I am innocent!

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I felt so uncomfortable when that person came and hugged me this way. My eyes met Rowen's colder eyes. He was looking at me with a lot of aggression, Austin and Ethan were also not happy with this hug. Their brows were furrowed and their fists were clenched. Their faces turned colder. I couldn't understand what was happening. "Who are you? leave me right now." I immediately pushed that person away from me. I didn't know anything about it, had never seen him before. I saw him for the first time and he behaved like he knew me for a long. "Don't get close to me? I don't know you." I said aggressively, stepping away from him. But that person was unaffected by my push, he continued looking at me with a smile on his face. "Daisy.. I am Harris. How are you?" That blonde boy said. He was about twenty years old, tall and broad-shouldered. I don't even remember seeing anyone with the name Harris. Not even my dreams. I showed him my hand and stopped him. "I don't know you, Harris," I said. "Let's talk about it later. But tell me, where is my child? I heard he turned one and a half years old. He started walking too." That boy named Harris kept his bag aside, my eyes widened when I heard it. "My eyes are dying to see him." He said and I turned speechless. I had no idea what to say. "Do you know what you are saying?" Rowen said while gritting his teeth. His anger was visible in his voice. Austin and Ethan were stunned too. "Yeah! I asked because He is my son. I missed him and the mother of my baby, My love Daisy.." He blew a kiss to me and Rowen lost his temper. He went ahead and grabbed Harris's collar. "Stop this already. This is the worst prank I ever faced. Don't take Gideon's name from your mouth." Rowen warned him, but Harris just pushed Rowen's hand away. He just smiled. “What is going on Daisy, are you betraying the princes? Or then do you have any affair with this man?" Cherry came forward and asked me, I clearly see she was trying to put a few words in Prince's mind, she deliberately used affair and betraying some kind of word so that she manipulated others' minds. But I would never let this happen. I refused whatever she said. "I never had an affair with any man. I don't even know why this man is claiming himself Gideon's father." I tried to shut her but she was not alone. Clara came ahead to justify whatever Cherry said. "Don't pretend to be a saint. If this man came all the way to find you, he must have a reason. Try to remember, is he your boyfriend?" Clara asked me and along with his words, the three prince's faces were also getting angry. Everything was going on like a drama, different allegations were being made against me. Suddenly my world became cloudy, I imagined princes going away from me. "Stop. It's not true. please.." I screamed, I was almost tired of their accusation. I knew it was adding fuel to the fire. "I didn't say that I and Daisy were having an affair." He said and everyone's face confused. "What are you trying to say, say it clearly. If you don't have anything to say then just leave." Austin said to him. Harris laughed. "I met Daisy two years ago at night after the party was over where Daisy was drugged and she seduced me." He said and the ground slipped under my feet. I was stunned and exchanged glances with the princes. They had the same expressions as mine. Shocked and filled with anger. "What are you speaking? I don't understand." I said, He came and put his hands on my shoulder. "You won't because you were under the influence of that drug." He said, "Daisy wanted me to sleep with her and I took this opportunity. Daisy and I made out, I left her when I was done." Harris said, leaving me frozen. He described everything as the same as the three princes described before. The way I seduced them and then they slept with me. It happened with Rowen, Austin and Ethan. I almost felt like killing myself right now. I looked at Rowen, Austin and Ethan. It seemed as if heavy lightning had fallen on them. But I was not ready to believe everything Harris said, my heart wasn't ready to accept that whatever I was hearing was true. "No, this is not true, you have some misunderstanding," I told him. I didn't even feel attached after seeing him. How could he be Gideon's dad? "That night you were not conscious, but I was. I remember one thing about you. There is a mole between your breasts, there I even kissed that mole." Harris said and it triggered princes. "Hey..." Rowen went ahead to punch him. It felt as if Rowen was about to kill him. "Stop this nonsense," Rowen warned him, his eyes were darker. Harris held his fist and put it down. "What happened, didn't you know that Daisy has a mole on her breast, and she also has a mole on her butt," Harris said and I was shaken because he had said the truth. "I searched for Daisy a lot. After searching for her everywhere, I came here to meet my child and my love. I love you, Daisy." Saying this, Harris started coming closer to me again. My feet started getting backwards. I didn't feel his presence was good. "What happened, why don't you hug your child's father? I am his real father." Then he seemed to be coming closer to me. I jerked his hand to the princes, knowing it must be a misunderstanding. Why did such kind of thing happen to me? what kind of fate the moon goddess had written for me. Rowen, Austin and Ethan were staring at me with a disappointed face, I felt guilty as if I cheated on them. Even if I deny that it did not happen, I don't think anyone believed it because I was drugged that night. "Rowen, Austin, Ethan... you guys, please understand me. I don't feel like I have any relationship with this person. I don't even know them. My heart doesn't feel like him. Please." I wanted to prove my loyalty to the three princes but I could not. Because I don't have any proof. Everything was against me. I was almost begging in front of them, I thought our mate bond was pure and that they would trust me until I heard them. "What else do you want us to hear? Shall we ask him how did he f**k you?" Austin asked me, my eyes turned glassy. Perhaps this was the first time I had heard Austin's voice so rude. That voice was piercing my heart. Stood in front of them dumbfounded, the words just rolled inside my mouth. "What... are you saying this?" I asked Austin. I approached Ethan thinking at least he would understand me. "Ethan, that person is not my mate. I don't even think I would seduce him." I told what my heart felt about the situation. Even though I was not conscious, I was never attracted to random people. Otherwise, why would I decide to hide myself from everyone else after getting drugs rather than approaching men? "And what he said about breast and butt moles is not a lie either. The person in front of you can see this only when you are sleeping with him." Ethan said so and all my hope fell on the floor and shattered into millions of pieces. Ethan was innocent and the most trustworthy of me. My heart broke when I saw that he was not trusting me. It felt as if my world had fallen apart. I had lost hope even with Ethan, both princes believed in Harris's words. I went near Rowen, he was very angry, and his eyes were red as if blood had come out of them. His palm turned into a fist and his nostrils flared up. Something was already grunting inside him that scared me. "Rowen, believe me. What I'm saying isn't true. I don't know him." I tried to explain Rowan but he stood like a giant rock. “You didn't know that the three of us slept with you until we told you," Rowan said and my brows knitted in the middle. It was an unexpected response from him. "What? What did you say?" I asked him, trying hard to control my tears. But I knew I could not hold it for long. Rowen gripped my jaws, forcing it aggressively. "How many people have you spread your legs in front of? How many people have you slept with that night?" Rowen asked. My eyes were filled with tears, tears started falling from my eyes and started gathering on Rowen's hands. But there was not even a kind glance in his eyes, there was just a lot of anger and hatred. against me.
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