sorry, Daisy. It was my fault. I should have been more careful." She sounded so guilty. I knew she was two years younger than me, she was going to be sixteen by next month. Just the same age when I just came to know about my pregnancy. As someone with no experience with babies, I could understand it’s a huge responsibility of hers to take care of Gideon. "Jaslee, You know I am still hiding myself because I don't want my sisters to feel insecure about it. You have to be careful about Gideon." I told her. She had no idea what a small negligence cost us. “Yes Daisy, I promise I will be more careful.” She promised me and handed me the bottle of milk that she warmed again. I smiled and thanked her. Taking a bottle in my hand, I started feeding Gideon with it. As the Yak’s milk was a little thicker, Gideon loved it and finished the entire bottle within minutes. Jaslee and I played with him for a while until he started yawning again. It was late at night, and the entire pack house turned silent. Seemed Gideon was about to sleep but as it was a new place for him, he was hardly able to sleep. The rough house was surrounded by the forest and quite colder than the Euphoria packhouse. It has cold proof walls to protect the members from the chilled atmosphere. Perhaps this made Gideon lost his sleep. I slowly took him out of the room and walked towards the open terrace on the same floor. It was the same place where we had our washing area. I knew It wouldn't be that cold or warm there. "Sleep baby..." I patted on his forehead and started singing lullaby for him. It was difficult to handle Gideon since I came back. Gideon refused to recognise me because of my skin changed. I recalled he scared a lot and cried for the first time when I did it in the rogue house. It took him sometime, slowly he realised I am his mother and he didn't care about my face at all. Whatever happened a while ago blew my mind. The way he was laughing in Rowen's hand was unexpected. Rowen wasn't someone who loves kids. I heard they were so heartless. He chased me till the room, but why? Just to know about the father of the baby. But what made him this curious? He was not interested in talking to me two years back, I still recall their humiliation in the school garden. "Who is his father? Have you stolen the baby?" Rowen's words echoed in my mind. Before coming here, I didn't know the answer to this question. If I thought about it before, I would have lied about it. But the question was raised so suddenly that made me speechless. I was so lost in worrying about my dad's illness that I forgot I have to face this question once I get back to the pack. But what would I answer? What happened that night? a person came and f****d me after the party of the princes. I don't even know who that person was. I was drugged so badly that day that I couldn't remember his face and what he did with me. What if that person turned out to be an aged man? That's my biggest nightmare, and for that reason, I didn't try to search for Gideon's father. Because I don't want to face the worst part of it. I stare at Gideon and try to depict that person's face. He slept in my arms, his head leaning against my shoulder. His heavy breaths were hitting my arms, I felt so relieved after seeing Gideon. It took so much courage for me to accept my teenage pregnancy, but I loved Gideon a lot. He made me mature, and brave. He transformed me into a woman from a girl. As I was walking there, I suddenly felt like someone was standing behind me, and when I turned around, Ethan was standing there. He was very shocked to see a child in my arms. "Whose child is it?" He asked me, shockingly staring at a mark on Gideon's right hand. Gideon had a birthmark since he was born, on his right hand he had some brown patch which appeared like fire. I was so scared when I saw it, later Amara explained to me that it's quite common for babies to have birthmarks on their bodies. Sometimes they are genetic and sometimes they are not. There was nothing like being scared. I found Ethan’s eyes were stuck there and not even moving, His expression changed to puzzled ones. "This is my son." I answered, his eyes were wide open, then he laughed, "You are joking, right? You don't even have a mate." He was laughing loudly, "You are just a kid yourself. Don't try to fool me." "I am not a kid." I shouted, "And I am not trying to fool anyone. This is my son." I said with all my courage, Ethan was still chuckling. *** Ethan's POV "Can you give me this baby for a minute?" I asked her, I was about to touch the baby's hands. I was going to touch that mark but before I could do it, Daisy stopped him. “Don’t try to touch my baby.” She said aggressively. She looked at me like a wild cat who was going to attack if someone tried to touch her newborn kitten. “I was just looking at him…” I tried to say but she stopped me and held the baby tightly. She stepped away from me her eyes turned fierce. I was stunned to see her attitude. "Sorry Ethan, I don't think you have anything to do with the baby. You are Clara's fiance, better you get back to your way rather than talking to me at this hour." She said staring at the sky, it was almost two in the night. Rowen was left from there for more than an hour, and Austin had also left after pocketing all the balls. I arranged my basketball in the rack and left for my room. It was getting late, and I was yawning as I headed to bed. I was about to enter my room, just when I heard a beautiful voice. The voice I never heard before, so capturing and soft that healed every wound of your heart. I just followed that voice and stunned when I saw it was no one else but Daisy. She was making her baby sleep with the help of lullaby. I doubt that she must have stolen that baby from someone as they were completely different, but when I saw her singing Lullaby, I could not doubt her anymore. I had never seen such a cute baby before. "Why is the father of the baby not here?” I asked her with a doubtful face, the question made her stunned. As if she had no idea whose baby it was. “Or you don’t even know about him?” I asked again. Her eyes tapered, I got back to the room, kicked the ball in my way. I was so frustrated. I unbuttoned my shirt and stared at my right hand. It was there, a mark of fire. As we were descendants of the Dragon family, there was a fire mark running down from one generation to the next. And this is how we identify our heir. But I was stunned to see the same mark on Daisy's baby's hands. “It may be a normal sign, how the royal drag-in sign would be on Daisy’s baby hand. It must be an ordinary birthmark.” I convinced myself. I didn’t know why but I felt so bad when she didn’t let me touch her baby. that behaviour just hit my heart.
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