Take me!

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Rowen POV "One... Two.. Three.." In the darkness of the night, the faint light of the full moon was filtering into the room, allowing for some visibility. I hit the sandbag again. The beads of sweat gathered on my forehead and dripped down from the corner of my eyes. I kept hitting the sandbag. The flash of her stepping out of swimming pool appeared in front of my eyes. Before my eyes, it all began to unfold like a scene from a movie. When Daisy emerged from the swimming pool, I couldn't look away. She was the same girl who had unsettled me two years ago. Daisy was the one I had been searching for, the one who had disappeared without a trace. I was furious with her because she had lied about everything about herself. "Diana.. Such a person doesn't exist." "Super moon pack, sorry we don't have any wolf named Diana." I was restless for days, thinking about her and searching for her. And tried everything until I hated her. Hated to the core of my heart. On the same day, same time, Two years ago. We three princes gathered to cut the cake. As our parents were best friends and they always celebrated our birthday together, this time too, we gathered to celebrate our sixteenth birthday where I met a beautiful girl. A girl who was not like other girls, ready to lie for us but an elegant girl. She didn't pay any attention to us and that caught my attention. I taught her piano and suddenly she disappeared right before we were about to cut the cake. I searched for her everywhere in the palace, but when I stepped out to see if she was heading back, I suddenly heard some movement in the stable area. I followed the noise and was shocked when I found her lying on the grass. It was her. Her eyes were intoxicated, the light was dim but I could see her flawless skin shining under the moonlight. I had never seen such a heart throbbing girl in my life, and right now she was at her best sight. The sweat on her body dripped down to her cleavage. "Diana.. Are you okay?" I asked her, holding her face which was heating. I don't know why I felt that moment as if I was destined to see her that way, in my life. She was drugged, I tried to take her inside, but her condition was worse, I took her in my arms, she didn't open her eyes but I can feel her body trembling. "Diana... Open your eyes.." I patted her face, her fragrance was making me crazy. I realised I began loosing control of myself. This thing, I can't just stand there and see her playing with her body. Her hands already reached her boobs. She was continuously pressing it and licking her lips. "Don't be afraid.. Diana..." I whispered in her ears and her body calmed down, I could feel her breathing turned heavy and grunting turned loud. I forgot that I have to cut my birthday cake, I was ready to miss it just because something special was already there in front of me. Perhaps my birthday present that the moon goddess served me. “Rowen.." Her eyes half opened and found I was close. "f**k me.. I am begging you." She said and I turned frozen. She wanted it from me. "Rowen..." My speed of hitting on sandbag increased, "Rowen.." Cherry grabbed the sandbag in her hand and stopped it from coming back to me. I pressed my eyes. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice when she walked into the gym and stood in front of me. "Why did you come here? The party was not over. Everyone was waiting for you. You didn't cut the cake." Cherry asked me, her voice sounded irritated. "Ask Austin and Ethan to cut it. They would." I added. Just like two years back, how they cut it without me. I was not ready to cut the cake with them. I have already shared the most precious thing with them, my mate. I opened the mini fridge in the room and took out a beer can. Punching it open, I began gulping it down my throat. The chilled bear passed through my throat, trying to calm down my burning heart in their way. "It's your birthday too." She said, her hands moved down through my chest. But I felt nothing. "Why didn't you reject Daisy as your mate?" Cherry asked me, I paused drinking water. I was a vampire prince and I knew how much Mate is important to us, an inseparable part of our lives. Daisy not only turned out to be my mate but a mother of my son. Rejecting her means bringing enough weakness that would break me apart. I could not reject her even if I wanted to. **** Austin POV "Gideon is my son. Because you were not alone who f****d her." The words echoed in my ears. I picked another stone and threw it into the water. The ripples made me hypnotise. Most likely I am getting into some deep, lost thoughts. The voice, how can I not guess that it was the same that I heard two years ago. "Ahhh... Why did you left me... Ahhh... I want more...." Two years ago, I walked out of the palace to see my lycan friends off who travelled so long just to attend my birthday. They were part of my training so I specially went out just to help them to leave the palace compound. "Bye... buddies" I waved my hand as they left and just began heading inside again. But I heard someone crying. That crying was deep yet unpredictable. As soon as I went inside, the scene in front of me made me crazy. Diana, who just danced with me, was lying on the stable, naked. The room wasn't bright, yet I could see all the sensitive spot clearly. My heart throbbed to see her like this, If someone calls about angel on the earth, I would confirm it must be her. "Diana..." I took her gown and tried to cover her up. But she threw it away, not ready to wear it. "f**k me righ now... Austin.. Please.." Her words were enough to create and flash of me f*****g her. She was crying to be f**k and that's what I would be dreaming for few days after meeting her. "Diana.. Are you... Sure?" I hesitated while asking this, I was scared that if she says no. Her body was so beautiful and that made me aroused. "Yeah... Please.." Her hands caressed herself, and I was relieved. "Austin.." A call of my name and I turned behind. Clara was there, I didn't know how long she was there because I just heard her shouting my name right now. "You shouldn't be here for your birthday." She said, sounding a little complaining. "Does the guest left?" I asked him, everything went like a storm. "Yeah.." She nodded, sitting beside me. "Do you think that Gideon is your son?" She asked me. "Of course yes." I said, those yellow eyes and square ears, his straight nose, everything that he took after me. I can bet that he is my son. Daisy was already turned out to be my mate and I am ready to fight for her. I can't lose her. Not even in my thoughts. **** Ethan POV That pull, that fragrance. It was true. My mate was no one else but a girl who stole my heart two years ago. Whose disappearance made me worried till now. Two years ago when I walked out of palace before Dawn. I arrived at the stable just to give my horse their food. The party was over and everyone were left, that was when I wanted to provide some food before I sleep. As soon as I entered it, I was stunned to see her sleeping naked on the grass. Her curves perfectly cast shadow, her breaths were so deep, so intense that the unusual thoughts erupted into my mind. I almost forgot the cause that made me come there, I went closer to her and grabbed her naked shoulder. I tried to get her to wake up. "Diana.. Get up.. Diana.." I called her, her eyes opened and I fell for her at that moment. She was brightest, even in the dark room. "f**k me.. Please..." She began begging at me.
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