Fell in water!

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Everyone in the room puzzled when they heard the recording. I already expected them to get stunned because it all was beyond their imagination. I was not a fool to take her slap now, I could have stop her from slapping me. It won't take me more than a second to twist her wrist and make her taste her own medicine. but if taking one slap or hit was worth to take my dad out of his room, I was ready to take hundred slaps per day. "What.. What this recording means? What you were trying to do?" Luna Betty asked me, I stared at Maya who was standing there terrified, her eyes were telling me not to do that. But she forgot how stubborn I was. "Just one click and this video will be sent to Alpha Summit members. They will see how you treat Ex- Luna's daughter and the ill Alpha of the pack." I smirked, Everyone's faces turned pale, Cherry and her other sisters were shocked too. Rowen, Austin and Ethan were stunned, and I know the reason. No one dare to take such step against Luna of the pack. plus they didn't expect me to do something like this. But I must say they were enjoying the show. "Do you know it's consequence. How could you do this?” Cherry came to me, she appeared panicked. “Yes, I know.” I smiled the same as her. I knew after Dad’s illness, The Alpha Summit members were keeping an eye on our pack as the Alpha of pack Euphoria was paralysed. If I send this video to them, Luna Betty would be termed as incapable and the entire pack would go under Alpha Summit’s supervision. I already had this information before coming here. I knew I had to use it one day, but I didn't know it will be too soon. “YOU.. BITCH..” Cherry snatched the phone from me, and delete the recording immediately. Rowen, Austin and Ethan had confused expressions on their faces. Perhaps they could not guess who will won in this. “Little sister, this recording was already moved to my 7 email Id's. Upgrade yourself in the terms of technology.” I sarcastically told her, everyone's jaws dropped when I mentioned about my email Id's. "f**k you." Luna Betty and her daughters left for their rooms, Rowen's face had cold expressions, but Austine had unbelievable gaze. But I ignored them and pushed the wheelchair outside again. I felt bad as dad had to witness this thing. "I am sorry dad, I had to behave this way with Luna Betty. But I had no other alternative." I told dad, He nodded. He seemed not upset about what happened. Luna Betty had a habit to scare people using their weaknesses, today I used the same tactics against her. When step in my room, I found Maya was sitting and Playing with Gideon. "When did you come?" I asked her and sat on the chair beside the bed. She didn't give me answer and it was enough for me to realise that she was upset with me. "I know you don't like what I did today." I told her, she was changing the diaper of Gideon. "Was that necessary? Why did you do that?" Maya asked me. "Don't you even worry about your baby. Luna Betty is not someone whom you can threaten this way." Maya told me. She was scolding me, but I know she was worried about me. "Aunt Maya, I can understand your concern. But how long we would be afraid of her. Now we don't need to be scared." I told her, "and talking about Gideon. I don't want to raise him scared of people." I added but her anger was not subsided, she was still not convinced about it. "Have you forgot or you don't want to remember?" She asked me, I stared at her with surprised look. "What?" I asked, handling her a new diaper. She put it on Gideon and his pants. "It's your birthday tomorrow. You're turning 18." She added, I was taken aback. Obviously I forgot my 18 birthday because it doesnt even matter to me now. The excitement every wolf had on their 18th birthday, but in my case I was upset. The sour memory of two years back flashed back in front of my eyes were I woke up to torn clothes and body full of hickys. Why would I want to remember that day. "Does it matter to me now?" I stared at playing Gideon, perhaps moon godess want to not to rely on anyone that's why she sent Gideon to me. "It's about mate. You will find him." Maya insisted, she must be hoping that my mate would accept me with baby. "It's not that bad to get pregnant before marriage." She told me, I wonder how could she be this positive. "And what should I tell him when I found him, I was already given birth and I don't even know f*****g name of my baby's father. That will make me b***h for a real." I laughed sarcastically. Maya couldn’t say anything, Jaslee came and kept Gideon in the stroller, and she began taking Gideon to the park. I walked down the stairs and found Cherry and Clara were holding a file in their hand and instructing some of the omega's. The entire packhouse was decorated with flowers and baloons. "Why did you put those roses there. I asked you not to do that." Cherry shouted on one of our pack member. She seemed so frustrated, as if she was going to kill her now. "These roses are for our princes. We would propose them using this." Cherry told Clara, and sniffed the fresh roses. I found the entire pack house was decorated beautifully, fresh lavender's fragrance was filled each molecule in the air. Somewhere few event operators spread the red velvet on the floor. The lawn grass getting cut and the trees wrapped with the lightings. More like some big event was going to happen there. "Yeah! Just when clock will struck to twelve, they will come to know that we are their mates. And then we will propose them for marrriage." Clara discussed the plan with her sisters. I realised they were preparing for Princes's birthday party which was today. I felt a knot in my heart when they mentioned that they were going to be Princes's mates. They noticed me standing there, I tried to ignore them and headed to the kitchen. Clara came to my way and stopped me. "Daisy, You better stay in your room. We don't want to see you there. Cherry is already upset with you." Clara adviced me. "I am not even interested." I said and left from the place. I already got a good lesson after the party I attended last time. After that I was not even interested in attending the party. I don't even want any kind of celebration for today. As the sun set, Maya and Jaslee was getting ready for the birthday party. I gave them one of my dress that I brought from rogue house. They loved it and flaunted it. "It was a special day for us." Jaslee discussed with one omega. I was trying to make Gideon sleep. When Maya and Jaslee would leave, I will locked the door. As I stood in the balcony, watched the celebration. The birthday party was arranged in the lawn. I watched the luxury cars arranged in the parking lot and a woman with beautiful dresses were heading inside. My eyes went to Rowen, wearing a white tuxedo. This was the first time I had seen him in white colour. He was well groomed, appeared more like a man than a boy. My eyes searched for Austin, he was busy in having drink. He wore a maroon velvet tuxedo, that gave a contrast with his golden eyes. His tousled hair were perfectly set today. And Ethan wore a turkish blue suit that suited well on him. When my eyes were stuck over Ethan, I noticed Rowen was staring at me. His gaze turned sharper. I walked back in my room. Maya and Jaslee were already left and Gideon slept on the bed. I felt sleepy too as I woke up early in the morning, I laid on the bed and had no idea when I went into the deep sleep. *** Rowen POV "So you're going to be a man today." Dad cheered me up with a glass of wine. Our glasses struck and I smiled. Dad and his few friends were giving their shitty advices to me that I was not even interested in listen. It was difficult to pretend that I was listening to them carefully. Suddenly my gaze went to Daisy standing there in the balcony. Her eyes turned away when our eyes met. She appeared so mysterious as if she was hiding something within her. The way she hid herself behind the curtains was weird. I found her watching Austin and Ethan. My heart started heating, and I hated this feeling. Cherry came and wrapped her hands around my shoulder, I could feel Daisy was there in my mind even though Cherry was standing beside me.
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