Underwater fun game!

1443 Words
I was worried that I might fall into the water if my legs slipped, so I slowly sat down in the jacuzzi. It was quite relaxing, I felt the bubbles touching my bare skin. It gave me relief. The humidifier turned on at the corner of the bathroom, making the hangover of last night subside. We all four sat in it, the water almost reached my chest. I couldn't believe that I was in the bathtub with Rowen, Austin and Ethan all together, I mean we chose to be in the swimming pool behind the pool house but Ethan suggested a jacuzzi. "Wait, guys." Ethan grabbed his remote and turned on the smooth melody in the background, within a few minutes I turned so comfortable as If my hesitation vanished in a moment. "Daisy, are you drinking wine?" Austin took the wine bottle in his hands, opened it and asked me. "Me.." Last night's hangover had still not gone away. I exchanged glances with them, I was not used to it. "Don't be scared, this is not the blue martini you drank last night. It's a mild grape wine. It won't make you dizzy." Austin said and poured it into four glasses for us. "Yeah! It's funny that you tried alcohol for the first time and had a blue martini. It was strong like hell." Ethan said, Rowen and Austin laughed teasingly at me. He handed the glass to my hand, and I tapered my eyes, faking anger. "Stop making fun of me. It was all because of you guys." I said, with an upset tone. If I had not heard the audiotape, I would have taken such a step. "What's the reason?" Austin asked, I was about to tell him something but then I thought they were in a great mood. They usually don't have fun like this together, and after the fight I had seen last evening, I needed to speak about the audiotape with my sisters first. What if it's just a prank? The atmosphere in the bathroom was something I never felt, so I decided to continue to have fun with them. "Let's have a fun game," I told them, and they were confused. "Fun game? Here in the Jacuzzi?" Rowen asked me, and I nodded. "Sorry, I am out." Rowen grabbed a wine glass and sipped it. He was way too handsome and his wet hair stuck to his forehead. "Why?" Austin asked them. "Do you expect us to play football here?" Austin teased him. Rowen curled his lips. "It will be boring. We are not in a high school. I am not going to play it." Rowen said, he opened the bottle of whisky and poured it in the glass. "Alright Daisy, We are ready to play," Austin told me, I smiled. "First tell us the rules of the game." Ethan was ready too. "The game is called underwater fun, One of us will touch another person underwater, and he has to guess who did it," I told them, they nodded and our game started. Rowen didn't play with us but he was the audience of our game. First I touched Austin's feet. "Who did it?" Ethan asked him, Austin pointed at me. I nodded, and he raised his hand cheering. Now one of them touched my legs underwater. "Who did it?" Austin asked me, I pointed at him. He shook his head. "What? It wasn't you." He laughed, it was Ethan and I lost. The game continued this way and we had so much fun. "I got 6 guesses right. Daisy 5 guesses and Ethan with 3 guesses. So technically I am the winner." Austin announced himself as a winner. Suddenly something touched my feet again, I thought the game was over. I stared at Austin and Ethan but didn't seem like they were touching my feet. Sparkles and rose petals were added to the water so no one could see what was going on inside. I could only feel it. My eyes turned to Rowen who was smirking devilishly. I realised it was him, he was rubbing my feet. I pressed my lips and didn't say anything, trying to act like nothing happened. Slowly his foot moved upward, it rubbed over my legs and reached my thigh. It began rubbing my thigh like he was massaging me. It went further up, and my breathing fastened. I tried to remove his foot but he pushed it towards my core, and my mouth went dry. I wanted him to stop. But at the same time, I didn't want him to stop. It was a new sensation, his soft foot was moving over my core, and he applied more pressure. His toes moved, caressing me through the fabric of my underwear and my eyes widened. He reached my sensitive point. I pressed my lips and controlled my breathing but I couldn't stop the movement of my chest that was showing heavy up-down movement. His toes slowly started pulling the hem of my underwear aside. It was so thin that with just a small movement, he succeeded in siding it. His toes touched the folds of my p***y a moan almost escaped my lips. Luckily Ethan's voice covered the moan. "So, who won?" He asked. "Me." Austin said, "What do you say, Rowen?" Austin asked Rowen, He had no idea what Rowen was doing to me underwater. He was rubbing my p***y with his toe, Giving a massage to it. "Yeah, Austin made the maximus guesses," Rowen smirked and his toes entered my p***y. He rubbed his big toe inside me, it felt like heaven. "So he is a winner," Rowen said and pushed another toe inside me. Rowen moved his toe inside me and made circular motions and then his big toe touched my clit. He rubbed it for some time, the sensation was unbearable. "Daisy... Daisy..." I was so excited that I forgot Austin and Ethan were there too. "Yes.." I smiled, trying to cover my intense feeling. When Rowen's toe began moving inside out my p***y, I wasn't able to concentrate. "Your glass?" Austin handed me another wine glass, I grabbed it. I just brought the glass to my mouth to drink, then Rowen rubbed his toes around my ass. My eyes widened, and I paused drinking. The tingling sensation made me feel aroused, No one ever touched me there, at least when I was in my senses. "Are you okay, Daisy?" Ethan asked me, I nodded, perhaps I was not looking okay because I wasn't. Rowen penetrated his toes into both of my holes and I coughed hard. "Daisy..." Austin came near me and grabbed the wine glass from my hand. "It's okay. You don't need to drink if you don't want to. I stared at Rowen who was smirking and silently making his plan successful underwater. I must say he was the smartest that he didn't even let other princes know about it. "Daisy, the water is not that warm, is it?" Rowen asked me, I shook my head. "It's not warm, it's hot," I said, hinting at him at whatever he was doing inside the water, making me feel so hot. His wide and cold toe almost went inside, rubbing the walls of my p***y. It was intense, I pressed my lips. It became hard to control my breath. I was just imagining if his toe could make me this crazy, what about his d**k? I would go mad. I was already lost in what Rowen was doing to me, but then slowly I felt something touching my boobs. I turned my head and stared at Austin. He was sitting beside me but his one hand went and grabbed my left boob. I bit my lips, and stared at him, he was staring right into my eyes while squeezing my breasts. Rowen and Ethan had no idea about what Austin was doing to me. My n*****s hardened as he recognised where it was, he held the n*****s between his fingers and started twisting them. "Ah!" I moaned a little loud, and I immediately placed my hand on my mouth. My eyes widened, I just hoped no one heard me. He held my n*****s and I could not even scream. My fingers clenched over the edge of the jacuzzi and stared at Austin with a request to note that he should be gentle with them, even though the underwater force was crazy. I was aroused even more, not with just Rowen but by Austin, and then my eyes widened and I turned my eyes to my right side. Ethan has grabbed my right boob.
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