He is my son!

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My heart raced as I caught sight of something moving on the stairs. My eyes widened in shock as I saw Gideon slowly descending. He just learned to climb down the stairs but without his mother Daisy by his side. Panic set in as I rushed to his side. I was frantically looking around for any sign of her. “How could she have been so careless with her child? How could she leave him alone?” I mumbled under my breath, Holding Gideon tightly. I searched the entire lawn, muttering to myself in frustration at Daisy's apparent cluelessness. Suddenly, a voice interrupted my thoughts. "Rowen..." It was Cherry, and her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of Gideon. "Isn't that Daisy's baby? What's he doing here?" She asked, trying to keep her anger under control. I nodded in response. "Have you seen her?" I asked Cherry, my anxiety growing with each passing moment. I had not seen her since the beginning of the party. "You have to give him to me! I'll pass him to her," Cherry exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement. But I hesitated. I knew her enough to know that she wasn't the most responsible person when it came to babies. She didn't even know how to hold one properly. "It's okay, I've got him," I replied, taking the baby into my arms and heading into the party hall. As soon as we entered, everyone's eyes were on me. It was hard not to notice the uncanny resemblance between Gideon and me. Just then, Ethan and Catty appeared. Ethan immediately reached out to Gideon. "Hey, Champ!" he exclaimed as he took the baby into his arms, playing with him and making him laugh. "Where's Daisy?” Ethan asked, my eyes tapered at his words. He called her so casually. “I mean, Gideon just learned to walk, he shouldn't be left alone." He added. I glared at the closed door of Daisy's room, seething with anger. "Such a careless woman she is. Why give birth when she cannot take care of him." I muttered under my breath. *** Cherry POV “Can we get together to cut the cake, it’s just half an hour from midnight.” Catty stared at her watch, I asked Daisy to stay in the room and not appear here at the party but that b***h sent her baby to take all the attention boys should give us. I wore the most expensive gown of mine and Rowen didn’t even see me. The boys were still playing with that f*****g Gideon, I can tell my sisters were upset too. We planned many things for them, expected them to praise us and here we are getting nothing. "Yeah, Catty is right. It's getting late." I said but their entire attention was on Gideon. I approached Ethan who was holding that baby. "Give him to me. I know where Daisy is." I said, They both were surprised to hear it. "Where is she?" They asked me, "In her room, I saw her there," I said and Ethan handed me Gideon. I held him in my hand and walked away from them. "You... How could you spoil the birthday evening for us." I said and put him down. Gideon slowly began moving to the swimming pool which was just beside the lawn. I walked back to the guests, especially Rowen. Who will come to know today that I am his mate? *** Daisy POV My eyes opened as my sleep was disturbed and I changed my side. When I looked ahead, the bed was empty, and my eyes widened. Earlier in the evening, Gideon was sleeping next to me, but suddenly he wasn't there. I got up from the bed immediately. "Gideon," I called him and searched him around. He wasn't in the room, but the door was left open. I quickly ran to the balcony, and from there, I could see the guest crowd, but no sign of Gideon. My heart raced with worry. In such a crowd, where could Gideon be? He was so small that he couldn't even say his name. I quickly ran downstairs, looking around everywhere. Gideon was nowhere to be found. Maybe he went towards the lawn. I didn't like going there alone, but I ran there anyway. As I reached there, I was stunned to see Gideon was so close to the swimming pool and almost about to stop there. "Gideon.." I screamed with my heart out, All the guest's attention shifted to me. I ran to the pool. Rowen, Austin and Ethan were stunned to see me there, they were even more shocked to see Gideon near the swimming pool. They ran to get him. but before anyone could get Gideon in hand, he fell into the pool. I felt like someone pushed me from the edge of the cliff. The floor under my feet slipped away. I immediately jumped into the swimming pool. Gideon almost sank inside. I started searching for him, he was struggling to breathe, and his hands and legs were flattering. That was heart heart-wrenching scene for me, I quickly held him and swam upside down. I reached the surface but Gideon fainted. I was scared to death. I jumped out of the swimming pool and lay him down. I started pushing his stomach and chest to get water out of his body. His mouth began vomiting water, and he coughed. I was getting crazy and rubbed his hands and feet. "Gideon.. wake up… Gideon.." I called him, patting his cheeks. He opened his eyes and coughed again. Gideon woke up, "He woke up... He is fine.." I cheered, happily. Screamed. But I found everyone in the party staring at me with a shocked gaze. Their eyes were not even blinking. Rowen, Austin and Ethan were stunned, and So as my step sisters. Jaslee came and wrapped Gideon in a towel. They stared at me as if I was a kind of ghost. The water dripping from my body was muddy, I realised all the mud on my body had washed away, revealing my real skin. "You... Two years before on the same day.." Rowen just came ahead, followed by other princes. Austin and Ethan joined him. "Diana... was that you?" He asked me, seemed he was so shocked to see the real me. I stood up from my place and nodded. "Yes! It was Diana... I was there.." His knees turned weaker when he heard it. "You danced with us.." Austin recalled, I nodded. Accepting I was the one who danced with him. "It was my wish to keep me this way until I found my mate because she won't be there to protect me," I told everyone, if it was already revealed, I knew there must be many questions in their mind. "It was.." Before I could finish myself, Rowen walked ahead and grabbed Gideon who was in my hands. He smatched him and stared at him with small eyes. He stared at everything about Gideon, eyes and those vampire teeth Gideon had. "Who is the father of this baby?" He asked me, I was surprised again. It was the third time I was asked this question. I shook my head. "I don't know.." It was embarrassing to accept that I didn't even know the father of my baby in front of thousands of people but that was true. "Really? When did you come? When you get pregnant?" Austin walked ahead and asked me, I pressed my lips. "On my sixteenth birthday." As soon as I said this, their eyes widened. I didn't know why did they ask this question. "What happened? Why are you concerned about it." I added. "Because this is my son," Rowen said and It felt like lightning struck on my head. Even Luna Betty and her daughters were shocked to see whatever going on. "What? What nonsense are you speaking? You just trying to trick me aren't you?" I asked him aggressively, If it was a kind of prank, I just hated it already. “You are f****d in the horse stable, just behind my pack. Aren’t you?” Rowen asked me. I was stunned to hear him. “Yeah! But how could you…” My eyes widened, a person who f****d me that night was no one else but him. “yeah! I searched for a woman who played piano with me that evening. I searched everywhere in the vampire packhouse but I couldn’t find her. I came to know that she lied about her aunt coming to the party because no one came as she said, when I stepped out, I followed her fragrance which ended up in the horse stable. I found you were drugged there, trying to seduce me when I tried to help you to get up, I lost control of myself and.,” He said and I listened to it. I didn't know what happened after I was drugged badly. But listening to him, I understood he was there with me that night.
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