Fourth father?

1541 Words
My condition went worse, I had Rowen's toe in my p***y, my left boob was being held by Ethan, who was massaging it and the right one was being held by Austin. Everything was going under water and hardly noticed by anyone else and then these people were reacting very normally. Slowly they started getting harsh with my body, Austin shaking my boobs and Ethan pinched my n*****s hard. It was hard for me to control myself when my soft points were explored by three men. My breathing turned heavier and deep. My chest showed wild up-and-down movements. "Ahh.." A light moaning sound escaped out of my mouth. My face turned so red and I was turned on. My grip on the edge of the jacuzzi tightened. I wanted to grip something hard and long, maybe their d**k. "You don't look so well," Ethan said when he found my uncomfortable face. It was hard to deal with in such a situation. "Maybe she needs some air. She's been under the water for a long time." Rowen said and suddenly, his toe pulled out from my p***y, and I almost let out a sigh. Ethan and Austin too left my boobs. I feel relieved because I was embarrassed. "Don't stay in water for too long, you will catch a cold," Rowen said and they all stepped out of the water. I breathed a sigh of relief when they left, it was an amazing feeling I never had before. I too got excited from their intense touch, I was aroused. Their one touch was enough to drive me crazy. As soon as I walked out of the water, a hand wrapped a towel around me. I turned back and was shocked to see it was Ethan. "Thank you, Ethan," I said, hiding my embarrassed face. Ethan brought his face closer to my ears. "Hope we will continue this someday," Ethan whispered in my ear. I looked at him with a flushed face. In a short while I got dressed and came out of Ethan's room, it was time for Gideon to get up. He must be awake as it was already ten in the morning. As I was walking towards my room from there, I heard some noise coming from Dad's room. I opened the door and saw my dad trying to take some medicine. He moved the medicine forward so that he could grab it. "Dad..." I called him and went inside, He struggled to get that medicine and it fell, its glassy bottle shattered. All medicine from it spills down to the floor. It's started running on the floor. "Dad. Are you okay?" I pulled Dad's wheelchair backwards, I was scared of getting injured due to it. Dad could not even pick up a medicine bottle, his speech almost stopped. His condition was getting worse day by day. I was scared to see him this way. "I... don't... Want.. To.." Dad said with great difficulty. I placed my hand on his shoulder and consoled him. "No problem Dad, there is no need for you to feel guilty. I know you did not drop this bottle but it fell. I would ask Jaslee to get another bottle." I said and clicked a picture of it. Suddenly Luna Betty walked inside and stared at the broken bottle on the floor, her anger began throbbing in her veins. “How come these medicines..” She started looking at Dad angrily. "You have dropped these medicines again. You did this for the fifth time. You have been in a wheelchair for months and I have to take care of you all the time. You are just wasting the money." She said, with an aggressive tone. I felt terrible after seeing this. Dad was a very respectable Alpha who took care of the whole pack. Dad never made any difference among the pack members. And seeing him getting such treatment today was giving me great pain in my heart. "Luna, Dad didn't drop medicine deliberately. He was just trying to take it. He is a paralysed person." I explained to her, even though she was Luna, I needed to explain her mere common sense. "Oh really? So why don't you treat your dad with your own money? Then you'll find out how much money we're spending and what impact it's having on the pack's budget." Luna said angrily. Dad was very embarrassed, he felt quite helpless. I could tell it by seeing his face. I wondered how Dad was treated during these months. "Okay. I will call the Werewolf Trade Organisation, and you will show me the pack budget. We will also check the expenses of your daughters' makeup products and surgeries from pack finance. Dad has built the Euphoria pack working hard and now he needs all of us to support him." I said, folding my hands together. My answer made Luna's face pale. I bet her daughter would be spending billions on clothes and maintaining their surgeries. "No need of that, I would ask someone to get Alpha Newton's medicine." She walked away from there angrily. I look at Dad, he slowly moves his wheelchair to get some water for him. I felt so pity for him, his life turned miserable. He could not even call anyone if he needed anything, this made his daily activities even more difficult. I texted Ethan, I knew he would bring whatever I asked him. I went to my room and found Maya had already got Gideon ready. He was already bathed and wore a comfortable jumpsuit, he started jumping as soon as he saw me. I missed him. I felt guilty because I left him last evening so that I could leave for the party. He used to stay with Amara during my training days, so I knew he didn't miss me like I miss him. "I hope you had a great time with Maya Granny." I kissed him and said, Gideon went well with Maya. I walked down into the living room where my three step sisters were having their breakfast. "Hello Daisy, I hope you are okay," Clara asked me while eating lasagna. "Yes, I am fine. Thanks to Princes, I am good." I replied. "I never thought that Billy would do anything like this. I hope you didn't try to seduce him." Cherry said and my eyes tapered. I didn't expect her to say against her friend but blaming me for getting raped, I won't accept that s**t. "Are you serious?" I asked her, my nostrils flared up. "Yeah. You are a pro at seducing, perhaps you did something to him first and he was provoked." Clara said, I clenched my fist. I was about to say something but then I saw Ethan coming from outside. He was holding a box in his hand. "Daisy, I found the exact thing you asked for?" He smiled, he was already out of the packhouse. So I ask him to get it. He handed that box to me. "What is it? Is it any gift?" Catty got up from her chair and asked me. She stared at the box with fierce eyes. "You never give me any gift before." Catty began crying. That wasn't a shimmery paper-wrapped box but a brown parcel box. "It's not. It's something for dad." I shook my head and opened a box. It was the same thing I asked for. It was an emergency alarm with a button. "Emergency alarm?" Have you asked Mom before getting it?" Cherry asked me aggressively. I laughed sarcastically. "It will make his routine easy. I don't think I need to ask anyone before buying this." I told her and handed it back to Ethan. "Will you please settle it on Dad's neck?" I asked Ethan. "Of course yes." Ethan agreed and went to Dad's room. I was happy because whenever Dad needed anyone, he would use that alarm button and I would get a notification that Dad needed me. "You are hell lucky. You just made a dragon prince to run your errands." Cherry taunted me, I tapered my eyes. Her voice was filled with jealousy. "He is the father of my baby, what if he brings things for me?" I asked her, and I realised we left our conversation in the middle. She accused me of seducing Billy. "Using a baby for your benefit? Is that right?" Catty asked me. I clenched my fist. "Let's clarify about the audiotape I heard last evening. When did it happen?" I asked and my step sisters' faces turned pale. They got worried and started looking at each other. "Tell me? Shall I ask the Princes about it? When did they say?" I asked angrily. Suddenly we heard the sound of a car outside the door. It seemed someone had come. Even Rowen, Austin and Ethan came there. Our eyes curiously moved to the door thinking who came at this hour. "Daisy..." A blond-haired boy walked inside calling my name. I had never seen him before, not at all. But his face said that he knew me too well. "Daisy..." He said again and as soon as he saw me, he came close to me and hugged me tightly.
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