My three mates!

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My chest squeezed so hard that I wouldn't wonder if it jumped out of my ribcage. I could not believe the person I slept with that night was no one else but Rowen. I turned my head towards Gideon, Jasleee was changing his clothes. She immediately changed his wet clothes and wore him a new one. A white furry bunny jumpsuit. Gideon had the same black hair and purple eyes as Rowen. And those vampire teeth, I was always curious about, he got from Rowen too. Rowen tapered his eyes and walked closer to me, I was startled to see his heated glare. Even though I had learned everything to tackle any species in the world, fighting with Vampires haunts me. He moved towards Gideon and snatched him from Jaslee. The faces behind him were as curious as I was, he grabbed Gideon and checked everywhere as if he was seeing signs of injuries. Behind the ears and between the hair too. He checked if water went inside Gideon's ear. I was holding my breath, His every inspection was making me When he found nothing he was relieved. He held Gideon's wrist and checked his pulse too. "What are you trying to do?" I asked him, worried to see his frustration. "He is my son, I have a right to him." He said and I was disturbed, I was taking care of my baby for two years, thinking he was my everything and Rowen appeared all of a sudden claiming my son. "No... I am his mother." I said and Rowen laughed sarcastically. His laughter is still not able to hide the anger on his face. Everyone around was watching us as if they needed popcorn right now. The birthday party was already turned into a theatre and this drama of my mysterious f**k boy came out of the syllabus. "Your negligence was going to take my son's life. I fell for your beauty and intelligence the day I met you but now I can see you as worst mother." He said and I began sweating on my forehead. My negligence? "I am not." I tried to speak but I pressed my lips. My body began to shiver and my lips started trembling. The words were not able to come out of my mouth. I wanted to tell him that I am a good mother who learned all tactics just to protect her baby. Rowen's eyes darted over my body, The baggy clothes that I used to wear were not drenched and they almost stuck to my skin like a second skin, revealing my figure to everyone else. I was shivering with cold as the chilled wind was blowing. My n*****s hardened due to the cold and began poking out of my clothes. Perhaps the people who were away from me could not see it, but I guess Rowen already saw it. His face turned weird and he took out his jacket and put it on my shoulder. He covered my body. I was stunned because It was an unexpected gesture from him. I stared at him with amazement. He noticed me dumbfounded. "You are breastfeeding Gideon, you should not be this cold otherwise he would catch it." He replied, I watched into his eyes. So this favour was because of Gideon. I had no memories of that night and it was hard to believe whatever Rowan said, but the party was at his pack, perhaps he was telling the truth. My head began aching and I realised I should leave now. I snatched Gideon back from his hands and began leaving to my room. Suddenly a voice paused my feet. "Wait a minute, Daisy!" Austin called me, he was standing with the crowd and watched all the drama silently. His interrupting me all of a sudden was unexpected. He walked forward and stood beside Rowen. "That night, Rowen was not only the person who f****d you." He stated. As I listened to him, my eyes widened as if it would pop out of the socket. He must be pranking me, these boys were bullies, I knew he came with the prank. Rowen's eyes tapered and he gave a cold glare towards Austin. Seemed Rowen was warning him to mind his language. "What? What nonsense are you talking about?" I asked him, this was embarrassing. The crowd was still there, listening to all the rubbish. I see Cherry's expression change and she begins smirking. "She is b***h. The baby may belong to the second person. I don't think it belonged to Rowen." I heard the whispering, how people guessed I got pregnant by a second person. Rowen turned and grabbed Austin's collar, "Austin, what nonsense is this?" Rowen began losing my temper. "How could you say that?" He asked. "Because I was there with her. I f****d her." He said and my heart skipped a beat. I could not understand how this happened l when this happened. "Stop this! Austin." I told him, not ready to hear it anymore. "I came out to drop Clara, that's when I heard you crying. I tried to help you up, but you were under the influence of the strong drug that you began seducing me and insisted I f**k you.." He said I was thrilled to hear that. "No this can't be possible, you're lying," I told him. Rowen's face turned colder, it seemed he was not ready to accept whatever Austin told him. I looked at Gideon and realised his one eye was yellow, and his neck was furry as lycans have. "So I was not alone that night." Another word from the crowd and the ground slipped under my feet. It was Ethan, he just walked ahead. "Were you too?" I asked him, pointing a finger at him. "Yeah! I was with you that night.” Ethan said and I held my forehead. How could I do that? I seduced three boys on the same night. I was f****d by three princes, "In the early dawn, I heard her grunting voice and followed it, I found her naked and she begged me to f**k her," Ethan said, I just stood there, listening to their stories about that night. How can I tell that they are lying, I had no idea about what happened when I went into stubble. "He is my son!" Austin claimed I was not ready to believe it. "No, he is my son. We shared the same dragon birthmark." Ethan claimed. "He is a descendant of a vampire. Just stop your nonsense." Rowen tried to shut them up. I felt like I would faint there right now. Three princes began claiming that they f****d me that night and they are the father of my babies, it’s worst that I had imagined before. My worst prediction was that Gideon could be the son of an old man but this turned even worse. "Stop... Stop it..." I screamed, tried to shut them. They stopped and stared at my face, I was annoyed. Where were they for the last two years? “HE IS MY SON. I GAVE BIRTH TO HIM.” I shouted and grabbed it in my hand. I tried to get away from the princes, fed up with their stories. As I moved a step ahead, The firecrackers started behind the lawn, it was midnight and they all turned 18. "Happy 18th birthday.." The song began playing in the background. And then Something hit at the core of my stomach. I sensed unusual scents, and the pull towards three princes, More like an invisible thread was pulling me close to them, and my body began shaking. As if I was thirsty and they were the source of water. I never craved for anyone like this before, the world around me was faded and I want them to hold me right now. Why this happened to me? Why do I want to pick them? Why I can sense their fragrance in my breath? I never felt this way before. I never had this feeling, such a pull towards men. Perhaps... They turned out to be my mates. I stared at them, they had the same reaction as me. "Do you feel a pull? towards her?" Rowen stared at his body, and then mind. "Are you too?" Austin was dumbfounded. They both stared at Ethan. "Yeah! She is our mate." He said. They were trying to control their feelings. They held themselves tightly. The three princes were attracted to me the same way I was to them. I shook my head, not ready to accept this. "No. It's not true. Not at all." I gripped around Gideon and ran back to my room. I put Gideon into the crib and closed the door. I stared at him, I was stunned to know Why is the moon goddess? Why bring them back into my life? Why is my son's father not anyone else but them? Whom I considered my enemy but they turned out to be my mate.
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